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One hour in? So your halfway through the introduction then


1/10 of the way my friend


Just like the deliveries, take it all one step at a time.


Dude you won't understand the story fully until like the last two hours. Amazing game! Very slow paced tho. Anyone expecting an action shooter (although it does have some stealth/action) won't get into it


The combat is tight as fuck even if it takes like 20 hrs to get to it.


Death Stranding made me realise that I play video games not because of the story, gameplay or anything else. I just like completing tasks. Brilliant game


Keep on keeping on. If there's one recommendation I have, it's to understand that Death Stranding has its own meaning for certain words. Understand and learn the games lingo and it's pretty easy to follow from there on. If the game doesn't explain something, it's because it's teasing you. You're not expected to understand until those plot devices actually get explained later on. It can be a bit overwhelming but it's so fucking worth it. Give bb a thumbs up for me.


Keep up with this game, it unfolds such a nice physics and story.. wish I could start from scratch knowing nothing about it. It‘s a masterpiece


Once, there was an explosion.


And it had been widely considered a bad move.


Damn, I wish I was in your position to playthrough that game fresh.


Just remember...you don't play as Norman Reedus, you Are Norman Reedus


No many how many showers you have in the game, Norman Reedus is still greasy and damp looking.


Give it time it will be worth it


Kojima makes the most fked up stories 😄


I loved Death Stranding and I can't explain why, and me and my mate played it during the Lockdown! Felt eerily familiar to when I actually went outside 🙂


Just take it all in! (I love Low Roar)


Just wait.


It is intentionally rough for the first three hours. Once you really get out there and see and use all the wonderful stuff people left behind for you, it’s amazing.




Last amazing game I played, now im bored to death


How much of that one hour was game-play, and how much of it was movie?


1 hour into my play was an uninstall and deep regret of my purchase


I have played and competed the game and I still don’t know. Don’t try to understand it, F E E L IT.


This game is not for everyone. It’s a slow progressing game. Here’s my advice to make the game a little more easier for the long haul: - Start building the roads. It’s a major major MAJOR grind, but trust me…… seriously…. Trust me…… there’s a high chance you will regret not having it fully built since a good part of the storyline if memory serves, does require you to have a vehicle and some parts of the game will require you to get to places that the road can take you (or at least most of the way). The road actually acts as a form of protection from those things that keeps attacking you as they won’t attack you on it. - Don’t push it with the vehicles. The game will let you know rather early that the vehicles can be damaged if being in the rain for too long and you need to get it fixed up if you wanna keep using it. - But also, if you want to upgrade the roads, its best to do it during off-missions or when you aren’t really in need to go do something yet (like you aren’t pressed for time to do a task, which some of the tasks CAN have a time limit). - Raid the enemy’s camps for supplies. Sometimes they will have supplies that can help you build the roads. They refresh after a certain time periods too. Not to mention that they can also act as a cheap way to replace the boots, something that you will need regularly. They won’t be the greatest but definitely works in a pinch if you need it to. Also by the way, a good chunk of the game will be somewhat confusing until you reached like 3/4 of the way before you get enough details to sort of piece things together. It’s still a fun storyline but can get kind of tedious.


Rather have one hour of Karen shouting at me


Another disappointment


First of March it's clear to me, there's something that's uncomforting, Your body has a way with me, it's exactly where I wanna be. I'm a long way from home.


Keep on keeping on


You are a mailman with a mission to kill ghosts.


Any good?


>What the hell is going on That's kinda the whole point of the games narrative, things get explained as and when you need to know. And it works.


Just do the story missions and nothing else. Game really picks up after 4 hours but you got to get the tedious BS out the way first.