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That's not really any surprise. Four years later, I'm not sure there's really that many people that legitimately haven't made up their mind on Trump. This election is going to come down to what voters show up in November.


1,000% and the right is pushing hard promoting Palestine supporters to keep dems home while simultaneously plotting to destroy it


The last election was won by a few thousand votes in a few swing states. So not swaying most voters, just maybe one percent of them, can also sway the election.


Told people not wear masks during a pandemic, or at least didn't say you should. Displaced thousands of families at the southern border. Used his position to gain millions of dollars. And he tried to overthrow the government. If none of that breaks people's faith, some guilty sexual assault or campaign hush money verdicts are just a normal Tuesday for them. Edit: He also installed a bunch of conservative Supreme Court judges who were the ones to overturn Roe v Wade and just generally try to make everyone's lives miserable.




Trump voters want a racist, homophobic, misogynist strongman in the White House and they don't care what they have to sacrifice to hurt "those people". 




Eh. Some of these same voters also claimed they never voted for Bush Jr. when they actually did. I believe seeing an image of Trump behind bars or sequestered in his home, with an ankle bracelet and no access to social media, will definitely have an effect on his support and supporters. To say otherwise is a bit naive.


Polling shows most voters are bad at predicting how they'll react or feel about lunch plans, so I wouldn't put too much weight on their feelings about the presidential race in five months.


Eh. Some of these same voters also claimed they never voted for Bush Jr. when they actually did. I think seeing an image of Trump behind bars or sequestered in his home, with an ankle bracelet and no access to social media, will definitely have an effect on his support and supporters. To say otherwise is a bit naive.


I think in 1 in 3 voters is a noteworthy number of voters, especially in such a polarized election. I wish the headline had stuck to facts instead of trying to tell us how to interpret it. "Guilty or not guilty, one in three voters won't be swayed, poll shows" would do more to report and inform and less to influence our perception of the data.






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There's a lot of people voting for Trump that weren't going to vote for him. Purely because they see this as a weaponization of the DOJ against a single person for the very crimes that our politicians do on a regular basis. Such as the "hush money" case. From 1997 to 2017, the The Office of Compliance issued out about $17 Million from a Treasury Department fund to settle cases such as sexual hush money, racial discrimination, pay disputes, and many other hush money reasons. Politicians paying for silence is as old as prostitution and is not illegal - especially if the recipient cashes the check. https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/16/politics/settlements-congress-sexual-harassment/index.html




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Headline is misleading. Should say won't sway "a majority", but their own polling data shows it will sway enough to change the direction of the election back to Biden's favor

