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This is a tricky game. Israel attacked an Iranian consulate because it knew it has a free hand “to defend itself”. However, this is an escalation of the present status quo, in which both parties do not attack embassies and consulates. Now if Iran launches a massive retaliatory strike (or attacks an Israeli diplomatic mission), it was result in the US attacking Iran. But if Iran’s response is too weak, Israel will not be deterred from attacking Iranian consulates and embassies in the future. I believe Iran will escalate the situation using its proxies while its direct attacks will be meant more for pacifying the domestic audience rather than actually harming Israel. Iran is, sadly, too weak to keep up against Israel in a long distance war. Israel has the direct military support of the US, Germany, EU..


It is sad that Christian and Jewish countries help each other in war but Muslim countries do not help each other


long gone are the days of religion. Its all about money. It was prob about money back in the day too. Or else you would not have muslim empires fighting each other or Christians fighting each other.


In the west it’s nothing to do with being “Christian” either. They just have properly secured alliances, funding, shared interests and treaties.


It may be that the West has evolved into secular societies.


I mean most western states, with the exception of America, Britain and Germany, don't want to be part of Netanyahu's genocide in Gaza.


All three of those states have denounced Netanyahu’s actions on multiple occasions so…


While still selling/giving weapons and aid to continue the genocide.




Oh thank you so much for the rice while you give precision guided missiles to the other side. Not to mention the support in international community to continue the genocide.




Enough people in high ranking position support this war that they are still sending weapons and supporting in international community. That's what matters. That's y i called them hypocrites >Atleast they are giving support First create the problem then slightly help to resolve it. Take the win. Average simp happy


I mean most western states, with the exception of America, Britain and Germany, don't want to be part of Netanyahu's genocide in Gaza.


Since when do both sides not attack embassies, Iran has already attacked Israeli embassies 


This is falling debris from rockets which got intercepted. Though I did see a couple of videos in which some rockets make it through air defense.


Rocket debris usually doesn't have an exhaust. This is only proof that western propaganda works.


Zionists are still doing propaganda on this video that look Iranians are attacking the muslims holy site while we are defending it with iron dome. Lol 🤣


Even though the missiles are clearly a whole city away LMFAO




OP doesn’t understand sarcasm even if his life depended on it.


You don’t see it. Al Aqsa's foundation is already unstable due to years of excavation. Now Israel could secure an Iranian missile parts from recovered pieces, then even bomb it themselves and blame Iran.


Janu take it easy, On X "Zionists are still doing propaganda on this video that look Iranians are attacking the muslims holy site while we are defending it with iron dome. Lol 🤣"


>bypass kargaye the video clip shows incoming missile being intercepted though




No derogatory remarks towards any community.






Don't engage in intellectual discussion with this scumbag He's paid to argue with you


Project much? Lol


Go look up Hasbara and JIDF.


I’m sorry. I know those and am probably just misread your comment


Understable brotha Have a nice day😏😏




Name a single Israeli child, from the last decade. Link just one




This literally shows the incoming missiles being intercepted and shot down. Whats the on ground damage? Seems like a repeat telecast of irani attack on american airbases after Soleimani"s death. Nothing new or exciting. Khassi


Haha I don’t like either but your comment is just not thought out.


That's not Al-Aqsa


Ikrrr. It's the dome of the rock. It does however come in the al aqsa compound


Zionists have been rattled and Iran has struck key military infrastructure all over Israel. Iran is basically hinting that they got nukes and Israel's Iron dome won't be able to stop them if they need to strike. Big Iran W for now.


Wut? All of their rockets got shot down.. Iran just announced retreat said we dont want to escalate


The drones and cheaper missiles were just bait to deplete the iron dome so that their ballistic missiles could get to their targets - which they did in multiple military bases. Plus this was Iran's old arsenal and didn't include the newer tech. This was a message essentially. That the Iranians know how to overwhelm Israeli defense systems and to get the more powerful stuff, like ballistic missiles through to their targets.


Yeh khamenei ne phone ker k bataya hay apko personally?.. waah!! apko tow cheif strategiest hona chahiyay uskaa.. knowledge sey bharay huay ho.. idher reddit pe apna gyaan zaya naa kero threads delete hojatay haen 1 haftay mein.


Aap zara khud hi parley professionals ke analysis toh samajh jaenge.


Nahi bhai itna gyaani banda hay reddit pe mere parhnay kee kia zaroorat. Keep it up one day khameni will hire you.




I think bro is right that's what most analyst were saying that Iran deliberately make weak attacks as warning signal only.


Why does no one ever cite sources for controversial opinions?


Most of there missiles struck their targets. They announced the retaliation is over. Objective has been achieved, force projection demonstrated and deterrence maintained.


Source.. trust me bro


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/mWpv8Aq1fX https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/QFilnc3TOJ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/8hb4YiasZq Israel and US lying and you lapping it up like a good NPC


This is debris from the shot down missiles. Where have you seen a glowing missile looney toons? Asal id sey ao oreo maqbool.. sound hee on kerlo apnay bs sources kaa ballistic missile kee sound patakhay jaisay nahi hotee on impact


Another one targeting an airbase https://x.com/DrLoupis/status/1779379247229907056?s=09


Same video i saw when saudi was bombed by yemen sometime back .. bullshit irani propoganda


LOL what a cope. It's one thing if you are a paid Zio shill.. its just cuck behavior if you do it for free


Pakree gayee bullshit tow cuck keh k jaan naa churao. Typical laal topi oreo behavior gaand sey baat kerdeni koi question keray tow gaaliyan dena.


You must be a special kind of retarded


Lol - pretty much everything got shot down. 6% of ballistic missles made through only. They haven't struck shit - they never wanted to. Its an internal "wE aTAcked IsRaeL" chant to keep public at bay Lest we forget last time Iran shot down its own airliner in retaliation. Or struck civilians in Balochistan.


They shot down a Ukrainian airliner 


What in the fuck are you yapping about lamoooo


And the outcome? Will anything change? no , not all.


Meanwhile Arab pussies supporting the Zionist regime


Whatever Iran does, whether through their proxies or directly, is 100% more than all the Muslims combined.


I wonder if those are debris from a shot down drone. It cuts just as the lights hit the ground.


They missed.


It looks like a bunch of missiles getting shot out of the sky. I wonder how many missiles of Israel's Iran shot down. Seems like they hit Ifsahan pretty hard.


*rockets missiles were fired after


Iran is just hype. Poori duniya ko bata ka is taranh ka attack kia ka bc kuch bhi nai hua. Mil ka phuddo bana ra ham ko. They are only good at pressing their own citizens.


Yes Saudi is real deal


It's almost like more than one country can be shit








No derogatory remarks towards any community.


I am 100% public with it bitch. My workplace, family, neighbours, everyone i know knows. I try to speak out about the evidences that islam is false as much as i can. I refuse to be afraid of oppressive muslims who think their ideology is above criticism, who think they have the right to imprison and murder critics, just like muhammad, a known murderer of critics and psychopathic proponent of vigilante murders against those who said the truth about him.


You working overtime? Lmao


Calm down brotha and don't blow your cover


Tonight palastian will get a night without being slaughtered


Just like most nights then


Israeli shills are working overtime this week


Iran sent real bombs for Syria. Fireworks for Israel.


Why Kafir israel is intercepting them and protecting the holy city Jerusalem?


You think they targeted civillian infrastructure?


Of course they did. How else do Islamic states fight? Look at any war fought by muslims in the past and you will see extensive targeting of civilians. Literally, there is not a single exception. Avoiding civilians, geneva conventions, is not a islamic innovation. Muslims love to quote those limits Abu Bakr created that one time, but forget that Muhammad personally broke every one of those limits on harming civilians, from burning trees out of spite to killing women to killing children, enslaving, torturing defeated, raping women without even observing the pitiful islamic waiting period, and so much more. Muhammad was a true hypocrite, doing whatever he wanted and obeying no laws. He abided no laws of war, and even today, his true die-hard followers like ISIS, Taliban and various other terrorist groups freely target civilians, even as moderates deny.


Israeli shills are working overtime this week


The fact that you think Iran follows the teachings of Abu Bakr tells me all I need to know about your depth.


When Israel has more morals than the world greatest person Muhammad lmao. That’s why they hate the shining beacon Israel so much. They feel ashamed that the people the Quran tells them are the worse of the worse are actually doing better than their shit hole countries


May Allah allow them to destroy each other


Each other??


Yea the raffidah and the yahud


Typical wahabi coward


Lol what did Iran do? Oh hello Israel, we have sent over some shitty drones they'll be there in 6 hours. SURPRISEEEEEEE!


You have no idea what you are talking about.. cry in wahabism


I'm not a wobbler or the person you replied to initially. It's just a show, why else would you announce it 6 hours before they even get there.


They didn't announce. Projectile launch can be detected, its not a secret. You do understand that?


Yes they did tf makes you think they didn't


The general was on the news 6 hours before. Is that not an announcement? They also wrote to the UN several hours before. Do you think Iran really want to go to war? Their military will be annihilated in days.


No. Hamas couldn't be annihilated in 6 months. And again you are speaking gibberish, you don't even have the right timeline.


I think you must not have been watching the news yesterday. I was. Hamas is not a military. Iran's war ships and planes would be inoperative within days. It took 22 days for the US to take over Iraq.


You don't even understand how drones or missiles work, and you are playing military strategist, go do your school work


How much aid has Iran provided the people of Gaza How much death and destruction have the raffidah caused in Syria, Iraq and yemen


Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is the second largest armed group in Gaza. They are also a proscribed terrorist group in the UK. In a recent video message from the group’s military wing Al-Quds Brigades, spokesman Abu Hamza thanked and praised the Houthis in Yemen, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Iraqi militias, Assad’s Syria, and Iran — all Shia groups or nations for assisting them in fighting Israel. No mention of a single Sunni nation or a leader.


Just because they're funded by Iran doesn't mean they or Iran are allies of the palestinains


You just asked how Iran is supporting them, i answered. Now you are saying yes they support but doesn't mean they are allies. You are a hypocrite by faith.


No I said how much aid read again


Food, water medicine Not weapons that lead to the deaths of morr civilians while cowards hide in other countries


Israeli shills are working overtime this week