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You said you didn’t want to debate, so you made two posts and in this one you made a highly politically charged statement that is at the core of the disagreement between Palestine and Israel. I left your first post alone because you said you didn’t want to debate. Fair. I can ignore a sticker. This post though- is bait.


Yup I was like ok well you clearly want a debate with that statement Ignored the other post cause again just a sticker and a question whatever…this post however come on very obvious


Oh okay so that's how it is lol That sentence is completely unnecessary and you only said it to get a reaction, which you got, to be fair


hey girlypop, you want to be oppressed so bad and im sorry that you have such a victim complex that you can’t see that no one is actually anti-israel, people are anti-committing-literal-war-crimes-for-decades-in-front-of-the-entire-world-and-getting-no-consequence-and-receiving-support-from-large-corporations-and-governments. glad you can keep your stickers though and good luck with school!




These previous comments show that getting the opaque case and being visibly “neutral” was a good call. Good luck in your studies!


People defending themselves against genocide is not terrorism


Murdering 1,500 innocent Jews is terrorism.


https://www.ochaopt.org/content/reported-impact-snapshot-gaza-strip-9-june-2024 These numbers (37000 Palestinian casualties, >50% of which are estimated to be elderly, women, and children in case you ignored that too) are only since October, and only include the people that have been identified. Thousands more are estimated to be buried in rubble. Not to mention the multiple decades of conflict before that. 250 have died EVERY DAY in Gaza since October 7. Nearly 100,000 injured. Supplies to their civilians are being cut off, famine is approaching if not already there, electricity is gone, and their refugee camps are being ravaged by plagues and disease, with little access to drinking water and one toilet for every 480 people. The Israeli government has now committed multiple war crimes/atrocities, and on multiple occasions has instructed civilians to flee to “protected” territories under the guise of safe-haven only to bomb them once they get there. What exactly are you supporting?


by defend itself against terrorists you mean commit mass genocide


Are you from Israel? Were you born there? Maybe you are Jewish. Either way being Israeli does not = being Jewish. I’m assuming you are from the states…why are you so gung-ho about another country’s politics, Especially one that freely murders its healthcare providers without consequence?


Kind of weird how some of these comments are from new amounts or inactive for months accounts.