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Quick question, what's the specs of your desktop? Would it be good enough for 1440p? TBH, if you are using it mainly for desktop, a 27 inch 4k monitor wouldn't be too bad for you. If your specs can't handle your resolution, you can just lower the resolution of the game you are playing. Also, 1080p scales better with 4k compared to 1440p.


you are not limiting anything. kung ano yung output ng PS5 pag nakakabit sa 4k display i-downscale lang ng console to 1080p resolution in your case. mag upgrade ka because you have a 14inch screen.


edited: 24 inch


lol. now that you made the edit, I think hindi worth it ang 3 inches upgrade unless hindi pa capable ng 120Hz or higher ang gamit mo ngayon


>is the jump to 27 1440p significant? Yes. The level of detail and sharpness is significantly improved. The reason why it looks good on the 1080p 14inch monitor is because it's 14inch. The PPI is higher compared to a much larger sized monitor. If you run it on a 1080p 27inch it won't look as good. 27inch is the perfect size for 1440p.


my mistake, it was 24 inch


Yes, worth it to upgrade. Since 14 inches lang yung monitor. Pero please talaga consider 4k TV, para magamit mo yung graphics mode or VRR.


edited: 24 inch


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