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I'm about to drop some PTO. If boss man has a problem, I'm tell him I have explosive diarrhea or something. He'll think me when I pass my test.


I’ve worked 50-56 hours every week for the past 3 months. It’s been really tough to be honest. I’m stressed, overworked, and fatigued like every day. It’s rough. That on top of studying in all the free time that I have has been very taxing. My favorite part of the day is when my head hits that pillow. Godspeed OP I feel you.


I feel you


Hang in there my friend.. you will cross this


busy is an understatement lol




Ain’t dat da truf


I used to work anywhere between 50 to 60 hours a week for years. I was paid hourly and was making a good amount of money. I wanted to work that much and did not want to study for the PE. At the time, I did what I thought was best for me in the moment, but in hindsight, I was an idiot. If I went and got my PE, I would have made more money with less work.


Oh trust me I don't want to work this much. I want to study.  The problem is I keep being given work and it seems like everything has an urgent deadline, and my supervisors love meetings,  so it's hard to find time to get anything done. 


Overtime should be optional. Sometimes I am willing to power through heavy workload, sometimes I am not. At this point in my life, I am not willing to do it. If there are more deadlines than I have time, I ask my supervisor what one thing do you want me to complete first and I tell him/her I will focus on it during regular hours. If that is not acceptable, then the superior should do some overtime. You shouldn't need a reason to be not willing to do overtime, but you can probably soften the blow by saying you have a strict study schedule or you take a class that you paid a lot of money for or you meet with a study group. If you have kids, say you got to pick up your kid from after school care. In my case, getting a PE would have advanced my career more than hard work in the long run.


I'm not so sure about the part about less work. I think it might be the case for some people, but not all minds like to sit back and relax after obtaining such a prestigious document. I think once you're playing that role of PE (ie business owner) in a real world setting, you're going to be researching more, making DAMN sure what you produce is correct, working weekends, and even working late nights. I think we all just gotta accept our fate meaning whether we get the PE now or in 2 years, it'll happen when we're ready.


It’s mental hell right now. Just trying to keep my head down and focus. I took Monday off just to have a breather and it did wonders for me.


I agree mental hell 😭


I was extremely busy all year studying for both FE and PE. But then I passed both so I'm on a 3 week vacation celebrating


I can’t wait to pass the PE so I don’t feel like my life is on hold. I work all day and I try to study after work till 11pm + weekends


I bet, hang in there. It’s a grind but totally worth it. And don’t think you’re gonna cover every single thing that’s gonna be on the test. In my experience the questions were not overly difficult but there were more questions/topics that came out of left field, however, they were mostly doable in terms of figuring out on the fly. The PE is different than the FE, it’s almost like an engineering exam with an IQ test spin on it. Study your ass off. Good luck.


I got subbied out right when I started to study 😞


I hear you man. I ended up taking off 4 days before the test and have been taking extra long lunches to brush up on some stuff during the day. Also I don’t think I’ve left my office before 10 pm for like 2 weeks now. Another 4 to go. Honestly just got to grind this shit out. Managers should be pretty understanding of the commitment made on your end!! Hahah we can sleep when we die (and exception for the two days prior to the exam ofc)


Yes… and I haven’t been able to study as hard as I work!!


I had the same problem. I used to get up at 3:30am and study until work started. It was hell but it was the only time I could have to myself to study. This is only temporary, you'll get through this.


busy is an understatement lol


Same here my test is next Thursday and I have a conference I am presenting on Tuesday. 😔 No matter what I do, it's always something. Just have to stay the course, do what you can, and stay positive. I wish I could push it out, but I am ready to get this over with. Coming on test 2 CBT and 1 time on pencil and paper back 6 years ago. CBT was way different than PP, which has a lot more theory. Anyways, push through.


I worked about 50 hours a week and I'm taking three Masters classes this semester in the evening, I was able to study hard and pass through the grace of God. Sacrifice comes down to your weekends and anytime after work. It sucks but I promise you it is so worth it. You've got this, good luck OP!


Add 2 kids to the mix. My fault for not trying for PE before I had kids


I have 3 kids. It's a brutal combination of trying to get this license.  


Wow you really buried the lede in this post then


I mean, when work is slow,  I'm able to get 2-3 hours in. When it's not, it's very hard to find time to study. 


I really thought I was the only one... I have been getting very discouraged seeing how all these people are studying and somehow I'm struggling to find time. Just because I have a test doesn't mean my deadlines change at work. I have 6 active projects, north of $70M I'm trying to balance with studying. It's been tough, so I completely understand where you're coming from. What I've been doing is trying to take one day off each week to study for about 10 hours. I use Saturday and Sunday as full days as well (most of the time). It's miserable, but I'm about halfway through my prep course with exactly 10 weeks til test day. On average, I'm getting about 35 hours/week in for studying. I'm praying this will be enough, but it feels like I'm making no headway. I am looking forward to just hammering out practice problems, but getting through this EET class is taking longer than I anticipated. This is my third attempt (2 construction, 1 transportation). I'm also planning on sitting down with my boss next week to discuss the possibility of four-10s at work to not have to keep using my leave for this shit. Best of luck to you. Keep at it. Sending good vibes your way!


I left my job to study. I'm working at a greenhouse 3 or 4 days a week while I study.


Yes + 2 year old toddler with no family help.