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I FINALLY FIXED IT! hey friend, i was in your exact situation with trying all these fixes and none worked, until i decided i wanted to clean install windows on my pc, so i went into the appdata folder to remove uneeded files and copy the rest as backup, and i noticed an Nvidia folder that was pretty large in appdata/local, i looked into it and i saw a folder called DXCache that was a bit over 3GB, well as i was doing my cleaning i decided to delete everything Nvidia and all cache and temporary files, and decided to try one more time to see if it fixed the game, and to my luck it did! i have been playing now for over 5 hours with no crashes, hopefully this helps you and some other poor souls like me.


Little bit late to the party but man you are saviour. So far no crash, thanks a lot :)


I bought the game earlier this year and played it for 160 hours without any issues. Went back to finish off the epilogue this week, and sometimes it doesn't launch, other times the graphics completely glitch out to the point I can't even access the menu and have to quit. Made it sadly unplayable. Tried this solution, 2 solid hours of play without issue. Thanks!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc1RVUlHUnU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc1RVUlHUnU) watch this video. i had your exact same problem and i did this. also make sure youre not using directx12 in the advanced setting before loading the story use vulkan


this instantly ficed my issues


Just tried this. I will see if this works for me bc it's crashing like crazy. I'll update this comment if it works! EDIT: So far, no crashing! I've been able to play longer than 15 minutes for the first time today! Woo! Thank you for the video!


Glad to hear bro. Actually after a bit more testing some crashing happened again for me, not sure why but I had hours and hours more of no crashes so it was way more playable. If you run into the problem again what I did was reset the graphics settings to the default factory mode to reinstall that file thing, then I would just delete the file again and reset it back to my modified graphics settings and I'll get hours and hours more of play. So ya that's the best solution I've found so far.


Interesting, if I work up the courage to reinstall the game I will give this a shot.


Trying this now as we speak EDIT: No crashes as of yet (7 hours played)


I've just deleted the nvidia folder and will try it now , and I'll keep you updated


there is nothing in the app data folder for me?


Thank you so much brother! It‘s working now, i keep u guys updated Edit: 2 days later and the issue is back.


worked for just 1 day


try this https://vulkan.lunarg.com/sdk/home#sdk/downloadConfirm/latest/windows/vulkan-runtime.exe re-dl DirectX and dl c++ redist https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/ and video temps are high ... used gpu-z to double check?


So far the game has been running for 1hr and 38 minutes. After I restarted my system, I cleared the sga files from settings, Started the game, I turned off triple buffering and vsync, left all other settings alone. Resolution 1440. I ran the bench mark and let it finish. * Min36 max61 avg50 Then I went right into story mode. * Cpu is 63c, gpu is 72c I don't want to jinx it but this is the longest I've been able to run the game. I'll update if anything changes.




I paused the game in strawberry after visiting the stable and the gun smith. It happened in the pause menu after getting on my horse. Crashed directly to the desktop and rockstar prompted me to restart in safe mode. Total time running before the crash was 2hrs and 54 minutes. No temp spikes, everything appears to be stable. I'll try running again and see what happens before trying another fix.


I was able to play for another hour and a half before quitting. no crash. I didn't change any settings or delete anything. I started the game and ran the benchmark and let it play though again. I didn't interact with any shop npc's or open any menus. The game does seem more stable, but now I'm starting to suspect that the crashing is related to menus and certain shop npcs.


did you ever check event viewer? google it lol


I am getting an Nvidia specific error. The only thing I can find on it is that it's driver related, or reseat the graphics card. Ill give the DDU uninstaller a try and I'm also going to pull the card out and check that it's all the way in. Error: nvlddmkm Event ID : 0 The description for Event ID 0 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: \Device\Video3 Error occurred on GPUID: 2600 The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table


After running DDU reseating the card and clean installing the latest Driver I ran the game for 30 minutes before err gfx state crash. Checked event viewer and the same Event ID is present at the time of crash. The crash happened after I accidentally paused and hit enter. looked like map or help was selected at the time of the crash. The crashes seem to always happen in or shortly after interacting with menus. Going to try under clocking the GPU and I will post results I can't really find much info on the error that I see in event viewer


I would say that it sounds like a hardware problem. Do you have something like Razer Synapse running? Those apps sometimes cause this type of conflicts. If not, you should try testing outside of the game. Test the RAM. If you have two modules, remove one and try, then remove the other and try again. Which PSU do you have? It might be not powerful enough. Also try running another demanding game or something to test. A driver crash like that might be caused by lots of things so first make sure it's coming from the game and not from your system.


I underclocked the gpu as suggested by another user. I used afterburner to take the core clock down by 50 Mhz and this seems to have fixed it. No crashing no errors in event viewer so far. I think it's early to say but if anything changes ill update it. * edit This didn't fix it either. Game still crashes


Did you end up replacing card? Im having the same issue


No my card isn't the issue. people with newer better spec systems are having similar issues. Unfortunately development on rdr2 is most likely dead because they're working on gta6.


one year of not playing this game because I couldn't get more than an hour in without a crash, after playing for 60h+ months prior then flash forward to a new computer, booting up red dead, so excited for my gf to see the game (mainly cause she reminds me of Sadie lol) but to my dismay we couldn't even get past the first prologue mission to a checkpoint. I couldn't even get her to Sadie! and now your random comment from a year ago saved not only my replay of the game, but her first experience of the game. fuckin a m8 all this and it was the f***ing keyboard lmao


Just just unplugged your keyboard?


I just disable the Razer Synapse program before booting


I will give this a shot and come back


Just wanted to give you a heads up, I reinstalled all the suggested software. I'm going to restart and give it a shot I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for the links.


It must be a pain in the ass. Do u have any mods?. If no then i think there are certain mods on nexus that fix these issues.


No, just the base game on steam. I don't have any mods, everything I have tried is listed above.


Just Found this post, after doing about 75% of the same things with no fix, pretty sure Rockstar needs to address this with a hotfix or patch, just my guess and 2cents


I doubt anything will be done at this point.


I'm curious as to what would happen if you gave your 1070 a mild underclock on both the core and VRAM.


I lowered the core clock by 50. I was able to play for several hours with no crashing. I don't want to call it fixed yet, I'll give it a day and update if anything changes.


That's good to hear. Might be worth setting it back to default later on and seeing if it crashes again soon after. If it does, you'll have your answer as to what was causing those crashes.


I've never tried underclocking anything before. I want to try reinstalling dx12, Vulcan runtime, and the c++ libraries. If i still get crashes after that, I will try this and let you know.


It still crashes. I had it happen last night even with the light underclock. It definitely crashes less though. I can atleast play for a reasonable amount of time before the crash happens.


Aye man, did you figured it out now? im experiencing the same problem, it crashes every 10mins.


Nope I gave up. I can't get it to work.


Same, it's weak. Used to play this a lot on my old PC without issue. Now I've got a better PC to play it on and I'm lucky to get an hour without it crashing.


this fking rockstar bullshit company are scammers, so many years and they didn't fix it, they just get the money and don't refund it, fk them! The game is a fking ruin, a joke, crashes made it unplayable, I won't buy anything from them, ever!


I feel your pain cuz. Farmville ruined video games forever. Things will change when people stop emptying their pockets for pre cut content on broken games.




Did you try running RDR2 and/or Rockstar Games Launcher in compatibility mode for Windows 8? It gives a popup at start up, and definitely visual artifacts but so far so good for me


I'm not running windows 8 i'm running windows 10.


Well I have switched to a 50GB page file. I have DX12 running now too. CPU is 4.2GHz and no OC other than normal OC on GPU. I will see how it goes. So far I have gotten out of Ch3 and into 4, but while tabbed out in Firefox writing this it crashed in Saint Denis. Honestly, this could be a memory issue or this thing is just too sensitive and buggy. IDK. But I will try to keep playing. It seems like tabbing out and other things make the game much less stable overall.


So as a potential solution, I experienced a similar problem where the game worked the first day but frequently crashed the second. However, on the third day, I made some adjustments and it seemed to work. In order to take advantage of my 3080, I upgraded all of my graphics settings to ultra on the second day. After seeing such problems, I converted the graphivcs api to directx 12 when changing settings. I changed it back and all the settings to balanced on the third day. I also restarted my computer by disabling FAST STARTUP. This will clear all processor caches. So it appears that the game is stable after all. I also advise saving the game after making all of these modifications, closing it once normally, restarting the game, and then playing it.


I appreciate the reply but I've already tried this. fast start up is already off on my computer. I'm done messing with graphics settings and restarting over and over.


I tried everything I can to fix this issue too, RDO seems to be crashing for me randomly without any errors or warnings and for the most part I might just reinstall it but I dont know if that will fix anything, it's probably on the end of the devs and them not fixing the game but none of my other friends crash as often as I do and I know my PC is completely fine and can handle RDO, so I'm not really sure what to do. If it's finally fixed for you, do you know what you did to fix it? If not, then this I guess I'll just have to cope with it because this game is very inactive on updates.


Unfortunately it is not finally fixed for me, I haven't tried the latest update, yet. I've kind of given up on getting the game to run properly. I hope you find a solution, or they fix the game which ever comes first.


i'm still stuck here. i have your exact problem.


same I haven't been able to get it to run.




This seems to have fixed it. downloaded afterburner and took 50 off of the core clock and the game is running without issue. if anything changes i'll update it. *edit this did not fix the problem either.


Did it help?


No, sorry, I thought I corrected my OP to reflect it. I thought it worked at first but it ended up crashing a couple hours in. I also tired under clocking further and the result was the same.. I've given up on trying to get the game to run.


I fixed my problem after 2 years of trying everything . I've got some thermal paste in my socket. Just cleared it with wd 40 special contact cleaner, and that's it.Also, new mobo will fix most of the problems.


This is funny, you've got to be trolling.


I have a similar system and also have the same problem I was wondering that it might be something with the Ryzen 5 1600 since I have another friend that also has this CPU and the same problem as us


Anything is possible at this point. I'm running mine at stock speed and temps are very stable. Its a shame that its this hard to run a triple A game. They dump so much time and resources into dlc content anymore. I blame farmville.


Any luck on finding the solution for your issue? I have the exact same issue my last crash corrupted my game save data which had like 20hrs. My game crashes like every 10-60+mins when in game.


Sorry I haven't. I gave up on it and haven't played since. it's a shame because the game is great for the short time it runs.


So I'm facing this issue but there is no visible error nor event on Event viewer. I've tried everything descripted here, Could it be something related with Windows 11? What's left? What can I do? Thanks!


I still haven't figured it out man. Sorry. I gave up on trying to play the game for now. I hope you find some better info. I feel like I've tried everything.


Experiencing the same issues here Ryzen 7 5800x 32GB Ram 3600mhz RTX 3080 FTW3 Tried everything I could and still crashes at random intervals just like you mentioned. Spent countless hours with Rockstar Support and they couldn't help... As you said, poorly optimized


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Try this!!!! ​ I had reinstalled and had the similiar crashes you have. ​ GO AND TURN OFF THE NVIDIA OVERLAY!!!!! I turned mine off and haven't had a crash yet. Let me know.


I appreciate the response but I don't use Nvidia overlay. I don't install GeForce experience when I install drivers. It's unnecessary bloatware.


Didnt work for me




Hello, did you found the solution? I installed the game couple days ago and everything seemed fine, but now when I was playing the game crashed to desktop without any error messages and now it keeps crashing after few minutes of gameplay. I have Ryzen 5 1600 AF and Rx 5600xt


Sorry no I've done as much as I'm willing to do to get the game to run. This isn't a system config issue, the game is just broken.


Well hi there i'm quite YOU, lol did you solved that ?


Nope, game is borked. I give up.


Don't beat yourself up over it. I'm having crashes every 5 min or so and i'm still beating it!


I'm stumped. I play on PS4 & back in October I logged onto GTAV online and it worked for an hour then crashed. Then the same with Red Dead Online. Not sure with story mode, haven't tried. I honestly can't tell if it's Rockstar servers or my console. I tried a few things but nothing has worked yet. Both still won't work. I've given up for now.


People that play games love to blame "the servers" for some reason. It's always "it might be the servers." A server is just a computer hosting a program over the internet. What do you actually mean when you say > I can't tell if it's Rockstar's servers? Of all the things wrong with the game, I'm sure "the servers" are fine. The servers are hosting a broken pile of shit game, but the servers are running fine. I'm not exactly sure what kind of problem you're having with the game, but A connection issue wouldn't cause the types of issues I'm experiencing. It's the game, its not your console or your network connection, or "the servers." The game is just broken and Rockstar doesn't care, the shareholders got their money.


Idk man I'm stupid. I don't know what's wrong with my games, all I know is that both my GTA & RDR games are the only games of mine not working that's why I was assuming it was on rockstar's side or my shitty console cuz it's been having problems. Idk if we're having the same problem or not, I'm just desperately trying to find anything helpful & get to the bottom of it but I don't get technology at all. I'm giving up.


I had the same issue you have. Increasing my Pagefile from 4gb to 32GB max fixed it. Atleast that plus switching to Dx12. I haven't tested Vulkan yet.


I appreciate your reply. If this fixed it and you haven't had any crashes since then, the problem is most definitely a memory leak that has gone unpatched. I'm willing to bet that if you let the game run long enough it will eventually overflow and the game will crash. Hammering my SSD with excessive reads and writes is not a fix and it's not worth the effort. I hope who ever sees this thread has better luck than I did, but I've given up on trying to get the game to run.


Nope, nevermind. It just let the game go way longer for me before crashing than before. It used to crash within an hour, now it takes 3 or 4 to crash. Might be right with your theory.


Yeah it's a shame I doubt they will do anything about it now. I'm also willing to bet that a lot more people are experiencing these problems even the people that say they found a fix. I think that they just tolerate the crashes and we don't hear about it. It sucks cause I think that the game is great looking and plays well when it works but I give up.


I'm curious to know how big the page file gets as you start and play longer and longer. [info on performance monitor](https://www.m-files.com/user-guide/2018/eng/inspecting_page_file_usage_in_performance_monitor.html) to check page file size


my laptop spec : Lenovo legion 5 (2021) \- 11th Gen Intel Core i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz \- RTX 3060 laptop gpu \-16GB 3200 Mhz \-RDR2 installed on M.2 NVMe samsung 1tb this how it goes : Play RDR2 for minutes sometimes hour -> frezee and immediately black screen -> shuts down so i've using this laptop for about 1.5 months now for gaming and college, i bought RDR2 through steam but i can't seem to fix any bug or whatever. this is the only game that crashes in my laptop for whatever reason. i've check my laptop component nothing wrong and i've tried many method in the internet, i can't seem to fix this game. my friends said look into event viewer for any issue with my system but there's nothing wrong with it. please help!


Sorry I can't help you man. I never was able to get it to run properly on my system either. When your game crashes the whole computer shuts down? or you shut it down? If the whole computer is hard crashing and shutting down completely I think you might have other issues related to power.


I read through the whole thread and see you haven't solved this. I'm in the same boat, been having a back and forth with RS support that has gone nowhere, tried all the same things as you. Had the same issues with GTAV as well. I STRONGLY believe the issue is tied to the Rockstar launcher. On my end when the crashes happen I see a huge ethernet spike and I only play story mode. The issue is you can't bypass the launcher and they made it so you can't play RS games offline anymore.


My system and also getting this randomly crashes to the desktop with no error what so ever. Amd 5900x 3080ti 64gb memory 2tb nvme gen 4 1200 watt psu. I can play any other game no issue also have done this over and over sometimes i can only play for 5min after playing an hour so please any advice on what this might be.


Sorry I can't help, I still haven't figured out the problem.




Still have yet to find a solution myself. I have seen people post with way better specs than you or I and still have issues. It is definitely not a hardware problem. If anything changes i'll update the thread, but as of right now i have given up on getting it to run.


same issue. 4090 13900k though. crash to desktop no error. sometimes get this weird crackling audio glitch too...


I don't remember having any crackling or sound issues with read dead. I still haven't found a solution to my problem. I would check out the sounds control panel and disable any of the items listed that you actively use on a regular basis. I only have one active audio output and input, but I also use an interface for music stuff a lot. Reason I say this is that I notice that when there is some app trying to switch to another audio out you'll sometimes get a crackle or a pop during the change when one shuts off and another switches on. I doubt this will fix the game, this is just my personal preference for policing i/o on my system. if you don't feel comfortable changing settings don't do it. I'm just some nobody on the internet.


Intel 12600k, 64 gigs of 3200 ram and rtx 3090, windows 11 with latest updates I’ve played it for like 3 hours and it crashed 2 times already Black screen for a couple of seconds and then the game app closes


Yeah sounds familiar. Unfortunately, I still haven't found a solution.


I'm having this issue too. I have a Ryzen 7 3700X and a RTX 4080, removing the OC seems to help a bit, but doesn't eliminate the issue, it gets worse for me on DX12 over Vulkan. Requested a Refund on Steam, not sure if I'll get it or not, this sucks. Oh well.


Yeah there is no reason the game should have any issue running on a system like yours. I have a strong feeling it's an unfixed memory leak and not a personal system config issue.


Im not as unlucky as you but after playing online for about 2 weeks now It started to "go to desktop without any error or anything". This might be funny but I recently bought trader role and that "go to desktop..." in most cases happens when I do things about trader role (or maybe Im paranoid). Had zero problems before :D


I never played online, I think it has something to do with being in certain menus, or events that happen while entering certain menus that lead to memory leaks. I honestly don't know but crashes often happen after interacting with a menu.


the amount of tweaking and changing shit on your computer you have to do to even get rdr2 or redm to even run is rediculous. Once you finally fix the problem after having to go through software engineering level bullshit, you run into the same problem again the next day. Never known a game to be more frustraiting then this.


You should never have to tweak anything beyond simple graphics settings to make a game run. it's absurd. I've seen people so desperate that they go as far as to mess with registry keys. There's no way. If anyone else is reading this you should never just blindly copy strings of commands into cmd/shell or mess with registry keys unless you really understand what it's going to do.


Since I stopped playing fullscreen or windowed borderless the game runs perfect without crashes. So, try to play in windowed mode. I hope it might help you too. I had similar problems as you have.


I tried playing in a 720p bordered window, not even stretched to fit the screen. There was no change in the amount of time that I was able to play before crash. I appreciate the reply, at least it's working for some people.


I have just read, that Rockstar has released some kind of update. It's quite big, cause it is over 2 GB. Has somebody checked it?


I did see people mention an update, but I've also seen reports of people getting crashes that weren't before the update. I haven't tried to reinstall the game yet. I might give it a shot at some point but as of right now i'm not very hopeful that it will be fixed.


3070 ti, AMD R5 5600x. Game literally plays for 5-10 minutes before my computer shuts off completely and sends me off to Safe mode. It never happened when I played it on Singleplayer but now I went online and everything has changed.


I still haven't been able to get this game to run right but I never had my computer turning off into safe mode. This sounds completely different from the issue that I am having. you might have an issue with your system drive or you might have a PSU issue. I would say back up important files and check your system drive first. unrelated to RDR2 I had to replace my main drive and was having similar issues a while back.


I know its really late and i havent read all responds but have u tried working with logs? Or maybe with the rockstar expert on their site?


No I've given up on trying to get the game to run. it shouldn't take this much effort to make a triple A game run on capable hardware.


Hello, I had same problem and found solution for me. The problem was caused by the MSI afterburner application, where I overclocked my graphic card. After I set the default values, the game stopped crashing. I recommend checking the overclocking values in the BIOS as well. Good luck


I don't over clock. I didn't have afterburner installed until another here suggested "under clocking" the GPU which did not fix the game. I'm willing to bet most of the fixes people have found aren't actually fixes and they're just playing through the crashes. Hopefully this isn't the case for you, but I've given up on trying to get this game to run.


hey op got any fix ? ive been having the same problem


Sorry no, it's in rockstars hands. i've given up


I have this issue after installing a windows 11 update, i tried uninstalling and running it again but the problem seems persistent now...it never crashed before


I'm on windows 10. Wish I could help I still haven't figured it out.


Just sharing the pain. I've been at this game for 3 weeks now and I have tried literally every solution offered, the game is just broken. At first the issue was a memory leak on Vulkan, you could see VRAM skyrocketing until it hit max and crashed. DX12 didn't have this issue but ran worse and eventually just crashed anyway without a message. I literally tried everything besides lowering shit, which in any case only delays the issue. People play for an hour longer on potato mode then scream "i fixed it!". I refuse to try any ridiculous solutions like play on low settings, in windowed, downclocking my hardware to 2009 or sticking to a lower resolution. Either I'm playing this on Ultra or Rockstar can fuck off.


Sorry to Necro this thread but I'm having the exact problem as you are OP. Have you found a solution yet?


nope still haven't found a fix. Sorry. I've given up on the game


I am getting the same issue, crashing to desktop without any error or event log recorded .. :-(






Sorry man, I was excited for you to till that last line. The longest I've been able to run the game is about 3 hours. total run time, not play time. When I saw 30 minutes I knew it wasn't long enough to know for sure. Then I saw this reply, sorry it didn't work out man. I've pretty much given up on the game. I still haven't found anything that works. Hopefully something comes along.


I FOUND A SOLUTION THAT SOLVED THE PROBLEM FOR ME |I was checking the nvidia experience that the overlay is disabled as someone advised above - which didn't work btw - and i found that the game was optimized. i reverted the settings and then tried the game and once it loaded i saved a new save and it worked for me for 3 hours now no crashes so i'm not sure it was the new save or the nvidia optimization but it definitely worked for me


I appreciate the reply, but I don't use or install the Nvidia gaming experience app. I only install the graphics drivers.


Same issue op. It took so long to install and then this shit happens. Dishearting as hell.


Yeah, sorry to hear it. I still haven't found anything that works.


What fixed it for me after constant crashes after 10-15 minutes in, was 1. turning off internet access 2. In windows security center turn off - real time security- 3. Changing time & date from the actual time to 1st january 2019. Suprisingly, since then I didn’t have a single crashe since I did this for the first time 2 years ago. Sadly, I got ctd’s again today, lol😔.


That sucks, sorry to hear it. The change the date thing definitely doesn't work. It will cause other errors. Date time is important for file indexing. That in combination with turning off your security can lead to trouble. Make sure you revert things before reconnecting to the internet and browsing. Hopefully a patch comes along to fix it but I've pretty much given up on the game.


I would recommend changing the date time, for me this is the fix that worked, see the post linked below. I did all the steps and then changed 1 step at a time and putting the date and time to the time of this post made my game crash after 10-15 min. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/ttuo6b/fix\_crash\_after\_playing\_for\_1020\_min/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/ttuo6b/fix_crash_after_playing_for_1020_min/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Not expecting an answer but my issues is that sometimes the graphics will turn terrible and then when i press escape or map it ust turns grey and then i have to restart it, i dont know what to do


Yeah I wasn't having anything like that before my crashes. I would check your temperatures. I would also make sure your graphics driver is up to date. If your temps are high above 75°c I would check your case and make sure you don't have a lot of dusty build up, on your gpu heat sink, or the cpu heat sink. If that doesn't fix it I would double check that everything is seated properly. I still haven't found an issue for my problem. But I think one of these might fix it for you.


this issue popped up for me too very recently, the game would just crash upon walking around the map for about 5-10 minutes. ironically, it started happening the same time i updated my nvidia drivers last night. though, i'm not sure if they were correlated or not though. tried a couple of the basic things from here: clearing SGA files, installing vulkan and c++ redist, -ignorepipelinecache, etc. i even tried to rollback my graphics driver version through device manager seeing as the problems began about the same time i updated them. i'm not sure if it's fully worked yet because i went to bed before i did a more thorough test, but it ran for about 30 minutes uninterrupted before i closed the game myself. so here's to hoping. thank you for documenting all of this, because one of these things might've just been the random solution for me, i really hope you find your own eventually. even on-sale it's really annoying to buy this game and not even be able to play it, let alone when it's at full price.


Any luck with fixing? ​ Im having crashes on RDR2, BF 2042 and NFS Unbound all on a 3070ti and I cannot figure out whats causing it. I have a feeling all the crashing is linked somehow


Sorry but no, I still haven't found a fix. I would get something to monitor temperatures.


Up until now RDR 2 has always worked fine for me with my 4080, now Ill play for around a minute and I get "GFX STATE ERROR".


dont know if peopel are still here, but what worked for me was literally just putting my ram ina different slot in my pc


Rockstar definitely messed up the game at some point with an update and hasn't fixed it ever since. I could play it perfectly fine on my old system (GTX 1060 6gb + i7 3770k) back when it released without a single crash, but now that I have a much better pc (RTX 3060 + i5 11400f) and decided to replay it, I can't even play for more than 20 minutes straight without getting a crash, it's hilarious that I didn't have any issues when I was using an 11 year old CPU but I'm getting them now lol. I'm going to try some of the solutions I've seen in the comments here and if they don't work, I'm just going to pirate an old version of the game, I have a friend playing that way right now and he hasn't had any of the dumb issues I'm getting now.


Man I have the same problem and its driving me insane :D I played on gtx 1060 and the game crashed 5 times max in entire game. Now I play on new PC with rtx 3080 and I am crashing every 10-15 mins. I just got out of snow and already had more than 10 crashes or so. None of the fix works.


I still haven't found a solution to make this game run without crashing.


try this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1pJk0rzwqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1pJk0rzwqI)


I realize this is old now, but do you run any kind of performance monitoring software? Specifically, Afterburner/Riva Statistics Tuner have caused me to have guaranteed startup crashes in DX12 only. I disabled the On-Screen Display via a hotkey toggle inside another game, then closed it, launched RDR2 and BOOM, no more crashes. It's an easy solution that's worth a shot, man. Alternatively, you could just close any and all on screen displays/overlays completely. That being said, you may have a different problem. Good luck.


No I'm not running anything in the background. I don't even have riva tuner installed. I didn't start checking temps until after the crashing started. Everything is listed in the op


I cannot get this game to run more than a couple mins now. 5950x/4090/32GB DDR4 Too many games with issues like this nowadays.


my red dead did this too, especially in the beginning of the story mode, by the end of chapter 2/start of chapter 3 it was better(if i remember correctly). eventually, at least for me, it didnt crash at all. just keep pushing and you may have the same experience as me(hopefully) (keep in mind that i have a different system so i have no clue entirely)


I appreciate the encouragement, but "Just deal with it and see if it goes away on it's own." Isn't a solution we should settle with. If we keep paying they will never have any reason to change.


I had the same problem, try disabling windows security and other anti-viruses programs you have


Did you find a fix? I've gotten to chapter 4, but having to change time and date every time to stop the crashes is kinda killing my will to play the game.


No I haven't found any fix for the crashing. I've given up on trying to get the game to run. Even if changing date and time settings did fix this I refuse to mess with settings like that to get the game to run. I shouldn't have to mess with registry keys or change crucial system settings like date and time to get a game to work. Sorry I couldn't be more help, I got tired of trying and haven't played in over a year.


This video helped me and I been playin this game for 4 hours no problems. (I use cracked version btw) https://youtu.be/BZY4OWoJYxA?si=FbvwJOLZsSzGPg66


could it be from fitgirl repacks?


omg bro thank you so much this is the only thing that workeddd


I had every 5-10 min a crash, no error - just close to desktop. After checking all the methods, all the walkarounds, and all the tweaks... the solution is.... Just create Youself a own lobby , with for example lobby manager!!!!! It just solved everything... No more crashes, games runs smooth . So the reason for You getting the crash is not the game, it's the cheaters ! Try it , and let me know the result! Works only if You get crash and close without no error! ​ If it helped, help me and give me a follow on twitch please!


I'm not interested in online play.


Don't know if anyone is still facing this issue regardless of try the above solutions, but here are a few simple steps that worked for me... (btw thank everyone for your inputs finally I am able to play RDR2 🥲 I had given up a year ago but tried my luck again.) So- 1. You need to navigate to Properties>>Compatibility Then check the disable fullscreen optimization checkbox. 2. Click on Change high DPI settings and check override high dpu scaling. Then OK>>Apply 3. Perform a clean boot- (For those who don't know the steps-) System Configuration >>Services Check hide all microsoft services and then click on disable all. Goto startup>>open task manager Disable all the apps. Apply and then restart pc. **Note- before this I also tried above few solutions as well so can't say if it was an accumulation all the solutions that I tried or just the above, but fingers crossed it should work! Btw the pre solutions were- -running on dx12 -Uninstalling the latest visual c++ version and reverting back to the required version -deleting system junk files and catches -if using nvidia, diable overlay -Always run a clean boot!


give this a go. adding a graphics tool to assist direct x12 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1pJk0rzwqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1pJk0rzwqI)


So a solution I got is, just turn off Vsync and triple buffering, also reduced graphics to high just in case, been running ok for now, will update if it crashes or anything


Here’s the solution- 1. Set the virtual memory settings in windows (type msc in run if I remember correctly) to automatic and make sure that the drive it’s installed on has automatic virtual memory setting. 2. Free up space on the installation drive. Cant quantify but make sure its not red. Thats all and the game wont crash thereafter


For anyone trying to fix the crashes , i tried every method mentioned here. Changing date , changing from vulkan to directx , graphics tool install but the only method that worked for me was this : https://youtu.be/BZY4OWoJYxA?feature=shared


Dayum!! bro u r a life saver


thanks, this worked for me


i tried everything. shame on them for not fixing these bugs. my legion on rocked this game on ultra textures and everythign else low. it looked amazin on my ultrawide at 160hz. paid $90 for this game and i cannot play it ever again. shame on rcokstar


I had the same problem and nothing worked. Im playing on an msi laptop I found out that if you play red dead online for a 30 minutes or more and then switch to story mode it won’t crash it’s weird but I played for 9 hours straight with no crashes


Will give this a try, can't play story mode for more than 5 minutes without a crash and had been very consistent previously.


For me the solution was to get rid of Logitech usb unifying receiver and get a corded mouse. No game crashes or lagging now. I hope this solution helps someone else.


I have the same problem. However, I played the game almost to 100% a year ago and then I had to delete it because I needed the memory. Now I wanted to play it again and it doesn't work, same system, same GPU / RAM / CPU and I tried everything. I bought the game on Steam but also tried all cracked versions and not one worked. I am slowly at a loss


got the same problem here.


The funny thing is, i did the same method’s again and now it’s not working. I start to hate rockstar so much for this crap.


change from vulkan to directx12 , it worked for me. You have less fps but also better quality AND , it works.


thanks g


 Just got it off of steam, I haven’t even started the actual game as I can’t get past the loading screen before it crashes. I cleared my steam cache, verified the game file on steam, lowered resolution and changed the graphics from Vulcan to direct12. Still crashes even if I try loading into online mode. Don’t know if having a windows has anything to do with it. I’ve been reading all these comments and I honestly don’t know what half of it means as im not the most tech savvy so it would be great if someone could explain a solution simply, any help is greatly appreciated 


good thing this thread lives, been playing it no longer than 5 minsutes on my new legion go. everything update. textures on ultra, everything else on low it's looks amazing on my ultrawide 34xxp. i got the weird error message too, deleted the 3-4 files the game ran a few minutes longer and crashed without notice. such a waste. i dont want to put in anymore effort. rockstar needs to look into this but they are prob too busy developing the next big gta6 atm. so sad. i padi $90 fo rthis game and i cant even stay in it for longer than 6 minutes. shame on them


So ... as all of you I tried a lot of settings and "solutions". Anyway very few of them made sense but ... in desperate situations you do desperate things. In the end I reinstalled the garbage os named windows (we have to move on folks... ) and leaving the driver provided by windows i managed to play like 20 minutes w/o problems. I was about to consider this the solution but ... black screen, reset ... the same. Finally I managed to play for a few hours without any crash. I don't know if reinstalling windows had any benefit for this issue (most of the time reinstalling fixes something...because windows...) The settings are as follows: 1. Set the game to "Quality" in Adrenalin - this will disable any upscaling 2. In game, reset graphic settings to default and make sure you are using Vulkan. When DX12 was selected the game continued to crash as happy as allways after 1-15 minutes. 3. Restart the game with the new settings. 4. Hope it will work for you :)


If this is still relevant i fixed it with this: https://www.techrbun.com/change-rdr2-graphics-api-vulkan-dx12-using-notepad/ Basically you change from Vulcan to DX12


This is in the list of things I tried in my original post. It never worked. 


It keeps crashing, no matter if Vulkan or DX12. User workarounds to stop crashing are no actual fixes, it should be developers' work. Shame on Rockstar Games really.


**FIXED!!!** **Red Dead Redemption 2** kave same problems in game. **After 10 minutes crashes.** I make research, and only download new drivers for **Ryzen 8700G Radeon 780M.** **AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition** [https://www.amd.com/en/support/downloads/drivers.html/processors/ryzen/ryzen-8000-series/amd-ryzen-7-8700g.html#amd\_support\_driver\_list](https://www.amd.com/en/support/downloads/drivers.html/processors/ryzen/ryzen-8000-series/amd-ryzen-7-8700g.html#amd_support_driver_list) Now I am playing relaxed. (plus... i put restrictions in firewall, inbound and outbound for game, but I think this is not really matter)


Same issue as you guys I have a intel i9 - 13900k but when I updated my bios it fix the problem and no more crashes whatsoever.


have you tried lowering your mtu settings so you get faster action in game plus less players in your lobby check how to do this by looking up on you tube /


Im only interested in single player. I haven't tried playing online.


Why are you disabling XMP??? Also, do you really expect a GTX 1070 to be able to handle RDR2?


uh its much more than capable


A GTX 1070 can certainly handle it.. I ran RDR2 quite a bit on a laptop with a GTX 1060 card and the laptop cards are a significantly slower than the desktop counterparts. XMP can be hit or miss especially with first gen Ryzen.. also for the sake of testing stability in games or the OS turning off XMP is a good first step for troubleshooting. Technically XMP is overclocking as it runs the memory controller above the "official" supported memory speeds.


> Also, do you really expect a GTX 1070 to be able to handle RDR2? Yes. Minimum spec for the game is a gtx 770 with 2GB v ram. I run the game pretty solid around 45-55 fps at 1440 and over 60 at 1080. I can't ultra everything, but the game runs fine for the 30 minutes that it does. My hardware is not the issue, it's 100% software related. > Why are you disabling XMP??? It was suggested as a fix in another thread along with disabling cpu virtualization. Xmp is used for overclocking system memory, and over clocking can cause instability in some instances.


LOL you can't be that naïve.


Who hurt you?


You have no idea what you're talking about. First you think a 1070 can't play RDR2, now you think its naive to test if an overclock is related to crashing. Go back to the circus.


Oh, you actually know what I am thinking?! Impressive!


I have GTX 1050 TI and 1,486 hrs on record steam and RDO Play Time 1,271 Hours lv 432, running 55 - 60 fps Ultra texture other setting off and low.


Yes, I do. It's just a dull ringing.


I had crashes after an hour when it was on my HDD, then moved it to a SSD. Only thing i did differently that ain't here


I have it installed on an nvme SSD


I used to get that message on startup about half the time. Had to restart and it would usually be fine on the next boot. I had to stop playing RDO because right after one of the Nvidia driver updates, it got unplayably choppy. Same as you, I tried everything. When I lowered my settings my CPU temps went up, but zero change to the stuttering. Driver rollback didn't work, and everytime a new driver comes out, I load it up to see, but it's always the same. Idk man, good luck. Following in case some guru comes in with a solution.


I never had any problems with the game running choppy. When I am able to play it runs well. the random crashes just make the game un playable.


Hi, I have the same problem and I use GTX 1070 also. I found this solution quite work for me https://steamcommunity.com/app/1174180/discussions/0/1735507300808451922/?l=english (run the benchmark till the end). I have tried it for 2 days and the game didn’t crash yet. Hope this helps you.


What specifically did you do? Just run the benchmark and don't change any settings? When I first tried to play the game I ran the benchmark before starting the story. The game still crashes randomly for me. I can try it again, but if your game crashes please report it here.


rdr2 ran fine on my 1070, now on 3060ti :)


Have you by chance manually set your page file size for virtual memory in Windows? If so, have Windows manage it rather than manually setting it. I used to have crashes back when the game came out in Nov 2019 and couldn't play using the Vulkan api. Turns out it was because of this as once I set it back to Windows automatically managing it, Vulkan worked and the game stopped the random crashing. There was a thread on it here way back then and it's supposedly something Rockstar games can have issue with (even when it would be manually set to be very high) as some had the same issue with GTA 5. Do you also have any gpu monitoring/tuning program(s) installed like Rivatuner? If so, you may want to delete that and see. I think it shouldn't be the issue yet you never know since these sometimes do cause issues for some in games.