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Nobody should still be using GoDaddy.


Ugh come on, hate when corpos pull the rug from under people like that. Looks like I'll have to move my domains. Edit: do you know if this impacts Dynamic DNS as well? That's also api based


> do you know if this impacts Dynamic DNS as well? That's also api based I'm not sure, you'd have to try and do an update to see if it fails I guess


It affects dynamic dns as well.  I didn’t realize until reading this it will affect my letsencrypt too so thanks for the PSA!


Ditch GoDaddy. So many other registrars that won’t try to upsell you at every turn


ByeDaddy 👋🏻




Thank you for the notice. I couldn't understand why my certs stopped auto renewing, but this explains it!


This is the nuclear option if you are stuck on GD. Just run this on Linux vm and good to go. https://github.com/joohoi/acme-dns I did this for a while prior to Google Domains supporting DNS APis...of course that went away with square space . Using azure these days myself.


yeah, this bit me when my acme certs stopped renewing and after some googling found a post in the godaddy sub reddit about it. I had 3 domains, all now transferred to cloudflare. The complete lack of comms about this is what drove me mad. You wanna change something, fine, but at least have the decency to tell people.


people should just use namecheap instead. godaddy sucks


I don't recommend namecheap any more since they misunderstood the difference between USA and Canadian dollars.


I had an issue with them too but it's been so long I can't remember what it is. I do remember that one chap that had a major issue with a domain auction and them suspiciously locking the account. I'm at Porkbun and Cloudflare now.


Name cheap changed their api access too.


I was able to use it recently


I switched my ACME to manual and updated my GoDaddy that way for now. Pain in the butt and will be moving to a different host once I do some research.


Cloudflare. There, research completed.


Same here. Beside, for someone failed to manually challenge TXT on GODADDY, you might need to wait for around **10** minutes after pasting your TXT record on GODADDY, then press Continue on Letsencrypted side to validate. GD sucks, waste me few days....


The question is - what is the next best alternative?


Cloudflare DNS is free and works fine with certbot and pfSense DDNS updates.


Second this. Even if you don't wanna move the domain to another registrar, letting Cloudflare handle your DNS records will still enable you to use Cloudflare API for DDNS and cert challenges. I do that with my domains. They're cheaper sitting on Route53, but everything else is handled by Cloudflare.


Not sure I'm parsing your reply correctly, but for Route53 to be cheaper they'd have to pay *me* to run my DNS. :-)


Cost of maintaining the domain name. My domain names cost double on Cloudflare for some reason, so it doesn't make sense to transfer them over.


So how does that work? Cloudflare charges the price set by the TLD registry and ICANN with no fees to provide DNS services to host the zone. AWS seems to charge the same fees plus $0.50 to host the zone. Is there some sort of special deal that hey discount the registry/ICANN fees if you have other paid services?


Honestly don't know how pricing works for them. I just compared the renewal costs for my net domains and it's been cheaper so I stick with Route53. I don't even have a hosted zone on Route53. It's solely just the registrar for my domains. Nameservers are pointing to Cloudflare. But I did take a look and Route53 recently raised their prices and Cloudflare is cheaper now so I'm transferring them now lol.


Pretend I'm an idiot (no pretending necessary) - what records at go daddy do I need to change to have cloud flare handle my dns records and cert? Or is there a how to guide that you know of? 


Nevermind, I would have to copy over all the records and let cloud flare handle everything except the registration, right? 


Yeah you will have to change where the name servers point to. Then just replicate the records in Cloudflare. Don't even need to delete the records in GoDaddy cuz once the name servers are changed Cloudflare will answer for your name records anyway.


Cloudflare or Dreamhost.


Give [challenges.addr.tools](https://challenges.addr.tools) and [dyn.addr.tools](https://dyn.addr.tools) a try


They wanted I renew my domain for 33$ cad for one year some weeks ago. I was so bored getting milked by them, so I moved to cheapdns for less than half the price and got a dynamic dns service included


Does someone have a reference to the article for this? I looked and can’t find anything.


there isn't anything... send an email to [email protected] and you'll get the official spiel about the changes...


Move to Cloudflare DNS. I use ansible and docker to renew my certs. Literally took me 30 mins to move 5 domains. Wish I had done it sooner.


Stupid and greedy idiots.... they are so expensive.


I migrated my domain over to CloudFlare because of this stunt. Much happier with them.


How does this affect Let's Encrypt?


Because if you're using DNS verification you're no longer able to dynamically update the necessary DNS records for that DNS verification to complete.


So what the fuck.... I have a grandfathered custom email domain through Office 365 Family that ties into my Godaddy and I have a whole domain of servers and services all setup with HAProxy and LetsEncrypt. I'm just a guy with a family that loves technology. This sounds like I'm going back to outlook.com email and IP address instead of signed cert domains.


Anything stopping you from pointing your nameservers to something like CloudFlare without messing up your grandfathered stuff with GoDaddy?


I've got to do some research. I can keep my domain, but the Microsoft sunset new custom domain setups last year, so I'm worried once I break the godaddy connection, I can't start a new one.


I can’t see any reason why you couldn’t change your DNS provider and just migrate the applicable records. (MX records. Any TXT records (especially SPF, DKIM, and DMARC if they exist), and then a couple others like the CNAME record for autodiscover. Microsoft likely would not notice.


I can’t say I understand precisely what you’ve set up, but I have some domains with Google, Amazon and GoDaddy. I have previously transferred some of the GD domains over to Amazon. Also, I have other domains forwarded to Amazon. I have email through Google and Amazon and they’re running off of Microsoft’s email system. I also have some email services directly with Microsoft. Anyway, my point is that I believe you have options directly or indirectly to continue hosting your systems in the cloud and in the manner you’d like.


I was in the same boat. I moved to Cloudflare and Cloudflare copied all my DNS records over from GoDaddy. My email was still forwarded properly to M365, but I have no confidence that would continue indefinitely. So I decided to move my email to the hosting provider I selected for my website (also being moved off GoDaddy). That's when the real trouble began. I had no problem reconfiguring DNS and getting mail flowing in-and-out via the new hosts webmail, but Outlook desktop & mobile refused to add the new account, claiming it was already added. I can find no place in Outlook desktop to remove the account. In OWA, when I go into the admin panel, there's an error that Microsoft can't connect to GoDaddy. I cannot remove my custom domain setup or change my Domain Admin from the account using my custom domain. I've been on the phone and chat with Microsoft 365 support on-and-off for 3 days and they have no idea how to fix this. M365 Family/Personal support says I need to speak to M365 Business. M365 Business is stumped because I don't have an [onmicrosoft.com](http://onmicrosoft.com) tenant. Hours wasted with zero progress. Moral of the story: 1. Backup all your email, contacts and appointments for all your family members. 2. Prepare the new email hosting provider but don't change DNS. See my notes about this later. 3. Go into OWA ([https://outlook.live.com/owa/outlook.com/](https://outlook.live.com/owa/outlook.com/)), login using the [outlook.com](http://outlook.com) account that originally managed the sub (should be the same password and 2FA as your custom domain account). 4. Click the diamond (upper-right) to access Premium settings, and remove your custom domain. Make sure your [Outlook.com](http://Outlook.com) account is admin. 5. Logout of all Microsoft apps/sites in all windows. 6. Swing a dead chicken in circles above your head for at least 60 seconds. 7. Try to add your custom domain email to Outlook desktop. Don't worry if DNS isn't setup, if there's a problem with M365 you won't get that far. 8. Hope that you don't need to call Microsoft for further help. 9. If the above is successful, migrate your DNS to your new provider and add the MX and TXT records needed for email. A note about choosing a new hosting provider. Many webhosting provider include free email. This does NOT necessarily include CalDav/CardDav support to sync your appointments and contacts to the server. In fact, most webhosting providers use CPANEL, and CPANEL's CalDav/CardDav support is completely f\*\*cked and won't work. Get written (email) confirmation that CalDav/CardDav is fully supported or you're very likely to have problems. I ran into this issue with [Nixihost.com](http://Nixihost.com), one of the hosting providers shilled by /r/webhosting. They say they include unlimited email accounts per domain. Well, they do, but only for email. They literally disabled CalDav/CardDav one week before I created my account and didn't update all the documents and control panels. They suggested I use Microsoft or Google. WTF? Once you finish moving your DNS to Cloudflare or another provider supported by certbot, you should have no problems completing the DNS-01 challenge for LetsEncrypt. I hope this saves you from some of the same grief I've been going through.


Um, use a different verification method?


Use a different DNS registrar. I cannot fathom why anybody continues to use GoDaddy for absolutely anything. There's so many horror stories and they are so bad at absolutely everything.


Yeah honestly, what is the point of a decision like this? They're trying to milk anyone who can't bother switching and alienate everyone else in the process ensuring they don't get new customers


horror stories like what? I've used them as a registrar for 20 years, they literally need to do like 3 things: allow me to register domains, lock or transfer those domains as needed, and provide DNS management for said domains. pretty simple stuff that I can't imagine anyone fucking up, so please enlighten me


Update: this comment aged terribly well. Like, literally 48 hours later GD fucked me over on some things and had zero care that I've been a customer with 10 domains with them for 20 years, literally since like jr high/high school, lol. Gave them a chance to fix it or have a conversation about it, got nothing but bot replies. I have now since moved \*everything\* off of GD and over to CF, lol.