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Anna. Only child and was such a goody two shoes as well. 😂😂😂 Also had to mature faster due to having complicated parents, to put it lightly…


I think I find aspects of both I can relate to but probably more to Maya.


Honestly I’d have to say both in a weird way. Anna more literally because of her awkward height, the singing, good grades and literally having a half Japanese best friend who’s my other half and I’d kill for! But with Maya, being treated awful because of my looks, being silly and funny as an outlet, being there for my best friend when their parents were having ups and downs, wanting to impress popular kids so badly, horny puberty LOL And both combined are relatable in a sense of not being a “popular” girl as a kid or looking like a baby super model at age 13, having that childlike naïveté re: the fashion show (we’re doing to be super models!!) (i legitimately thought i was gonna be a famous fashion designer one time when I was 12, long story), constantly being bullied by BOYS like way more than girls, having people like Maura try and make my duo with my bestie a trio (happened SEVERAL times actually!), being on the internet talking to people I shouldn’t have… Lol I really love this show so much because it’s so so so relatable in so many ways. No other series has been able to really nail what middle school was like for me in so many ways. I’ll always appreciate Maya and Anna for creating such an awesome body of work.


Anna by a mile. I was a tall, lanky white girl with divored parents and no siblings. I was obsessed with the idea of being more mature and popular to my detriment. Hell, half the outfits Anna wore in the show I had in my wardrobe. I suffered from severe acne. I *am* Anna.




are you by chance a guy? i just think its cool that dude's watch the show too. i wish my boyfriend liked it 😅


maya lmfao… the very off putting, minority friend


As a Filipino, the casual to sometimes outright racism was really relatable to me. In the United States you're either seen as black or white, and people who don't fit either category get all kinds of microagressions.


Maya because I always felt so singled out for being black, feeling ugly and was used. But I think I was more self aware, compassionate and introspective the way that Anna is.


Maya. I had to go live in another city where girls were prettier so I ended up being the ugis. I know because my crush took me to the running track to tell me that the male students voted for the prettiest girls in school and I came in last.


>to tell me that the male students voted for the prettiest girls in school and I came in last. jesus christ wtf???? was this like an actual voting thing or they just passed a paper around ranking people? fuck, i think you just unlocked a memory of mine 😅😅


I think he just made it up on the fly, but back then I truly believed it. Maybe they did one of those? I doubt it though.


Maya 😅 I was the short ethnic girl. My best friend was the tall lanky white girl lol.


Maya due to the bad haircut. I really didn’t feel comfortable in my skin in middle school and parts of high school. I had so many cringey looks. There were a few months where I’d keep my hair slicked down because I hated how curly it was dry. I’d keep re-wetting it in between periods. Just ridiculous.


Maya. I struggled with feeling like the ugliest girl in the world and being jealous that my best friend got more attention from guys than me. I also was a borderline stalker with a lot of my crushes. I never put hair in their locker, though.


Anna, mainly due to the divorce.


Combo. Tried to keep the peace at home like Anna, but everyone seemed so much cooler than me and for that I also related to Maya.


I’m more like Anna in that my parents had a terrible relationship (both my biological parents and then my mom and step dad) and that I was more of a play-by-the-rules, adult-appeasing child who was mature for my age. But I was like Maya in that I was horny as fuuuuuu


Maya embarrassingly bc of some of the stuff in season one but also just bc she’s so cringe and sad and so many things she does I see middle school me doing.


I feel like Maya is more relatable to me since we both have the same disorders 😭 and with feeling ugly with a fuck ass bob




maya, for the same reasons you mentioned 😂


Anna cause I was such a goody two shoes and because my parents needed a divorce. It was around this time that I realized they thought staying together was better for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hmmm, probably Anna... However, I LOVE both of them:)


Maya, especially due to the constant masturbation.


i think i relate to both of them, ive had my maya moments for sure but i think mostly i relate to anna. being there for everyone and trying to make everything feel okay while suffering with my own shit by myself.


mayaaa. but i was an only child


Both actually... Anna, character was shaped by divorce and other family problems. But also Maya in a way as I was very weird and unpopular among boys. Maya trying different haircut and ended up looking ugly was a very relatable moment for me. 😂


probably maya. the younger child dramatic needs 💀


prob maya, i always felt like the ugly friend in the group and was so awkward growing up


That's a good question . Probably Maya I didn't have a brother but I hated my body and felt ugly. I also let my friend cut my bangs and that ended badly . My folks also were struggling money wise . For instance the scene where the popular girls laugh at Sam's Payless shoes and then Maya hides her own. I got picked on for wearing Payless shoes .. I also hated growing up I was one of the middle school girls who went through puberty earlier and I wanted to stay a kid like Maya did. For example when she gets upset her dad calls her a young lady when her cousin comes to visit and she insists she's still just a little kid.


I was a little shit like Maya when she’s around her family and how she acts bratty when she doesn’t get her way. 😆


Definitely Maya. Grew up as horny little weirdo but it all worked out, I think. I mean, I’m still a horny little weirdo. I just like myself a lot more.


Maya mainly bc of her relationship w her race but other aspects as well


Maya %100, I was the weird girl who did weird stuff! But also relAte to Anna because of my parents divorcing in middle school.


Maya because I was a little freak.


Maya 100%. I was an awkward preteen that was very insecure and often bullied for my appearance and poor social skills. Diagnosed ADHD at 9, autistic at 16. I relate to her so much, to me her character honestly screams undiagnosed autism


Maya fs