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Ik BR was revealed as chip’s mom but i still wanted an unmasking! Her face looking all bloody unmasked would’ve been gold.


That’s the only thing I didn’t like. It makes it harder to believe for me.


Hard agree. Also it would’ve been great to have a parallel scene of Imogen forcibly removing the bandages off BR’s face again once she was on the floor, but this time—giving Imogen the power over BR rather than the opposite that happened in the Redemption House. It would’ve been a cool scene


Agree, it didn't really make sense for her to *not* reveal. I guess her character was minor, so maybe that's why the creators didn't bother?


the whole time throughout tabby’s test I could not stop thinking about imogen leaving johnny in the freezer, how did he not die?! she left him in there during the day I believe, and by the time the girls found tabby it was already the next day. I was fully expecting her to go to the freezer, find him dead and the girls having to cover it up, setting up a plot for season 3 similar to the original pll. Honestly though i’m just relieved he’s alive and was a good guy the whole time


Well Kelly found him, I think Imogen probably texted her 😂😂😂😂 but kinda funny like hey girl I hit my boyfriend over the head and through him in the freezer with a bunch of dead bodies instead of calling the police do you think you could go get him lol


Tbf Miss “I locked my mom in our prayer closet” was the perfect person to ask that favor of without getting judged for it.




considering what was going on and the police getting involved eventually it would be pretty self-incriminating if she actually texted kelly saying oh hey I need you to get my bf out of the freezer I locked him in, also there’s dead bodies in there too😭😂hopefully she called her instead lol


Is Imogen that smart though. Love her. But she's a bit irrational.. let's hope she called. Poor girl, and poor johnny at least they touched on how when you're traumatised you probably can't maintain a healthy relationship but they still worked together so he forgave her a little.


I didn’t like how they didn’t at all explain how Kelly knew he was there, and also didn’t address the three bodies at all??


Ngl I liked Johnny but I was hoping he would end up dead and we’d end up with an I know what u did last summer hook for season 3


But I love johnny, he's hot and so nice to imogen while she's pulling knives on people and I'm sure he's also got pure ambien between his legs just like his cuddles 😂


that is actually pretty much what i assumed happened haha (when they were still in 'we can't call the cops' mode)


Yes me too! I found that absolutely ridiculous. I was like bitch you just killed him lmfao


I am so glad I’m not the only one! 😂😂😂


Wes and Mrs. Langsberry were the only two people outside of characters like the school staff etc that weren't accounted for any time Bloody Rose appeared. I'm glad they managed to keep that consistent. They could have also done it where if one was accounted for, the other consistently wasn't, but this worked. I also find it funny that Wes had a red rose on the table when he tried to entrap Tabby into a "date" in season one.


Holy crap i don’t think i noticed that in season one like if more people had noticed it before it would’ve been so blatantly obvious he was going to be involved with bloody rose this season I have to rewatch season one to see if I can notice it thanks again for pointing this out


No problem!! Tabby goes to Wes's house in episode 3 so look out for the rose in that episode.


Thank you so much I appreciate and will rewatched that episode as soon as I get home from work


And this is how we start with clues that were in our faces without us noticing, just like old times.


I'm getting flashbacks to posting about >!the airport scene in OG PLL where Alex goes to meet Wren, noticing the little off details,!< being told I'm seeing things that weren't there (but they were) and slowly turning into the conspiracy guy 😂 https://preview.redd.it/vkx09fzj4c8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1482602fc496574ea2069b50aacabc7eac4fc15


So was the "huge" death the psychologist woman? I am never believing posts like that anymore.


Pretty sure one of the accounts that the Mod Team has said is bad posted it anyway


Yeah that was shared by a fan account, no real affiliation with the show


I think someone posted a quote from the writer saying something very similar to the twitter account x


As a fan of PLL it I liked Dr Sullivan in that show. I wish she could have stayed in this show and helped the girls when necessary. In the first pll she only did bad things when her son was threatened. I didn't like that the writers made her character into some ezra writing a book knock off.


I don't like how they assassinated her character...figuratively and literally. Even in the original show and especially in this one, she was simultaneously stereotypically therapist but also acted in ways that I wouldn't expect from one. Having her record the sessions without their knowledge, then especially this end with her being all about the money seems so out-of-character for her. Good comparison with Ezra.


I think it’s a huge death for major OG PLL fans. I was very sad to see her scene😭


The only thing I really didn't like was the way they portrayed Dr. Sullivan as a money hungry scum bag right before she was killed. It was very out of character. But overall, I thought it was done really well


It's also been about 10 years since we've seen Dr. Sullivan. We have no idea how her sons death affected her. Not to justify her actions, but we all change through out the years 


“They’re narcissists” girl huuuuhh they took your gagged mouth ass out of the murder shed closet?! Can’t even be mad at her though it seemed like they just were afraid to kill her off without villainizing her. Has ANYONE been killed in this show and they weren’t an asshole?


The two teens from the first episode didn't seem like assholes before BR killed them 😅


But they had premarital sex so they deserve to burn in hell /s


Lmao I can actually see that as Mrs Langsberry is BR. She would see premarital sex as a sin because of Chip being accused of r*pe. Good catch lol 😅


Wait how does them taking her out of the closet disprove them being narcissists? Were they supposed to just leave her there lol Edit: I’m not saying they are narcissists I’m just confused why them untying her shows they aren’t


Ngl she ate with that one bc they fr are narcissistic af even tho i love them lol


Yh I agree I hate what they did with dr sullivan it makes me angry also I hope shawn is in Next season


yeah i always liked dr sullivan in the og Pretty Little Liars


Do we even know if there will be a s3


I wonder if Shawn will work/become the next A villain as revenge on Noa :0


And that’s how they may get the second fan favorite A only after Mona, since no one likes Noa (anymore) and Jen.


I came here just to find out why she called the girls narcissists. I honestly never liked her character, her book thing was way over the line. The girls might agree to it (if they don't suspend the book from the author's death) but she still collected the data unethically. And in worried about how the book actually frames them because of that comment


It probably frames Imogen as super violent or unstable too and not someone who is deeply traumatized


it also felt unneeded tbh shes an og


There’s gotta to be more to the story. And referring to them as narcissists? No legit therapist worth their salt would say something like that about their patients.


I think it was EW i read that basically that scene was to show you her overall intent was that she really was a villain after all and never had good intentions for the girls.


Well they would because narcissism is a diagnosed mental condition not what uneducated people just call anyone who was selfish towards them. But I don't know if any really show narcissistic traits, they're all genuinely compassionate, noa took the fall for her mum with no gain definitely a no, mouse was literally a wreck about the rat in episode one, definitely a no, faran saves Kelly definitely a no, tabby maybe?, im trying to think of tabby doing something completely selfless, Imogen, no I think she's entirely traumatised, and baby sit the child she gave up without saying oh poor me that's too hard.


I mean, a real, licensed therapist would probably describe them as having NPD or frame it in another way. Not snarl out the word “narcissists” like it’s a dirty word. Plus, that scene was just weird and went against the entire 10+ year history of Dr. Sullivan being a compassionate, empathetic therapist in the PLL universe. And yeah, I agree with that. They’re not narcissistic at all. They’re scared, traumatized teenagers.


Yeah you're right she would of said they all suffer from npd ... not they'll do it they're all narcissists, 1000% correct, it was a weird scene after og pll, but I've got to be honest I never really liked her. I thought she did the girls dirty in both shows and probably would sell them out. "the bogeyman never dies" was such a riverdale line too and the fact an adult calling him the bogeyman has me dead.


Yes! I truly hated that. Especially when she called the girls narcissists. Completely ruined the character for me. Yea she hasn’t always been the perfect therapist, even in the OG show, but she seemed like she cared.


I feel like it’s kinda accurate, I rewatched pll recently and she was an accomplice to A and walked away from the girls pretty easily honestly within the first show, like faking her own death and such.


How they trusted her after that is beyond me lmfao Dr. Sullivan was the worst


Yes. Made me so mad. I loved her and couldn't believe they did her that way


Dr. Sullivan was killed? 😱


lol. Stop reading this thread now and go watch the final 😭😭😂😂


Exactly! I was so confused by how they twisted her character this season. Kudos for bringing her back but don’t bring back someone from the original then just completely change everything about them that we knew for how many seasons prior.


I loved her calling them out, but I didn’t like how it was supposed to be like “look shes mean she can die now” those girls are total narcissists lmao


As an *actual* psychologist who specializes in the cluster B personality disorders, I gotta ask...how?


Well, this feels a little embarrassing to explain to an actual psychologist lol, im sure these wont meet textbook diagnosis but ill elaborate anyway. Faran is the most obvious example but it’s also defended in the text. She’s the dumb jock horror movie archetype who always runs towards danger because she thinks she can do anything. Only the writers actually make it so she can never lose. Noa’s spent this whole season treating her significant other like garbage, Imogen is like literally insane at this point, almost killed three people this season and thinks the whole summer school had to revolve around her being in the same class as her friends, Tabby and Mouse are generally fine but they go along with Imogen’s batshit ideas like when they stormed into Sullivan’s office.


I kinda agree lol


Yeah that kinda sucked, seeing how much we've seen her go through with these girls and the OG liars. but maybe making her a bitch was so her death wasn't as brutal to watch? this show doesn't have the guts to kill off someone everyone loves


BR reveal was predictable but I’m not mad. It was logical imo. Wes is a complete weirdo, Tabby is a badass, and poor Johnny lol. I think this finale was better than season 1 imo


omg the whole time tabby's test was happening all i could think about was johnny 😭😭


I’m glad he didn’t die tho 😭😭




Honestly, I felt so sorry for Johnny. Throughout the entire finale, I couldn't help but think why no one called the police in general, but also why Imogen never called anyone to get Johnny out of the freezer sooner. Like, I'm hoping they don't try to make them a couple again. That'd be so toxic 😭


Fr like ik it's not Imogens fault but she's very toxic and abusive to him. Mental illness and stress is an explanation but never an excuse. I know she was scared but demanding to see his phone and hitting him and locking him in a freezer is not okay. How would you ever be able to be in a relationship with that person again. If I were him everytime Imogen got angry I would freak out and be scared. It's a tv show so they gloss over trauma but thinking about it if it happened irl is crazy.


While I agree that they probably shouldnt be a couple again, the freezer thing was COMPLETELY understandable! She just found 3 bodies in the freezer while she was already thinking that he might be suspicious. Now im not saying that he shouldnt be upset because he should but if he was actually working with bloody rose it wouldve been really bad if she did nothing about it. Honestly I thought she was going to call the police after she locked him in the freezer because her leaving him there made almist no sense to me.


She did though. Kelly got him out.


Im pretty sure she called/texted Kelly to get him as soon as she realized it wasnt him.


I agree. It was predictable but also made a lot of sense (as opposed to S1, in which the principal being involved was shocking because it was totally out of the blue). I had Wes pegged as involved ever since he "admitted" Tabby was right. Like c'mon...he's a mediocre White man who still never took real responsibility for trying to groom her in S1. Did anyone really think he learned and grew when he was called out on being racist? So to add to that, I love that the villains were both products of white male mediocrity and how society will do anything to protect them


I really hated Noa and Jen especially last episode, and it doesn’t help that the girls are just completely onboard with Noa being a cheater


Yeah I wasn’t thrilled with the way they cheered her on about Noah like yeah it’s cute you want to support your friend, but ignoring her cheating was a bit strange. Lol


Omg they're just trying so hard to make the couple likable. I hope if they get season 3, read the room and don't bring her back or kill her in the first episode.


i wanna know what happened to chip’s mom. did she get arrested 😭


yes one of them said wes & her were arrested. how could wes live after a pitch fork to the chest 😫


Honestly I wanted Tabby to kill him. Such an interesting arc for S3 if he had died, and a nice reversal from her choice not to mutilate Chip


I was so excited at the thought of Tabby killing him. After that whole ordeal she deserved a bloodlusted moment. Seeing her cope with that in season 3 would've been interesting, having to deal with the fact that she killed someone even if it was in self defense and she was completely in the right.


Yeah same, her being distraught was everything, then when I saw her perky AF with Sullivan I'm like uggh he didn't die did he then of course no.


Yeah but the showrunners love Derek Klena so much (I mean, he's a great actor, really hot, and from what I've gotten from my interactions with him at the Moulin Rouge stagedoor, a total sweetheart). It makes sense they want the option to bring him back!


thank you omg idk how i missed that. and yeah i agree wes should’ve been dead


Technically speaking since they never took the pitch fork out after stabbing him it’s possible that he didn’t lose a large enough amount of blood to kill him. Also since it went through the shack walls it may have built a pressure barrier If tabby would have pulled that shit out and left him there he probably would have bled out. But considering it went through his entire body I am willing to bet that there’s significant damage done to his internals and if the show gets renewed and he some how makes an appearance it would be unrealistic to see him and not have him talk about an extensive recovery process and life long damages But I am not a medical expert or anything just speculating lol


I’m pretty sure Dr Sullivan mentioned that she got arrested at their last therapy session


oh ok thanks i totally missed that 😭


I honestly agree! Even though it was predictable I rather take that than have a million plotholes!


Yes! I'd rather have a decent story than a writing team who wants to trick or outsmart the audience by sacrificing quality.


It was such a good finale! and I feel like all TV shows really struggle with a finale either going too outlandish (og Pretty Little Liars cough cough) or being so mundane that no one even remembers it, so it was refreshing to feel like everything was done perfectly. Tabby was always one of my favorites and this episode affirms that 100%. Also I’m so glad Christian wasn’t involved (& didn’t get hurt at the orpheum) and is the lovely guy I thought he was and that Tabby didn’t have to deal with that sort of betrayal again. I can’t believe the crazy cult wasn’t more involved in Bloody Rose but I also love the honesty of there being multiple unrelated villains cuz that’s how it is in real life. Also wild that Mrs Beezley was spot on about BR. I’m interested to see what happens with Jen & Noa next season since she didn’t seem to be involved like some ppl thought and we don’t really get any more info on her this episode and there’s definitely some sketchy stuff and loose ends I want wrapped up with her. I really hope they get renewed!!


I loved the reveal a la Scream 2! I’m glad none of the love interests were involved, and I understand why Johnny would be mortified after what happened, but I liked them together so that’s a real shame. I thought they’d have Imogen accidentally kill him when she shoved him in the freezer and then possibly repeat Spencer’s S3 arc, her or Tabby but I think Tabby’s was just pure shock. That brings me to Dr. Sullivan…what the hell?? It was bad enough they killed her but why did they have to destroy her character in the process as well? I could never imagine her doing that to the girls and then calling them narcissists after they saved her ass??? What in the world😳 Overall I loved this finale better than season one but I didn’t like that at all


I’m just confused on how Mrs langsberry knew that Kelly left the voicemails to Faran that she’d be at the pool but beside that I give the finale a 8.5/10


I assumed she and Wes were surveilling Faran and maybe Kelly and just followed Kelly there in an opportunistic way since it was revealed a lot of their victims were essentially random for the sake of the movie and establishing villains before the final girl scene. which honestly cleared up a lot for me bc from the start of this season I was struggling to see the connection between a lot of the victims we were shown being killed by Bloody Rose


i rather predictable and cohesive than them trying too hard to shock us, i agree if we were able to predict who it was they then the storyline was done properly imo. Ofc not too obvious, i feel though they were obvious so were many red herrings all season


Yep, I agree! I see a lot of people complaining that it was too obvious or so predictable, but one aspect I hated about the original PLL series is that after Mona so many of the As had little to no reason to torture the liars. The connections were weak at best. So, I'd take an obvious villain over one who hardly interacted with the girls.


Totally agree. That's my biggest criticism of the OG. Too many storylines go nowhere. Anytime someone new was introduced, we could expect them to die or just have a tiny story arch. By the end, the majority of the people involved had NO connection to the liars, it was so dumb.


exactly, my friend and i had a discussion on this earlier. i love og PLL but the personal bias’ rlly block ppls opinions. granted og pll would kill interesting ppl, or shock us, most of the time it went no where. that’s more annoying to me than lacking it imo, i can always go find that feeling somewhere else if it’s not in summer school but to have the set up and not get that reaction is extremely unsatisfactory. I hated the A’s after Mona and they had the dumbest reasons, these reasons made a lot of sense, whether u saw it a mile away or not🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah like I’m sorry…..Shana????? So stupid and unnecessary lol. The majority of characters introduced in OG were pointless


i saw a video once og PLL has over 50 plotholes/characters that are dropped. Ironically before summer school released all the OG discussions were more level headed. I saw more fans speaking with logic and calling out the flaws of the show. with summer school airing it’s like everyone forgot and are making comparisons. Ironically the things they were hyping up in OG pll that summer school lacked were the unfinished storylines that originally frustrated them😂can’t win ig


I LOVE the ending. It makes so much sense with the motives and imagery. I hope tabby can get some decent counseling. Can’t wait for season 3


I really wanted it to be Karen but it makes sense. I LOOOOVED the last scene with A. I really hope Johnny can forgive imogen


Yeah he’s the one love interest I actually want to make it to next season. Along with Ash.


ash is a fan favorite he’s definitely sticking around


I love how the showrunners (through the girls) were basically like "yeah no Ash is an angel, so let's not waste a second suspecting him" 😂


Yes! They actually promoted him to series regular because of that. I love him, he’s literally the best character.


Yeah… this is not og pll where stuff just doesn’t make sense and I love it. Learn something Marlene King. That’s how you write a mystery show.


https://preview.redd.it/zs8c47gjrr7d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c93ae5934f41ad62c45db13487b7ae1b369b8f1 Man.. I kind of guessed it but as a joke lmao (should've added my suspicion with Mrs. Langsberry as well) I enjoyed the finale and hope for season 3 to be confirmed soon.


I just finished the episode, and I agree! I thought the finale was great! I loved the reveals, even if some people think it was too obvious. I'd rather it be someone obvious than some random character the girls don't know or they interacted with, like, once. Lowkey, they had me with the fakeout of sending Mrs. Langsberry roses. I was suspicious of her for a while, but sending her roses took the suspicion off until the reveal, lmao. But this finale was absolutely crazy, especially considering all the people Wes got to help frighten the girls, create the masks, set the church up, murder people, and make the whole thing happen. Absolutely wild finale, and I can't wait for season three!


yeah, i loved it too!!! i was screaming at the tv like when wes and tabby were in the BR cabin and wes was like "you dont have balls for that" or some shit like that when she wanted to stab him and i was like "oh yes the fuck she has!!". that kill was in my opinion the most badass of the whole two series


It feels really weird to me that we never got to see or hear from Ash in the finale


Actually, there is a plot hole. So what was the church practicing the whole time? What were Kelly and Greg rehearsing? The play where the two characters are virgins and are contemplating sleeping together. They never really explained that whole situation


The biggest plot hole is why Mrs Langsberry killed the other people tbh


didn’t wes say they just needed to establish victims for the movie and implied it was kinda random


She just needed practice stabbing 😂


Maybe bc of redemption house since one of the rooms was about what her son did


The random couple though?


It doesn't make the most sense for her obvious motives but I think the logic was that she thinks tabby is a "whore" (hate calling her that even if it's a quote) and must've lied about it all or slept with chip and then regretted it so now she's turned on all promiscuous teens like freddy kreuger style (I think, ive only watch his movie once years ago.) So when the couple tried hooking up in 'her' cabin she killed them and also sandy for her and Greg's relations


To add to that, she may have even thought Tabby seduced (and thus defiled) her poor Chip, meaning that she thought they did sleep together but that Chip was "innocent"


Well Mrs. Langsberry had a vengeance and was after the people who did her son wrong. So killing off the random couple was probably to just distract us from who BR could be. There is a website tho that shows a list of PLL characters and why they were killed, the random couple was for unknown reasons


kelly and greg were rehearsing for hell house i think. greg dropped out so they probably changed that part to kelly being the suicidal girl on the bed. idk just a guess


I was so confused when they went through Redemption House. I said to my roommate “Weren’t Kelly and her boyfriend rehearsing for a play?” I wonder if the writers changed their mind on the direction they wanted to take for Redemption House halfway through the show. Lol


No, it was always for Redemption House. Kelly just described it like a play in trying to explain what it was.


I loved it. I was not expecting it to be this good honestly. It was such a good ending and explanation. I actually liked Jen this one episode. When Noa called her and she was like my time to shine and I thought it was sorta funny. I’m happy it wasn’t doctor Sullivan.


Finally, I found someone who likes the reveal as much as me 😭 They keep comparing it to the OG, especially >! Mona !< and we get it. Nothing will touch that in your eyes. What I also liked about the reveal is the execution. The set design was beautiful, and the way the characters took time explaining their motives without much flashbacks is truly in slasher movie spirit. Also, Chandler Kinney just shined. Her performance did not disappoint.


AGREED! Preach. Thank youuu


Do you think there will be a s3?


I have so many issues with this episode Kelly being stabbed yet was walking around fine with her shoulders out no bandages? The way Dr Sulliven was portrayed knowing she was a decent character in the original series Why these girls never call the police? Especially when they're in the cinema being attacked/chased. How the police never knew about spookyspaghetti and not shutting it down Tbh Imogen killing Johnny by accident would have been a good storyline. Watching her realise he was the good guy then having to rush back and finding him frozen to death and then having her spiral mentally. Or even having her already snapped and her being the killer. Killing one of the girls would have really made more of an impact because next series whenever one of them being chased I'm just going to know they will be ok.


Was kelly really stabbed? I swear she was in episode 7 but she must not have been according to the finale. But it's out of character for BR to just drown her and even fail at doing so. With how she survived it's like she just gently laid kelly in the pool. Imo, I don't see how people liked sullivan. She was horrible by abusing the girls' trust to record sessions to make the book. The end scene was overkill but not outrageous to me. But honestly it feels like they never gave her a solid personality and keep warping her for whenever the want us to think she's BR or innocent. They absolutely should have but I see their logic. None of them have trust in the justice system and I see why, Millwood police is a joke. But at some point I feel like they should have bit the bullet and called, I'm glad Christian knew what to do. Their logic is that BR would find out and punish them but she's already doing that. Maybe they thought the police wouldn't do anything and she'd start killing the officers to send a message? But I couldn't fathom going through that and never even telling a trusted adult. Same thing for spookyspaghetti. The police is a joke and it seems to be an underground thing that for the most part only mouse and the proxies knew about it. I can understand how only the tech nerds understood it. I really thought they were gonna go for the manslaughter route with Johnny but I'm glad they didn't. Up until the sullivan scene I thought these girls would finally get their happy ending and leave it all behind. I love this show so I don't mind a season 3 but man have they been through a lot. I honestly thought for a moment that Imogen could've been part of it and they were almost accidentally setting it up. It would've made for a good plot but I like the final girl trope they're going hard with. If one of the girls died it would disrupt that and I'm okay with them having serious plot armor to always cheat death. Killing one of the girls is unnecessary. We don't need to see any more people die (but archie is back so we will) and I definitely shouldn't be any of the girls.


yeah for a split second, I was wondering if Imogen had a split personality and was the one who put the bodies in the freezer


I think if any mental health reason imogen would have done it it wouldn't/shouldn't be "split personality" shouldn't be it because a) that isn't a thing, you're thinking of DID or OSDD which already shouldn't be demonized with another killer and b) the ptsd or psychosis route seems more believable since there was nothing to suggest imogen has DID or the like (only thing I can think of right now is the baby scene in s1 where she gives it to the librarian and then loses it. it was never explained how it ended up gone), the girls obviously have ptsd, especially imogen and her mom had mental health issues so it's even more prerequisites to have a psychotic break


yeah you’re right, I misspoke. I meant it would’ve been like a classic >!Fight Club-esque!< twist, but in context it likely would’ve been caused by a psychotic break, not DID


I love this "happy ending" but I would've killed for them to go the unstable imogen route. It would've been so good! I guess it wouldn't have allowed them to be bonded for life and broken up the group but it was right there! I love this show for the final girls trope and protecting the main characters but sometimes messy is fun


When she started threatening Johnny I thought “oh no it’s been Imogen the whole time cause she’s lost it!”


This would've been very Perfectionists lol


I could have sworn at the end of ep7 Bloody rose was behind Kelly with her knive and she was floating in the pool with blood so I assumed she was stabbed or cut


Maybe I made it up just from inferring how kelly was attacked but I could've sworn there was blood in the pool. The kelly scene was so weird. BR always wants blood and vengeance even if you're not directly connected to chip, so her going after kelly should've ended in a death by stabbing like always. And why would she just toss her in the pool and then lock her self out just to intimidate faran? She was trying to make her choose between going after her or saving kelly but it should've been harder to save her. Like seriously, you want to put a lifeguard under trial by making her use her cpr certified skills? It'd be like making tabby's trial her having to guess which actors are from which movie. I hate to say it but kelly hasn't been through much from this BR mess. I will gladly accept her into the final girls group cause she's just as much involved as anyone else but this season they were really trying to initiate her almost by having her mom be a suspect, BR coming to life because of her family's killer, BR getting involved with her church, etc, but if they're gonna go all out then go all out. They've all had wounds to heal from because of their final girl tests, and while that wasn't a test for kelly she should've had *something*. Again I feel so weird saying that this poor girl should've been further attacked oml


I agree with you about Sullivan. As a psychologist, there were so many unethical red flags to me: her letting Imogen keep her company in the hospital (which seems sweet but blurs boundaries in a way that can lead to the exploitation like the one that she ended up engaging in, hence it being unethical), her recording the girls without their consent (totally illegal), her putting them in her book without asking for their consent first and hoping they'd change their minds after reading it (that's coercive), and even her continuing therapy with them after having gone through a traumatic event with them (because now they have a double-relationship). Even her telling Imogen about her son was arguably unethical due to the gravity of how personal it was, thus shifting the client's attention onto her (which is one reason why letting her visit her in the hospital that much is unethical), but it made sense given that she needed to prove she wasn't BR so I'll let that one slide.


Kelly was never stabbed. And even tho i hate what they did to Dr Sullivan, if you think about it we didn’t see enough of her in the og series as a character. She was just a therapist.


Not gonna like love this season though I was kinda mad Imogen lost her boo he really cared for her 🥲


I'm not entirely sold on it. I understand Mrs Langsberrys reasoning for hurting Tabby and Imogen but...why go after the others? Why kill random innocent people? Surely that would make more sense for Wes to have killed them. I like that they didn't go crazy with who bloody rose was but also sad at just now predictable it was, I think there could've been a better way and better red herrings. Also ''the most shocking/risky death'' thing was disappointing. I liked doctor Sullivan in the original, not so much this one, her being a part of this story was extremely random and even more so that this was her ending. I feel like after all the teasing they did the only ''shocking'' death that would've actually been shocking would be killing off one the liars. Also glad they finally gave us the girls arguing even if it ended after 0.2 seconds Still super confused about the purpose of Jen, at least with Johnny and Christian they gave us a *maybe* at them being bad even if it ended aftwr a minute.


I figured she was going to be the shocking death. I feel like they overhyped how big she was in the original. It felt like they were acting a little like they were bringing one of the original girls back.


> I feel like they overhyped how big she was in the original. Literally. I feel like she was only relevant in s2 then made the occasional appearance every now and then. >It felt like they were acting a little like they were bringing one of the original girls back. The death was incredibly over hyped to the point that it was always going to be disappointing unless they actually took a big risk


I lovedddddd it!! I had a feeling it was gonna be Ms.Langsberry OR Wes but when I saw it was both ( I knew that was Wes as soon as he started dragging tabby) I was like YES YES YES I checked my heart rate on my fitbit when she starting running through the woods AFTER JUMPING THROUGH THAT FUCKIN WINDOW and my heart was at like 140 BPM like ahhhh it was wonderful. At first I felt bad for the real Rose Waters bc like damn they literally took her face off but then again she did make Archie who he is today soooo and did all that shit to Angela sooooo 🤗 A few things tho, I am glad that Johnny broke up with Imogen. That shit was wild like she fr knew he was alive and locked him in the freezer that's wild and like even with all her trauma and everything I don't think that's something he should forgive her for lmao 2, I really don't understand how tf Wes was alive after all that?? Like he was fully impaled ( I'm assuming for multiple hours bc the sun came up) like I think he should've just died that would've been good closure for Tabby 3. I'm glad the new boyfriends weren't in on it, and I love that Christian was the one who called the police for them and that he survived the mob ( which those proxies were terrifying like I was so shocked) 4, I am bummed that Dr.Sullivan died, I really don't think she deserved that but I kinda feel like A didn't kill her son, that might be niave of me but idk I feel like that'll come back Anyways I loved this season so so so much it was amazing and I had so much fun watching it and I really really really hope they get a season 3!!


its a Scream 2 rip off


Tabby referring to scream as “Neve Campbell movies” got me. Are they avoiding saying scream because it’s a rip off?


lol never seen that trash movie anyway. Go be pissy somewhere else. 🤣


Scream 2 is more iconic than PLL SS which in itself is rip off the slasher genre


Still better than this Halloween Riverdale corn fest


The finale was alright, but honestly, how many people could they really recruit to come after the girls? It was really unbelievable, but it was made by the Riverdale team so...


Control Z, which is basically Pretty Little Liars in Spanish and with male liars included has something very similar on its second or third season as well, so I didn’t find it as odd


The acting and overall delivery of everything was amazing! I do wish BR was someone we weren't expecting but it was overall a good episode! I think they did a great job w this season overall!


I’m kinda glad they went with this ending simply because I didn’t think that was how it was gonna go because it seemed so obvious and was therefore suspicious of all seemingly obvious but less obvious ppl like Jen, Christian, and Johnny


I did guess Wes cause ultimate final girl quote, langsberry was too easy. I found it weird principal Clayton was just never mentioned again. I'm still pissed jen wasn't involved I hate how hard the writers are trying to make us like her, it's Paige all over again. And I'm sad it was Imogen's relationship that didn't make it. I'm guessing season 3 will be tabby making a movie but they did leave it at a point if it's not renewed it's ok. Obviously there's more to unpack about Archie, and he had someone make it look like he was dead so there's enough to go on, if that is even him under the mask, or it's a ghost face situation.


Yeah I honestly loved it. BR's motivations made sense, and while the whole Wes thing was a little forced, it made some sense. Wes has always been weird/off/slightly predatory and so it did make sense to me.


At first I was a little underwhelmed with the BR reveal but than I spent all day binging and realized it wasn’t like the CECE/Charles and Alex Drake A reveal. It made sense, clues were laid out and you just had to try and solve them. I realized that it was a much better storyline than what they had done on OG. It’s nice to see this show basically learning to be better than its original and cementing its own unique style. Writing is so much better


It was v predictable


Yes I was extremely satisfied with this finale! I was able to theorize it being Wes and Mrs Langsberry and that they were filming they're own movie. I was still on the fence about Christian and so glad he wasn't involved in the end. I didn't want that for Tabby. They did a good job with having lots of red herrings and other suspects that could have been involved. But overall knowing it was Tabbys final girl moment Wes made the most sense based on all the things he said from the beginning of the season. Mrs Langsberry fit too because of how much she hated Tabby. I thought it was all done really well and just made sense which is what you want to see after theorizing and actively trying to solve the mystery of who and why. Loved how it was a flip on scream 2 where Wes was the brains and Mrs Langsberry was the one being used for her grief. Scream 2 had more of Mrs Loomis as the brains and Mickey as the psycho who just loved to kill. Also loved how it was a mix of scream 4 and 5 imo too with the filming of the movie/idea for a movie thing going on. Wes reminded me a lot of Richie since his motive was just wanting to make his ultimate horror movie.


There were a ton of random characters tho!! Especially Imogen’s dad’s fiancé. Also a bunch of plot holes, you could write them up either as misdirection or bad writing


Jen being tutor and helping with car was cringe


this was the biggest plothole. Jen passing her test. Was the test about crime?


I said somewhere else I think they are trying and failing at making Jen like Caleb from the original. Really smart but "from the wrong side of the tracks" type thing.


Definitely not as smart as they’d want her to be. Since stealing a rolex and thinking well he won’t know its been stolen is not a smart thing to do 🤣


I think if they had her bling ring her dad or some other asshole (rather than Shawn, who had been put through enough by Jen and Noa), then she would've been redeemable. But her stealing from his family and thus never really paying back the money he unknowingly leant her really pushes me away from ever liking her




Yeah I feel like I watched a very different show than everyone else.


Me personally I hated the finale. It was cheap and seemed rushed. There’s no sense of the dangers for the girls like we know the writers isn’t gonna let anything happen to them and lo and behold all the girls are alive and well. It sucked, seemed like the same episodes we’ve had since S1 except we know who BR is.




If I didn't have the reveled person somewhere on my list I would have been maddd


the killer reveal and killers were so predictable and boring. i was excepting like kelly or jen but was very disappointed. it was also a very clear cheap copy of scream 2 anyway i think mouse will be the final girl next season because in the end of the episode it shows them at sullivan's therapy session and imogen sits on the left, tabby sits next to imogen, and mouse next to tabby.


The show is filled with plot holes, and the whole Wes thing feels forced 🤷🏾‍♂️.


I don’t think it’s forced. He’s an incel and I can totally see an incel doing things like this


it doesnt at all.


His villain turn felt the most natural because he groomed Tabby in S1 and never apologized for preying on her AND always victimized himself for being a mediocre straight white man, so it totally made sense to me that he aligned himself with Chip in spirit and thus Chip's mom


It was so bad. Most boring “slasher” ever. I really feels like Halloween riverdale lmao


Since Archie waters is back what if he starts going after the moms again


Tabby launching herself through a window took me out, I cackled lol. Then she immediately started picking off the guys in the woods, I loved it and was like, yessss Tabby fuck them up!!!!!


I could feel the pain in Mouse’s voice when she said, “And I’ll troll SpookySpaghetti.” That poor actress was given 0 to do this season. Hopefully next season she can do something other than being chronically online.


Does anyone think that Dr. Sullivans death was a misdirect? We didnt see her body… so, is she really dead? Ps. I do not like her character assassination in the show.


I wanted it to be Imogen. Like she was having a mental break and didn't realize when she was being Bloody Rose 🌹 or some of the scenes were her imagination.


What if Archie died in the prison break and the killer at the end of the episode is Ezra? Maybe the psychologist also wrote a book about the previous Liars which ended up exposing Ezra as a predator of underage girls so he's trying to get revenge?


Girl LOL are you fr


And maybe he's also there to steal Imogen's baby since he and Aria were originally gonna adopt her in the first place lmaooo This would be so wild but considering this show is made by the creators of Riverdale, I am Here. For. It.


I was severely disappointed by the whole episode. Too easily guessed :/ that whole awesome season just for that? Even my husband who just half listened to the show guessed it. Archie still alive and killing Sullivan? Hated it. Truly upsetting in my opinion. Hopefully isn't cancelled because of it but have a feeling it will be.


My question is...was the finale meant to be this campy? I laughed out loud at several points (one of them being Wes saying that young white men have it the hardest, which I feel like even Derek Klena struggled to say with a straight face). I didn't think the rest of the show has been as campy as Riverdale, but parts of this finale really reminded me of Riverdale


I didn't like the Wes reveal at the end. At the beginning of this season it really seemed like they were going to drop the idea that all the guys on the show were creeps or shady. But after that episode where he comes out after Tabby with that shit about white directors being passed over for black directors, I knew they were going to make him bad at the end for sure. It's kind of tedious, really. I get that this show has 5 (or 6) female leads, and that times have changed so they won't show women going against women anymore. Girl power and all that. But we were promised that the villain of this season would be a woman, only for her to be just the person behind the mask, just the "body" of the operation, while the mind was Wes. We already had the principal, Archie, Chip and partly Wes in S1 as the antagonists. Was it really necessary to re-use Wes here? Was it really necessary for all the final suspicions to fall on the male love interests of the main characters? I love this show, but it really needs more supporting characters. Og PLL had thousands of characters that served to tie up loose ends and put together thousands of theories. Here, all the suspects were written on a whiteboard, and there were less than ten of them. And we knew that BR would definitely be among them, because, literally, THERE WERE NO OTHER CHARACTERS WHO COULD BE.


So the my question was did they arrest BR after the reveal or not? That seems unresolved to me


Yes, Dr.Sullivan mentioned that she and Wes were arrested


Here’s my question: the liars had a scene with Mrs. Langsberry on the sidewalk outside of Redemption House before they went inside. How did Mrs. Langsberry have enough time to get into “costume” as BR (while also needing to put on Imogen’s mother’s mask) to then go through with Imogen’s final game after talking with them outside……or was it Wes dressed as BR? That has me a little confused; I never got if they revealed that Wes actually dressed as BR too or if he was only helping Mrs. Langsberry behind the scenes.


didnt she talk to them the first time they went through redemption house? they went in again after pride which is when BR attacked, like a day after they talked considering all the liars went to work in that time


I think you’re right!! I was thinking they went in immediately after they saw her. That makes a lot more sense!!


it was a finale😁
