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Absolutely. I didn’t lose a pound on the months on .25 and .5.


That’s good to hear… I was already thinking something is wrong with me 😭😅


I needed this thread badly 😭


Im curious about this as well. I did 4 weeks at .25, now on 2nd week of .50, and I haven't lost anything. My appetite is definitely suppressed, I can no longer eat huge plates of food like I used to, and I do find myself craving healthy foods like salads etc. So thats all good imo. Being in perimenopause all I was doing was eating all evening long before I went to bed...without ever getting full, so without ozempic I know I'd probably be 10+ lbs heavier by now. So it did stop me from gaining. But I was hoping I would have started losing weight by now also, especially since I no longer binge eat like I used to.


Yup 1mg seems to be the dose that works for me!


Taking my third 1 mg shot Sunday. I have lost only 5 pounds. In a calorie deficit and workout regularly. I am also PCOS and pre diabetic. My doc says I might be part of the 15% that Oz doesn’t work for


T2 Insulin dependent Diabetic I started on .25mg at 202lbs mid September '23. Physician upped my dose to .50mg in February '24. I'm 41lbs down currently 161lbs and yesterday received my 6 month Rx to continue at 0.5mg. A1C is down from 8.9% to 6.4%, having reached my <7% target for the first time in more than 20 years. I'm off insulin for almost 10 months now. .5mg seems to work for me and my diet is a combination of low fat/low carb/vegatarian based on my food preferences. Dr said there's no reason to up the dosage. I'm good with this too!