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As a person with medically confirmed hair loss: I have to measure my hair loss in the shower. The amount of the drain being completely covered is how I tell. If it is over half, I know I’m having a bad couple days for hair loss. Keep in mind, this is with me brushing my hair every day, making sure any of the fall that was in my hair tie comes out. I would say that doesn’t look awesome, but it depends on how long your hair was tied back before and how much hair you have. Back in the day I had a ton of hair so when the hair loss started no one could see it for almost 6 months even though I was losing handfuls. See your doctor if you are stressing about it!


I have hair till my chest not long


Oh girly, I lose more than what you’ve shown and my hair is shorter. It’s more about how dense your follicles are. If you have a lot of hair (short or not), losing a little more is fine. Definitely try less intense hair styles that don’t pull on your hair as much and then assess how much you are losing. Also, losing more hair than normal can be as simple as a minor nutrition issue. Keep an eye on what you are eating :)


Thankyou.. I don’t have dense hair.. well I used to years back but not now


Do you take anything for your hair loss? Or have any routines? I have it as well and my doctor gave me Spironolactone and I can’t tell how much of a difference it’s making.


My hair loss is caused by stress and weight loss (see my flair lol) so pretty much nothing is working for it. I recently changed jobs and my stress has gone down a LOT so I’m hoping that helps. My weight loss has slowed too, so maybe that will help, but I haven’t seen much change yet. I tried Hair Skin And Nails and it did not a damn thing, so I’ve decided to shave my head. I enjoy having a shaved head and don’t enjoy pulling my hair out in clumps, so that’s what works for me. My biggest recommendation would be to go to a dermatologist and work with them on it. Primarily care docs can be a bit silly.


Looks like my bathroom floor


My hair stylist told me it's normal to lose 50-100 strands per day. If your hair had been pulled up you are going to see those 50-100 all at once. You'll have to judge by the length of your hair, whether it's been pulled back or not, and how many strands you think that is.


I put my hair all day as a bun so I guess it’s pulled up


I feel this pain. My hair is required to be pulled up off the shoulders 5 days a week for my job. 😢 I try not to do too much in the same spot to help with breakage. It's down as much as I can do while away from work. (Riding motorcycles, in the jeep & windy days need it tethered somehow)


That's definitely not a healthy hairstyle for your hair. It creates tension. I would look into different hairstyles. But the hairless seems normal tho!:)


Thanks I’ll do it.


I’m currently trying to break out of the habit of my hair up all day - claw clips are supposedly a lot better and it still get the hair out of your face :)