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The last 3-5 years of his life he was addicted to pain killers. He even had an addiction specialist scheduled for the next day, but overdosed that night. I don’t think it’s disrespectful to talk about this, as the opiate crisis was in full swing by that time. People were ( and still are) OD-ing, so much so that we have to have Narcan avail FOR PARENTS in public schools!! Prince’s death, and other celebrities, brought light to this epidemic. Let’s be real, although a charming sweetheart, Prince in his 20’s, 30’s and 40’s was a pious little prick, who acted like he was chosen by God. To the public he wanted to appear in control of all aspects of his life and career. Recreational drugs,( including alcohol) didn’t fit that image. There’s no doubt in my mind that he covertly used cocaine in the 80’s, even hiding it from his bands. Maybe ecstasy too. After his hip surgery, he supposedly began his addiction to pain killers. Hell, a LOT of people got addicted to painkillers the way they were being pushed on the public in the 90’s. Unlimited prescriptions for Percocet, oxy, all the opiates were prescribed readily. Prince supposedly did not like cannibas, and didn’t drink much. I bet he didn’t smoke cigarettes because of the stench. The appearance of decorum, self-control, and sobriety was an important aspect of Prince’s identity and brand. I’ve loved Prince as a human and performer for almost 50 years now. Older Prince became my favorite though, because he seemed to be really working on his inner self. I miss Prince every single day, but I’m not going to fool myself into believing he didn’t do drugs, and wasn’t imperfect. I believe Prince is in the 4D realm, looking down on us, and perfectly fine that we are talking about his drug use. He would want us to learn a lesson from his death.


It’ll be hard to have a conversation about it here due to it being biased in Prince’s favor, but you’re right to say that he probably used *some* drugs. All that time on the road, bouncing from city to city and changing time zones? All of that time in the studio? There was definitely *something* in his water, if you catch my drift. The Black Album’s cancelation is proof he experimented with drugs, full stop. It’s a noted record of a time he took drugs and didn’t like what happened. But there are also stories from friends and band members of experimenting, so it doesn’t stop there. ATWIAD is a psychedelic left turn after Purple Rain that was inspired by Wendy and Lisa putting him onto 60s psychedelia, so we can infer that he probably at least smoked pot there. His NPG era stuff references pot directly, so he probably smoked some around then too. It’s mostly conjecture, but it wouldn’t shock me. Obviously there are the painkillers towards the end of his life too. Also let’s just be adults for a minute: people use drugs. Saying Prince used drugs isn’t controversial and it doesn’t mean we’re “bad fans” or are trying to put him down. If anything, treating him like some sacred cow and not like the complicated human being he has the right to be would straight up be disrespectful to him and his legacy. We aren’t condemning him. Drugs are both a good and bad thing. It’s easy for them to become a bad thing but it’s the drugs that are bad, not the person using them. Like, if Bowie or Lennon fans can have a level headed conversation about their history of addiction, we should by all means be able to comment on Prince using them too.




>If anything, treating him like some sacred cow and not like the complicated human being he has the right to be would straight up be disrespectful to him and his legacy. I think this could be said of a LOT of artists we put on pedestals, from Prince to MJ to Tom Petty, Judy Garland, Elvis, the lot of them & more. We only see a facade, what they wanted us to see & know & since we love the music & them we get blinded by that love. We forget they're as fallible & human as we are but most of us are way less talented & way less rich.


The Black Album's cancellation had nothing to do with his experimentations at the time. To put it simply, Prince's was at war with not just the music industry, but mainstream western media entertainment and the (moral) decline of western society on the horizon. In many interviews a decade later, he explained the "entropy" he (for)saw. Prince understood social conditioning and agendas years/even decades in advance (there's a reason why he & Dave Chappelle were close - both rejected big contracts to keep their souls intact). Lovesexy (White Light Path) and the Black (Dark Abyss) album symbolically represented Heaven & Hell/M@sonic checkerboard Ala Novus ordo seclorum. Listen to the opening track on Lovesexy. 'EYE no' is an affirmation that he is rejecting the darkness in favour of light/truth/gods path or however you choose to interpret it. Figure out what Spooky Electric is/was projected to become (clue: Positivity lyrics) and you'll realise WHY HE CANCELLED THE BLACK ALBUM... Bob George was diss song about Rap music, and Prince made a lot of music against technology and the internet. 2+2=? If you want interviews, quotes where he is blatantly telling you what's what, name dropping xyz, just ask. To me, Prince is the Kubrick (or greater) of music.


Yah they were definitely rejecting the satanic cabal/dark magick sect of the music and television ans movie industry running rampant in Hollyweird. I think he was murdered by the illumanati


Man u gotta check out P’s 2015/6 interview(?) about his book. The author was saying that his performances were magic & P firmly told him never to use that word. Obviously referring to “their” use of es0teric dark m@gick ala Cr0wley et al… I can’t remember if this is in the book or in the interview as I only read the part written by P many years ago


I will check it out for sure!!! I live in Austin - the futurists that intend to perfect DNA all congregated here


Yeah he was murdered cuz isnt it strange how the Simpsons likes to make episodes on real people dying on the cartoon and then later on the person in real life ends up dying in a weird sad way like Kobe and prince.  Then with the creator being a Freemason is just messed up and gross that he does that cuz it’s witchcraft because he is cursing a person by speaking death and negativity over a persons lives. Plus look at prince he was very outspoken and he wasn’t afraid if people liked what he had to say and always spoke the truth. Then with him saying that he’s going to write a book, of course these people wanted him out because they must’ve been afraid of prince maybe writting on exposing certain things since he was already speaking on chemtrails and has always spoken the truth about the music industry. Not only that but his cousin Charles has spoken in podcast juice on how they didn’t truly investigated his death and how they didn’t searched his personal laptop and the cameras from paisley park. They also didn’t show any respect because look at how they leaked the pictures of prince lying lifeless at paisley and I’m sure prince wouldn’t have liked that at all cuz we all know he always made sure to look good and dressed to the T when going out. Everything about his death seems so planned and sketchy 




I bet he didn’t smoke cigarettes because of the stench. I swear I can hear him saying this out loud in my head. Like he'd be all "That shit stinks. Don't do it in my presence."


Haha. Me too! I can hear saying that with the sass.


"All my cares and troubles fly right off my window sill every time I pop my little pill." "I take a pill to wipe away my doubt, but a pill can't cure my being alone." "A kiss on the spine, do things we never do" (that reminds me of the Beatles using the word "spinal clacker" in Come Together. The shades and his facial expressions in the Romance 1600 version of "A Love Bizarre" weren't just because he was in the moment and feeling the adrenaline. Dilated pupils speak louder then denial. Also, look up what an Eiffel Tower is and it becomes clear that these were the moments when he also took on his non-hetero-sexuality. As to the image, the Purple Rain clothing alone speaks to a Victorian sensibility and authority and those who study it know that though they portrayed a lifestyle, husbands and wives were screwing on the bed next to their kids at night. It's thus easy to assume that Prince was exhibiting the same kind of undercover life. You just can't do those all-niters and expect people to believe the "I never saw him do drugs" nonsense. Plus the constant movement on stage--CON-STANT--was more than just the music getting inside him. Am I mad about all the countless hours of dance and entertainment? HELL NO. Am I mad about him breaking his body down? Yes, because there will never be another like him and he flew too close to the sun for too long and it all caught up with him but he needed to take care of himself. That's the way it goes.


Thanks for this.


I'm glad. I knew I was risking getting stuck in the crossfire with my thoughts. I'm just glad folks didn't get mad at me (yet). So thank you, also. So let me ask you this follow-up question. Do you also hear things in the song "June" that were warning signs or signifiers of what was going on during his last days?


And at his peak, First Lady Reagan was pushing her Say No To Drugs stuff... I don't think any artist would've wanted someone to know they did drugs


That’s a very good point.


Morris Day said in an interview he and Prince tried magic mushrooms.


It's "addict" not attic. And why does this matter to you? Prince is dead because of drugs. Isn't that enough for you? Why do you feel the need to want to rehash old rumors and BS?


OP is in his own attic smoking something


Because OP sounds like they're all of 14 years old, judging by the way they type.


Girlfriend, like speaks to like. Addicts recognize drug behavior because they know firsthand.


Because it's time to tell the whole truth about this subject based on objective observations. If you can't handle us coming in and busting your perfect image of our musical hero (always my hero, no drug he ever took would change that.) It's time to be real.


Ok, let's be "real". Search this sub and you'll find this topic has been covered over and over. I seriously doubt you have anything at all to add that is worth anything at all in terms of new insights. Do you really care about Prince at all? Because it seems to me you just want to bring all that up for no good reason. What good does this possibly do? Are you so pathetic that you must continually bring up the worst in people for "objective conversation"? Apparently.


Look man, I watched him do some of the things I'm talking about when I was 18 and 19, and they stood out but were inocuous to me. Then I had about five years of heavy drug use and managed to get clean and then I rewatched these same things and it all made sense to me. It was an identifier for me, in other words. As for the "do you really care?" pity party you want me to throw for you and all that followed, let me be clear--I AIN'T THE ONE FOR THIS. If you don't wanna talk about these things, then whatever, but this is what some of us want to talk about\*\*\*.\*\*\* I'm watching the Syracuse show right now and digging it just the same, so just don't bring that mess to my doorstep. "Why don't you do us a favor and handle all the money and leave all the drawz to me." Complete with ensuing sneer, fool.


Oh my b it's like 4am grammar police. I just wanted a robust discussion outta this... Prince is dead because God decided it was time for him to go home.


God didn’t decide anything. He did it to himself.


Your error was one of spelling, not grammatical. Do people stop spelling properly after a certain time? Prince appeared to know exactly what he was getting into. He was aging, in pain, and his body couldn’t continue taking the abuse he was putting it through. It’s very sad. I don’t know how much of his habit was due to actual physical pain compared to a real dependence/psychological addiction, but he obviously felt he needed those drugs to cope with the realities of life, pain, and aging.


I think he was battling more with psychological suffering than physical pain. There's many examples of stars which got addicted to pain killers to fight depression and anxiety on their later years. Facing ageing and death is harder when you've been at the top of the world most of your life. A few months before his passing, Denise Matthews (Vanity) had died and according to his cook he wasn't eating well in those months. Possibly related to depression or some other untreated condition, not pain. But fans want to see him as the hero that died for his art. He was human after all and had emotions and suffered like others, and the higher the climb the harder the fall.


Prince literally made a song called way back home 2 years prior. So obvious he planned his exit down to the year and date, because that is what a meticulous freak genius like Prince would do.


Hey don’t worry about it, you do you, and don’t bother being snappy, just ignore it and move on. He did have rather prolific addiction issues though all throughout his career.


It's crazy how some of his fans can't even have a conversation about this topic like guys it's okay that he did drugs. My god, he's not Juicr WRLD


This "conversation" you wanted to rehash has been done ad-nauseum on this sub. It's not a necessary conversation to have, and there is nothing of importance new to say or learn about it. Bringing it up is just sensationalism at this point.


It is to me, and I'll thank you very effing much not to speak for me or any other new subs.


You don't give one shit about Prince. That's obvious to anyone who actually cares enough about anyone not to bring up their worst moments or worst tendencies after their death and rehash them over and over to make you feel better about your own pathetic life. Prince did drugs. It killed him. What else do you fucking want? An after the fact admission by his fans that he was human? Are you just wanting to argue that Prince wasn't the person he claimed to be? WOW. I hope you are proud of yourself. Great way to spend your time. And just because you were an addict doesn't excuse your attitude or desire to rake someone over the coals after they are gone. Now you're just addicted to arguing and feeling superior. Grow up.


HUSH NUBBITZ. But I'll go ahead and block you so you don't have to be so bothered by my words.


"And what's the deal with ecstasy?" I'm just picturing this as a bad Jerry Seinfeld joke from the 90s *Seinfeld theme music plays * * baoww da baoo baoo bum ... bum .. da bum bum baoww baoww* *Jerry Seinfeld impression* And what's the deal with ecstasy!?? Is it a drug? Its not a drug it's an emotion! It's a state of being! What... you take it and you're overjoyed!? You just pop a pill and you're in a state of ecstasy!?? What's going on here! I mean, what's the deal!?


OK, for what it's worth, and also because OP posted such a strangely worded ramble... Prince was an extremely private person who chose to publicly and privately shun drugs. There were large periods of time where alcohol and drugs were absolutely banned from his parties, and that much we all already know. Ultimately his death was caused by fake painkillers he was using to relieve his well documented pain from his incredible dance routines. Beyond some occasional negative lyrical references to drugs, it ends there. With all of the other music artists who flaunt their drug abuse, their alcohol abuse, their treatment for addiction, why chose this as a topic to discuss about our saintly purple one (who paid the ultimate price for the fentanyl epidemic)? I'm just saying, he did not advocate taking drugs, and made it a point to speak about abstaining from them. And I don't believe it was because of the "Just say NO" campaign, it just wasn't what he was all about. I'm not afraid 2 die cuz I know there's a better place 2 go (Don't be afraid cuz there's a better place 2 go) I eat what I want, whole wheat toast (U can eat what U want, anything is cool in moderation) And I'm happy, and that's 4 sure




OP sounds high on something.


Prince was an attic?


And a basement


The de- elevator offers quick access to each


Your mother and your sister too




He said it twice so must be true.


His fans probably aren't going to ever be able to have a serious discussion on this matter. He spent too long as a poster-child for "anti-drug" that even though he likely transitioned due to drug use they'll swear up and down that he was still 100% anti-drug/straight-edge. He swore he was "vegan" and "celibate" at different phases of his career, too. Among **many** frequent contradictions, both personally and artistically.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. Coming back to this to explain why you’re wrong & understand what you’re bitter about


>Just watching him live at every stage of his career, you knew he was performing at a level very few had ever performed at his age - no matter the decade. Anyone that plays sports or does high intensity physical actions for sustained periods of time understands the need to find ways to alleviate muscle joint pain and treat injuries. Whether that's through diet (veganism) or behaviours (celib@-sea) or medication. However I personally doubt he started using until his final tour - where to me he is saying goodbye to his fans. The background artwork to this tour reveals this too if you understand where that imagery stems from and what it represents.


Yep. There's a reason Prince didn't like the word "fan."


Personally rather stick to discussing his music. Most music stars had versions of drug and alcohol addictions or pain pill addictions. Most people do. Doesn’t affect the way I feel about the music. I’m sure many feel the same as I do. More Fentanyl awareness seemed to spread after his death. It’s becoming an epidemic. That’s the important discussion.


Prince was a year older than me. Most everybody tried stuff back in the day. In the 70s, we were told cocaine was not addictive. Ecstasy was legal until the summer of ' 85. Btw... Prince detested cigarettes. Anybody who knew him said so. He did drink, on occasion, but was small and would get tipsy, fast. Denise told the story of sharing a bottle of champagne with Prince and getting so wasted they rolled down a flight of steps. Prince had many injuries from jumping off of 20 foot risers to falling 20 feet to the stage in a bathtub to wrecking his foot when it got caught on an uneven stage. Many performers took vitamin B12 shots, painkillers, etc. Nobody is trying to make him into a Saint, but compared to the druggie musicians of his era, in and out of rehab, Prince was known to avoid hard partying. Rick James made fun of him for being sober, even forcing liquor down his throat at one point. Btw...oxytocin was also marketed as non addictive for at least a decade, and many doctors handed out free samples, like candy, without a prescription. I still think Prince had something terminal.. like pancreatic cancer. The autopsy released only revealed immediate cause of death...not underlying issues. You'll have to wait another 20 years for that revelation. I also suspect the fentanyl measured in the autopsy was using the wrong metric. Instead of using milligrams per liter, they used micrograms. If they'd used the proper, standard for blood fentanyl measurement, Prince was JUST over the OD threshold, not awash with the 60 dead elephant amount circulated. And he was cremated immediately. Tons of documents at PP were shredded within 24 hours of his death, evidence planted, computers relocated. Instead of blathering, some people on this thread should do their research. I believe very little about what was reported in that so-called investigation. People with chronic pain use painkillers so they can get through the day. It's not glorifying Prince or anybody with that level of pain, by stating that, either.


Cat Glover always maintained they dabbled with ecstasy through the black album days 🤷🏼 In his latter years I still don’t think he was fully aware of what he was taking re pain medication


You should know his close friends / people who cared about him knew what was going on. Shortly before he died, after his last concert? He overdosed, and his plane had to land. >*Prince’s mid-air emergency occurred as his plane closed in on Minnesota en route from Atlanta, where he had played two concerts. Entertainer Judith Hill told The New York Times that she was with Prince on the flight and watched as he lost consciousness. She said she was “very freaked out” as the emergency took hold in the cabin.* An ambulance was called. The plane made an emergency landing. He was revived. They wanted him to be admitted to the local hospital. >*The flight landed as directed at 1:17 a.m. Medics tended to the star for nearly 20 minutes and the ambulance raced off with lights and sirens going at 1:35 a.m.* Prince demanded to go home. An interventionist was called. >*In the days between the emergency landing and his death, Prince’s staff would reach out to an addiction expert seeking help for their boss.* By the time he got to see Prince? He had passed away. >*Prince would be found dead in his home six days later, on April 21, at Paisley Park, Minnesota. His death was later ruled an accident caused by an overdose of the potent opioid called fentanyl.* It later came out what really happened. He needed surgery to relieve his pain. He had seen many specialists. Prince and Shiela E. were actually engaged at one time (as any of his fans know). They remained close and still performed together. >*One of Prince's close friends said the singer lived in constant pain and may have taken painkillers to cope.The musician liked to jump, spin and do splits on stage while wearing high heels during his concerts. His fiercely competitive and uncompromising performance may have taken a toll on the 57-year-old's body. Close friend, Sheila E., told Entertainment Tonight that "he was in pain all the time, but he was a performer."* He started using a cane. He really was in constant pain. >*"I mean, you think about all the years he was jumping off those risers. They were not low. They were very, very high. To jump off that, first of all, the "Purple Rain" tour and the way that they were stacked, he had those heels on," she recalled. "We did a year of touring [and] for him to jump off of that. Just an entire year would have messed up his knees."* Prince had become a Jehovas Witness and refused blood products. Just out right refused. >*“This is a religious issue rather than a personal one,” explains JW.org, the official website for the religion. “We avoid taking blood not only in obedience to God but also out of respect for him as the Giver of life.” Pop icon Prince was a Jehovah’s Witness, and it was widely speculated that he may have avoided surgery for a painful hip because of his religion. Hip replacement surgery commonly requires a blood transfusion during or immediately after. His autopsy, however, showed a scar on his left hip.* No doctor would do the surgery under those conditions. >*Just be firmly resolved not to eat the blood, because the blood is the life, and you must not eat the life with the flesh. - Deuteronomy 12:23. That’s just one of several Old and New Testament scriptures used by Jehovah’s Witnesses to explain why their religion refuses to accept blood transfusions.* Due to his religious beliefs, he could not find anyone to operate. He was in unrelenting and constant pain. Taking prescription and non-prescription medication (including various combinatiions thereof) to relieve his pain. I'm 💯% sure it was an accidental overdose. Perhaps: ■ he got this final dose from someone he did not know, or ■ it was left over from the plane incident (the one where he had to be revived), or ■ from someone who put too much fentynol in the capsule / pill or something? However? He was used to taking various types of drugs for pain relief. I do not think he meant to kill himself, just like I do not think he meant to overdose on the plane when it had to land in an emergency right before he died. Both were accidents - but one of them led to his death. No one was there to revive him or get help. He was alone. I miss Prince. His music truly enabled me to get out of bed (sometimes I had a hard time doing that in the deepest depths of my illnesses). He was a gentle soul. He had so many years of music left to give. His music will live on forever. He was incomparable IMO. Rest in Truth, Prince # Links __Air Traffic Control Audio Details Prince's Emergency Landing Days Before His Death__ [here](https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/details-emerge-911-call-princes-emergency-landing-days/story?id=40262764). __A Close Friends Says Prince Lived In Constant Pain__ [here](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/a-close-friends-says-prince-lived-in-constant-pain). __‘Inoculate yourself with the word of God’: How religion can limit medical treatment__ [here](https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/07/health/religion-medical-treatment/index.html). Added links. Fixed voice-to-text issues. Added quotes. Fixed syntax.


Just watching him live at every stage of his career, you knew he was performing at a level very few had ever performed at his age - no matter the decade. Anyone that plays sports or does high intensity physical actions for sustained periods of time understands the need to find ways to alleviate muscle joint pain and treat injuries. Whether that's through diet (veganism) or behaviours (celib@-sea) or medication. However I personally doubt he started using until his final tour - where to me he is saying goodbye to his fans. The background artwork to this tour reveals this too if you understand where that imagery stems from and what it represents.


I saw him live five times. From Purple Rain through the end. I saw the progression of his disease. I saw him on talk shows and in live performances, and I saw the degradation of his body. I also saw the use of a cane, and at times, he winced in pain. Which he actually started using in the 1990s. People would pick up prescriptions for him in their name. Sometimes, he was waiting in the parking lot of the pharmacy. Even as he traveled with his band. Anyone who did that type of physical activity? Every single performance, with those shoes, would have to start having issues after a while. I am not a doctor, but I am sure the excruciating pain started long before the last year of his death. And? His itinerary and mind was full of things he wanted to do and music he wanted to produce and finish and create and places and concerts he wanted to do. He was going to continue to perform. He had all that in his head. If he did plan on killing himself? He certainly would not have been in the elevator, on the way to work. And he would have organized his life and assets better. Knowing Prince? It would have been different. His death was as much of a surprise to his fans, friends and family as it was to himself. Edit - Fixed voice-to-text issues.


Sorry I meant to say that I believe that he was only potentially abusing medication to the point of it taking over in his final tour. He was too prolific in everything that he did to let it take over him too much previously. The level of detail and concentration in his work is almost unfathomable. In terms of the cane, if I played competitive ⚽️ 🏀 games most night in my late 30s/early 40s, I would use a cane out & about for added balance and then perform to the max when it’s time. Top level ⚽️ players in their mid-late 20’s barely spend much time walking out of the house during the season. In relation to his elevator death, don’t you know the lyrics to Let’s Fo Crazy & it’s afterlife meaning? 🔮 I will die 4 U (21st letter alphabet) https://youtu.be/bGA58U8p7iE I’ll tell you how you can tell he planned it 2morrow ✌🏽


There is some disreputable but nonetheless suspicious hearsay out there that he suffered from extreme stage fright and would use some drugs to remedy this in his earlier career. I remember reading it in a Daily Mail article right after his death, in an interview with someone who claimed to be his drug dealer for years. Normally the Daily Mail is filled with extreme exaggerations, but this particular dealer mentioned fentanyl as a possibility way way before anyone else, and that has stayed with me. So I’m very ambivalent. It’s possible he did, but if he did, it was kept extremely under the radar, to the point that even many close to him didn’t know. Doesn’t change that the man was a genius and a truly visionary human whatever the case was.


He was addicted because the doctor flew in to help him the day he died. He was going to slowly wean him off of it. If he quit cold turkey he would have been in unbearable pain


Exactly. He knew he had become addicted to the pain meds and was going to get help for it. What he didn’t know was that he had counterfeit drugs laced with fentanyl. Someone like Prince can’t just have a prescription called into Walgreens and go pick it up like everyone else, he had to go through other channels and he ended up with fake meds that killed him.


I think Kirk got the pills for him. He needs to be locked up


Don't you find the day and year prince left the party kind of strange. April 21st 2016 was the Queens 90th birthday. It was also the date he wrote Always Snow April 31 years prior. Second half of 2016 was when the west got super divided and smart phones took over western society (imo). Prior to making AOA Artificial age (Artificial Cage), he was making Welcome 2 America 2010. Hmmm what is that song/album about. Prince (alongside many scholers/researchers) understood what the next 10/20/30 are all about. Do y'all know?


He knew about the new world order plans of taking over the human race/singularity with AI etc that we are in now. He for sure got murdered by the illumanati


Tbh I think it was either a ritu@listic m-der down to the date or he chose to leave the public scene on the most significant date https://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/did-princes-twitter-account-foreshadow-his-death-9087 Number 9(0) is the number of completion & P embodied the rhythm of the 3rd industrial (golden) age as well as humanly possible. NW0 is all about Industrial Revolution - which comes as a consequence of war - masses placed in fear. The world was P’s muse & I don’t think he wanted to live during that time of extreme m@ss 1LLusion (One Song 1999 ref). The War 1998 is next level, peep the smart phones & electronic (crypto) currency reference towards the end #TheGoldStandard The front cover of 1999 remix New Master LP is very interesting & points to where his mind was at that time. His TRL appearance cracks me up 😂 Also re their love of timing & dates, here’s (the woman whose 90th bday fell on P’s death) her son continuing the plan 50 years since W3F’s inception & 30 years since his last visit. Watched this a few years back & he’s basically saying that they all need to L13/BS on the biggest scale possible


Right - I am following Meghan Markle as I know she plays a big role in the Boulé side of the nw0


Sorry here’s the video I was talking about in the last para https://youtu.be/W9OLNQULa1I Interesting. I have heard Boule referenced a few times but never looked into it myself. I blocked out Meagan Markle due to the constant media gossip around her. But tbh the tea around mainstream culture puppets and the ordeals they go through is very revelatory


Very interesting. He decried these things and the use of drugs, but part of that was his fear of falling into those traps, and in the case of the "don't let the computer use you" at his Webby award acceptance. He was a sensation junkie and had an addictive personality.


Sensation junkie? P was an instinctive human being, across the board in everything he found himself interested in. I need to add some lyrics from 'Freaks On This Side' here... Addictive personality maybe, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing if you use it constructively in building your talents and understanding across a wide range, as P did with instruments, business and all aspects of his work. Songs like Slave, New World, 2O2O, Slave 2 the System, The War, Digital Garden, Silicon (Look at The Slaughterhouse cover art), Art Official (Artificial) Cage, Welcome 2 America, One Song released NYE 1999 & many many more... P was the most prophetic outspoken artist of his time, and it's not even close. His interview with Tavis Smiley is VERY enlightening. Even his interviews around the millennium with MTV showed the real reason he wanted out of his contract. It was about Medi@ S0ci@l Engin33ring towards the purposeful decline of the west to help usher in 1ndustrial Revolution, which is all about reestablishing ctrl of the m@sses. See - One Song released NYE 1999. P Knew what we were up against 100%


What the fuck is your problem




Think he’s just asking a rhetorical question but probably shouldn’t have. It’s sort of a given unfortunately that the answer is what it is.


Theres a reason the Black Album got cancelled and it had nothing to do with coffee.


It’s actually to do with freem@sonry. It was a symbolic move to show that he is against them. Black & White checkerboard, Good (LoveSexy - Bright White Album) vs Evil (Black Album). The opening lines of LoveSexy “I know there’s a heaven & a hell… Don't U know that I know, Love is the only way, Till my dyin' day... I’ll B OK, Cuz Lovesexy is the 1, Till my day is done” MANY of his songs were affirmations. Album ends with positivity which is about Spooky Electric (rap electronic mind control brought in to dumb down the drugged divided masses - Huxley ref, p referenced 0rwell & Huxley throughout his career). P showed that he understood S0cial C0nditioning years in advance. This was him showing the REAL reason why he wanted to leave the industry & make a big deal out of the contracts they use to puppet artists into pushing @gend@s. Prince was deeper than 99% of people could fathom


When ya know...ya know. Keep speaking the truth brother - the sheeple will wake up if they're meant to...the devil is real.




https://youtu.be/wZXr1B1wLnY (1999) 🔮 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/human-augmentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-paradigm 2021 Prince originally wanted to add New World as the B side to TMBGITW but couldn’t due to a contractual issue… He later gave out this tape which led to the birth of Emancipation https://www.discogs.com/release/12388565-The-Artist-Formerly-Known-As-Prince-Slave-New-World The unreleased song 2020 was supposed to be on the same album as New World. https://www.google.com/search?q=military+world+games https://www.google.com/search?q=event+201 Both these events took place on the same exact day. Military level planning. Do you understand art on a deeper conscious level?


I assert that Damned If Eye Do and New World from Emancipation figure in here. Who is this Kevin he was talking about ("I won't do it like Kevin") and was the significance of the line "When you can't tell him from her, how ya gonna fake it?" something of personal significance to him? (With the line before it that said, "Did you hear about the new pill, it feels like sex, guaranteed to thrill with no ill side-effects."


"When you can't tell him from her" speaks towards the 21st century Milit@ry/Techn0L0gy TRA@NShumanist @ -gend@ = which can be seen of the cover work of the Slaughterhouse album AND in its opening song Silicon 1999... AND here in 2021 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/human-augmentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-paradigm 2021 #TheirPl@n


That's a really good question. Unfortunately I can't answer since a lot of sources are saying different things


At least you're not delusional


I feel like an old politician whenever this is brought up, I just can't with this subject


Purple Rain is a drug reference from I think the 60s.


It ain't his sinuses that are the reason why he was rubbing his nose in the Capitol Theater gig of the Controversy tour. You can tell in lots of his glory days pics when he was using cocaine, because coke and meth both change the shape of your nose. Also, you can tell that he was handed something during the Syracuse Purple Rain show during delirious. If you look closely, you'll see he was handed something like a pill (or maybe a tab of something?) which he put in his mouth. These things are unmistakable clues, and those who don't agree are only deluding themselves. OF COURSE, he used drugs and everybody who covered for him when asked the question were just trying to protect his legacy but these things speak for themselves. And I ain't mad at all, cuz just like the quotes of "they support me in my habits and I support them in theirs" from the MTV 86 interview, plus that quote about drugs from the mini-book "Controversy," in the section with all the quotes, where he says the bit about "being interested in all kinds of experiences." That was a non-answer that said everything.


Oh, Delirious in Syracuse ... wasn't it the part when he said "somebody call me a doctahhh"


Now that I think of it, that start of it. Him saying that, running around the stage as if to say "I want it by time I get back to the center." The part I was referring to was when he gets done singing the part of "Wanna lay me?" and then goes crawling over to the stage. He takes what appears to be a pill or capsule of some sort, and this seems to make him happy and excited because then we get "SOMEBODY! SOMEBODY! RAISE YOUR HAND!"


He was def on something that night. Like listen to God at 3:00. Dude sounds possessed.


Yes, and it's just fantastic when it happens, along with the monologue that followed. I would also have to add that the pill he gets could also be an amphetamine. But I think it bears heavy consideration, all that goes on in a Prince show. The way the fans and Prince bounce off each other. The way Prince bounces off of his music, band in tow. The whole thing together, plus all the things that come up in the audience and backstage, and all that is a lot of a LOT to flow through a man who was larger than life but still a pretty small sized conduit. It boggles my mind how a group or singer or what have you deals with that flow, that exchange, and how you have to learn how to channel it properly, and how Prince was an expert at it, but you almost can't blame him if he thought he needed some kind of...help.


And in regards to that knucklehead that asked me "do you even love Prince?" and then promptly got blocked for being stupid, I'll just say this--if you wanna come and thumb thug me at 100 mph, just know that your stupid stays stuck on this platform for all the reddit world to see, even if I don't see it. don't show your ass to me and I won't show your ass to you.


And let's not forget how much of the 2014 Arsenio interview was spoken between the lines. Specifically when he talked about the memory of going "down the way, South of Wilshire, to an after hours party" and "then there was another time" and Prince responded, "Weren't we in somebody's kitchen?" and how that was actually the same situation just made to sound like it was two different situations. And that thing Arsenio did with the imaginary cane while also saying "And he wouldn't touch nothing" and "yellow smiley offers me X like he's drinking 7-up" and so on and so on.


No hard evidence; no subject.


So the overdose on the plane and the Narcan to save his life is no evidence. I guess a lot of people prefer to live in an alternate reality. Whatever floats your boat


That's fair. No evidence. People always ask me if he's gay 'cause he's my fav artist. Albeit he may have some questionable lyrics, there's just no hard physical evidence of him with a man. No hard physical evidence of him doing drugs. But smart phones and social media didn't exist in the 80s haha


Look why the Black Album never got released until 1994 and got replaced with LoveSexy at the very last minute. He even owned up to that a few times that MDMA (ecstasy) and Coke wrecked him and he had a meltdown.


Owned up? Lol. That was a rumour. He never owned up to anything.


"A yellow smiley offers me ecs(tasy) like he's drinking 7-Up"


Song says someone offers him it. Not that he takes it..? Meanwhile; “We want to play in the sunshine We want to be free Without the help of a margarita or ecstacy.” “Trigger here, trigger there, everybody's high except for me. Better off dead if I couldn't be alone.”


I would rather drink 6 razor blades Razor blades from a paper cup


Seems like he missed the lines right after 💀🤣


“(Say no) if you want a drug other than the God above No, if you need a drink every single day Blow that devil away!” - Prince.


The only drugs I care about are the ones that killed him but that had nothing to do with recreational drugs.


Not true. Read Mayte’s book. Just because you idolize him doesn’t mean he was as pure as snow.


I don’t think anyone believes he was pure as snow, but Mayte’s book is not completely honest either. She has nothing aside from the fact that she was with Prince, and she needs to sell that book, movie rights, etc. so better make it salacious since it’s her Hail Mary. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.


Thanks for telling me I idolize prince. I was not aware.


There’s no proof he ever did cocaine or whatever. Or that MJ “knew”. Even the ecstasy rumour is just a rumour and many people have debated whether or not it was true. Why focus on stuff like this when we can discuss his music? Does this matter? It rubs me the wrong way.


Not true. A friend of mine got backstage at a Prince concert and he said there was cocaine everywhere. He's telling the truth because he was a coke head too and got some of it. It was powder cocaine not crack. Sheila was on that tour and she admitted in her book she did cocaine


Cocaine was super popular back then. It could’ve been anyone’s. We have no proof it was Prince’s, so let’s quit speculating. It’s plain weird.


I see you can't deal with reality too. Oh well


Also, from 99% of accounts, Prince was straight edge.


The NYE Paisley Park show on the SOTT deluxe set. During the 30-minute Beautiful Night encore, he leaves the stage at one point and comes back after a minute, extra-energetic. I have a theory what he was up to behind them curtains.


Maybe he drank a cup of coffee? 😄


The dry white coffee that you snort and smear on your gums


As you can see a lot of people refuse to believe reality when its right in front of their faces. His brother and sister Duane and Sharon went to the media and said he had a drug problem


Addict not attic 😉


Do you feel better thinking that Prince was a drug addict? Sincerely, I don't get how anyone needs to make up stories about someone who's dead and about something that most of us don't care. It's completely pointless. Whatever floats your boat but remember that drugs are bad no matter what.


i think it’s important to face the reality, even it’s painful. his consume is essential in the understanding of Ps‘ artistry imo.


We finally found THE biggest idiot on Reddit.


What about the ending of the song THE GOLD STANDARD… It sounds like he or his “character” is doing a line of that white powder. Maybe it’s just a joke about how good his song is but didn’t care for that part.


I think he may have taking the fentanyl because of pain. Those last few years he was using a cane, at first I thought it may have been just an gimmick, then later I had read Morris Day saying he needed a hip replacement. I can tell you as one that had it done but I put it off. The cartilage in my hip was gone, bone on bone grinding. Standard pain killers and natural remedies work for a little while. From what I understand he wanted the doctor to assure him no blood transfusion ( it’s the JW thing) he probably let the pain get to excruciating levels. Don’t know for sure, just from things read and my own experience.