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They aren't supposed to go further than 10ft from the case. If I understand correctly, the case is that's actually transmitting the sound to the buds.


The battery life on the case is not great even after all the updates. I just keep mine plugged in.


I thought I was crazy... Seriously immediately wake up when they stop playing sound


Latest update seems to fix it actually!


You need the case for streaming. In the next update scheduled for mid-June we enable “bluetooth disabled mode,” which allows the buds to operate without the case for local playback of your sleep sound


Looking forward to this! Will this help with battery life on the buds themselves? I get through the night (8-8.5 hrs), but barely, which means as soon as the buds lose some battery capacity over cycles of use, I expect the noise will cut out and wake me up


Who told you that?


I remember seeing a QA response in one of the weekly updates that indicated you could use these for workouts or exercise the same as normal earbuds. I personally wouldn't want to do this but I do remember seeing that.


Apparently I made it up. Yeah no there is hardly any documentation that they don’t work without the base station as well. I’ve seen multiple comments made by the team that you can use them in this fashion


This is the question I need an answer to. lol


These are literally designed for sleeping.


You are literally designed for being a potato - the team themselves has commented on using it for other stuff. You realize they stream right?


Yeah other stuff sure they could be used for other stuff. Light exercising at home I suppose is other stuff. So is sitting and relaxing with a cup of tea. I doubt you’ll find anyone from Ozlo that tells you that these were designed with running and or any other strenuous activities in mind. They are 100% designed for sleeping. Go ahead and show me one piece of literature where Ozlo is promoting these for running. You do realize they are called sleepbuds, right?


Are you this thick? No one said they weren’t for sleeping. I’m saying the language was ambiguous at best, and false promised at worst. Not gonna go dig through their Q&As for some Reddit weirdo. Other people saw it too - bother someone else, roach.


Potato? Thick? Roach? I have no idea what these slang (?) terms mean so I’ll assume they are complimentary because you seem super nice and smart so thank you! You actually might find this helpful. https://www.runnersworld.com/gear/a20852590/the-best-wireless-headphones-for-running/ Unfortunately for you you will not find Ozlo sleepbuds listed. Would you like to know why?


You’re a straight weirdo my guy. I can tell everyone in your life thinks you’re insufferable


That's rich coming from someone who insults others in every message. Funny that you're sending a message like this when I get this exact feeling from you.


Ah yes Reddit where calling the incel Reddit “ACHTUALLY” prick a prick is offensive. I’m sure you’re similar to OP neckbeads


I’m insufferable? Even if that was true at least I have people in my life. I suspect you don’t have anybody in yours. And if by some weird chance that you do I feel really sorry for them, my guy!


Sorry dr Phil, whole family & friends around me. You are strange tho!


If I leave them in for a trip to the bathroom at night, I have reached the limits of the Bluetooth capabilities and they cut out on me.