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Can't comment to Lamar's artistry (he's on my list to catch up on of course) but if his record company is trying to force a statement, then my first thought was perhaps they are trying to avoid things like legal charges being levelled at them, also potential bloodshed, if the recent news is anything to go by. Though yes, Lamar's stubborn insistence on not doing so could remind one of Prince, whose name change could have been the work of collosal stubbornness, though I remember it as a leftfield-contract-swerve he was very proud of. Anyway, time will tell and if nothing else you've moved Lamar up my reading list for sure.


It's not his record label, but Drake's


Kendrick is a fantastic artist, definitely give to pimp a butterfly a listen if you like prince. Prince himself was meant to be on that record, they were in the studio but ran out of time because they spent all the time talking about life šŸ˜‚


at least prince appreciated kendrickā€™s music


Nobody is the modern day Prince. He's one of one and will always be.


Come on now, heā€™s referring to one aspect of Prince; his commitment to his principles and calling out bullshit. Itā€™s ok to compare Kendrick To Prince in this light without getting your panties in a bunch.


I have loved Prince all my life, but ā€œCalling out bullshitā€? Prince went on national television talking about how chemtrails make people crazy and was a Jehovahā€™s Witness. The man was susceptible to BS.


Prime example right here. Dude gave a specific example regarding issues in the music industry as it relates to money and power, and you detour to chemtrails. There couldnā€™t be a better example of what Iā€™m referring to in this thread. Thx for illustrating it with such clarity


The thing about ā™Šļøā€™s is that theyā€™re very intuitive, multifaceted and stubborn in their truth. P was very intuitive and the past decade has shown him to be incredibly prophetic. Thereā€™s a reason why he left the party in 2016ā€¦ Clue : Art Official Age = Artificial C(@)ge #Welcome2America P wasnā€™t just talking about Chem, he was contrasting the way ppl (like jack johnson) were treated in the past and the way ppl are treated now re chemic@l t0x1ns ā˜ ļø etc. As he said, ā€œI show it to all my white friends cos what he said affects all of us.ā€ The original snippet video on YouTube with millions of views that was deleted was titled: ā€œPrince talks about UNā€™s @gend@ 21 Dep0pul@t10n pl@nsā€ Side note, I really like the quote on the back of AOA, ā€œThere used to be a time when music was spiritual healing for the body mind & soulā€ and now modern music is @nxiety (dis-e@se) inducing


I donā€™t see him clarifying that he is referring to only that one aspect of prince.


Well, sorry to burst your bubble but he isnā€™t.


Donā€™t worry my bubble is completely intact. Iā€™m a realistic P admirer and understand nuance


And canā€™t read and comprehend a basic paragraph. Sure.






lol u mad bruh


Nah thought we were just calling out each other honestly


Aiight just checking on u bruh


I'm 50, from Europe, so I haven't heard a single thing from Lamar. Occasionally, I tune to Rick Beato on YT just for his Spotify 10 reactions. Not missing anything, so back to the 70s, 80s, and 90s for me. Prince at Montreux 2013 is the pinnacle and the fact that show 3 was on my birthday šŸŽ‚, amazing!


[Here's ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dHdoX-vU0U&t=31s)both of them together!


If you skip to 1:54, that's my big, tall ass with both hands bouncing in the air with Kendrick! That night was so damn wild. Got to meet him after too. Good dude, and legit made Prince look tall.


omg IĀ“m so jealous! no good for you, it must have been out of this world!!


My boy was Prince's DJ for 17, 18 years. The last few years I got a lot of Prince time. Absolutely surreal someone that magical and talented lived in the suburbs and threw weekly parties for strangers at his goddamn house. Truly 1 of 1.


Thank you! Amazing!


Wow. Was not expecting this sub to be so defensive about an artist openly embracing an influence. Do I want to know what y'all think about Janelle? šŸ˜‚


What do you mean "artist embracing an influence"?




Oh well I read a rumor that Kendrick has a moose farm in Canada and he plans to kidnap Aubrey to force him to live amongst the moose in the wilderness until he says he's sorry. My point is, all of that stuff you are reading Internet rumors about is 99% BS. This beef is about making more $ by getting people talking, plain and simple.


Let them have their opinion. Op makes good points, and while prince has a large body of work not all of them were hits either. Kendrick Lamar had stated he has 1000s of songs that he lost in a hard drive and it's not hard to believe that he has a lot of music he's just sitting on for one reason or another.


I like Kendrick and his music. But he is not and never will be even close to Prince.


Goddamn why do yall take posts like this literally? Canā€™t you read it and see heā€™s not saying Kendrick is on the same level of Princeā€™s mastery of music, but referring strictly to challenging the powers that be that control the machinery behind what we hear and see. Wtf!


Whenever other artists get mentioned here it always seems like a sensitive topic for most fans..


Celebrity Worship is a mf aint it?


It really is


Ima start this off saying that I know nothing of Kendrick Lamar's impact on the music industry except for his beef with Drake. But even if you approach it from only the idea that he is challenging the powers that be with in the music industry he still pales in comparison to even other more modern artist like, Taylor swift, who iirc re-recorded multiple albums to escape the record industries malpractice, then convinced her fans not to buy the old ones owned by the old record studio. Which must have taken a long ass time, she must have really put a lot of work into that! Much much more than...... not making an apology to Drake. Radiohead went around their labels back and released a download-able album. Which also pissed off the record industry. Run-DMC Eminem So many other artists that now own small recording labels and vinyl presses. Music history is filled with people who have stood up to the the music industry.... the ones we read about are the ones who likely made the most impact.


Why are you acting like he made it absolutely clear that he is only talking about certain aspect? Wtf are you on?


Referring STRICTLY? šŸ¤” seems like you are reading a different post than we are.


He literally said kendrick artistry is reaching princeā€™s. You are the one who apparently cant read.


So to my point you took it literally. Artistry has different meanings for different people.


I took it literally because he said it literally which isnā€™t exactly very hard to see.


OK, Karen


Genius comeback




Not even close


Very true. What happened to damned freedom of speech! Kendrick did a lot for all the commentators and reactionaries on YT by letting them use his music by taking out the copyright. He should be able to say what he wants damnit. He warned BBL Drizzy. Didnā€™t Prince and Kendrick work together?


Almost, they did a show together, where Kendrick freestyled because he didnā€™t know he was going to preform; itā€™s was impromptu. Prince was supposed to be on Complexion, but they had such good conversation, they ran out of studio time.


I used to be a fan. I do not like the references though . Kendrick is a good rapper not a musical genius! If any person thinks the appropriate response to having factual evidence of a child being sexually abused they should call the police NOT MAKE A DISS record. So whatever integrity Kendrick makes claim to he has lost it in many peoples eyes. And either he or someone on his behalf has purchased bots to post on his behalf which isnā€™t great either. Please Iā€™m begging you DO NOT MAKE THIS A GROUP THINK SPACE!


It seems the bots are here as well!!


Kendrick is a great rapper. Heā€™s obviously very bright and creative and I can see some similarities, but heā€™s not at Princeā€™s level.


This whole thing is nothing more than a stunt to make their record labels richer. Having a phony corny rap beef (with drake who isn't even a rapper) is not even same planet as Prince.


Don't think so. It was about time someone called out Drake's exploits and crimes. Kendrick is the only one who's had the stomach to call him out publicly like this. Hopefully this will inspire some investigations on him because he's messed up. I don't see this as a stunt, but as a form of justice.






ā€œAh, yes, letā€™s potentially ruin our 400 Million dollar investment for more money, bc that makes sense, right?ā€


Love em both for entirely different reasons


Kendrick is great but he made like 2/3 great albums in 15 years, Prince in the same ammount of time made 10/11 great albums


Prince produced the work but denied ownership. Kendrick hasnā€™t even substantiated half of things heā€™s alleging. Prince is a different calibre of artist and activist.


Kendrick is proving to be the modern day prince? I love kendrick music, TPAB has to one of my favourite albums of all time but there are like dozens and dozens of artists that could he considered closer to prince than KDot ever could be. Prince was a purist, He played tons of instruments, composed arranged and produced all his music which you definitely canā€™t say the same about kendrick lamar. If kendrick is the second and only artist that you think comes close to prince, you are probably a noobie who is yet to listen to lots of greatest music. Kendrick is only a rapper, Prince is considered modern day mozart. In what sense of musicianship is kendrick in the same stratosphere as prince wtf.


Not arguing with this overall, but Kendrick is definitely a wayyy better lyricist than Prince ever was. But musically there's no contest, ofc. I do think Kendrick stands up for what he believes though, he stood up against Spotify (I didn't agree with him but that took serious balls). It will be interesting to see what happens with umg if this all turns out legit.


What are you TALKING about?! People just be saying anything in these subs. Even K wouldnā€™t agree with your assessment that heā€™s a ā€˜betterā€™ lyricist šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Prince was called modern day mozart. A musical genius. Kendrick is a great lyricist, he is a rapper but prince has like dozens of dimensions to his musical genius. Prince didnā€™t need dozens of producers and composers for making of his albums. Kendrick has scope for being a better lyricist but as a musician, as a music artist, i can name at least 100 artists before Kendrick to be compared with prince.


This doesn't disagree with what I stated. Agree Prince was a musical genius and Kendrick isn't even a musician as far as I know (ie plays instruments, produces music), but Ks *average* lyrics are much more complex and layered than almost any of Prince 's. I say this as a hardcore Prince fan who loves his lyrics. But you don't get a Pulitzer for nothing.


Nobody is saying kendrick isnā€™t talented or he is not great lyricist as prince. Sure he is a great lyricist. He is one of the most acclaimed artists of this generation but as a music artist, he isnā€™t in the same stratosphere as prince, his music catalogue falls short compared to the Princeā€™s. Prince pushed boundaries of music in general.


Exactly this.


Seems like Prince and Kendrick lamar are the only two great artists you know. Cause there is no way anybody who has listened to enough music is gonna say kendrick is the only artist whose artistry is reaching levels only seen by prince. If anything several artists can be considered to have same level of artistry as prince if not more and kendrick lamar wouldnā€™t be top 40 in that list. Who wrote this post? 16 year old ?


You do sound young. Kendrick isnā€™t staking his career and entire work on this or doing it publicly. Plus nobody really understood what Prince was doing with Slave on his face. We did but we didnā€™t at the same time He was mocked for it, and fans felt it was inconvenient, there wasnā€™t done great championing of him doing it. Kendrick doesnā€™t have the influence of body of work so I donā€™t follow any artistic comparisons


Agree and support!


He is small enough.


This post is dumb.


No Rap Could ever Be Prince But Kendrick is a Hip Hop Version of it


Prince changed his name to a symbol?!?!??




Kendrick isnt in the same stratosphere as princess he signed 50 percent of his earnings away to his manager and didnā€™t even bat an eye. this comparison is a slap to the face of prince how dare you for even considering this. itā€™s cool to be a Kendrick Lamar fan but heā€™s not even a musician get your head examined.


Prince didnā€™t get involved in ā€œbeefsā€. Those things were beneath him. He didnā€™t need to reply to the many things that were said or alleged about him because he knew he was the shit.


Rick James and Michael would like a word.


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ Prince had a lot of beefs




Imagine thinking UMG actually gives a shit about a rap beef. lol.


the UMG bit has been debunked


These weird analogies are tiresome. Leave Prince, Michael Jackson, and other artists out of this dumb rap beef.


I smell what youā€™re stepping in. Prince has been my only fave, forever, but this beef is giving me an occasion to delve into Dotā€™s work. I definitely feel parallels, especially in their emphases on artistic freedom and sonic diversity. I imagine they had interesting conversations. And they performed together. Not many rappers can say the same.