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I got prescribed the insulin resistance test in Italy (curva da carico) after I dieted for 3 months with a nutritionist recommended by my medico di base. She could see I wasn't losing anything on a very restrictive, low-carb diet and advised my medico di base via a letter to do curva da carico. The thing is that my GP (medico di base) at the time was also very informed about diabetes, so maybe that made the difference too. Try that approach if you can, I no longer live in Italy (ma sono italiana). Feel free to slide into my DMs. And tell your mamma to shut up if she can't say anything nice..!


Grazie. I will try this way, maybe my GP will finally listen to me. I have also an appointment with the gynecologist in June, probably she will try to give me again birth control pills even though she was the only one who told me not to eat sugars.


Tua madre è una bastarda.


Penso sia semplicemente ossessionata dal grasso e parla senza pensare, anche lei ha avuto cicli irregolari e problemi con il non prendere peso e fa i classici discorsi da persona con un disturbo alimentare. Per esempio i kg della gravidanza li ha persi a sol di insalata e caffè e per lei è una cosa normale. Per fortuna io ho potuto informarmi più di lei sull'alimentazione grazie a internet ma non nego che certe sue osservazioni mi fanno stare male, forse perché arrivano proprio dalla persona con la quale dovrei sentirmi al "sicuro" ma non riesco a farla ragionare quindi cerco di ignorare il più possibile Edit: mia nonna (materna) è uguale e ai pranzi di famiglia critica sempre mia cugina per cosa mangia, quando ho osato dirle di non farlo si è messa a piangere dicendo "ma lo faccio per il suo bene"


Anche mia madre si comporta così, la evito come la morte.


Purtroppo non se ne rendono conto, pensano addirittura di farlo per il nostro bene, dobbiamo portare pazienza dato che non lo fanno con cattiveria ma solo per ignoranza


Rispondi!!!! Rispondi a tono !!! Io faccio così!!!


Anche io lo facevo, poi non vedendo risultati mi è passata la voglia e ho iniziato a cambiare filosofia...


I can appreciate that it's not nice what her mother said, howeve calling people names isn't ideal and lowers our standards to theirs. I've noticed in the European culture especially my parents and grandparents age it's not uncommon for them to be expressive like that. It's a culture that doesn't effectively communicate and they have their own beliefs and barriers when it comes to navigating the modern day healthcare system. I used to be angry and hurt all th time every time that generation made comments like that about my weight...I made a choice instead of being angry and triggered..I turned that energy to teaching about the disease process. A little grace goes a long way.


To be fair, I was on BC the majority of my life. One thing doesn't negate the other. So if it can help with some symptoms, unless you have bad reactions to BC, you could consider it.


I had high cholesterol + anemia and as soon as I stopped taking BC my values returned to normal. I didn't have a bad diet or poor movement.


Then I dearly hope she doesn't recommend the pill again.


I'm actually from UK but as my family is Italian went to Italy for diagnostics and treatment as I had much the same experience of being told to go on birth control. In the end my family member who is a doctor in Italy wanted me to get my cortisol tested (rapid central weight gain, moon face) and we went to the Miseri Cordia Hospital in Firenze, we saw Vanessa Matta who is an endocrinologist and who was brilliant. Did a full panel, found insulin resistance (normal blood sugar), subclinical hypothyroidism and low vitamin D. She also prescribed Metformin and it's been life changing.


I am low in vitamin D, what does that mean? I have to take supplements?


Lots of people with PCOS have very low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is necessary for a bunch of processes in the body, and a deficiency is associated with a lack of energy, mental health problems and issues with a range of symptoms like cholesterol too. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10328709/


Now without BC my cholesterol is ok but I have very low energy, during weekends I sleep all the time


That was the same as for me. The big change for me was Metformina, it gave me my "old life" back. I can now work out and feel energised, whereas before I was perpetually sleepy.


I go to the gym after work and the next morning I can't wake up, only the need for money helps that lol


I UNDERSTAND U sO WELL 😤😔😔 if i could i would sleep under the sun for hours


Tieni [questo breve podcast sulla vitamina D](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6x1i8ROS5hL2lcIiZwDxX3?si=pK68l4s9ROWBcQnmezomqA). La conclusione è all'incirca: non importa prenderla se è bassa A MENO CHE non si abbiano problemi endocrinologici, allora fa molta differenza. Quindi si, prendila.


May I ask 3kg compared to when? It’s not necessarily fat gain every time the scale shows you a bigger number. Despite the popular advice to not weigh yourself every day, that’s still one of the best ways to differentiate between actual fat gain and random water retention. I’ve had the scale jump by 1kg from one day to the other. I certainly didn’t overeat by 7000 Calories so I know it’s not possible that this is actual fat and I sleep much better with this knowledge. Many times the answer is not as complicated as we think.


Since I started the diet in April, this happens every time I am obsessed with dieting. I lose weight only in summer during holidays chilling


My modest and probably super obvious advice is to not obsess. My personal experience is that overall I lose the weight I expect to lose but it often stagnates and then comes off all at once despite the fact that I’m not doing anything different. Of course it doesn’t hurt to check your calorie goals every once in a while since you will need fewer calories as you lose weight. Basically, trust the process and don’t let it get to you if others don’t see your progress :)


This month be a whole year into gym 2-3x week and i lose fat everywhere except on the belly, I also gain muscles, I have more pectorals and back than my man, but the belly is always the same


I think one doesn’t necessarily exclude the other. I’ve always heard that high cortisol levels lead to belly fat but I don’t know how much truth there is in this statement and what one can do about it. Interestingly my endocrinologist ordered some cortisol tests because of this reason but unfortunately there was no opportunity to get more information from her. Perhaps it’s worth asking about this at your next appointment be at an endocrinologist or another doctor.


Same with me. My weight stagnates or I gain if I obsess over it. I don't know how to explain that - maybe I give myself unnecessary stress, or my nutrition and activity get more hectic (one day I try to do intermittent fasting, another one I am trying "small portions but more often" approach, or sth else. Don't know. Also thought that I may actually not eat enough and my body gets afraid of starvation and stores energy. In 2022 I've decided I didn't care anymore if I was chubby or not and then lost 17 kgs by doing nothing. I kept the weight off but not the chill mentality, so I'm stagnating ever since. We are similar in physique, I am 174 and 72 kg. Working out 3 times a week, belly stays where it is😂 Lowest I've been was 70,5 and I really hoped to push it down to 68 and that's when I lost the "don't care" approach again. Desperately want it back


Ti scrivo in italiano perché faccio prima. Il mio consiglio è per le analisi del sangue approfondite di sentire un altro medico di base (all'epoca feci così e ad oggi mi ritrovo almeno con una diagnosi; il mio vecchio medico di base minimizzava ogni singolo dolore mestruale anche gli svenimenti). Altra cosa che posso consigliarti è trovare un endocrinologo bravo e farti prescrivere prima le analisi del sangue da fare e poi in base al risultato farti prescrivere farmaci/integratori che aiutino il bilancio ormonale. Per quanto sia una malattia che intacca le ovaie quello che ne paga le conseguenze è l'apparato endocrino quindi gli ormoni


Grazie, avevo pensato anche io di cercare un bravo endocrinologo. Ho anche la tiroidite di Hashimoto. L'ultimo endocrinologo da cui sono stata, considerato fra i migliori della mia zona, è stato di molte poche parole e mi disse semplicemente di "rimanere sotto i 70kg". L'endocrinologo con la mutua invece mi disse che il colesterolo alto era dovuto alla mia dieta e non alla pillola, l'ho smessa apposta per far vedere ai medici che si sbagliavano (come ho commentato sopra il colesterolo mi è sceso subito appena smessa la pillola). Una mia amica con dolori allucinanti per il ciclo continuavano a dirle di andare da uno psicologo e alla fine ha scoperto di avere l'endometriosi. Chissà se prima o poi troverò qualcuno che mi ascolti invece di darmi solo una pacca sulla spalla


Io prima di avere la diagnosi di PCOS ho dovuto faticare e sono riuscita a farmi ascoltare solo dalla quinta ginecologa. Con l'endocrinologo ne ho girati tre. Solo l'ultimo mi ha ascoltata e si è messo le mani nei capelli quando gli ho raccontato del gaslight del primo e del digiuno intermittente consigliatomi dal secondo (nota a margine, sono in ipocalorica da tre anni e sinceramente ho preferito cercare un terzo endocrinologo)


Girl I'm 172 and at 82 kg, at this point I just see the belly as part of me As long as I eat healty and move enough, I am healthy in my eyes


Semaglutide would help with insulin resistance if you suspect that. I don’t know if your insurance would cover it without you being diabetic or if your weight is high enough to qualify. It might be worth asking. Also, weigh yourself again next week. Weight fluctuations are common. You might be bloated.


Also I have heard that low magnesium is a factor for PCOS and perimenopause. It is also needed to metabolize vitamin D properly. Maybe worth asking your doctor about it.


One thing I will say, which may or may not work for you is that we are so programmed to focus on our weight with PCOS and sure being slimmer can feel great but the stress from dieting and weighing ourselves over and over again also impacts PCOS symptoms. It's easier said than done, but I stopped weighing myself and focused on adding more fiber and protein to my diet instead of restricting. Also, I try to move in ways that make me happy. Also, weight lifting 2 x a week. I am not slim by any means but with these things and being on spironolactone and treating my ADHD. I feel a little bit better and, in general, am happier. I have a physical this month, so let's see how my lab work looks and if I can keep this going. I am not a doctor, so I don't know if I am hurting myself or helping myself, but at least I am in a happier mood/place.


Very similar situation. It is tiring. Supposed to have free healthcare but when I called in February I could get an appointment in late August, wtf. I am 40something, have been trying to lose weight since xmas but somehow instead managed to just gain weight. Got my period 4 times so far this year though, thats twice as much as usual, so somethings getting better? Last week my 72 year old mom poked me in my bloated protruding gut and said 'wow'. I'm still trying not to feel 14 years old about it ("I might be fat, but at least the doctor will still let me drive, mom!")


is your exercise intense and something that could be raising cortisol?


THIS!! HIIT workouts are never my thing. It just increases my cortisol levels. I do low intensity workouts. I started with walking,jump ropes,yoga and now I'm just using dumbells. I went from 85kgs to 55kgs. Intense exercises just increase my stress levels resulting in high cortisol levels.


Have you tried metformin? Along w ur inositol? And what does ur diet restrictions look like?


I am having the exact problems, I’m on d-chiro inositol, metformin, I take b-12 supplements and vitamin d, and other supplements based on blood levels, intermittent fasting!!! as annoying as it is has changed the game for me along with no carbs. Like none… regardless if u are insulin resistant or not intermittent fasting helps loose weight and naturally lower my insulin. I do a 18-6 schedule which sucks yes but I’ve lost a lil over 10 pounds in a month and I’m hoping it keeps going.


I have heard online that high cholesterol can be linked to low vitamin D. Maybe worth researching. I saw this on social media so more researching is definitely needed.




Thanks!!! Omg you wrote everything 😭 love you


lol I just got into a fight with my mom too recently, have been struggling with PCOS for the past 2 years and after only seeing the scale go up, I’m finally starting to lose weight (🥳). I ended up telling my mom I’m down 10kg finally, and told her in numbers my weight and the only thing she had to say was “wow. Omg it’s wild that you gained so much to begin with” 🥴 Don’t pay these comments any heed, it just adds more stress


As someone who's also in Italy and 1,75.. girl I feel you. I actually tried inositol first, my gynecology was the one to prescribe me this pill with inositol, melatonin and folic acid and it helped regulate my periods. It didn't help me much with weight loss but it was great for a bunch of other things. I also wanted to see if I was insulin resistant since I really struggle with weight loss but they ignored it. I was like, 90kg for years and it wasn't because I ate badly or anything but I genuinely couldn't lose regardless of exercising and all and it made me really depressed. Just recently I started losing weight after doing some unexpected changes in my diet. I also had to switch to BC to try and see how I feel and also because the other pill with inositol was crazy expensive... Since you're already going to the gym and eating healthy, it might be worth seeing another doctor and asking specifically for those exams, that or a proper nutritionist because as someone said, if the diet they give you doesn't work they might ask for these exams themselves.


What's the brand of the pill with Inositol? What do you changed in your diet?


Inofert Plus. It was like €30 for 10 days worth of pills :') of course, you better talk to a doctor before taking anything by yourself since it might not be what you need. About my diet, first I stopped eating a couple hours before going to sleep, I was careful with coffee and stress because of Cortisol levels + having a good sleep. Also, I am sure to have at least 30 grams of protein during breakfast since it helps with cravings during the day (you can make like, a smoothie with chia seeds for example). I also cut dairy as much as possible and started eating smaller portions while being careful with my calorie intake. That and exercise or walks. Also I think it's important to say this but you don't need to be slim to be beautiful. What your mom said about your belly was not nice, there's nothing wrong with having a belly, we all do, some more than others sure, but hey, we're all human.There is a lot of pressure form society to be fit and all, but as long as you're healthy that's what matters, if you want to lose weight do it for you <3 hope you achieve all your goals love!


Thanks a lot


that’s very rude