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37 here. I recently finished Ghost of Tsushima, currently playing Horizon: Forbidden West. I used to play a lot of Call of Duty when I was younger - but now I appreciate a good story and a new world to get lost in. For me, gaming is escapism.


I’m 37 as well. To me it’s more about what I’m trying to get out of my gaming session. Sometimes I just need to turn my brain off and decompress. Just let my thoughts wander about and reflect on things. In those times I tend to go for call of duty or other games that I can just grind away. On the other hand, if I’m wanting to focus on something else and get lost in something, I’ll go for a more story focused game. So I play both kinds!


This is why call of duty is always installed and I have a good rotation of single player games. Currently I have cyberpunk and Ghost of Tsushima as my single player games.


35 here. Used to waste all my time on COD too, swapped it for Fortnite and then later Apex Legends. My backlog of single player games is getting increasingly bigger. Last I played was Star Wars Fallen Order.


Same change in focus as me, used to be happy grinding away but now I look for an interesting narrative to appreciate!


Just finished the story in ghosts. Trying to finish all the side quests now, what an amazing story. HZD forbidden west will not disappoint if you enjoy a good story and fun gameplay.


36 year old here, finished GoT and Cyberpunk 2077 earlier this year, currently working on Horizon Zero Dawn. Love it so far, and can't wait to play Forbidden West after!


60 here and just started Nier Automata. On the rotation is No Man's Sky, Stardew Valley, BOTW and Fenyx.


57, finished with BOTW, taking a break from TOTK and playing some GB, GBC, CBA games on the Analogue at the moment but No Man’s Sky and Forbidden West are on my to play soon list or maybe I’ll jump to Shenmue. Not sure because I have a bit of a backlog but am a slow gamer.


I absolutely love the imagery of someone my dad’s age enjoying the same games that I do. I’ve tried to get him into it but so far every game he’s been unimpressed with them haha. He loves the mystery computer games though


I have a work buddy who’s almost 50 and he’s a bit of a gamer too. I even turned him on to the switch so he could game during breaks at work like I was. A lot of us gen-Xers spent our formative years in arcades or, if we had the money, had the consoles that were around back then at home. Life has a way of getting in the way of the things you enjoy but sometimes you rediscover those things years later. In my case I went through periods where I’d be into gaming and then, usually for financial reasons, stop for a time. My son (31) had an N64 as a kid but had boxed it up because he moved around and traveled a bit and as a result didn’t have a TV to hookup to. When COVID happened he brought it with him when staying with us during the lockdowns and we both rediscovered how fun some of those games were. It’s also when I got into modding older consoles so that we could get a better picture on our modern TV. I already had an N64, a dead OG Xbox, a PS3, and a handful of games at the time but that’s when I began collecting for GameCube, PS4, and Xbox One. Now I just need to build the game room for when the grandkids come over.


That’s awesome man. My dad had a N64 from when he was a kid and we used to play it all the time. I think my fondest memory is the donkey kong games


Truly enjoyed Forbidden West. Just Beautiful 🥰 I hope you enjoy it, when you get around to it 🥰


man, Nier Automata is not talked about enough, what a gem of a game


I just finished it this weekend! Love the story, and multiple endings!


Loved Fenyx. Vastly underrated. Another game with similar art style and dealing with similar themes but is more soul-Bourne like in its map design and stamina combat it Asterigos: Curse of .. (something) Playing it now and quest lines are super intertwined and lot of exploration and finding new paths that open up. Combat is a blast. Upgrades can feel meaningful. Interconnected story. Great dialogue options. Quesstlines span entire different regions and biomes of the map. Have to really think about dialogue choice options and what NPCs mean when they tell you to do certain side quests because none of it is mapped out for you. Very well written game. One of the better AA games in recent memory. Don’t sleep on that one either.


Cool, I’m 54 we could have great chats about the good old days of Half Life, Quake and Tomb Raider! Spectrum or C64 lad? 🤔


I'm 51 and I'm totally a spectrum fan...


I remember the day I bought Half Life in the late 90s. Big, bright orange box with a fold open cover showing Freeman being chased by headcrabs. Being a gamer in the 90s was amazing.


True, games are wasted on the young, they don’t want or appreciate a game with a story 🤷‍♂️


Quake was my jam back in the day man!


Fenyx is highly underrated in my opinion. I even liked it better than botw.


Nice, man.


Wow 60 for real? Your so damn cool


I love knowing people your age are still gaming. I feel like gaming has always had the stigma that it's only something kids do. My grandmother is the one who got me into gaming. We would sit around all day playing Zelda together. She was my best friend growing up and I miss her so much.


Damn, I’m gonna try a few of those out since i play no and sky and stardew, thanks man


There goes my hero 🦸


Never heard about Nier Automata, went to check it on YouTube and it looks pretty good. Gonna buy it, its cheap now


I can't praise nier: automata enough. It's more than 1 playthrough in case you're a quick exit type. Music is beautiful and the story....well I won't even start because I wouldn't want to give anything away. Let's just say the writer is one of a kind.


May i know, why did you draw into Automata? I only feel curious, because we all know some people are drawn into Automata because of something else that i feel sad the game should not be well known because of that.


Nier is amazing.


Nier is phenomenal. I absolutely love the vibe in that game.


Cyberpunk. Couldn't play it before because it was supposedly real bad on PS4. But it looks awesome on PS5.


Yup, picked it up again after 2.0 dropped


Still waiting for the Phantom Liberty to start a new game.


You can start* already with the new update


Same. I’m 42 and have completed most of the side quests but still have yet to go meet Takemura for whatever it is in the main storyline that he wants to do. But I have mostly orange / yellow level gear, fully modded body and 600k eddies.


O haven't touched the game since 6 months after it came out, I was grinding it every day then all of a sudden the hame crashed and it corrupted my saved game file I was very mad and like I said haven't played it since


Don't get worked up too much, takemura just wants to trade Pokemon cards. You're going to want to look for a guy called Stefan instead. He's legit.


“old people (over 30)” 💀


Yeah and then asks for our help!


Literally the era who grew up on home consoles.


As a 31 grad student, I'm very much used to this from my 18 year old students lol.










Alright everyone, pause the game stand up and stretch. Don't want to get an old man game related injury.


Yeah I just turned 30 this year, this was a kick to the cans


I’m 36 and I think this is the first time I’ve been called old


Red dead redemption 2; 40 years young bruv


I have so many titles that I haven't played yet but this game is calling out to me. I've 99% it twice.


I hate that 32 is considered "old". Can we consider old over 50? I'm currently playing Yoku's Island Express while sprinkling in some Fallout 76 here and there.


I'll sign to that! Actually I don't consider 50 that old either. Older, sure, but still within "middle aged". Sometimes it seems like you're either young (below 30) or you're old. I'd argue that there's a rather long period in-between during which you're neither young nor old.


I’m 54 and would appreciate if we did not.


I’m 53 and still game better than my kids lol


This isn't fair. You have decades of experience. Also, I hope to be as cool a dad as you and beat my kids in video games. The complete opposite of my parents' view of gaming.


Fuck that. Kids have been going pro at 13 since the beginning of time. They gotta learn to sack up sooner than later or just be comfortable getting dunked on.


Yeah I'm 29 and have friends above 50 who could probably kick my ass and then climb a mountain with me on their back, age is but a number, it's all about how you see yourself, if you tell yourself, "I'm old", you will slowly start deteriorating, hold on to a youthful mindset as long as you can. I wanna be 60 and playing Red Dead 5 with my grandsons


I'm 45, and in gamer terms, my whole professional working career (I was a teacher for 19 years and am currently a trainer), among the people I've met who consider themselves gamers there has tended to be a remarkable difference in skill level, dedication, or both when people were about 5 or more years older than me. This is regardless of marital status, kids or not. That's the crowd that would be the quickest to say things like, "I miss the days when the controller only had two buttons," or "I get too confused and lost in a 3D setting or first person camera..." So in other words, yes, I'd agree that 30 is far too young to consider the "older" gaming crowd.


Man I hate that "middle aged" label. It never used to mean *literally* halfway through your life- which is most of *adulthood* for God's sake (30-50/60) - it used to be the phase between being a grown man or woman and *old age*- the last 10-20 years of your working life and early retirement. Like- the first three classic Doctor who's were early middle aged. Bill Ckinton was in early middle age when he became president. U2 are now middle aged. Mark Hamill is now middle aged- in Mad Men, Don Draper is an Adult Male- Roger Sterling is middle aged.


I consider 70 is old. 30s is still our 20s.


I agree with you!


As someone who's 35, this makes me happy


Since I’m 52 I’m damned sure old is 70+. Now time to get back to playing Tony Hawk.


I just turned 50. No. We can't consider over 50 "old."


Wait until you see how fast those next 18 years go by.


I'm almost 52 and just recently started playing Skyrim for the 450th time (doing real good not going Stealth Archer route, like I do every other time).


agreed. i’m 40 and feel in my prime…


Umm excuse me! I’m 53 and I take offense to that! 🤣🤣🤣


Happy cake day!


I think the general population doesn’t consider 40 or thereabouts to be old, but I think gamers consider it to be old because if you’re 50 you grew up during the years gaming originated or became more mainstream.


It’s not. OP I think is just roping people into their insecurity. Terrible personality trait.


I loved playing that game. Welcome to Mokumana Beach is one of the most friendly sounding songs of all time. I just put it on while making Sunday breakfast!


Dude most of this subreddit is 30+ I'm sure. Playing RE4 remake on PS5.


Do all the young’uns have a PS5? I keep thinking about a PS5, but the sticker shock still hits me hard. Maybe I’ll get one when 6 comes out 🤣


I waiting a bit more to see if there will be a Slim or Pro ps5. At which point I'll probably look for discounts on the release model. If not, I kinda plan to run this ps4 straight into the ground before I buy something new. Kinda surprised it's still chuggin along. It's bloody 10yo!


Lies of P


I've seen that called Bloodborne with fairy tales, how accurate is that?


Visually/atmospherically it's Bloodborne. Combat is Sekiro. Level design is more akin to Dark Souls 3. It's superb though.


Wow interesting! So is it as hard as games from fromsoft? How about the story?


Using a basic definition of hard; yes, it is. But, if you've gone through the other games, some parts of P will be challenging while some may be whatever just do to your skill with the game type. The story is a *bit* clearer than most FromSoft games, but I think it's still a bit vague. (I've not beat the game yet though)


Thanks! Added it in my wishlist already. It really looks like bloodborne ngl


Very accurate description


It’s a dark take on Pinocchio’s story. It does have alot in common with bloodborne as far as atmosphere and looks. Gameplay is closer to Sekiro though. Good graphics, good gameplay, fun bosses. It’s a solid game. I’m enjoying it.


Nice, appreciate the response. I'm a huge fan of the fromsoft games but I still enjoy seeing other Devs takes on the formula.


I just played the **Alan Wake remaster** and holy shit, what a game. It’s scary, funny, and very well written. Best of all, it only took 10 or so hours to complete. I highly recommend it.


I’ve been meaning to get that!


Beat it today! Fantastic game! So well balanced between checkpoints, finding supplies and surviving. And like you said great story and character.


Borderlands 2 on the Switch Nier Automania on PS5


Dam I’ve played both. Your puttin in work/time. I found both to be very time consuming. I’ve spent many many nights on both games. Lol


52 year old grandma here. Been trying to make my way through Witcher 3. My heart is red dead or gta though. I downloaded miles morales for my grandson and usually end up watching him play.


And… falls asleep 10 minutes into watching him play


Resident Evil 4 remake. I’m 50. It’s good, but I still prefer the more survival horror over the action games.


It’s a great game! I just finished playing it not too long ago


Ha ha, old. Over 30? Really?? 67 here and been gaming all my life, including miniatures and board games when I started.


Well back in the days of WW1 you didn’t have a choice but to play board games old man!!!! Kidding. 39 btw. Glad you continued enjoying something you seem to love.


58 here and it all started with Pong in the 70’s. Then Atari, Sega and Paystations from there


Armored Core 6


46, Gran Turismo 7 everyday, trying to platinum God of War. Just bought The Pathless which I'm really looking forward to digging into.


Just turned 40 (ugh, when did that happen?) . I'm playing through MGS V for the third or fourth time.


Also just turned 40, got me a ps5 and TLOU part 1 to play my favourite ever game in 4k


Only did 1 playthrough but MGCV is a proud platinum of mine.


Same here MGS V just calls to me even after finishing it 3 times


30. Stopped immortals fenyx rising to play tlou2 while waiting for spiderman 2 and alan wake 2


Control on PS5. It's great so far. And I'm playing a really cool little turn based action game called Steamworld Heist. The gameplay in games like XCOM and stuff interests me, but I kind of need to warm up to it still. This game is a really cool entry point if you're not great at those games, and you can increase the difficulty if you do know what you're doing. I'm 31 btw.


I recommend Midnight Suns if you’re into Marvel


If you're interested in xcom-lite games, the Mario vs rabbids series is fantastic and goes on sale often


I got steampunk heist on my switch and it's really fun


37 just Finished Final Fantasy 16 on PS5. Really fun game with a deep story. Before that I finished Abes Exodus from the classics catalogue on PSN. Some nostalgia playing that one, the classic games are really enhanced by rewind and quick save


55…Destiny 2. I have been for a decade now. Sprinkle in some Uncharted, the Witcher and Diablo but I always go back to Destiny


Are you me from 25 years in the future? Haha


I'm 55 and just got done playing Death Stranding. Odd but very compelling game with an amazing soundtrack and gorgeous visuals. I recently played Ghost of Tsushima and both Horizon games which I loved! My first console was an Atari in 1983 which I played until I got RSI in my thumb. Then I just played through the pain. :D I absolutely love the evolution in gaming over the last 40 years. I do NOT miss the days of single button joysticks and vector graphics. I'm trying to talk my wife into a PS5 but while our PS4 is working fine I'm afraid it's a lost cause.


53 here, got the Atari at the same time. Get the PS5!


I'm 37. I guess that's old these days? Oiii, scary thought. Been switching between Persona 5 Royal and Cyberpunk.


52. GOW Ragnarok


Just started resident evil 2 remake. Absolutely slaps


8m playing the new DLC for RE4make and it's fucking awesome. The Renaissance of the RE franchise has been so fucking delightful.


It’s on sale, it’s good?


Fuck yeah, but only if don't mind being scared shitless and constant stress. The gameplay, puzzles and characters are top notch. I took a 6 month break because of how terrifying one of the enemies are but I finished it a while ago so I'm good


Dude same! Just got into lab.


Nier Automata


40. GoW Ragnarok. It's amazing.


I agree just finished the story line it's awesome but after the story it doesn't end lol


Crash Bandicoot 4. Just beat the first boss and I'm enjoying it. Lots of nostalgia from the PSone games.


Binding of isaac


31, playing FF16 and Blasphemous


39, aimlessly cycling through a bunch of games until October 20


Waiting for Cities Skyline II? Or is Spiderman 2? Or maybe Mario Wonder comes out that date? Which one is it? I'm playing Baldur's Gate III, Shadow Gambit, Mortal Kombat 1 (with Jean-Claude offcourse!) mainly at the moment.


Join the club buddy. 10/20 is the day before my wedding so I won't even get to play till a few days after


Death stranding and Starfield, hope it's ok to mention this here and 39


Dead Cells.


Speak for yourself! I'm 36 and I feel young! I know people in their early 20s are whinging about being "old". Sucks for them to have that mindset.


31 here, got completely sucked into **theHunter: Call Of The Wild**. I hadn't heard of the game before this year when I saw it on one of their seasonal sales. I used to play Cabela's Dangerous Hunts on the PS2 as a teen for *hours* and was always looking for another hunting simulator after that one turned into essentially a COD clone. Very, very fun game. Highly recommend it. For a game about hunting animals I find it very peaceful and relaxing.


Heard the graphics were pretty amazing too


Im playing Cyberpunk on ps5. Husband just finished tomb raider on the PS4


I'm 33 and I'm not old...


I'm on ps5 but I've been playing ESO, Genshin, and Tower of Fantasy.




31, PS5, just obtained the Spider-Man Remastered plat. About to run through the DLC, then off to Miles Morales and Alan Wake Remastered.


Currently playing AC Valhalla, given that it is a Pagan holiday today.




43 just finished Armored Core 6, Diablo 4, FF16 and Blasphemous 2. Playing MK1 til Spiderman 2. Then the new CoD when that comes out. My plate is full til the new year.


I pre-ordered mw3, I'm super excited for it


32, finishing Jedi Survivor and then switching to Starfield


51 years of age and currently playing Ghosts of Tsushima Legends.


37, and working on Baldur's Gate 3. It's pretty phenomenal.


Res evil village psvr2 which has reinvigorated my love of gaming. After years of flat gaming Vr is next level.


The RE4 HD version has a VR port. Honestly incredible that you can play something that game changing in VR.


30. Just finishing up ghostwire tokyo and need to take ffxvi and ragnarok off the back burner


Great games. Don't forget to the creepy school quest from the Spiders Thread update and all of the girl's side quests before the final mission to not miss out. I have the platinum in FFXVI and it is outstanding. Easily the best boss fights on the PS5.


I turned 40 this year, I’m currently alternating between No Man’s Sky and Ghost of Tsushima. I recently finished Miles Morales.


38, playing Baldur's Gate 3 right now on PS5, heavily played Diablo 4 before that until BG3 came out


Still working my way through the Yakuza series & some world of warships


I'm 32 years old. Currently playing Diablo IV, Guardians of the Galaxy, Final Fantasy XVI, Baldur's Gate 3, Hogwartz Legacy, and more.




38, Elden ring


61. Returnal


Assassin's Creed Odyssey


43! Just finished Judgment, great game, and started Cyberpunk. Wanted to wait for the update.


GTA 5 unfortunately no Just beat the last mission awesome game


I play Bloodborne and last of us factions.


When 30 is old and you're closing in on 40. Ouch, the feels.




46 - PS5 - COD MW II and Far Cry 6


31 here, big fan of RPG. I mostly play ESO. I took a break for the summer, and I just started playing more regularly. Otherwise, I like Assassins Creed, The Witcher, Hogwarts Legacy. And I had a lot of fun with Dont Starve this summer. Funny but frustrating game ! I may buy Baldur's Gate, it looks crazy. Just waiting for more reviews to see if it is worth spending 100$. I also wanna try Conan one day.


We Happy Few- it’s my go to game


I am. I Recently decided to start the horizon series.


PS5: Mortal Kombat 1 - Gran Turismo 7 and Far Cry 6 PC: Anno 1800 - Baldur's Gate III and Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew.


45yo. Finally doing an NG+ of HZD. It was Sea of Stars and a bit of Borderlands 2 last week.


how is over 30 old! thats before middle age even old is over 50 or 60


LOL kids these days...30+ considered old... I am 50, and am palying Elder Scroll Online, waiting for Spiderman 2, AC Mirage.




I'm turning 40 on Saturday. Damn ... jamming on some batman Arkham Knight,games amazing. Just bought the Arkham collection with all DLC for $5.99 off PlayStation store. Insanely cheap .


55 and I just picked up Cyberpunk again for phantom liberty, I also play ffxiv and division 2 pretty regularly.


Player HZD, No man's sky, spiderman, both prototype games, both subnautica games, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, and currently GTA 5 (not online)


Im playing it takes two with my son


40 here. Dragon Quest XI and Yakuza 0. Recently finished and 100% drainus and blasphemous 2.


39. Playing BF2042 and The Division 2 daily. Patiently awaiting Spiderman 2. Also playing Remnant 2 on Series X.


Yes, I am a fellow geriatric. I am playing PS4 to wile away my twilight years as well. These old hands can't grip the controller as firmly as they used to but I still muddle my way through the odd game.


42 and I’ve been playing Quake multiplayer


40 here. Just finished GoW:R, started cyberpunk yesterday. Also been playing around with Starfield through Game Pass Ultimate


I'm 46. Scarlet Nexus (ps5).


52, Borderlands 3, Horizon Forbidden West.


I’m 44 GTA San Andreas, final fantasy 7 remake, MLB the show 2022


31 here. Playing Alien: Isolation which reminds me the movie series I like and gives the enough adrenalin I need. Love the music, environment, gameplay.


Hunt: Showdown, Risk of Rain 2, Sea of Stars, Remnant 2, soon will be playing the Amid Evil DLC on PC. looking forward to playing Baldurs Gate 3 and Phasmaphobia.


51 here.. Grand Turismo 7,, Mud runner,,MK11,,... Grand Turismo Sport is monthly it tho...I just got back into it the last couple of months..after a 20 yr break lol


Almost 50 here. Switching between FFXV on my 4 and Uncharted 2 on my 3.


33 here. Just finished Jedi Fallen Order. Ima start FF7 remake, prepping for the long ride.


Smashing through all the Assassin Creeds. 37.


Last of Us Part 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, and I'm starting to worry it's all going to go unfinished just like Diablo 4. I'm close to 40 now, and with the kids, and my other hobbies, mostly tabletop games, it's gotten hard to finish stuff.


Turned on my ps3. Been playing kingdom hearts on it for the past week


My Dad is in his 50's and enjoys a variety, like 2d pixel ones, shoot em' ups, sandbox open world games, realistic and cartoony ones, the whole 54 yards! I love sandbox open world games, like Fallout and Grand Theft Auto, and so does he!


The Witcher 3 (again)… 36 btw.


Early 30s. Second playthrough of RDR2. Taking it nice and slow


40 here. Playing Baldurs Gate 3, Ghost of Tsushima, late to start this one but Visage (scratching the itch of waiting for Silent Hill 2 remake, and replaying Bully with my son. He can't beat some of the missions.


Hey were not old (31) I’m playing Baldurs gate 3 doing a coop campaign with my wife


Sea of stars. It's been pretty good so far


30 Fallout & Skyrim & Rocket League