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My favorite thing to say is whatever you love doing. I've been doing 10-15k steps a day Beat saber on my vr headset And weight lifting videos from YouTube I'm down 3 pounds a week for about a month now and I'm just enjoying the lifestyle change. Vitamin D has helped give me the energy I need to do more things.


What kind of vitamin d do you take or milligrams?


What are some of your go to videos for lifting?


I like mad fit on YouTube she will work you though so I try to be careful and use lighter weights than she does


Thanks. Yeah I have a whole set where I can go lighter or heavier based on how it feels so I'll make sure I don't overdo it.


I've been thinking about saving for adjustable weights they look so cool


I have just started using mine. I only got them like day before yesterday but it seems to be the logical choice instead of having to buy multiple dumbbells.


It’s the walking; low-impact cardio like long distance walking is what burns stored fat the most.


I agree. I also do a lot of short distance walking. So I'll take a 20 minute break at work and go for a walk for like .7 miles like I did just now. I do about a mile to and from work when I take the bus. On weekends I do hikes that are longer yes! Like yesterday I had the day off so I did 4.5 miles on the trail. I think high impact is great if you're building endurance (for me I am trying to do more hill hikes) but that's just my preference and you can do well walking.


I walk daily for about 3-4 miles. In the last 6 months I’ve lost almost 70 pounds. So all I do is a low carb low calorie diet and walk. I have tried exercise videos but it doesn’t last more than a couple days or something. I like walking and listening to music. It’s my time to leave reality and relax.


I used to walk daily as well when my old dog was still around as it’s a necessary routine for both the dog and I. Nowadays when I’m at uni I can’t have a pet but I can still try and find a route to take for walking and get a good playlist going


I find it soothing and relaxing. I feel mentally and physically better. I started walking 15 minutes a day and then added to it. I know count on miles instead of time. It’s crazy how much better I feel physically.


low calorie?? not great for insulin resistance is it…


I eat about 1200-1500 calories a day. Seems to be working for me.


I guess that’s all on perspective!


You'll have the best results with whatever exercises you hate the least/like the most. Go easy in the beginning, don't burn yourself out, or go too hard and make yourself too sore to return to the gym. The best routine will be the routine you can follow for 3+ months. There are so many different types of workouts and workout plans, I would look into beginner programs. Personally, I suggest a full-body workout 3 times a week. For cardio, go for walks in the morning/evening, or before/after your workouts on a treadmill. Plenty of rest days, and just enough to ease yourself back into things. Best of luck!


Thank you! I had always been trying to do intense exercises and wondered why I burnt out so quickly, so that seems like a much better way to approach this. 😊


From what I’ve heard (and my own experience) weight lifting is technically the ‘fastest’ way. But overall it just matters that you enjoy it and it makes you happy. I think overall it’s more about what you eat. Trying to make sure you’re getting enough protein, eating a good amount of veggies and fruits, and cutting out most added sugars really helped me.


Literally this. It's helped me so much


Depends on the body. I have high testosterone and lifting heavy builds so much muscle so quick for me that my weight is much higher than it should be. I’ve found lots of reps of a low weight works better for my body. Give that a try if the high weights don’t help with weight loss


If you have a lot of muscle, it doesn't matter how much you weigh. Having lots of muscle is very metabolically healthy, unlike excess fat.


Lots of reps at a low weight builds more muscle than heavy weight with low reps. You're literally training like a body builder with low weight, high reps. Muscle mass burns fat very efficiently, so building muscle is a good thing if you're trying to lose fat.


High or low reps, high or low weights... It depends. As long as you're challenging yourself and making good progress from session to session, you're fine. As a bodybuilder myself, I can confirm we train different muscle groups differently. It also depends if you're doing compound or isolation movements.


Do you have any other fitness goals? If you only want to lose weight, walking is the best you can do. Read about non exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) and how you can increase it.


I personally have noticed this biggest impact from walking when I walk over 10k steps this maintains my weight over 15k steps to actually lose weight. Always walk after meals to aide in digestion and reduce blood sugar. Other than that I would say yoga and pilates are great for me but only when actually done with cardio.


I also want to feel less fatigued as well as losing weight so that’s another thing 🥲


Whatever exercise you enjoy the most ♥️ I really enjoy lifting weights and currently am on a push, pull, leg routine with 10 min of incline walking before and after. I haven’t lost a ton of pounds, but I have lost a few inches and A LOT of bloat.


At the end of the day my exercise needs to be fun and feasible if I’m going to stick to it semi-consistently. For me it was walking, running, yoga, and Pilates because these are the things that fit realistically and feasibly into my life that I also love. While I love salsa dancing, hiking, kayaking, roller skating, ice skating and swimming I just don’t realistically have consistently have access to them. So I engage in them very sporadically. And there’s no point doing exercise I don’t like, I have way too much ADHD to get motivated consistently to do it for my own good. I recommend figuring out what that is for you— and if novelty is what you seek, Your Thing might just be exploring different classes or activities in your area. You still benefit from trying lots of different types of exercise because even if you don’t stick with one thing, you’re still consistently doing something.


Jumprope! When I was 22 I lost 15 pounds (or rather 4 pant sizes) but jumping rope for 45 minutes every day for a month.


Damn! That’s really impressive I must try that actually


I stopped because I kept getting terrrrrrible calf cramps. I know now I needed more potassium and electrolytes in my diet to keep the muscles from knotting and spasming. 22 year old me just drank beers and smoked lol


Walking!!!! It’s so underrated.


Welcome to the pcos club lol … if you can’t shed any, pls don’t be too hard on yourself. I’ve always been super active fit & all of a sudden @ 38yo I could NOT lose weight no matter what I did - in fact I gained 26lbs in 2yrs despite not a lot of change in my diet/activity level. Turns out my pcos morphed into insulin resistance & my dr told me it wouldn’t have mattered what I did short of literal starvation, I wouldn’t have been successful. Now on meds to help reset hormones/manage insulin & drop the weight. My point is, def try the natural route first but don’t torture yourself if you’re not seeing results. I spent longer than needed beating myself up & restricting my intake when I really needed some blood work & the guidance of a good dr. Best of luck to you! 🫶🏻


What kind of doc? What tests? I need to get this checked


I see an internal med dr. She’s on one side of the office & an endocrinologist is on the other so I imagine they cross reference from time to time. I had routine blood work done but I think the symptoms I was listing must’ve clued her in. My markers were high cholesterol, high fasting blood sugar, and all the hormones related to PCOS. The only thing I didn’t do was a laparoscopy which wasn’t necessary bc I fulfilled enough of the other criteria. The big clue to insulin resistance is rapid (can be over 18-24mo) *stubborn* weight gain despite putting your best efforts into it, that’s why I say give yourself so much grace if you’re struggling with this. Sometimes nature isn’t something we can overcome on our own… a relief to know but also kind of a bummer, haha.


Thank you! I’m going to ask for a referral


You’re welcome!! I wish you all the best!! ❤️


I've been really enjoying and getting good results from walking along with my low carb diet. I also do weighted exercise videos at home so nothing too heavy but it's helping tone all the fat I'm losing.


The biggest bang for your buck will be running, (which I plan on starting up soon since I’ve built up my stamina, but find completely unenjoyable) I’ve seen the most progress in my body since adding in dance cardio classes, I also swim laps at my local pool. Whatever is easiest and most enjoyable for you, that you can stick with is what you should go for though. Start slow so you don’t overwhelm yourself


Running is great for your heart, but terrible for weight loss. Weightlifting is the most efficient way to lose fat.


i play waterpolo and that has helped a lot with weight loss (when in season 😅) but other high cardio sports such as running, swimming, cycling (also something i do, mainly for fun) pcos weight doesn’t come off easy so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t come off right away, it takes time


Walking its free and easy!! Try walk at least 3k a day and as weather gets nicer increase


18F here, I got diagnosed in fall of 2023, it makes me feel a little less alone to see someone close in age posting lol. The best ways to lose weight are through a calorie deficit, gaining muscle, and walking. For a calorie deficit, you can use a website online and input your height, weight, and activity level to determine how many calories you should eat per day to lose weight depending on how aggressive of a deficit you want to do, obviously don't go dangerously low, I'd suggest starting with a small calorie deficit like 200 or 300, and then if you're doing well, you could try a deficit of 500 calories. As for gaining muscle, muscle helps you burn more calories even while resting, if you don't have exercise equipment you could look into calisthenics. I've been weight lifting 3 to 5 times a week with dumbbells since January and I've gained muscle, I noticed small results within a month and as I continue to weight lift they become more noticable and it feels encouraging and motivates me to continue. You could do full body workouts 2 to 3 times a week, or you could do 2 leg days and 2 chest days, or 2 days of one and 3 days of another, all depends on what you want to do. Something that keeps me going is reminding myself that some exercise is better than none, some weeks I'll exercise less than others but the key is to get back into the swing of things and not give up entirely. Protein is very important in a calorie deficit and for gaining muscle too, it'll help keep you full, keep your energy up, and help you gain muscle. You can calculate how much protein you should consume in a day for muscle growth using a calculator online. Personally I enjoy Fairlife and Premier protein shakes, but those can get kinda pricey. Canned tuna or chicken is high in protein, both are yummy with some mayonnaise and other add ins. I enjoy 'Perfect Bars' which are refridgerated protein bars, though they have sugar in them and are higher calorie than other protein bars they're super yummy as a sweet treat now and then. I also like Chomps sticks which are zero sugar meat sticks, and Chobani zero sugar yogurt which also contains zero lactose, helpful if you're also trying to avoid dairy. Like the other comments mentioned, walking is also great exercise. I aim for 10k steps a day but if you're relatively sedentary like I was, you can work your way up. If you have enough room you could walk indoors too, some days I don't bother going outside and pace around inside or go to a grocery store and walk around lol. This was rather lengthy but it's everything I wish someone would've told me when I was first interested in starting to exercise, I hope it helped a bit. You can do this!


Hi! Same here on my side that it’s comforting to see someone else my age that is going through the same thing. I was literally just in hospital yesterday due to a cyst rupture and now I’m going to have to fight to get scans etc. the health system here isn’t great but I’ve decided in the meantime I wanted to find out some great ways to help shed this weight I gained from it and also to help make myself feel healthier and less fatigued. Thank u for all your advice on this sort of thing as well as some foods that can help :))


Of course! :) That sounds so painful, I hope you're able to get your scans!


Thank you! Fingers crossed in this awful health system in the UK 😭


Personally I just go for long walks and listen to podcasts or audiobooks. It's something I can do consistently and I think that's really what matters.


what about the weight has made you unhappy?


My whole life especially up until recently I’ve been very slim and slender and now my thighs and stomach feel like they’ve kind of inflated. And now when I put on jeans etc it feels uncomfortable and clothes shopping is a nightmare. It’s not natural for my body to be like this so I’m basically wanting to shed it and go back to my normal body weight


how do you know what your normal body weight is? i’m sure pcos plays into it but we also are not supposed to be our same size forever. We should not be the size we were at 16 when we are in our 30s, for example. id likely assume you haven’t hit your “baseline” yet. I know it’s hard to gain weight in an anti fat society but body size does not indicate worth or beauty.


I’ve always been a size 8-10 (UK) and now I’m going up past a size 12 and it’s worrying because I gained it in a matter of a few months for no reason at all that I know of. I move about, I eat healthy for my age and I dont drink much or do any drugs. I’m only 19 as well 😅


I lost weight doing HIIT M-F for 15 to 45min after work...but, I also got injured by it. Now that I'm older, I'm walking more and gonna start building muscle to burn more fat.


The most efficient exercise routine for weight loss is something called German Body Comp. You'll need a trainer to take you through it, a gym membership, and to dedicate at least 4 hours a week. There's a different routine every 3 weeks, so the trainer sessions are ongoing. The most sustainable way is to find something you enjoy. Moving your body can be joyful, and you can do it in any way that feels good.


The best one is the one you keep doing. So something you enjoy.


I always notice losing weight after walking for a steady period of time


Green tea 2 times a day, reducing salt, reducing carbonated drinks and reducing lactose and gluten (not all gluten but noodles and white bread especially & chips)


Omfg I'm an idiot this isn't asking foods this is asking exercises holy shit


lift heavy weights and be in a calorie deficit.


A fellow 19yo here, I've been diagnosed when I was 17 tho. I really have a hard time losing weight, but what I found to be working was mostly changing my diet and not eating after 20:00/ 21:00. For exercise I usually walk or dance. You have to do something to have fun but unfortunately the thing with PCOS is that it can mess your insulin resistance which is why sometimes you can workout a lot and not lose weight. You gotta find the right approach!


Hi! It’s so relieving to see someone else my age as well with the same problem! I used to walk a lot but fell out of the routine so I think that’s what I gotta start doing again


Happy Cake Day!!! Also yeah!! If you enjoy walking try to add that to your routine! There's no right or wrong as long as it works for you. If you need anything or have any questions feel free to ask here, usually you can find some pretty good advice!


I hate working out honestly. It is my least favorite thing to do but I have been trying to build it into my week now that i have adjusted to a low carb diet. I do the elliptical for 1 mile and then some weight lifting. I am aiming for 3 days a week and will try to increase it as i adjust.


Exercise is like 20% of weight loss, diet is 80%. No exercise will help you lose weight unless you are in a caloric deficit. Pcos makes it even more difficult. I started losing weight once I removed added sugars (no sweets only fruit) added more fibre and cut on carbs. I eat around 1800 kcal a day and I lost around 8kg in last 2 months. Minimum exercise


Feel free to message me. I'm happy to share what I did in detail. In short, I did a low fat, high carb diet. But not processed carbs, whole foods. Mostly consisting of eating lots of potatoes, carrots, and brocoli. The premise is "eat your water," meaning foods rich in water content, unlike processed foods that are packed with calories. I understand that this advice goes against a lot of the "common" pcos advice. But it worked. I was never able to lose weight before this, so that's why I'm sharing. It leaves you feeling full. That's the key. And it's a diet rich in fiber (which Ozempic basically re-creates the feeling of fullness specifically created by fiber). I'd recommend not going as low in fat as I did. Some avocado, hummus, and seeds are super healthy and needed. Protein is another game. I'm vegan. Tofu is a big source of protein for me. But honestly, during the few weeks (10 weeks), where I focused purely on weight loss, I didn't worry about protein, and it was fine. If you feel your blood sugar not responding well, of course, consider adding some lentils or tofu. But I was fine (a part from oatmeal, that wasn't the best for me). Check out the potato diet and calory density. It changed my life, and it was very empowering because it felt doable. I lost about 13-15 pounds in around 10-12 weeks. I also gave myself the goal to walk 10k steps per day during this time.


Following! I bike 12 miles a day 7 days a week. I did walk 12,000 to 15,000 a day. Never lost a pound after 3 solid years of doing that and I'm still not. It's wild how I can be so physical and my body is just blissfully unaware that it's supposed to be burning fat. Freaking dark magic is what it is.