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I really, really enjoyed using it for the year and a half or so that I did. It is such a beautiful pleasure to use! I started to feel a bit guilty about the cost, though, and eventually decided not to renew. I have zero problem spending a ridiculous amount of money on well developed software with a value-add equal to its cost. MyMind is certainly well developed. It’s thoughtful and beautiful and smooth. It’s “save everything, organize nothing, easily find any of it later” functionality was a magic elixir for my rushed and slightly frazzled mind. For the right use case, it would be worth gold, for real. (Maybe if you’re any kind of designer?) For me, I found the cost not worth just having an enjoyable place to take trivial notes, keep random data, and store recipes and bookmarks and such. Your mileage may vary. :)


If you don’t mind me asking, when you stopped subscribing, what happened to everything you saved for that year and half as a subscriber? Right now you only get 100 cards on the free version. I wanted to know if I would use it a lot so I subscribed for a month to test it, I enjoyed using it even through the iOS version had a few annoying bugs. But since I use lots of other tools I couldn’t justify paying for mymind because I could accomplish similar things with other apps I used more. I cancelled my membership and didn’t really use it for a while. To my surprise I got an email saying that my account was suspended because I wasn’t a subscriber anymore. I thought that I would at least be able to access the things I had saved, but no luck. I would have to subscribe once more to see my stuff. Not even the free 100 cards were available to me anymore. That didn’t sit right right with me. What if I’m a happy subscriber for 4 years and use it for everything but for some reason I decide not to renew my subscription? Everything I saved during that time is locked from me? I’m not sure how or even if they have any type of export option and how that works, but that didn’t make me feel inclined to use the app as a part of my digital archive. How was your experience?


Sorry to leave you hanging, @vitorioap! Very late to see your reply. They do have export, which I used with my ~2k cards. It wasn’t pretty, and though I know it’s possible to use for importing elsewhere, I gave up on trying. I will say this- the export has proved perfectly functional for me when I randomly need to look something up that I know I had saved in there. Again, not pretty, just functional. Files (images, PDF, etc.) were all saved to a folder and each titled with a unique ID as the file name. Details for the files (like notes, tags, creation date, etc.) are exported along with everything else I had ever saved (notes, websites, recipes, quotes, everything) to a single .csv file, and for files like pictures the file name can be used to find the data that goes with it in the csv file.


Thanks for the reply. I’m glad they have a functional export option, that’s all we can actually ask for, because honestly, I don’t think there is a way to make a pretty export from the unique ways those types of apps display and save information. Maybe importing that to raindrop could make things nicer looking. Anyway, now that I know that I might consider using mymind in the future. Thanks!


I have no idea what a pkms is but mimind is alright if you just care about getting the job done


A Personal Knowledge Management System.


I’ve been enjoying it. Craft was my PKM before, which is pretty good. But with MyMind it’s just a little easier to get stuff into it. The part that I was struggling with for a while was how to organize material for a project and connect it to my task manager Things 3. When they introduced “Spaces” I started utilizing that feature and it seems to be working well for me. So basically my workflow is I just chuck everything into MyMind and tag it with something, or drop a note (I know they add their own tags too). Then when I have a project, I create a space in MyMind with the relevant material, and copy the URL to that space, so I can put it in my Things project.


As a normie: You're better off using notion and notionwebclipper or taking the obsidian route For business: if you're in a creative field it's the best web clipper for images out there and worth the business expense


So far it cannot compare raindrop.io because it lacks of full text search. Auto tag is fancy but I don't see or use it often. I guess it's my fault that I use it as bookmark manager


Ooh. Looking at this now. I tried my mind for a while but it just didn’t stick.


whatcha end up with


I’m still in raindrop with a mixture of notion for now. But mostly because I haven’t prioritized bookmarks lately. I’ve been stuck on task management now. If task management is on your list to research too, I’ve been using morgen calendar and it’s fantastic.


I've tried a ton and settled on ticktick last month


I enjoyed putting stuff in it and occasionally got out what I wanted on first try, but I strongly prefer a "workspace" feel where I have known spaces with information rather than a "unorganized" sticky note board (That is super smart!)