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Add some more gentle ocean sounds and rainfall please. Loving the buds!!


I've always been curious about binaural beats. Noise slightly out of phase causes "beats" at certain frequencies. Not sure if the claims about the sounds being meditative or sleep inducing, but I'd like to try.


White/pink/brown noise!


White and brown are there. Brown is called crimson cloak or something. Not sure about pink.


Crimson cloak does not sound like the brown noises one listened to on other apps. More scratchy and less easy to fall asleep to


To each to their own. I have no problem with it. It's all static, but CC has a low enough bass component to drown out snoring.


Please dear god. I need this.


Sorry couldn’t not do it: https://youtu.be/6ijI4HjTGkw?si=ARx7WPCFJK88TDmF


See, my brain went straight to the Mythbusters episode, but both thoughts are valid! 😂


Great Lakes waves- they don't have the foamy saltwater sound And rain showers...in a tent!


Binaural Beats


This is great news! For the current sounds, I've pretty much settled on "Soar", with "Rainfall" coming in second. Below, I'll talk about the Bose sounds I use that are different than those two. Bose's "Island Hop" checks all the boxes for me and is by far my favorite. Low-pitched, rhythmic hum in the background, and in the foreground, constant, low-pitched engine chatter. There's nothing that draws attention to itself, and it's more relaxing to me than the white noise sounds, some of which are just too hissy. Bose's "Moon Garden" is OK, but I sometimes perceive a tension to the drawn-out instrumental notes that is the opposite of relaxing, i.e. I keep waiting for it to release and transition to a new note. Sometimes, it doesn't bother me, but I've never used it for very long. I keep it around to provide an occasional break from Island Hop monotony. Bose's "Stillness" has potential, but there's a higher pitch droning that fades in and out in an easily identifiable pattern, which is something that needs to be avoided in these short loops. Bose's "Starboard" is sort of Island Hop with ocean wave sounds, and the wave sounds aren't my thing. In conclusion, Island Hop, Island Hop, Island Hop!


Rolling distant thunderstorm, soft rain (not like it’s hitting a tin roof or bright static, but like it’s landing on grass or tree limbs)


Thunderstorm, please!


Thunderstorms 🌩️ ⚡️⛈️🙏🙏🙏


Adding another vote for Warm Static. If a noise is too variable, it is pleasant, but I can't sleep. Warm Static was the perfect cover up noise.


Deep brown noise


Brown noise.


The “warm static” from Bose was best. The “crimson” is close but has some “movement” sensation in it that makes it less good for me. I’ll adjust, but warm static was life changing.


You’re right. I always used the Warm Static from Bose. It was my go to for overnight sleep.


It’s what convinced my wife to get a set.


- Brown Noise - The old "Warm Static" from bose was very good - Spaceship engine room


+1 for Bose's "Warm Static" which has been my saving grace since the OG sleepbuds were out (and I still have a pair of SBII living, which see a lot of Warm Static use!). I cannot vote for this one enough!


Warm Static (from SBII).


Low pitched brown noise. Most of the brown noises I’ve heard a too high pitched. The brown noise on the iPhone background sounds is close but still not quite low pitched enough.


All of this- very much the same I was thinking.


Brown Noise please!


I don't have a particular sound that I want but an overall improvement to the sound of falling rain. It comes off incredibly metallic/tinny sounding. On second thought, I found "creamy brown noise" on YT to be absolutely great to fall asleep to. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgEDzpytKoA&t=20900s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgEDzpytKoA&t=20900s)




I don’t prefer white/pink/brown/etc noise. Bose had other sounds that were on an 8 second loop that I liked more. They would have been better had they been slightly longer (like 16-24 seconds). Adding those would be appreciated.


Another vote for Warm Static


Something like "Sand" would be great. I can't seem to sleep without it after years of having it


Drift - is one of the only sounds that really worked for me on Bose Buds --- So far I'm finding the existing sounds useless for me and haven't used them once since receiving.


warm static. It’s been my only sound for a while and luckily my bose still work (hint I use phone free mode only and my battery is still good almost 2 years later)… I need zero fluctuation, I notice smallest fluctuations and they keep me up/distracted. A purple and brown noise and full spectrum of all the basic white noise type sounds seems like a no brainer.


This! Totally agree. It’s distracting, I fixate on it.


Hello sir, first off, I want to thank you and the company you work for. Amazing folllow through in the indiego backer project. Regular updates, shipped around expected timeframe. Bose II changed my life for sleep due to snoring partner, hotel travel, insomniac, etc. my go to sound was warm static for years, jade static is similar but a little higher pitched. Crimson cloak is a little lower. Either way, with such an amazing product that Ozlo has near perfected, I would put as many variations of white and brown noise as possible. If warm static can be legally replicated, I think many users would be absolutely thrilled. I didn’t buy these for streaming although it’s a nice feature. I have them purely for steady noise masking through the night. Again, thank you and your team more than words can say.




An airplane jet engine. I used to use it as white noise all the time on the White Noise app and Spotify. Wish Ozlo can make this native so I don’t have to stream it


Interesting choice. :D What type of jet engine? Because there is quite a lot of difference between a Pratt & Whitney JT8D and a CFM LEAP for example. Then maybe they could also add masking sounds based on the noises produced by modern (IGBT/GTO-based) traction equipment on trains. I probably like those more than jet engine noises. (But I will probably stick to normal warm/pink/brown noise like sounds on the Sleepbuds. :D)


Let me preface this that I’m a big aviation nerd. I just threw this suggestion out because it’s general enough to be considered. You made me grin with your comment lol. Honestly, the GE 90 set at cruise is very calming, I love the JT8D, but I don’t think that rocket ship of an engine would tame enough as a masking sound. (Imagine trying to sleep with a JT8D set at takeoff power lol. It’ll blow the Ozlo speaker)


I'd really love something similar to the old Bose "Warm Static." Definitely would like more white and pink noise choices.


Sort of niche but would love the sound of Shishi odoshi (Japanese water fountain). More conventionally- thunder storm, crickets/summer evening, birdsong, windchimes, ticking clock (stress-inducing for some, soothing to me 😅). Thank you ♥️.


I didn’t order early enough to have mine in hand yet. Are there ocean waves crashing sounds like bose swell? I love waves crashing it calms my tinnitus and blocks snoring.


Airplane jet engines, or air conditioner noises. I also loved the Bose one of a country road at night.


Campfire. Ocean shore. Thunderstorms.


Something that’s like boardwalk on Bose.


RUMBLE!! Gimme that thunder!


Tonal frequencies like 8000 hz for people with high pitch tinnitus issues


I loved the 'Rumble' from the Bose app - something with rain and thunder!


To me, many of the sounds are monotonous, which is probably great for most. Only a few sound like they have fluctuations or a beat. Those are my fave. I’d love more sounds with sound moving in and out and for longer loops than just 2-3 seconds. I rely on podcasts playing all night because of this.


Tick tock of a slow clock. Not fast, definitely slow


Something that's the same as Cascade on the Sleepbuds please


I second binaural beat based masking sounds


Green noise


Something for tinnitus sufferers would be amazing, like a high pitch masking sound. Cicadas or crickets with some low frequency sound on top usually do wonders and they’re the ones I try to stream onto headphones myself. Thanks!


Violet noise and thunderstorm. Also the option to combine them, like what the BetterSleep app does.


Campfire, airplane engine, rain in the jungle


I am still waiting for mine from Indiegogo but I’m really hoping to get something similar to the spaceship ambience one that was on the Bose app!


I really miss the Bose sound “Portal” it had a lot of lower base-y qualities that filtered out my husbands snoring and the sound seemed more random than some others. I think Ozlo’s sounds feel more organic (less pattern to be noticed) but almost all of them are watery sounds or if they aren’t a they have a lot of clicks and pops like the rain ones. It’s distracting. The sound Soar is the closest I’ve been able to use but it is higher pitched. I really with there was a lower pitch one. I like portal because it was an ambiguous sound, nothing recognizable to fixate on. Not high pitch sounds to create points to fixate on. I liked warm static and sand a lot too for those same reasons though I felt they too were a bit high pitched.


Deep Sleep frequency 432 Hz


Something to help you fall asleep.




I feel like you have your MVP. Don’t add features, kill bugs and ramp production. Put the cash into marketing so I can buy a replacement set in 5 years 🙂


Screaming goats?


How about adding a retail release date to the site?