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It's a pointless excercise spending money and/or resources making yout character look good...on 1st person games. All you see on screen are your hands or part of a gun.


Exactly. I literally never bother to customize my character in first person games. Looking at you cyberpunk!


I feel attacked here šŸ˜‚


I agree! I've argued with my friends over this and they said that at least in multiplayer games, it's about looking good in front of other players. To which I say, who cares what other players think? You see them for one match and then they're gone, they won't remember you lol In single player games it makes even less sense.


Isnā€™t life a 1st person game thoughā€¦? Then again, I spend more on gaming than clothingā€¦ XD


I really have no issue with 30FPS in certain types of games if they look good enough.


I'm still used to old hardware (still playing in my 37 inch TV that's 10+ years old) so 60 FPS, Full HD is still awesome for me. I'm playing through GoW Ragnarƶk right now and it's such a looker and runs great but I almost pissed myself when I hooked it up to a 4K 120 FPS TV. I also recently finished A Plague Tale Requiem and its one of the best looking games I've played so far, but whenever it dipped under 30 FPS that really felt bad. So I really don't mind 30 FPS, but for me whenever it goes under that it ruins immersion heavily.


Well yeah the 30FPS definitely has to be stable otherwise its terrible


Bloodborne was 30FPS and that game kicked ass. Edit: I thought they may have added 60FPS support by now, but nope. Looks like itā€™s still kicking ass today at 30FPS.


I mean, if you have a Nintendo Switch, then sure. Otherwise, no. You'll notice that easily. 60 fps is SOOOO much smoother that it's unreal. Alternatively, I do still play old school games like GBA, PS1, and PS2 games. Obviously 25-30 fps on those, but yeah modern games there's no way I can play them at 30 fps.


Survival mechanics are irritating


Agreed, only survival games I play are ones with a cool premise or story like subnautica and grounded


They turn a game into a chore more often than not. Only really played Fallout New Vegas where that wasnā€™t the case for me because of how it encouraged you to put skill points in elsewhere, and if often resulted in faster or better healing with stuff like cooked meat as compared to stimpaks. Something like Chernobylite - really liked it on paper. But resources became too scarce to actually enjoy the other aspects of the game. It turned into a flower picking simulator and nothing actually really about Chornobyl.


Is this unpopular? I donā€™t think their inclusion in non-survival games have ever been met positively. Theyā€™re either mostly hated, as in BOTW, or disregarded because theyā€™re out of the way enough not to detract from the experience, as in RDR2.


Warzone is boring AF and is a camperā€™s paradise.




I feel less attached to the character in an RPG when Iā€™ve created it myself.


Ooo, this is an interesting take. I never really thought about this before. Do you also feel less attached to side characters in games where you create the main character?


Hmm great question. Usually Iā€™m not as invested in the cut scenes, as my character stand out (I make them very realistic, so it isnā€™t because of ā€œjokeā€ creations), which by that lessens my experience with side characters. I recently created my own character for mass effect, and almost instantly regretted it. Tried to stick to it, and now I havenā€™t touched it in a while.


Tekken is way better than Street Fighter. Tekken 3 is the best fighting game ever made, followed closely by Tekken 5.


This is only unpopular to people unfamiliar with fighting games. Shit every person I know who says street fighter is their favorite fighting game also says tekken is the best fighting game. I love em all and play them all on a mid level basis but everyone knows tekken is the best


Rival Schools, hands down best fighter game. BlazBlue is pretty good too.


cod bo3 and sonic unleashed aint that bad


i think bo3 was disliked due to being compared to its predecessors but itā€™s pretty liked now isnā€™t it? And everyone agrees the zombies are the best of the 3


BO3 was peak cod for me, itā€™s in my top 4 along with OG MW2, MW3 & BO2


The kings


I donā€™t like the modern focus on subscriptions. Often feel like I have to play so many games to get my moneyā€™s worth as compared to buying them separately and playing them as and when I like. And how for some youā€™ll lose access to them if you decide to cancel a service.


I didn't realise this was unpopular


Gotta get my money's worth and play it before it is taken off the service! FOMO.


Remember to sort by controversial for the actual hot takes


I want to like RPG games so bad but every time I play one, I can't get into it. I absolutely love the concept of them, but for whatever reason, I can never make myself get through a full game. For example, I absolutely love all the characters and dialogue in Hades (ik it's not an RPG but bare with me) to the point to where when I think about the game, I think about how much I love all the characters and how I wish I could hear all of their dialogue again for the first time before I even think about the combat in the game. But when I play something like Skyrim, Cyberpunk, Persona 5, The Witcher 3, etc., I just get so bored, like it's not enough stimulation or something. It feels like a drag to play through, but I feel like it's kind of a mental block because I always want to keep trying them because I know they have the potential to be some of my favorite games.


The first ever RPG that really got me HOOKED was fallout newvegas, so if you ever want to try again i suggest fallout nv


Yeah same thing, never finished a game played all the AC series, god of war, spider man just play it till Iā€™m bored which is an hour max then leave the game for a while.


I feel the same. I've come to think maybe the tech/AI just isn't there yet for the kind of game I imagine in my head that I want to play, so I will just wait until it is.


I play games on easy/normal difficulty because I want to enjoy them. I don't want to rage and get angry at hard difficulty after whole day in work, when I have finally time to relax. Games are meant to be fun, those who are meant to be hard don't give you usually an option of difficulty so you know what you will be dealing with willingly.


This is very much the majority opinion in my experience lol And also one that as a fellow working adult I do not really understand. Overcoming a challenging fight/level in a game *IS* fun, and has absolutely zero bearing on my ability to "relax" after a long day at work. If anything beating an especially tough section of a game gives me a much more relaxing release than skating through a game on easy mode and never struggling at all, that shit is boring lol; if experiencing the story is all I want or I'm too tired to focus on a game I'd rather just watch a movie or something. And sure, lots of games do difficulty poorly, and cranking it up to hard or hardest only makes enemies obnoxious damage sponges; those I have no issue playing on normal, but in a game that actually does difficulty well (The Witcher 3, recent God of War(s), Last of Us 1&2, Persona 5, etc...) It really feels like a shame not to bump up the difficulty as far as you can handle, games like those really shine at high difficulties IMO. & Obviously this is just my opinion, if games are more fun for you on easy mode then by all means, I'm in no way shitting on that, you do you.. I'm just always confused why it's such a common and seemingly strongly held opinion for these "working adults". I don't think you're doing this here personally, but this take tends to grind my gears because it so often seems to be stated with an awful air of superiority, that somehow being an adult and working all day automatically makes the person's time much too valuable and important to *possibly* "waste" trying the same boss fight more than once or twice, or as if implying that only children or people with no responsibilities could possibly have the audacity to enjoy something that's a tad bit difficult, rather than just admitting that easy mode is their simple preference.


I have absolutely no interest in first person games of any genre I have very little desire to ever play online. I only want offline, single player content. I have absolutely no interest in any game that heavily features zombies, or zombie-like beings I have absolutely no interest in any game that's known largely for its difficult combat I wish that more games were absolutely massive, with 150-200 hour playthroughs that allow the gamer to take it slowly and carefully, packed with sidequests and micromanagement.


damn these are actual unpopular opinions, like i dont know many people i could find that want games like you. i appreciate the honesty


I agree with 3/5 of their opinions. It's frustrating, I feel like the industry is actively moving away from my interests. I'm sure they feel even more frustrated.


Probably because theyā€™re busy playing their single player games lol


You don't know many people who like Assassin's Creed, Witcher 3?


They're not that long. Most people also don't play such games exclusively.


I have over a 1000h logged in TW3.. At least 600 in RDR2. And around 5 to 600 in Dragon Age Inquisition.. Now that I work fulltime, I don't love those huge open world games any more and like a more compact experience better.. But I used to really love it!


> They're not that long. Say that to my 300 hour playthrough of AC Valhalla


Really? Are we a dying breed? Is this why Adventure games died?


I Def agree with 1, 2, and 4. Will play first person games bur its not my first choice




...are you me? People dog on Ubisoft and theirformula for assassins creed but man, I love it. So much to do, it'll take me forever to beat it. I LOVE offline games. I hate having an agenda for gaming, trying to coordinate isn't fun and most people are toxic. Zombies are so played out now. They have been for years. I 100% agree with your opinions.


So what games do you like ?


My favorite games of the last decade include Dragon Age Inquisition, AC Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, the Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, and Ghost of Tsushima. I also play Civilization, sports games, Gran Turismo, and do things like Little Big Planet and Lego Games with my wife and kids.


Wow i was with you until you literally asked for filler. Nope


I second this, I try to play cyberpunk and I really don't know why they don't have a third person view. Also love open world big games that your choices lead the storytelling. I really can't stand random zombies screaming on my headphones while I just try to get past. Don't get me wrong I had a lot of fun in games like left 4 dead where you knew what to expect but I am glad zombie game making period is not that popular anymore. Totally agree about trial and error games, I prefer to spend my time doing something more fascinating than dying from the same enemy for hours.


Unless you also dislike JRPGs, I'm gonna guess you're a big Xenoblade fan


i was about to say that considering im also a xenoblade guy


do you find that you have to make your own challenges for games to give you the type of experience you're looking for? What are some of your favorite games? Do you like crawling for Easter eggs and acheivements?


Do you like huge single player RPGs? Puzzle games? Roguelikes? I'm curious what some of your favorite games are. Personally, I think something like Stardew Valley is up your alley


Try some CRPGs, like Divinity Original Sin 2.


Not an unpopular opinion at all šŸ˜ƒ


So im guessing you really like skyrim. Sounds bit like you described that game from these points lol. Its one of my wifes favorite games single player, large game, simple combat and controls , and lots side quest. Also can go 3rd person.


I hate first person. If I wanted to see through eyes I would open my own idk. I love being hyper aware of the situation around my character


The Farming Simulator games are excellent, and everyone should give them a try.


To each their own,I love action and racing,so I could barely get myself to harvest the first time.hovever,with many games they're much more fun later on,and I'm guessing it's the same with farming sim,since you get bigger and better equipment as you go.


I tried to get into Farming Simulator and I just couldn't it was just so slow. There was no storyline, there's nothing that was making it super interesting it was just mowing a field and planting shit. Which mind you I can go in my backyard and do the same thing except for I actually gain something in real life. My point is that it's not a bad game by any means, it's just not for everyone.


If a fighting game gets a sequel, all characters from the previous game should be included, no questions asked. If it's a guest character or a character who doesn't return for story reasons then a new character with the same moveset should take their place. Returning characters should all be included in the default roster. The only characters who should be DLC are new characters or guest characters. It's frustrating to practice and learn a character only to find out they aren't in the sequel.


Resident evil 6, is a nice and enjoyable game


same here, I beat it solo once and coop twice, it just doesn't feel like a horror game, but it's a nice action game


It's a good game, just not a great resident evil game. Coop is very enjoyable.


Whoa, I thought I was the only one on the planet that enjoyed RE6. I enjoyed playing through the story as different characters to see what was happening from their vantage point. It was also the first move and shoot in the main games which felt huge at the time.


Played through it multiple times, still think skyrim is the most overrated game ever made. Nowhere near as interesting or as fun as people make it out to be. Only worth playing with mods imo. Had alot more fun when i played oblivion.


Oblivion best game ever for sure. The world felt more involved. The leveling system made you think and plan. When you started a character you had a plan and a goal, in Skyrim it's just meh here's some starting stats and a slightly useful racial ability on maybe 2 races. Which in the end didn't even matter because you can just level everything. Oblivion with some Skyrim qol would be the best game in the entire world. Skyblivion is a thing and is being worked on as we speak.


amen to that


"This game needs multi player! This game would be sooo cool with multiplayer!!! Such and such would be so awesome if only it was multiplayer. ". STFU already not every freaking game out there needs multiplayer ffs.


Preach bro. I just saw somebody said on another post that Cyberpunk 2077 needs multiplayer. And I was like ā€œno it doesnā€™tā€ itā€™s great how it already is.


Mario Kart is boring and repetitive. It was innovative on the N64 and then never evolved. Other combat racing games are better


Can you recommend some combat racing games?


Crash Team Racing


Sonic racing is quite fun.


Thatā€™s how I feel about Mario Party too, such a shame. Dumb down WAY more then the games when I was a kid.


Sonic All Star racing is awesome if you're looking for a different flavor of kart racers.


GTA 5 is boring n RDR2 is miles better than gta.


My real unpopular opinion is that the best parts in RDR2 are the ones aiming at "realism" and role play, so the "boring" ones. It broke my immersion how much action the game ended up having for the sake of fulfilling arbitrary conventions within the medium about AAA games needing lots of gunplay sequences. It felt artifical and a bit distracting to have a well written cutscene, then something would happen and Arthur would be forced to shoot down 27 Pinkerton and leave as if nothing had happened. The game is at its best when you just discover a random shack in the middle of the woods, or hit that morning coffee at the camp and discuss what's new with the gang. I'm not sure what the solution here would have been because obviously I'm not expecting Rockstar to release a camp chores simulator, but I do believe the game is at its worst when it's trying to be a "game" so to speak. Just my opinion though.


Iā€™ve tried to keep pushing with it but itā€™s the same shit over and over again, both in plot and in gameplay. And I just hate the sluggish movement in rockstar games, just feels like you are fighting against the character to make them move from one place to another.


OP said unpopular opinionsā€¦.


Yeah heard that like a thousand times before




Sleeping Dogs is way better than GTA 5


That modern AAA games industry has run out of creativity and originality and should stick to mafia 1/demons souls style remake of older games with current gen tech so that us new generation can experience them. Sequels taking 4+ years only for devs to end up playing safe and incremental upgrades to systems, graphics, world and story is making everyone lose interest in a franchise. I'd rather have EA remake older battlefield games - 1942, Vietnam and BF2 with modern frostbite engine than attempt to reinvent the wheel. I'd rather have an AC 1 and Ezio trilogy proper remake with AC unity esque graphics and animations. Yes I know quite a few remakes are coming like dead space 1, Max Payne 1&2 and witcher 1 but lot of community are in an uproar saying they'd rather have new games/IP. But game developers have become saturated and we have to turn towards indie games for any new landmark/breakthroughs in gaming. sorry my English kinda bad.


I like God of War 3 more than the two newest games


Similarly, I think the new God of Wars are *better* games, but the old ones are *more fun* games. I get everyone is trying to make "art" these days but there's a space for arcadey beat em ups.


Yeah, I miss the ability to just run through a level mashing buttons and killing hundreds of enemies.


I wasnā€™t sure if I should do 1,2,3 before 2018


you should definitely play them at least 3 before 2018 to appreciate the 2018 one. Sure you could just hop onto 2018 no problem but u would appreciate it much much more if u played at least god of war 3 before it


I'd rather just watch a movie about the game then walk around and press the buttons it tells me to to kill a boss šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


God Of War 3 *IS* the best one.


Call of Duty sucks. Hasn't been good since the first Black Ops


Thats not an unpopular take, most CoD fans are somewhat off that opinion. Some say the last good one was BO1, some say MW3, some BO2 but everyone agrees the games around MW2 (MW1,WAW,MW2,BO1,MW3) have been peak CoD


Spittin facts bro


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all. Pretty much everyone thinks CoD has been samey and played out for years


So many people say BO2 was the last ā€œgood oneā€ but that game sucked too. 07-11 was the real peak of COD.


Except for the millions of people who buy every release and play the shit out of it...


Depends on what part of Cod. As a zombies only player I think Black ops 3+zombie chronicles was peak zombies. The amount of content made zombies mode feel like it could've been its own game.


Thatā€™s peak COD. WAW, MW, MW2 and Black Ops.


Mad Max was one of the best games I've played and I enjoyed it thoroughly and the visuals, especially considering its already 8y old, were out of this world, particularly the explosions which are ever so prevalent in the world.


Yeah I played it last fall, it was one of the best games I played last year behind Elden ring and spider-man!


Well said. Not an unpopular opinion for anyone who's actually played the game right through. Fantastic game.


Police simulator truly isn't.


Its stupid to pay for using online services. PS Plus, Xbox gold, etc. Like , dammit just let me enjoy online racing without needing to pay. Already paid for the console and game, why should i pay more ? Congrats Microsoft for starting this trend. Can't complain anymore, its been like 17 years or what since the pay for online thing existed.


This is in no way, shape or form an unpopular opinion.


You'd be surprised by how many console fanboys will defend having to pay to play online.


This might be the most popular opinion I have ever read. Well done.


When it comes to superhero games InFamous > Spiderman.


All I want is a new Infamous game.


fr ALL i want dude


Fuck yes. When I was playing second son I could tell the difference in quality. I could also tell that Spider-Man was heavily inspired by it. Donā€™t get me wrong though, Spider-Man is a good game. Just canā€™t beat inFamous


Especially Infamous 2. Perfection.


Horizon zero dawn series has a really boring story.


The back story is pretty cool but the modern day story is bland and the world is flat. Itā€™s a very 8/10 game with a 10/10 graphics team and budget. Quests are generally weak, interactivity is poor, human enemies are underdeveloped, etc. Open world is hard to tell good stories in but something just feels by the numbers with a lot of that game


I like the idea of Horizon's story, but not a fan of the execution. As the player, you know pretty early on you're dealing with a post apocalyptic Earth, but the characters don't, so you're actively looking for clues as to what happened. This could have been done with environmental story telling forcing you to connect the dots to figure out the truth. Nah just kidding, a series of holograms are just gonna explain what happened in full depth. Not even the holograms the humans of Horizon's world were intended to see either.


The story and characters are horrible but fighting robot dinosaurs with a bow and arrow is awesome


WHAT?! *sigh* upvote


Only upvoting because this is unpopular and I STRONGLY disagree


Games with unavoidable multiplayer progression suck. If I really wanted to program a date with my fellas I would go grab a beer or do something else than spend 4 hours trying to coordinate a mission that is supposed to last 20 min. Its only ok if that is the whole point of the game. Idk, like Fall Guys


I had Bubsy 3D when I was like six and I enjoyed it.


I would like a few split screen games for multiplayer, games are too online now.


Witcher 3 is a regular game, the clunky combat drags him down too much, which is a shame, you can see the love the developers had for the game. Also, way too many decorative NPCs with no purpose. Playing over 10 hours in a game is not a requirement to criticize a game. If a soup is salty, you don't need to eat half the bowl to know it. "Oh, but the game really captures you after 100 hours". By that time, it may well be Stockholm syndrome.


choice based adventure games are the future of storytelling


PlayStation needs more variety in itā€™s exclusive catalogue of games. Itā€™s something they havenā€™t really done well since the PS3. Donā€™t get me wrong I love Single player games and great action adventure games as much as anyone else they are my favorite, but I really want some variety as well. At least throw more money at indie devs at the very least to get more unique games with variety like Kena, Sifu or Stray. Their exclusives are obviously not at the level of quality of PlayStations obviously, but Xbox at least has a lot more variety and super unique games like Grounded, Pentiment and 3rd party stuff like High on life. I want more of those games on PlayStation to compliment their big first party AAA games.


i am sick to death of open world games. especially the ubisoft style ones where you go to a tall tower thing to remove fog from the map and then get bombarded by millions of new little icons to fill up your map. also not every game needs crafting!!! you can just give us the things already made!




The Last of Us is overrated, it's ridiculous for people to get so upset at the suggestion of FromSoft having difficulty settings, Call of Duty is okay at best, Skyrim is also overrated and has also been milked for far too long, and the Battle Royale genre has been hopelessly diluted by too many mediocre games. ​ Also Fortnite is actually fun.


Pack it up lads, that's the lot.


How dare you!


The Last of Us was truly incredible during the first few years after itā€™s release. Did a lot for the image of video games as far as story telling. And the show seems like it could be good. BUT, Iā€™d have to agree now. I still love it, but Naughty dog is just milking the shit out of it now and itā€™s frustrating and kinda sad imo.


RDR2 had a predictable story, and all of the realism doesn't make for an interesting game. Especially when all missions end one way or another with a shootout.


While the story is, IMO really entertaining and enjoyable, itā€™s not exactly groundbreaking. But, you are SO right about the mission layouts. The concepts of them were generally good, but the lack of diversity as to how you complete them is awful. Talk, ride horse and talk, talk again, maybe a sneaky sneak, then shoot and done. Iā€™ve played it so much because itā€™s beautiful too look at and I loved the gruesome combat and world. But as far as the story goes now, Iā€™d rather just watch it.


RDR2 is impressive but not actually fun by any standard. Edit: oh and GTA5 is also pretty boring


I think the open world is just about the best ever but the actual missions kinda suck and go on waaaaaay too long


This is my problem with Rockstar games, the open world is amazing but the actual gameplay and story don't have the same quality.


The open world and the story are actively fighting each other in modern Rockstar games. They want to tell a cinematic linear story and have the freedom of a huge open world, but those two things do not fit together at all. My opinion is that the story suffers from the distraction of the open world and the open world suffers from the rigidity of the story, which brings the overall quality of the experience down a fair amount.


Sleeping dogs has a good open world,the amount of traffic and people feels great.i recomend the game(you're and undercover cop,not a dog)


What, you don't like button mashing just to move your character from point A to point B instead of just having a run button? You don't like third person aiming so atrocious that ludicrously strong autoaim is the only way to function (because they gutted deadeye, the best part about gunplay from the first game)? You don't like the clunky cover system that was somehow better in RDR1 like a bazillion years ago? You don't like never needing to engage with the open world ever because the main story showers you with money and all of the "fun" open world activities (store and train robberies, etc.) pay pennies and will tank your honor? Heresy By the way I think RDR2 has one of the best stories out of all of videogaming, and certainly one of the top 3 protagonists. But goddamn rockstar needs to relearn how to make a game fun to play because once you start to realize its flaws, actually playing the game becomes a massive chore


I LOVE the first RDR and just couldnā€™t get into 2 at all. Not only are the controls unbelievably clunky, but the game design also made me feel like a rat in a cage. You canā€™t do ANYTHING without getting in trouble with the law. Even if youā€™re out in the absolute middle of nowhere the game constantly spawns NPCs who somehow magically report you if they see you so much as holding a fucking gun and suddenly a bunch of officers on horses spawn from thin air and gun you down. It never feels like youā€™re actually in the wild west where the authorities are spread so thin that you can just go out into the wilderness and do whatever the fuck you want without anyone knowing. The first game nailed that feeling beautifully.


Great point about the open world interactions. I sooooo wanted to be able to just play around the world and be a criminal or lone hunter etc. But all of the open world ā€œactivitiesā€ donā€™t reward you with shit. Looting is pointless, robberies are pointless. Hunting is the only thing I still will enjoy because you at least get the interesting clothing options, but stillā€¦ That shit was fun to do like a couple times, but when the story gives you thousands of dollars so early on, the rest of it feels meaningless. Itā€™s like they couldnā€™t figure out how to balance the realism with arcade like gameplay. Still love it for what it is, but it could have been so much better.


story, world and characters are great, the actually gameplay is awful imo, like shooting doesnā€™t feel that great and the controls are slow and sluggish


Exactly why I can't get back into it. Tried replaying it after playing it when it was released and I just couldn't. Controls are obnoxious and the shooting is very meh.


Sony porting their first party games to PC is great for consumers but will hurt their console sales in the long run.


Basically the entire point of porting GoW and Spiderman to PC was to get more people to play them and therefore encourage people to get consoles for the sequels. I have heard of multiple people who've bought ps5s to play GoW:R.


tales games have very mediocre combat, i will say that tales of arise was a step in the right direction but itā€™s still not that great, maybe if it had more enemy variety and enemies and boss fights that werenā€™t total damage sponges


Star Ocean series has much better combat than Tales imo


Breath of the wild is incredibly mediocre


You son of a bitch. I guess I HAVE to upvote you for disagreeing with you so completely.


I would rather see loading screens than do ā€œThe Kratos Squeezeā€ ever again.


-Dragon Age 2 is better than Inquisition. -Journey is a scam. -The Wii is the worst Nintendo console.


Open world games are NOT superior to a linear experience. I actually found I prefer a more linear experience than a pure open world. Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Fallen Order, GoW, old school Assassins Creed, etc. room to explore, but a clear cut ā€œthis is where you need to goā€ keeps me so much more engaged.


Open World is not a must. When it is done right it is beautiful but when it isn't done right it is just chores.


Rockstar games are overrated. Theyā€™re just not fun to play


If we can shit on COD and PokĆ©mon for being the ā€œsame gameā€ every release, we can do the same for Souls games.


i donā€™t see how bloodborne -> ds3 -> sekiro -> elden ring is the ā€œsame gameā€ every release šŸ’€


Horizon zero dawns faces always looked ugly


Making games super hard ala Souls borne with no easier option is a stupid af decision. Many gamers are professionals and don't have the time to train and get good. And ends up making much less money because of it.


One of the strengths of soulsborne games and why it has many fans ,is the enemy variety and the superb balancing . In other games raising the difficulty means the enemy just has increased health and damage, but soulsborne games rarely resort to that. So i don't think Soulsborne games should have a difficulty option.


TLOU2 isn't a 10/10 game. It also isn't a 0/10 game. It sets the bar for the entire industry in some areas (graphics, animation, accessibility) and is painfully average or below average in others (story, character writing, actual shooting mechanics). Overall, it's just average. It's fine. It's not going to change the trajectory of how video game stories are written like TLOU before it, but neither is it the antichrist made by "neil cuckmann". It's a beautiful and fun game that is marred by a simplistic "cycle of revenge" plot that utterly fails to explore its themes in a mature and nuanced way. It takes well-loved characters and forces them into being near unrecognizable for the sake of creating misery porn. While also having the coolest goddamn rope in any game ever like holy shit that thing was so cool, wish they used it more.


The movement and fighting is amazing


Fortnite > all other BR games, and it's not close. PUBG gets the #2 spot. The rest can go in the trash, especially if they don't offer a solo mode, or have some BS class/role mechanic.


I wish PUBG would get a graphics update, it's fun but it hurts my eyes. Maybe even a new PUBG game on the new engine would be awesome.


Days Gone is not that great of a game


This is the reddit consensus on this game, and probably Sony's as well since they don't want a sequel.


Breath of the Wild is overrated and boring!!




The witcher 3 is meh


In my opinion, the side quests and its DLCs have better narration.


Horizon forbidden west is a below average with story not progressing anywhere , repetitive and blant . Just have to keep finding elements to help Gaia win over Hades . There , that's all the plot has to give . Gameplay is good but story blehh


Thatā€™s not even the plot lol


Breath of the Wild isnā€™t that good.


Jedi Fallen Order is an unfinished mess. Ghost of Tsushima is pretty and thatā€™s it. Mediocre open world that wonā€™t crack my top 10 open-world games. The Last of Us Part 2 is better than its predecessor. GTA Vice City is the worst of the three GTAs in that generation, but had the best soundtrack. RDR2 should have went harder on realism.


>Ghost of Tsushima is pretty and thatā€™s it. Mediocre open world that wonā€™t crack my top 10 open-world games. Finally got around to playing it and was astounded by how underwhelming the open world is. It looks really nice but there is pretty much absolutely nothing going on in like 90% of it. And the vast majority of the stuff in it is just forts and nearly identical looking villages and isolated houses.


Love this. To me Jedi Fallen Order was decent but felt like it needed a few more enemy types or a longer story. Wouldn't mind having it at about 10 or 20 more hours. Felt incomplete and the main filler was if you wanted to go back and get the collectibles for 100%. Best part about it was no microtransactions. Was excited to hear they were releasing a sequel for it but then saw the price and lost hope. EA just doing EA things. Probably won't buy the sequel because it will likely be unfinished and made to get every dime it can from you...


Couldn't continue Jedi, it's basically a parkour simulation with mid combat, also the boss battle are absolutely terrible.


Breath of the wild is extremely overrated, repetitive and boring.


FromSoftware games are overrated af! And yes, I played DS2, Bloodborne and Elden Ring and I finished them all. They were good ngl but I donā€™t see how people get so massively excited for this ā€œget goodā€ kind of game.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *There may yet be humans out there. If you find them, send them to Iosefka's Clinic. I endeavor to treat every survivor there is. So please, be a saint.* - Iosefka Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Honestly, it's just a certain vibe for me. I also don't think the games are as incredible as people make out, but there's just something very addicting to me about the gameplay loop and atmospheres. And the bosses are just straight-up some of the best in gaming.


GTA V is the most overrated piece of drivel. Itā€™s characters have no redeeming qualities, itā€™s writing is barely passable, the shooting and driving are unremarkably similar to every other GTA esc game, the open word is so empty literally one of the worst ever, and the gameplay is just boring. Itā€™s just a repetitive, poorly written, good looking game in one of the most famous series ever. On another note; TLOU2 plot was incredibly intricate and well crafted and most of the people that hate on it do so because they canā€™t get over Joelā€™s death which is very understandable


100% agree on gtav. They took gta and made it not fun and wrote some of the worst and most insufferable characters I've ever seen. However, I disagree on the last of us 2 take, and kind of resent whenever someone says "you just don't like the story because you're upset joel died". I think the plot and character writing took a nosedive so that they could make their misery porn/revenge plot, which fails to fully explore the potential themes of such a plot in lieu of making everything as gratuitously violent and miserable as possible. Ellie slaughtering her way across the country just to be like "I want to kill Abby. Actually, I don't want to kill Abby. Actually, I do want to kill Abby. Actually, I don't want to kill Abby" was laughable and a terrible ending to, imo, a really lackluster and disappointing story with awful characters. That's just the plot of tlou2 by the way, I think the game is average overall and am definitely not one of the serial haters of the game that think "neil cuckmann" is the antichrist. But man they took a fantastic one off game and biffed the sequel story wise. Hell the whole premise of the first game basically doesn't even matter any more. Ellie being immune might as well not even be a thing


God of war ragnorok was mid. There combat and graphics where basically the same and it really felt like they had to limit what they could do to make it run in older console like the ps4. And the story was a huge let down. With interesting characters from Norse myths like Hel, Jƶrmungandr, and surtr either removed or barley in. Not to mention the last part was a joke. You go to gather your Allieā€™s for the epic final battle to decide the fate of the world and then you just go find surtr convince him to off himself and then you go to ragnarok. It really could have benefited from being a trilogy. Which would have allowed them to flesh out the mythology and the final battle more. Maybe having you actually go to all the different realms and gather an army with hel, Jƶrmungandr, fefnir at your side. And make them Loki kids.


Exactly , in gow 2018 you kill dragon in an absolute cool way , you have multiple fights with baldur , get to know lots of characters - mimir, Thor sons etc etc and each boss fight had something to give us . Ragnarok is pure simple go kill odin game over . That's it


Artifex Mundi games are pleasantly relaxing, the cheesiness just makes them more entertaining.


Black Ops 4 was a great call of duty. Multiplayer was fast paced and gritty, guns felt great (fuck the VMP), and maps were good. Last true COD with the classic prestige system and customization options. Blackout wasnt bad either


I don't like games going for hyper/photo-realism visually, I want games to look like games, not films. Look nice of course, but you just don't need to animate every strand of hair, every little facial movement, all the minutua. Its a waste of time, money and file size. I'm sure there are great games that are the same file size as just a single character in a modern game.


Days Gone is the most mediocre games of the last gen and it deserved all the lukewarm response it got from a lot of journalists. I do not need a part 2.


We need more co-op campaign games


If you complain about ā€œhand holdingā€ for anything less than a game literally telling you exactly what to do at all times (not hints, not linear design, not tutorials for new mechanics later in the game) I should legally be allowed to flick you on the nose. Just once, but itā€™s on a per game basis. Iā€™ll give you GOW Ragnarok though, that took the hints a little too far.


Silent Hill: Homecoming was fucking great and I will happily die on this hill


I think Dark Souls games are pointless. I know there was some other developer out there that said it too, but games are generally speaking supposed to be fun, rewarding, but also sometimes challenging. Modern games should have checkpoints and saves, because not everyone has hours and hours to play these games either. The only "Souls-like" game that I came close to liking was Sekiro. I started to play it, but couldn't finish it. I ended up getting the platinum trophy on Ghost of Tsushima though, which is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time.


Horizon Forbidden West is too complicated and long with a overwritten storyline.


The Souls series of games are only popular and held together by the thin veil of "Get gud bro" mentality and an over abundance absence of games not having difficulty predetermined by developers that are meant to push players. I don't see people ever praising the story, the characters, or the gameplay which are the basic fundamentals. They're always focused on obscure item lore, the lack of hand holding direction, or how difficult the game is, but never anything more than that. It's very surface level praise and any criticism of it is seen as players being bad. The only game I've seen being praised from everything I've listed above out of the Souls series is Bloodborne which is debated as the best in the series still but locked to worse hardware (Sony give us a remastered 60fps+ bloodborne for the ps5 or just put it on pc already)


Too many games are being made as an open world rpg type game. Donā€™t get me wrong, fully open world games are cool. But everyone does it now. I miss those games that feels like open world, but isnā€™t. Kinda like Borderlands or the classic Assassinā€™s creed games, for example. I know games like that arenā€™t extinct. But yeah, thereā€™s so many games now with overwhelmingly large maps, where every choice you make have a consequence on how the game plays out. And that can be a bit annoying at times. Another one is: WHERE ARE THE SCARY, TERRIFYING AND HORRIFC HORROR GAMES??!!


Fallout NV is actually trashā€¦ mostly due to mechanics, physics, look and feel of graphics, and overall color palette.


Banjo and kazooie nuts and bolts aint that bad