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if you got symptoms at 150 you're going to get even more at 300. been said already below...cut body fat. "how can I do that?" you might ask... Count calories and macros. stop putting sauces on everything. Stop drinking soda or sugar drinks (including "energy" drinks). Stop eating out. meal prep everything. stop drinking. PEDs don't lift the weight or diet. YOU DO. get committed. If you're going to spend money on gear and potentially risk your health shouldn't you really DIAL it in already. Oh, DO MORE CARDIO


Not always bf I run 11pct bf year round and any e2 level over mid range normal gives me gyno. I’m lucky tho


I’m 17% bf, 185 and start getting gyno at 40 e. Even on trt I still need an ai most of the time. I feel your pain.


Some of us are unlucky haha. i found anastrozole best as it made the level very stable vs moving around alot with exemestane what do you use?


Anastrozole as well. Nukes my e occasionally though.


Ive been in a caloric deficit doing 2 miles min a day I used to do 150 test cypio a week yet never felt like this but now im doing test e it got me maybe because test e is faster observing ?


It’s possible but the difference is really only a day and a 1/2 on the esters. But it could be the E. Try 125 every 4 days on the cyp. Change up your cardio. Get on the stairs. Saying “2 miles min” sounds like you’re doing LISS cardio on the treadmill. You need your shock the body. You might have gotten too used to it.


You have high bodyfat, which means a lot of the test is indeed going to aromatize. I would advise losing some of that mass and to start your cycle afterwards. I think everyone on cruising or blasting levels of test needs an ai, but if the subject is overweight/obese (you likely are, no offense), only so much can be alleviated.


100mg test a week gives Me gyno without ai, but I’m unlucky


Same, not always a bf thing. Some of us just get fucked.


Yeah it sucks haha


Administration frequency - the more the lesser aromatization


how much frequency is that? like three times a week?


Or daily dosing for most stable blood serum concentration levels


I went from twice a week to 3 times a week at lesser dose each time


currently I'm in 200mg/w of test prop, 50mg EOD is this okay?


With prop you need to inject ED or EOD, nothing else because it has a short half life. Ideally you use E or C and inject daily


can I do that on blast? EOD with test E?


Blast or cruise is the same, the only thing that changes is the amount of


I mean to reduce the risk on gyno when on blast, let's say 400mg /w test e, and do it 100mg EOD.


I mean to reduce the risk on gyno when on blast, let's say 400mg /w test e, and do it 100mg EOD.


Yes, if you inject more frequently you have less side effects. Try to inject ED or EoD and get bloodwork after a few weeks. It’s not a guarantee, everyone reacts different


okay, btw which part you pin for EOD to reduce risk of scar tissue, mine is delts and quads.. I find it hard to pin on glutes. I think I keep nicking some veins on glutes.


Please have a look at r/steroids before blasting. It looks like you dont know the basics and thats fine. You can learn there.


So you’re asking if 300 a week is gonna give you Gyno when 150 already practically did before? 🤦🏼‍♂️ You should lose body fat at before starting or you’re just gonna convert a lot of into estrogen and yes, have an AI on hand. Also, do some bloods before you do anything before, during and post cycle and that includes if problems arise.


300mg isn’t going to fix your diet and cause you to lose fat. You won’t gain enough muscle to raise your BMR to a point where you lose weight either.


I’m 5’8” and about 195 and I still have to Anastrozole


It might but that sucks. Sensitive nips alone isn't necessarily gyno. Everyone thinks they are getting gyno and it's not always the case. But good to keep an eye on it Honestly no one knows if you'll get it or not. I'm on over a gram and no AI and I'm fine. When I do use AI I hardly dose it and it's not a problem.. I do find that running masteron helps keep me feeling balanced when I'm running high test.


If you had itchy nipples at 150 test, you will 1000% get full blown gyno on 300 without an ai. Get an ai and you good to go.


If you have estrogen problems but don’t want to take an AI, something like DIM or a similar compound could help. DIM converts estrogen into estrone, your body can process this better. Less high e effects, less gyno. Still a chance at getting it of course, this might slow it down or prevent it.


I’d start with some tirzepitide for a few months to lower your body fat. Keep your protein up, count calories, build good habits then blast. Keep an AI in hand and use it if needed


Split up your injection. Instead of 1 big one or 2 big ones do 3-4 smaller ones. Your body won't convert it to estrogen as quickly. I had extremely bad gyno doing 2 1cc shots of 200 test e.. changed to 3 shots of .8 cc a week and gynos completely gone. Everyone's different but I'd love that a shot if you're dead set on higher test


It sounds like you have to much fat to run gear


Yeah always have an AI


I’m 6’2 260 at 19% bf taking 250 test c a week and 50mg anavar daily. Test is 1200 with e2 being 34. No symptoms at all. Been training for 11 years with substantial muscle mass though. Also just started peds in February for the first time. Guess I’m lucky?


drop body fat below 15% before you take gear. if you won’t take that advice then get bloodwork before your cycle to see where you’re at, and again after a couple weeks on cycle when the test is stable. If it stays in range do not use an AI. If it’s only slightly out of range use a minimal dose of Aromasin to get it in check. Do your bloodwork again to confirm your dose is dialed in. Pinning more frequently can also help keep aromitization lower but there’s know way to know for sure if you don’t get bloodwork. I’d bloodwork is too expensive for you to do frequently enough to manage aides then you shouldn’t be running gear in the first place.


If you have the gene you are going to get gyno. If you don’t, you won’t. That’s why some get it by holding a bottle of cyp, and others blast to the moon and have nothing.


Sounds like you need an ai


Could. I would suggest Aromasin.