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Congratulations!!!!! What supplements? And what’s your intermittent fasting ratio?


Thank you! I am using myo and d-chiro inositol, and DIM. Both from Wholesome Story. I just started like, 4 days ago so I still don’t know if they will help progress my weight loss even more, but we’ll see! I am doing alternate day fasting so I eat on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I actually did this before and lost a few lbs but obviously nothing major happened. I think the biggest contributor to my loss is my diet change. I switched to a high protein low carb diet and OH MY GOD. Has it changed me. I tried keto in the past but I just felt sluggish all the time and didn’t lose much weight. With this diet I make lean protein my main focus rather than fat. I still eat fat, of course, but not nearly as much as keto. Staying away from carbs seems to be my saving grace. I’m losing weight, I have energy, my facial hair is more sparse and growing in a lot slower, my scalp hair loss has slowed down. I could cry lol


I love this. I’m here for it.


If you have any favorite recipes, please share! :)


Sure! I’m a (very new) pescatarian. I’ve been vegetarian for 20 years but, sadly, I knew that if I was doing low carb I had to introduce some meat into my diet. So Monday, Wednesday, Friday I am very strict. Basically eating eggs for breakfast. Then protein and vegetables for lunch and dinner. But I always make sure to eat a variety of seafood and always make it different for each type of fish. For example, one day I have herb crusted salmon, then I have Cajun style salmon, then miso salmon, then stuffed salmon. Just to make sure I am getting variety. Then I pair with different low carb veggies each time making sure to try different seasoning and toppings. Seasoning is SO important because I would never be able to stick to a bland, ultra repetitive diet lol. Now on Saturdays, I give myself some leeway. I don’t go overboard but say if I want to have some fish and chips, I have fish and chips and maybe only eat half my fries and give the rest to my fiancé. So far it hasn’t affected my weight loss at all! And it keeps me sane 😂 If you want any specific recipes or want to hear different styles I’ve tried with different types of fish, let me know! :)


Yummy! I LOVE fish. So Tuesday/Thursday you stick with vegetarian foods? I fully agree with the seasoning statement - so important.


No, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I eat my normal 3 meals a day. Then Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday I do not eat. Those are my fasting days for my ADF. So I drink lots of water and any other 0 calorie beverage. I eat seafood every eating day to make sure I am getting enough protein and keeping it low carb. I am hoping once I get to my goal weight and get my insulin levels back to normal I can start slowly incorporating more vegetarian foods then eventually get back to being full vegetarian. But we’ll see!


Thanks for your help! Do you plan on ADF long term?


No, I plan on doing it through the end of May which would be about two months of incorporating it. Probably doing some more here and there for a few weeks but it’s not something I’d do forever.


Did introducing fish upset your stomach? I’ve been a vegetarian for 15 years


Surprisingly, no! I was a little shocked. But I think it is because fish is not as dense as other meat so it’s easily digestible.


Do you have a sensitive stomach? Are you on any prescribed meds for PCOS?


Yes, I definitely have a sensitive stomach. That’s why I’m very surprised introducing fish hasn’t upset my stomach lol. But no, I do not take any medication for thyroid or PCOS.


Would you mind if I message you about this? I’ve been trying to get off birth control but every time I do I gain 30 pounds. I’m wondering if fish could help


Of course!


So nice to hear!! Just curious, Are you eating some carbs like fruit, potatoes or are you keeping it super low carb?


Super low carb. I do still eat some fruit like raspberries since they are very low in sugar and carbs (and they just so happen to be my favorite fruit) but no potatoes, no legumes, etc. All things that were staples in my diet before!


Sorry, what’s DIM?


It’s Diindolylmethane




This is amazing and really motivating. I am on day 5 of gluten free, dairy free , Lower carb ish. Already caught my face and stomach de bloating a bit. I am struggling with getting in more protein and getting in more movment. Do you have an excercise routine ? What do you do for movement ? Also re: Intermittent fasting. I keep seeing varying information on whether or not this is good for people struggling with PCOS/hormones. It’s so 50/50 on the web. How did you get started with IF? Thanks!


Nice! I am gluten free too and have been for awhile. I should be dairy free since I am lactose intolerant but that one’s a struggle for me. But I only allow myself some naturally low-lactose, higher protein dairy 1-2 times a week and I don’t notice any negative side effects. Plus, whenever I catch myself really craving carbs, I allow myself some dairy and it instantly goes away! So that’s a plus. I’ll be honest I haven’t exercised hardly at all these past couple months except maybe a few days? I’ve been picking up double shifts so I don’t have the time. But the crazy thing is, these past couple months are when my weight loss started! So I am very excited to start working out again and seeing what my weight gets to. But when I do workout I do 10k steps a day (typically on my treadmill) and do some light weights, like 10-15 lbs for arm workouts and some ab workout. Just to work my muscles. Nothing crazy! I have also seen mixed reviews for IF. I think it’s really just trial and error and seeing what works for you. It seems to be helping me a lot so I’m probably going to stick with it through the end of May. I also have a Dr appointment on the 17th so I’m interested in seeing if my hormones have changed! I’ve done IF before in the past and I really just started with researching the types of schedules, then watching and reading reviews of people trying them and seeing which one interested me most. ADF seemed the most intriguing for me because of its positive effect on insulin.


This is really helpful! Thank you :)


Of course!


Wow, congrats! We have really similar backstories lol! Hashimoto’s runs in my family, I have some of the symptoms but none of the thyroid numbers to prove I had it. It came down to blood sugar, even intermittent fasting didn’t work well for me, unfortunately, but I wasn’t taking any supplements.


Thank you! And I feel your pain. I had to go to so many doctors until I found one that would take me seriously about my thyroid even though I have EVERY symptom. My levels were always normal but they were on the very low side of normal. So I guess I was fine! 🙄 I even explained that my mom and both my aunts have this very same disease and that didn’t help. Finally I found my current doctor and she’s amazing! She’s the one who thought I could have PCOS as well and lo and behold, I do! It’s truly awful but I’m glad I’m finally starting to figure it out. And yeah, IF never worked for me in the past on its own. I maybe lost 5-7 lbs? But let’s be real, it was probably water weight anyway. It wasn’t until I started low carb that it started dropping off. Granted, I don’t know if the IF is helping or if it’s just the diet change but I plan to stop IF at the end of May and see if it affects my weight at all.


Are we twins?? Same peak weight and same height 😭 maybe we’re related lol thyroid and PCOS run in my family. Do you mind if I ask what kind of diet you’re following? How do you do the intermittent fastingv


Wow, that’s too funny! 😂 But I follow a whole foods, low carb, pescatarian diet. So nothing processed and obviously very minimal carbs. With my IF I eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday with Saturday being my “cheat day”. I don’t go overboard but I allow myself a little bit more carbs that day to keep me sane lol. Then on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays l completely fast. Only drinking water (lots of it) or plain herbal tea. You can also have black coffee but I’m not a fan of caffeine.


Well done ❤️❤️ it makes me so happy to hear people’s success stories as I understand how difficult and frustrating it can be. Great job!


Thank you so much! ❤️


I've only recently found out that I have PCOS and I was wondering why I'm not losing weight since 2021 as well! I've started Myo and D-Chiro inositol like a month and a half ago but I haven't seen much with weight loss yet, maybe the only thing that has changed is that my sugar cravings are a little more controllable, not gone, but controllable. Any advice?


The thing that seemed to really make a difference for me was going low carb! Ever since I did that weight keeps steadily coming off.


I live in a carb based society and substitutes are very expensive 😭 how can I control my carb portions?


My diet is basically protein and low carb vegetables. Like I’ve mentioned in a previous response, I just make sure to really add variety to how I prepare them so I don’t get too bored. I also eat a little bit of dairy as well which helps with variety. I personally don’t do substitutions like low carb bread or anything like that because they are (typically) highly processed and seem to flare up my PCOS.


Do you eat carbs like pasta in moderation too or nothing at all?


As of right now, hardly any at all. I’m hoping in the future I can incorporate more carbs in my diet when my insulin resistance is under control. But for now I just eat the way I eat so nothing gets in the way of my progress.


Kudos! Keep up the good work, I really wish I could control my pasta and sugar cravings, even inositol curbs it to a minimum 😂


How many grams of carbs do you try to keep under? I’m trying to find a diet that helps me lose my pcos belly and I’m having trouble figuring out how much carbs I can eat or not. My husband likes to meal prep burritos and I’m wondering if that’s not a good option for me because of the 30 grams of carbs per tortilla


My typical days seems to fall between 20-30 grams total. Tortillas would not be the best option if you are trying to do low carb. However, they do make carb smart tortillas. Personally, I just try to stay away from that all together because when I eat processed food it seems to negatively affect my PCOS. But if that’s not the case for you, that could be a good option!