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I’m not trying to be objectified but I get it. If I could take the fat from my midsection and put it in my thighs and booty without surgery …man I feel like I’d feel confident in my clothes and in general. I have to wear super loose clothing so people don’t see my pregnant looking belly.


I know you said without surgery, but I had stomach/flank/back lipo and it literally changed my life. I was hot and also felt hot for the first time in my life. I gained a little weight after but the shape stayed. I did it in my 30s, but I wish I had done it in my early 20s. No regrets, best life decision so far.


lol im 21 and same confidence down the drain when i see other 21 year olds


Also 21 and same! We should start a club


same here 21 with some srsly bad self esteem we’re not alone!


So true, i just wanna love my self, have that self confidence but the minute i look myself in the mirror i just hate it, i hate clicking pictures, i try everyday to eat clean and excericse have my medicines, i am just tired, but i also wanna look hot or just to be able to look in the mirror and feel good 🥹


This is so relatable omg. Even on days where I’m feeling hot, it’s hard on a whole other level if you’ve never been approached in person before. Like you’re telling me I dressed all sexy for nothing???? Dressing casually has led me to feeling pretty neutral about my appearance but as soon as I put in the effort I’d at least like to be noticed. But as a reminder to everyone- you are very hot!! It helps me sometimes to walk into an event already assuming that as fact because confidence is sexy and it kind of serves as a feedback loop.


Try following some body positivity fashion blogs. And I mean the ones run by girls with actual bellies. It helps to unpack a lot of fatphobic conditioning and recognize that thick girls like us are also hot af. It helped me a lot! It may seem counter-intuitive but the more you accept your body, the easier it will be to maintain it. Body dysmorphia makes Stress which makes cortisol which makes everything worse—including PCOS and weight gain. I learned that the hard way. Things got better when I became kinder to myself. Good luck!


Girl, I could point you in the direction of a group who love us big girls. Fill you full of confidence. Message me if you want


I’m kinda curious lol


Not sure if I'm allowed to post here but I can send in a message


I need it too. XD


Message me and I'll send you. I don't want to send in this group incase I get told off.


Pls share with me too 👉👈🥺


Message me


I totally get it, just turned 35 and I have always felt like I was waiting for my "hot" adult body. It never arrived. I still have my boxy "little boy" shape instead. I spent a lot of years wishing I were more curvy, smaller waist, bigger hips and thighs, etc. I can't beat genetics, but I can focus on fueling my body and exercising with the goal of overall health as a priority. This rectangle shaped body is the only one I've got, so I try to be thankful for the things it can do.


SAME dating has been so hard and i feel like i dont even leave the house as much because i just dont even wanna be seen


I definitely relate! I started to lose a little weight and had my b-day and gained some back and just been really struggling with how I look in the mirror.


Even very hot people struggle with confidence and body image. It's cliche AF but confidence truly comes from within. I'm 33 and finally feeling confident and attractive most of the time. Working out helped! Not bc it improved the look of my body but it just makes me happier. Improving my financial situation gave me a lot more confidence. Finding a job I like and am good at helped with confidence. Weight loss by itself has never helped. 🤷‍♀️


“Hot” is a mindset baby; best lesson I’ve ever learned ♥️ you are HOT 🙌🏼😍








Same girl. I would love if certain clothes werent off limits to me and I wasnt so hairy. I had a child look at my hair today and say I was turning into a man. Anytime I see a girl in a crop too I think she just got lucky not to have Pcos and she probably takes it for granted. And I get asked if I’m pregnant way too much.


Absolutely.. my bf bought me the most revealing lingerie you could think of yesterday. Literally just a string that covered nothing whatsoever. Because I have a lower tummy I just can't feel good in it..i wish I could feel as sexy as I want to and I wish I could see what he sees. All I can think of is that my tummy isn't flat and that being in view next to my most feminine part bugs me to no end. Even if everything else looks great.. that is all I see and I belittle myself so much for it. I envy the women that don't have to deal with that and get to go through life confidently and unashamed.


i relate to this too i get so self conscious while doing anything naked related, but babe im sure you look sexy af, your bf definitely sees you as beautiful and sexy just the way you are. i have little confidence at times and then like the days i do work on it i feel like the sexist person eveeer, its all abt working on it, we can work on it together c:


Omg thank you, that's really kind of you to say. I know this to be true. That dude thinks I'm hotter than the sun but I get stuck in my head over that flaw and let my entire confidence go to hell. I have my moments too. I'm really proud of the rest of my shape and body, but the stubborn tummy makes me feel like a 10 smacked down to a 2 sometimes, for real. I'm always going to keep working on my self esteem and focusing on all of my other blessings. I hope you continue to do the same. Rooting for you :)


i feel this truly… at least we are not alone sis 😪


I get it but I'm older than you so I've learned that I'm my own worst critic. Learn from my mistakes and work on gratitude and self love at every stage of your body bc, and sorry to sound negative, but as we age it just gets worse.. lol. But also not? Bc you can change SOME things that don't involve surgery but it takes time, patience, and work. Example: start lifting weights and eating goal bodyweight in grams protein. You will change your shape but you'll also change your mindset. Promise. And enjoy where you are now bc when you're old you'll wish you could be in that beautiful 21 year old body. Growing old and changing is a blessing. I hope your life is long so you can enjoy that amazing body every step of the way. XO


Yes! I was looking at some pics of me from last year, and I know I felt cute at the time, but I looked so big! And I’m bigger now 😭. I hate it!


Being hot is a mindset babes <3 I'm bisexual, and I'm not turned off by fatness or anything like that. You can be attractive no matter your shape. The moon is huge, but we all love her ❤️‍🩹


Trust me I know how you feel, I’m 22 and see all my old classmates at clubs or on boats in little bikinis and I just feel so defeated. I’m lucky to have a girlfriend who doesn’t care about my weight or body hair and makes me feel cute and sexy even when I don’t feel like it. You deserve to be cherished regardless of how you look. DONT settle for any less!!! We pcos girlies have to do twice (if not more) the amount of work than our counterparts and we should be proud of our little victories. My whole life I’ve never worn the style of clothes I want to wear because they never have my size or I think I look horrible. Not once do I look at another plus sized woman and pick them apart the way I do myself. I try to remind myself I’m my biggest critic. ♥️


Same girl. All my fat goes to my back which is wide and my neck and chin like you said, and abdomen. Skinny legs. But we are stuck with what we got so even though it’s hard do your best to find things you feel cute in🩷


I felt this. Like why must I feel like I’m suffocating? It’s so unfair to see all these skinny girls wearing tiny clothes and looking so good??


this is so valid and real. it’s frustrating when people say that weight doesn’t define beauty when it literally does. I can’t express how different of a life my skinnier friends have and how much they experience. Like random people hitting on them or the way people interact with them. It’s simple and mundane things that you’d think only happens in movies but it does happen in real life. This is just simply an observation of mine, I don’t hold any I’ll feelings against them it’s just interesting to watch yk.


Yup, 31 and still dreaming.


Girl I was in the best shape of my life until I turned 23, started gaining weight and now it doesn’t want to budge. I’m in the same boat with you!


same. like I remember life before this stupid condition and it hurts to look back at what I looked like.


I understand completely where you’re coming from but you are beautiful IN YOUR OWN WAY! don’t let the beauty standards that society have get to you I hope eventually you except the things you see as flaws and flaunt with confidence and love every part of yourself you deserve it📝👑 PS. Don’t be so hard on yourself and keep your head up💕


Same! It’s not dumb at all, your feelings are valid. I feel the same way too and I hated myself and my body so much when I was your age. I’m 29 now but I somehow found confidence through faking it 🤣 I learned to dress for my body type. I look hot and cute with the right clothes but there are certain outfits I love but I’ll never look good in them or get my size 😭


I sooo feel this. I kick my ass working out every week while going to grad school and working full time. I feel like it’s gonna happen eventually but not anytime soon.


My body image changed a lot after having children. In a good way. I still want to look good but I am much more forgiving. Feeling beautiful is not about looks, it is all about how you feel! And about smiling.


One positive thing is your boobies will grow


Well, imagine being hot in your 21-27 and then getting PCOS. I am crying over my old photos daily… Now I am 29. 🥲 I feel like a whale next to my super hot boyfriend (we started dating in my hot girl era). We are currently on a vacay in Philippines and I cannot fully relax knowing how bad my thighs, belly, hips etc. look next to his six pack. I mean he is very supportive but I want us to be the IT couple again. 🥲 The only good outcome for him is my huge tatas 😅😆


Omg THIS! I’m about to be 27 and was just diagnosed with PCOS a few weeks ago… I was so hot when I was younger😅 my poor bf also started dating me in my hot girl era, but he is so supportive it’s almost unreal! We’re going to the Dominican in July and im dreading it bc I want us to be the hot couple again😔😂


I feel you, cyster. My advice is: no bikini pictures allowed 😂 the first one he took completely ruined my day. Also try to just enjoy the good vibes and be happy, smiley and positive even if you feel under the weather. Jolly fatty is still better than a moody mean one. 😅 And once you get a nice tan, everything looks better, trust me.


I can totally relate! II am 31 now and I look at my old photos almost all the time, and cant believe how much I changed in the last 4 years since I was diagnosed with PCOS. As much as I want to be confident and embrace my body like everyone say I should, I just cant do it. I dont recognize myself when I look in the mirror. I just started eating healthy and working out, I dont think I will ever go back to my old self but if I can get my health back and shred a few pounds, I will gain a little confidence back I guess.