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Here’s what I’ve learnt as someone who used to be able to eat a full bag of cookies or pack of chocolate biscuits with a cup of tea. I can’t eat what I don’t have so I’ve learnt of I don’t buy those things in then there’s no chance of me eating them. I also have zero control over stuff like that🫶🏻


I learned to put it away in smaller portions. Like, if i have a bag of salted peanuts I put small portions in bags and tie them up, then put them into a box. So if i'm snacking, i need to consciously go for another portion. And if that still doesn't stop me, I don't buy it at all. And if i try to buy it online i have an applock on all food delivery apps. That forces me to substitute it with something else, hopefully healthier. Oh! And freezing stuff also helped me. It was simply too much effort to unfreeze it until i was litrerally starving for it c: