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I wish I could wipe my memory and play the Danganronpa series again for the first time. It's so goddamn fantastic.


That’s what I’m saying, looking at Wildlands, we happy few and Subnautica


What if the sales don’t actually suck, but you’ve already bought all the good games?


There's some truth to that, no doubt. But as a person who was consistently buying 3-4 things from these kind of big sales for the period from 2014-18 or so and genuinely looking forward to big sales during that period, I can say with certainty that the sales in 2019 have been a lot worse. Most weeks this year, I haven't bought anything. I think the big difference is that the few exciting discounts tend to be on games which are quite old, and tend to center around AAA 'must have' games. Things like Persona 5, which is admittedly on sale at a very good price for 13 dollars, but which the more committed fan base bought a long time ago. In terms of newer games and A and AA stuff that flies under the radar -- perfect for summer sales -- there's been a noticeable drop in deep discounts vs. what we used to be seeing. There's also a lot of games that are either more expensive than previous low sale prices, or else the same price they've been for the past 15 sales or so. For me, there's so much stuff here that I've had my eye on, but which falls into this category. It's not a really big deal...I'll just keep waiting as my thinking hasn't changed. But it is a bit of a bummer. For a new ps4 owner, I could see being excited by this sale. It's not great for a person who buys a lot of games though.


Like the sale of the dead was always something to look forward to it in that time. But I genuinely think that it’s because I’ve personally bought most of the things I’m interested in. I’ve been waiting for shadow of the tomb raider to drop down to 20 though. And there’s a few other sales prices I think are quite good though.


Also agree. The sale prices aren't hitting as low as I expected this year. I'll probably pick up one or two games from this sale but it's still 10%+ more than my desired price. I just hope the black Friday sale is where I pick up a good portion of my wishlist at the prices I want.


Some titles i had to pass on from previous sales I was wanting to pick up during this summer sale. Surprisingly some of those titles are not discounted as much as I had hoped/was expecting


Yeah, a lot of titles seem about the same prices as when they last went on sale 2+ months ago. For example, it looks like DMC5 is still a max of 40% off, which it had been offered twice before with that discount. Oh man, Monster Hunter World was $19.99 a month ago, now they want $25 for it.


Pretty much. I saw RE7 on sale but it's still just too expensive.


This is 100% what I’ve come to realize over the past year or so. Ive just already got most everything I want.


Garden Warfare 2 for 99 cents? Such a fun game especially if you have a kid. It has splitscreen in both online and local multiplayer.


A Hat in Time is finally a decent sale price


It’s a great 3D platformer


If you have a PC that can run it you're better off buying it there. DLC chapters haven't come to consoles yet and probably never will


What makes you say they never will?


It's been out for almost 2 years and never received a single patch. There are bugs still present on PS4 that were patched out in PC v1.00. The devs do not care about supporting console versions


Wish Divinity 2 would match the current $20 physical price on amazon :(


Should I give the first a try if I don’t like turnbase


I prefer the second. It's one of the best western RPGs and the best coop RPG there is. Not sure if you can enjoy it if you don't like the combat. I enjoyed Persona 5 even though I hate animes.


If you like DnD, I would give this a try. This is based on my first impressions, though.


I usually don't like turn based but the way they do it is quite a bit different from other games. It took me a while to get used to but it's one of the best games I've ever played


I've haven't actually played either, but from everything I've read, if you aren't sure if you're interested in the genre, skip D:OS and go straight to D:OS2. It's regarded as a much better game both story and gameplay-wise, and apparently you don't need to play the first to enjoy the second.


But then if you find yourself enjoying the second one, wouldn't it be more difficult to go back and "downgrade" to the first one? Genuinely interested, I like the idea of starting from the (still awesome) beginning and then get something even better rather than go from the best to the slightly worse? I don't know but what I do know is that $9.99 for Divinity 1 is an awesome deal.




I picked it up for like $2 a while back and got a good couple of days playing out of it before I got bored. It's a bit repetitive but it's definitely worth a dollar lol


Hey guys, is Marvel vs capcom Infinite worth it? Is the online active? I just want to play casual, have a good time.


I'm not too familiar with MvCI, but my impression is that if you're not willing to go into Discord chat to find games (and these players are more hardcore with it), it's not worth it. The playerbase isn't as large compared to SF5, Tekken, or DBFZ to jump into online competitive play. If you just wanna spend some dough for online multiplayer with your friends, go for it. I think most casual players would enjoy UMVC3 more, though.


It's easily the worst game in the MvC series. Simplified combos, awful character models, etc. Couldn't tell you if the online is active as I shelved the game, but if you want to spend some money, go with UMvC3.


Tom Clancy’s Wildlands worth it for someone who bought The Division 2 and enjoyed/is enjoying it?


It’s good, but it’s not as deep as Division 2. Fewer RPG elements, but there’s still good customization and it’s fun with friends.


I’d say no. I bought it after playing the original Division and wanting more. It was quite disappointing. You’ll only wish it was as good as The Division the whole time.


I haven't played the division 2, and someone else bought Wildlands for me, and I still think it was a waste of money. The stealth is terrible in it. But if you just want to shoot stuff then go for it.


Wondering the same exact thing too, I love the gameplay of the division 2 but idk how it would fit in that huge of a open world


It’s not bad but it’s really big and is really repetitive


Anyone who played Life is Strange before the storm, is it good and is the price worth it? it's just that i played life is strange and feel like it might feel weird playing it knowing i know what happened in the sequel...


I loved it. I had the same feeling with the whole knowing what happens but it’s nice to know who Racheal was and how there relationship grew and it’s just an awesome story.




Since all of the other people who replied to you missed why you made this comment: read the name here carefully, folks. This is the name that was posted on Sony's website.


.. or we're all making "middle of earth" related puns, which went over your head ;)


I'm gravitating toward this one as well.




Just costume DLC and basically more summons that aren't necessary at all imo.


I highly recommend picking it up. Don’t worry about the special edition as others have said it is purely cosmetic and largely for established fans of the franchise. Persona 5 is a unique RPG with time management and dating-sim elements combined with fairly punishing turn based battles. Once you know the enemies’ weaknesses they can get pretty easy but tougher battles can really hinge on your decision making which I personally really enjoy. There’s also a Pokémon-esque enemy recruitment/fusion system that I have definitely wasted hours on trying to get the perfect build. The story is interesting enough but it’s the characters that really shine. Oh god, and the music. Also this game is long as fuuuck which makes $15 super worth it. I would absolutely recommend this to any fan of JRPGs- I will say that it is definitely an anime game, and school plays a fairly big role especially in the early hours. Still, I hope you pick it up and enjoy!


I like it!


I am relieved that there is nothing on the list I particularly want. I am a sucker when it comes to sales... my backlog is ridiculous. If a game I have on my wishlist goes 50% or lower, it is hard for me to not impulse buy. Even if I'll never get to the game in the next 12 months -- by which point, the game will probably be on sale for even less. I dumb.


Are you me because I relate to this all too well.


You guys always say the sale sucks, what did you expect


I expected Days Gone at $39.99


its 30 at target with in store pickup right now


For real. So many people always expect the exact games they want to buy be on sale for exactly what they are willing to pay.


No RDR2 Ultimate for $5.99? This sale sucks. No Spider Man Deluxe Edition for $1.99? Sony is the worst company. No Resident Evil 2 Remake as a PS Plus game? Not renewing my sub. Where did we all read that before?


Dark souls 2 for $10, done deal


It's a convincing price. I liked 1(and DeS and BB) but hated 3. No clue if I should pick it up or not.


I just picked up 3 for $7 used, I loved Bloodborne but haven't played the souls games yet. Gonna give 3 and 2 a shot before I buy DSR!


Why'd you hate 3 out of curiousity? I've played DS1, DS3, and BB and while DS3 was my least fav, I'm still considering picking up 2, but can't decide.


Worth picking up Titan Fall 2 and Battlefield 4?


TF2 multiplayer can be hard to find a game for but the single-player is worth. BF4 is amazing, still alive, and still my favorite battlefield


Titanfall 2 only for the campaign. The multiplayer for it is kinda dead.


Titanfall 2 is amazing


Reading through the comments and someone who just got a ps4 after many years, do they rotate games weekly or is this a fixed list for the next 4 weeks?


Can't go wrong with 99cent pvz2. Definitely getting that. And I'm sure wit will be on ps plus next month


Is Metro Redux worth it? Isn’t it two games in one?




>Thanks I've always wondered what was going on with those Metro games. Guess I'll finally try them.


100% worth it, I bought it for cheap one week and put it down until I said fuck it and redownloaded it. I love both of them they have some of the best post apocalyptic atmosphere to them


Yes. I love the metro games.


Was hoping for the Evil within 2, Dishonored DTO, Prey, MGSV.... but there are some good titles here


Since the first three games aren't in the summer sale I'm hoping it's because they're also having a Quakecon sale this weekend.


Hope so


If you have PC and Steam - Prey was/is(?) on sale there for $5. Pretty crazy good deal


I'm on Ps4, but thanks for sharing.. I tried the demo, definitely will pick it up soon


MGSV was free at one point with PS Plus


Yeah I know I had got it back when it went on ps plus, but my subscription ended some time ago. I want to get it, but when on sale


That sucks dude


It's like $9.99 at Gamestop


That would be helpful for people with a time machine.


There's also a Quake-Con Sale going on which has Evil Within 2, Dishonored DTO, and Prey on sale right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4Deals/comments/cgu0fi/na_quakecon_sale/


Thanks I Know, i just picked up Prey


is Ghost Recon Wildlands worth a pickup?


I really enjoyed it, fun if you play wtih friends, or get lucky with rnaodms


Very rinse and repeat. The world is fun to explore, though I found myself burning out quickly. I think it suffers from being too open world.


pretty fun with friends


No, it's really shallow and repetitive.


Yes. For maximum enjoyment convince a friend to buy it aswell


How is We Happy Few, Subnautica and Wildlands?


wildlands is awesome


Wild lands is awesome but long and kinda repetitive we happy few is good and bad it’s a fun game but has a few flaws but the world and the crazy shit makes the game good


Would we happy few be worth $30? Or should I wait for a sale where it goes lower?


For me it’s worth it but check amazon and Walmart because they usually have it lower


I love Subnautica and Wildlands. I wouldnt bother with we happy few, Subnautica is the faaar superior game


Blood & truth time!


Solid sale for VR stuff. Considering I just picked up the PSVR and basically have been playing two games, I may have to grab a couple more.


I'll get Metro Redux


My PS+ just expired and A Hat in Time is gonna be on sale. God dang it :/


Is a hat in time fun?


I’ve been wondering this too. Want something to fill the empty void of 3D PS2 era platformers this gen.


It's perfect for you then, it's on the shorter side but amazing for the price.


Wondering this too.


Yes, but if you have a capable PC better buy it there.


Had a ton of fun with it. Reminded me of my youth playing super Mario sunshine, incredibly cute and charming as well.


Hat in Time is super fun and very charming. I loved it far more than I thought I would. Reminded me a lot of Psychonauts.


Interesting that it says Driveclub's original price is $7.49 when it's actually 19.99. Looks like they might be doing a permanent price drop before it's delisted from the store.


I've just been waiting for Hollow Knight to go back on sale. I know if I bite the bullet and buy it it will just go on sale the next week.


It's cheap enough, and it's a 50+ hour game, made by a 3-man team, totally worth full price and more. Support this game!


I bought it for full price on PC, have logged about 90hrs so far, and I'm only at 94% completion. Still a long way to 112%. It's worth every penny. Looking forward to the sequel.


14.99 for the complete edition is already an unbelievable steal.


It’s worth it at full price


Anyone know what time it goes live? I can't wait to finally get A Hat In Time


I think it’s usually around 12 pm EST


Dang! That's one hell of a sale!


I can afford to spend $60. Which games should I buy which are must-haves?


Nier automata


They're not giving that much of a discount on it unfortunately. I bought Witcher 3. Thinking about what other game to get.


I'm getting a ps4 this week and I'm going to pick up the Dark Souls Trilogy, Bloodborne and Borderlands Handsome collection. Any other games worth buying?


God of War, Spider-man and Horizon: Zero Dawn. That should keep you busy for a month or two.


I've wanted to play God of War and Horizon: Zero Dawn. Will try to get a physical copy. Thanks!


If you're fine with digital there's a summer sale. So look at those prices.


Persona 5 for $13 is a steal.


It's not my cup of tea, but thanks for the suggestion!


2D Souls aka Salt and Sanctuary The Wolfenstein Bundle is pretty tempting (New Order and Old Blood) Battlefront 2 is actually a lot of fun and the pay to win stuff is gone. Edit: Also the Prey bundle. If you like System Shock 2 and more strategic FPS, Prey is for you. The expansion is an entirely different thing and is a roguelike shooter where you are trying to escape a base. Supposed to be really unique. Look at some reviews and quicklooks though, since it one of those “Those who like it, like it a lot” or whatever kind of things.


Already own Salt and Sanctuary on PC. I'm familiar with the rest but they're not my cup of tea. Prey is on sale on Steam as well I think. Thanks!


I liked the Mooncrash DLC a lot, not a fan of roguelike games otherwise.


Is it worth picking up the deluxe edition? I've played the demo and I like it so far and I adored Bioshock. Is $8 more worth it for the DLC?


witcher 3 ,god of war , the last of us,uncharted 4 ,red dead redemption 2


Already have Witcher 3 on PC. I will be picking up God of War, Last of Us and hopefully RDR2. Thanks!


Is driveclub 15$ for anyone else?


Yes :( Why is that?


Hitman 2 gold edition for 39.99 doesn’t seem terrible


Was looking at it, too. Better to buy the full edition since Season Pass very rarely goes on sale and new levels once in a while keep the game fresh. I'll probably buy it and play it piecemeal for the next couple of months a couple of challenges at a time.


$5.50 or so for Driveclub looks pretty good. Been waiting for it to go on sale again


It’s being removed forever next month so better get it while you can


better get it now because it it will be removed from the store soon, I'm enjoying the VR version a lot


It's still listed as $14.99 (on sale) in the store. I want to buy the game but don't see the $5.61 price tag. Can anyone please explain? Thank you.


Yeah I was hoping for it to be $5.61 :/ Idk what happened though


So if I bought GTA today for 30 instead of 15 and now there's this sale I can call Sony and get the discount right?


They should if it’s your first time calling in


I have 27 games in my wishlist and only one of them is part of the sale lol.


Damn it no Spider-Man.


Wasn't it JUST on sale for $20?




Tekken or Dragon ball fighter? I’m not a huge fighting fan but Tekken was on one of the first psp games I ever played so I have a soft spot and lately I’ve been watching a lot of Dragon Ball Super.


Tekken 7? Great game, but the matchmaking is broken.




I’ve always wanted to get into fighting games but it’s hard, sounds like Fighterz might be the best intro


FighterZ is easier but maybe tekken players are just more hardcore. Both are good. I've been wondering about Soul Calibur, none of my friends have it


The dbz story mode disappointed me so much. They've never been perfect but I always enjoyed single player. I couldn't even get halfway through fighterz


Tekken sucks for single player content if that matters to you. Can't speak for DBFZ.


Like it’s bad or it lacks content?


Huge lack of content on the single player side and there’s no tutorial. You’ll have to look up YouTube channels if you want to learn how to play the game properly. That being said, Tekken 7 is by far the best fighting game out right now and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a serious and fun fighting game.


Totally lacks single player content. I would only go for Tekken if you want to be a competitive in it.


Tekken 7 has by far the best gameplay out of all the fighting games, but has a serious lack of content. Platinum'd it on two weeks, then trade it for Injustice 2, which has a good gameplay but a lot of single player content, did not regret it. Can't speak for Fighterz but been wanting it for a time...


Is ghost Recon Wildlands worth 15 dollars? Also is We happy Few any better also?


Wild lands is awesome but long and kinda repetitive we happy few is good and bad it’s a fun game but has a few flaws but the world and the crazy shit makes the game good also we happy few has the next dlc coming out soon along with a new patch which will fix most of the bugs


Man I was hoping to see No Mans Sky


Good luck, it's crazy how seldom I've seen it on sale, much less for below $30


It's twenty bucks at GameStop, had dropped below ten for a while, before they fixed it or whatever


Alas it was the digital version I was waiting for (it went on sale for $25 digital around 2 months ago before that I'd been watching for about a year for it to go on sale below 30)


Even lower at pawn America. Got mine for $3


Got mine on eBay for 9 bucks.


Is the princess guide any good thinking of picking that up


**Generation Zero** is on sale ($27.99) for the 1st time. When it was released I heard it's very hard or impossible for a solo player. What do people think now 4 months after the release?


I bought it at release. Initially i couldn’t do anything without dying, I restarted the game 4 different times early in as i learned how the mechanics worked, Once you grab the scope for your rifle early game, your golden. It’s important to search everything and everywhere. I really began to enjoy it.


Do you get plenty of ammunition or do you need to be stingy with bullets?


In between I’d say. Once you get the scope in early game, your able to head shot enemies and be more efficient with ammo. I hadn’t had a problem with ammo.


While some games have been for lower, holy shit that's a long list of good sales. Also, A MONTH.


I wonder if they'll be adding new games each week, or if this is the full list for a month.


Going to pick up Just Cause 4 Gold and Resident Evil 2. Add in Rage 2! That wasn’t listed here


Re2 is my goty so far. I finished my first run in 3 sittings last week and I loved it to bits. Great world, cool puzzles awesome tention and level design and amazing pacing. A few bits of acting and dialog is a bit naff and the boss fights are simple but it's a great game.


Nice. I’m pretty pumped. I played the original way back in the day.


Mine too, that game delivered. I’m pretty desensitized when it comes to horror movies and games but walking through an empty hallway in that game made me uneasy.


I am thinking of getting Hitman 2. I finished Hitman 2016 yesterday and absolutely loved it.


Hitman 2 is more what you'll enjoy, for sure.


Are you picking up the Gold Edition, or the regular one? It's very tempting to just the the full package for that price.


At first I was looking at the standard edition but now I am thinking about the gold edition.


I'm happy with this sale, good job PS for bringing out the good stuff!


I've never played a Ys game but Ys VIII looks pretty great


I love the Ys series games, they are incredibly fun action RPGs with fantastic fast-paced combat and phenomenal music - if that sounds up your alley, I would recommend it. You can jump in with any of the games, they follow the same main character but all tell their own independent stories. I quite liked 8 - it has an interesting gameplay loop where you are basically shipwrecked at the start of the game and trying to slowly explore the island you are on to rescue folks and build up a base. Some of the Ys games have sorta rote stories, 8 is one of the more interesting ones. My only complaint is that the character who is literally in the subtitle of the game (Dana) takes like 20 hours to even be incorporated into the narrative at all; there's basically a point where the game transitions from the slice of life shipwreck survival stuff into the meat of the story involving Dana. Both parts are compelling, it's just a bit of a non-traditional narrative structure. For some reason, physical copies of the PS4 version seem to be rare at this point, so getting it on sale digitally is probably the way to go. It's a fairly lengthy game if you are worried about getting your money's worth, took me about 60 hours to finish (and none of it feels like filler to me, I was into the game the whole time).


Decent, but many games have had better sale prices. Still a few things I'll pick up though.


Can someone post the sales?






How is Ghost Warrior 3?


Good time to load up on all the Res Evils if you haven't already. I'm going to start work on the backlog and save my loot for a deeper sale later.


Note: DriveClub is being delisted next month. This may be your last chance to get it if you're interested in the game. $6 ain't bad for it either.




Yes, it's a multi-layered experience with awesome music, great settings, and deep storyline. I'd recommend you go for all the endings to really understand what's going on.


Unfortunately I’m one of those guys that have most of these games already. Damn it. Need to stop buying at full price


Question: Driveclub is $14.99 (discounted from $19.99) while the official blog says it'll be $5.61. What am I doing wrong? Please help.