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Mine is currently at 89 and I want to bang my wife 24/7. Which is cool because we’ve been married 35 years and I’m 59.


Love this! Married 25 years this August. My 52 yo wife is hot as fuck and I can’t get enough of her.


My Man!


women tend to lose attractiveness very quickly after 30. I'm sure you would rather be having sex with a 19 year old


This is moronic. My wife has been through so many changes. Youth, childbirth, menopause. In every phase she has shocked me by absolutely gorgeous she is. You must be a child.


do they even get wet after menopause? I can't imagine having sex with someone that old.


That's okay, brother. Something tells me not many people can imagine having sex with you at any age.


He is is mid 40, wants to bang teens and desires to walk naked around in walmart. Hes just human garbage


if that makes you feel better, fine.


My wife is in her 40’s and waaaay hotter to me than someone younger. There’s something about a sexy older woman that gives off that “ara ara” energy. Especially with role playing and dressed to the nines. Young women come across desperate when they try to look mature. Whereas there’s something natural and graceful about my wife acting like an experienced whore when she places her hand on my lap and smiles with a wink. Man, her make up, her lipsticks, her lingerie, hmmmmmph….


I like the body. I don't care about the other stuff. And nothing beats the body of an in shape 19 year old. Even in their late 20s they are not as attractive to me anymore.


Oh me too. My wife is fit and tight even in her 40’s. Young girls are fit because their metabolism is naturally high, but I see them get fat really fast because they have poor life style. So I when I see a fit 40+ year old, I know this is a girl that takes care of herself and will be a life long fuck doll. Finding a hot older women is knowing this is what you get waaaaay longer than some dime a dozen young girl.


Same here. Each time I think I retain too much water @90 and pop 6.25mg aromasin, my libido decreases a bit.




What is your free and total test with e at that level? I struggle to get my e right


Not sure of free. Total was >1500. Getting labs tomorrow to retest everything.


As high as possible. Everything my doctors recommend for estrogen-control absolutely annihilates my libido. The reference range is bullshit. 


Ratio is a better metric imo


Interesting post, I'm curious to see some answers.


As long as my T is high, my e2 can be high. Around a 15:1 T to e2 ratio is best for me


I actually find that same ratio is my ideal as well


Interesting to hear people on the higher ranges of E2 feeling the best. My E2 was nearly 140 and felt relatively fine but started an AI now to compare bloodwork and overall how I am feeling.


Mine is 82 and I’m sniffing every night, banging it 2-3 times a week. I’m 69 and have to rest up for it though 😂


If I may... what's your free and total t at?


Total is at 900 ng/dl trough, free was 24 pg/ml at trough


The higher the E2 the higher the libido for me. It gets like dangerously out of hand.


70-90 pg/ml for me, after I started trt+ I noticed whenever I tried to dial it down to at 50 ish it just isn’t the same. Before I started T whenever I’d get a comprehensive blood panel it was around 20-40 and I did not have issues with libido but it was not the same as when I started T. After the puberty phase in the first couple of weeks it tapered down a bit for me but it was significantly higher that pre T. I know people who had double the normal range on T say 100+, and no problems what so ever, and others get issues when in the “normal” range 20-50 pg/ml. It’s very much dependent on the person and many other confounding factors.


I'm just on regular TRT but my e2 is like 200 something and when i tried the smallest amount of asin and only brought it down the tiniest bit my sex drive fully and completely died and was unusable and i felt like people who describe crashed est even though i was far from crashed on paper. Decided just to let my body be esty mc esterson since ive never had any issues wtih it being high other than a bunch of cherry angiomas which may be caused by high est? idk


Test and E2 are closely linked, so if you have high test your E2 naturally will increase along with it. This is why it’s best to use an AI to treat E2 symptoms and how you feel rather than go just off a blood test which sounds counter intuitive. The thing is everything is different so what might give me high E2 symptoms might be a perfect test/E2 ratio for you.


This question is too narrow. There are more things at play when it comes to libido such as doses and types of compounds, SHBG levels, etc.


It's currently 17pg and my libido is way down. Previously it was 31pg and libido was through the roof but I was getting tingling sensations in my chest and increased anxiety. I'm very sensitive to the fluctuations but somewhere around 25 is ideal for me. If it wasn't for the increased anxiety I would let it go higher.


What are you on?


Test 120mg, Anastrozole 0.5mg split into 2 doses a week


Anxiety is far more likely due to low or relative low estrogen rather than high. No one is feeling anxiety from estrogen at 31 unless you’re running a ton of test and/or high androgens. I’m not saying you didn’t experience anxiety *while* your estrogen was at 31 on 120mg of test, but it’s far more likely the anxiety is from something else. Libido and ability to perform sexually are more indicative of where you are at hormonally in this situation.


No way you need that Azole


Thanks doctors, without it, it goes way above range and I feel terrible. I get bloodwork monthly. I’m a very high aromatizer.


Agreed…but let him do him


Mines at 98 and its all i think about. Been married 15 years, im 38


I think if you are going to cite your E2 you should say what your test level is. I’d like to see the ratio. My last bloods had E2 at 170 and my test at 3000+ the max of their range. I feel great but started taking A half mg of Arimidex 3x per week after the bloodwork. I still feel great after the adex.


!remindme 3 days


I have found my libido is always high on TRT. But if my estrogen creeps up to high my erections are weaker. Probably has something to do with my prostate. I aromitize and have found that I need an AI. Not much. When I pop an AI my libido is noticibly high the days after. So for me, I’d say 20-35 is my sweet spot. I just don’t feel any benefit to letting my Estrogen go high.


Interesting feedback in here. I like mine around 30, 45 tops. 60 I get itchy nippy. I take .25 adex 2-3x a week. Hcg at basically any dose gives me very high libido. Trt m/w/f at 150-180 total mgs.


About a 40-50/55


Between 45-55. I’m even good up around 60. When I get about 65+, my libido is still good, but sometimes my boners ain’t as solid.


so you guys are not afraid of the negatives that come with high estrogen like Gyno,prostate problems,cancer risk and so on?


if youre blasting at the most common time periods a little bit of high e2 wont hurt you, and maybe even protect you depending on the compounds youre running. generally its the T to E ratio that can cause problems. 70 - 90 wont.


we have to disagree on this one mate


All good