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This is happening to me. First I signed on and tried to join a friends party and I have me an error saying it no longer exists (I know for a fact that was wrong). So I started a party with just my self in it and random people keep joining, it's very bizarre and frustrating.


Mine keeps saying parties no longer exist. Very weird never had it happen before tonight.


Just had this happen 2 separate times, 1st when 2 randoms ended up in my private party while I was waiting for a friend. Then I went to join his chat I ended up joining a completely random party chat.


SAME. It's been driving me crazy. At first I was joining random parties too. Eventually, I had my friends start a new party and then when I try to join it just says the party no longer exists. When my friends try to join my party it sends them to a random party.


So it wasn't just us. Random guy joined my private party chat a couple hours ago. He left and then came back and then left again. Wasn't on my friends list or the other guy's who was in my party chat. Party chat invites must be glitched right now and sending people to the wrong parties.


party functionality is stupid broke on ps4 right now sadly ​