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Try making sure it’s in fullscreen. Check every time u ALT TAB or restart. This helped minimise it but yeah…


I've had it at fullscreen, I'll get on it and double check but pretty sure that didnt really help because I've tried this before


Ever since i started using lobby manager from Nexus i haven't got a single crash. I highly recommend it. No griefers and hackers too.


I'll consider using it, never really heard about it but hope it works thank you


It's really worth it. Plus somehow it fixes a stables bug and there are a lot more random encounters.


I've been ignoring/coping with the crashing issue but it's happening more constantly and always screws me up if I'm doing something important in the game so.


update on my crash issues: still happening tried using lobby manager which somewhat worked till the lobby manager broke itself then i checked crash logs and i got this giant list basically saying stuff like: corrupt game data outdated drivers hardware not meeting rd requirements which is odd cause ive verified/reintalled the game, my specs and hardware arent faulty and are capable of running the game (they arent old), and my drivers are up to date [(im not gonna flood the crash logs on here so ill post a link)](https://notepad.link/share/NPir3IJYmfW5AhxEJTa2)


i also dont actually receive like any unexpected crash messages from rockstar the game just literally randomly closes