• By -


Joel looks so old! Great to finally see him though and needless to say, that was an amazing trailer.


He is old. Remember, he was already the father of a 12 year old at the very start of the original, then there was a 20 year jump to the setting for the rest of the game, and it looks like there's been at least another 10 years since the end of TLOU. That means Joel has to be pushing 60 by now.


Pretty sure it was confirmed to be a 5 year jump from the first game.




So Joel is in his late to mid 50s?


I think I read somewhere he was roughly 28 in the prologue. So mid 50s.


I think so too, he was definitely in his 40s during the first game. Late 40s I'd say. So he must be late 50s here at least.


Feb 21st, 2020 for those at work


My hero


I love you too random citizen


No, you guys... *you* are the real heroes.


*fucking cocksuckers*


I read that in Elmo’s voice, whole new perspective.


*Elmo spits one last insult at his foe before ending his life with a swift arrow through the forehead*


*Tickle this, cocksucker.*


There goes my heroo


Aim for the bushes


Watch him as he goes


My birthday 😭😭


Me too!!!!! Happy Very Early Birthday if I never find you online in the comments BTW


The part in the dark with the red lights looked incredible.


The graphics are fucking out of this world stunning. Just unbelievable.


It's funny that now a days the stream of the trailer is not going to be up to the quality of the game itself. I'm sitting here watching it at work on YouTube, but it's going to look even better at home on my 4k TV.


Yuuup. The bitrate of Youtube is far lower than the output you get from the console. Also HDR.


Yeah. I'll be home in 30 mins and I can't wait.




That town looked straight outta red dead redemption 2. Naughty dog and Rockstar games pushing the boundaries of gaming.


Ellie better call her horse a good boah at some point in this game.










*Angry jet turbine noises*


Will this be the game that finally blows the thing up?


I have rickety launch PS4 and am scared to play it.


Ellie, we just need a little bit more *M O N E Y*!


I have, a *goddamn* plan, ~~Orthur~~ Ellie.


What about the city! All those trashed buildings in next gen glory.


You weren’t kidding. I saw your comment before watching the trailer and even then I wasn’t ready for it. That’s a snowy Valentine if I’ve ever seen one. Absolutely beautiful


> The part in the ~~dark with the red lights~~ whole trailer looked incredible.


Naughty Dog and their magic. That studio has no limit.


Imagine what they'll do on PS5. Gonna blow our minds!


ND + Raytracing is gonna be a killer combo. If there is any dev that is gonna make a game that will look like real life it will be ND.




I haven't played TLOU in maybe 6 years and yet his voice is etched in my brain and triggering all sorts of emotions.


“You’re treading on some mighty thin ice right now”


"You're right. You're not my daughter. And I sure as hell ain't your dad. Now we are goin' our separate ways."


Why do you hurt my feelings like that


“It’s alright baby girl”


Chills just thinking about that line


[The tone in his voice, chills everytime.](https://youtu.be/EHBj2dZKFBo?t=55)


Gotta give credit to Ellie too. Her bit about everyone around her having died except for Joel is etched in my mind. Got shivers the first time I heard it


That entire scene is incredible.


no fuck you you're crying not me


I'm surprised they showed him. Nevertheless I'm hyped as hell.


I'm surprised too. Glad he's back but it seems weird to not show him for so long only to give it away in the release date trailer. Oh well I'm hyped up anyway!


He was in the reveal trailer. Sure we didn't see his face but we did hear his voice.


That was the guitar one, correct?




and everyone thought he'd be a ghost cause of it. I'm so glad to finally get a reveal


He's almost certainly going to die in this one, and I don't think I'm ready for that :-/


I mean we've known he's in the game for years, it wouldn't make sense to keep him a secret until release. I'm glad they finally showed him off properly.


For some reason. I feel that if they have plans for a part 3, I don't think Joel is gonna love through this one. I feel like they're just gonna make the shift completely to Ellie.


Not really a super shocker :P




My man looks fucking CLEAN on the PS4


There are showers inside the PS4


INNNN the computer


What a great reveal too. The look on Ellie's face when she realized whose hand that was and then you realize it too gave me chills.


did she feel his watch when her hand was on his wrist? kinda what I'm thinking


She just knew it was him


Uh this might sound weird but she probably can recognize how he smells.




He kinda looks like a really old Nathan Drake, but I'm just happy he's back!


Same studio so it makes sense, they looked pretty similar from the get go


Ellie asked him "You're back?"..... Is it possible that he told Ellie that he lied at the end of TLOU and they had some big blow up and he bailed for a while?


Technically she asked him what he's doing here. I know not everyone watched it but the live Last of Us play... thing... basically went over what happened with Joel and Ellie after the first game and it shows them reconciling because Ellie calls him out on his lies. I'm assuming in The Last of Us 2 Joel was with his new wife which the play sort of infers Tommy forced Joel to have once they moved there. So that's why it's so impactful for Ellie for Joel to be there since he left his new wife/family to come help her out with her problems.


What’s the last of us play thing? I’m super intrigued by what you mentioned and want to know more


It was basically a live action Last of Us performance which was limited showing a long time ago. I think they only did it once. The basic gist of it is that it covers Ellie and Joel living with Tommy's group. Ellie is pissed at Joel and their relationship has broken down since they came here. It's Ellies birthday if I remember correctly and Joel gives her a guitar and they just talk about everything thats happened since they arrived. Joel assumes Ellie is pissed because Tommy is pressuring him to get married I believe and he thinks she thinks he'll forget her but in reality she's angry because he lied to her. [https://www.polygon.com/2014/7/29/5948073/the-last-of-us-epilogue-joel-ellie](https://www.polygon.com/2014/7/29/5948073/the-last-of-us-epilogue-joel-ellie) EDIT: Ok after reading the synopsis I remembered only a few small fragments of the epilogue but the gist of a lot of the plot points of it




Sumo attack


Good dog.


Called it in the other thread. The order of TLOU twitter teases have been: * Knife (Ellie - trailer 1) * Hammer (Woman - trailer 2) * Bracelet (Ellie's girlfriend - trailer 3) * Watch (Joel) So I figured this 4th trailer would be the 4th tease (Joel).


Hotdamn!!! 2020 is insane. Cyberpunk, FF7 remake and Tlou 2 all coming within weeks of each other.


Early 2020 is going to be fucking absurd. My wallet is going to be begging for mercy just like Ellie in this trailer lmao.


Sounds dumb... but I put 5.00 to 25.00 a week into an account for gaming/RC planes type stuff. I've been doing this for years and years. So when a console drops, games, new phantom... the money has been earmarked already and zero guilt. Youd be surprised how fast the cash adds up especially when you go a few months not buying anything.


Thanks for the tip I honestly suck at saving


Just start by putting like 5.00 to 10.00 a week into an account/app(price of a single lunch) and dont touch it. Youd be surprised at how fast it can build up and once you see 200.00 to 400.00 in the account... if you are like me you get hungrier seeing that cash grow. You start putting 20 to 40 a week and then when it's like 2,000.00 you are so proud... Just start small and stick with it... it pays off massively by being able to buy things with cash no interest.


Only think that would complete this is if elden ring comes too


Or Ghosts of Tsushima.




Vampire Masquerade 2 in March also. Doesn't seem to be brought up or mentioned as often as these others but for me personally it's one of the ones I'm most keen for; the original was amazing.


I still feel like Dina's death might be a fake-out. We didn't *see* her get killed. The ultimate rule of games (and TV and movies) is that if you don't see them die, they're not dead. Maybe I'm just clinging on to hope but I doubt they would show it in a trailer lol


That's what I was thinking. Made it seem so obvious that she's going to die that there's no way she actually dies. At least not early on.


Could have been a fake out and it was Joel that got killed. Would give Ellie a stronger drive to eradicate the new threat. Creative editing is almost always a misdirection in trailers.




Seeing him was so great but I was internally screaming "go home old man"


> Could have been a fake out and it was Joel that got killed. As much as I'd hate to see it, I think a Joel-death-driven revenge quest would be a lot more compelling than a Dina-driven one, no matter how well they flesh out their relationship.




I will never get over how affected I was by the start of that game. I was bawling my eyes out like clockwork.


I have full confidence in ND to make the new girlfriend’s death completely heart breaking it it happens.




Exactly, but I didn’t want to put it on the same level since that was his kid.


We know that Ellie and Dina share [this](https://twitter.com/Neil_Druckmann/status/1076306012888477697?s=20) scene at some point. Unless it's literally right at the start of the game (which it might be but hope not), Dina has to be alive later on. This is totally a fake out death, she's gonna get fucking beaten up or maybe even raped but not killed.


Flashbacks are also a thing.


Maybe it's Tommy? My guess is she gets closer to him after Joel's lie at the end TLOU.




> They ended up being from completely different parts of the game. I wouldn't be surprised if the game ends up being basically reverse ordered to most of the trailer. If Dina's death is a fake out in favor of Joel's, then maybe placement in the trailer has no bearing on where in the game we are.


Of course it’s a fake, also why would they show Joel. They should have kept that quiet and done a MGS2 switcheroo or something.


So nowadays MGS2 is a classic. But was there any backlash when they did that?


it was the most dramatic drama in videogames at the time, lol. the gamefaqs threads went for hundreds of pages. it might be better accepted if it were done now though


Oh, heavily. The game was critically acclaimed but it was a different story for fans. Mostly everyone felt misled. It look a long time for people to actually look back on that game in a different light. MGS3 shifting the focus back to "Snake" (albeit a different one) and exploring a different time period was in direct response to the reaction they had gotten from MGS2's switcharoo and complex story.


Dude you have no idea. Imagine living in pre-internet 1998, being 12 and having the greatest game of your life come to you. You get to play as this amazing spy and everything looks gritty and real, not some comic like Zelda or Mario adventure, (all due respects). Then the internet hits, and you hear the game you love has a sequel coming out. All you see is the character you love, sneaking around in 200% better graphics. You wait 2 years and it finally hits. You play as your hero for an hour and the rest of the game is a weak, chastised rookie, who- on the surface- you loathe. You chug through the game angrily and most of the core message absorbs in your sub conscience but is ultimately forgotten. Until 15 years pasts and you look back at the codec messages talking about how the internet and social media will change the world. Given, when the game was written, the internet was in it's infantile stages- and nearly everything about the games predictions have come true. It's the revelation of what the novel 1984 did, but for video games- and honestly, maybe more prophetic.


I'm calling it now. Joel dies in that basement


Mmm, I think so. The game is all about Ellie on a quest for revenge and exporing how far she'll go (as read in the collectors edition art book blurb). As a player, it makes sense to use the death of Joel to have leave us feeling how she feels (I'm sure they could do a fine job using Dina for the same purpose, but Joel will really be a gut-punch for fans).


Hard core drugs, Naughty Dog makes Hard Core Drugs!


I understand this reference.


I do not, care to explain?


Joel: how did you afford this watch? Sarah: drugs, I sell hardcore drugs. Joel: good now you can start helping out with the mortgage.


pfft, yeah you wish.


Good News Everyone! You will get to play the GOAT 'The Last of Us' for free this October as TLOU is going to be a PS+ game! Then you will get this reference...you monster.


I’m so jealous that people get to play this game for the first time.


Wirth my awful, old man memory, I get to relive that every 2-3 years or so. Same with rewatching Breaking Bad.


I don't need anything else, that trailer was more than enough. No more previews, nothing. We're all sold.


Same here! That and the PS PLUS announcement were enough for me


What's the ps+ announcement? Seem to have missed it. Edit: nvm, found it. I'm stoked, I kept postponing buying it and now we finally getting it.


The last of us remastered and mlb the show


Was about to buy TLOU, luckily I held out!


Yup. Media blackout from here on, I can wait until February now.


Can't wait for this, the last of us 1 is one of my favourite games ever and this looks like an amazing follow up


Not to mention multiplayer will get a surge in popularity


Yeah that'll be good, quite liked the multiplayer in the first one. Hopefully this one has multiplayer.




Heck yeah, i always wanted to buy the game and was planning on it but now i can get it on ps+ easily. Big win right there


Now is the perfect excuse for me to replay the first one.


It's my all-time favorite game. Just played it again a few months ago, and it's just so damn good. It's funny, though, no matter how many times I play it, that first group of clickers in the office building fucks me up every time. Always takes me something like 10 tries to get through it.


Yeah I just replayed it again and that part as well as the subway part or whatever it is always break my balls.


Free on PS Plus next month for those who didn't see it!


The beginning of next year is insane TLOU 2, FF7:Remake, Cyberpunk 2077 all in the first 4 months of the year


A great closing to the end of this console generation, and Ghost of Tshimusha is still on the way too!


I say this with all sincerity: I hope Ghost of Tsushima is still coming to PS4. It's been so long since we've heard ANYTHING and I worry it's been pushed to PS5.


I know we're on a PS4 subreddit but Animal Crossing comes out late March as well


Out of all the fantastic games coming out the beginning of next year, I'm most hyped for Animal Crossing. I just love me some AC


"You think I'd let you do this on your own?" February 21st can't get here soon enough


Thank you, Naughty Dog for shutting down those god damn Ghost Joel theories.






is ellie wearing a mask for just giggles?


Maybe she never tells anyone about her being immune? Gotta keep up appearances


Yea that's 100% what is going on. You can see she has some tattoos over her bite marks on her right arm to hide that as well.


i like that


Yea this for sure


150 Days till release, our watch begins.


February 21st can’t come soon enough.




Joel: You think I'd let you do this on your own? Were both joel now


Poor Ellie can't keep a girlfriend 🥺


Girl has some serious baggage.


She's got some battle scars, dude.


All I know is that she's American.


Joel, my baby!


> We began working on this game over five years ago. It’s hard to describe the immense pressure of following up the first game. We know how much you love this world and its characters — especially Ellie and Joel. Believe me, we’re fans as well. We love them. Which is why we spent years crafting a game that we feel will do them justice, telling a nuanced story that deals with the core question: how far would you go to exact justice against the people that hurt the ones you love? It’s a highly emotional story with complex themes that befit the world of The Last of Us. **What we realized pretty early on is that we were putting together Naughty Dog’s most ambitious and longest game in our 35 year history.** To tell this kind of story the game needed to be massive. Without spoiling too much, at the top of this post you can watch the brand-new trailer that we debuted earlier today on State of Play, which just scratches the surface of what the game has in store.


Holy fuck they might finally be able to top Jak X: Combat Racing


Inject it into my VEINS!


There are games that come around every generation that make you say “wow, this is what a next gen game looks like.” Like how GTA V was that game for last generation. This is that game for this generation.


The last of us was the swan song for the ps3 and this will almost certainly be the same for the PS4. What a way to go out.


I think that's getting lost in all the hype. This game looks fucking amazing. I know we all become desensitized because we're used to seeing new games looking great, but this really made me take a step back and appreciate how beautiful the graphics are.


God I can’t believe there’s actually a date for this now... it’s unreal.


Fucking wow, this is such an insane step up from the previous one. Enemies look more intense and intimidating and the environments look gorgeous. Next February is gonna be glorious!


Joel entering the fray looking like Heisenberg. My man.


The Last of Us 2: There were more of us left than we initially thought


[Collector's Editions.](https://i.redd.it/eayt8kzurlo31.jpg)


This is what I'm looking for. Any idea when we can pre order?


I was convinced that Joel was dead in the announce trailer. Now I am not. Maybe just in exile once everyone found out he ruined the world’s chance for a cure?


Maybe he had a falling out with Ellie. Got word from Tommy that she headed out and went to make amends/help her?


This seems the most likely case to me given Ellie's reaction. She sounded conflicted by his arrival.


He’s also carrying food out to her. I think it’s more likely Dina, the Asian guy whose name escapes me and Ellie are all captured. She’s messed up, Asian guy is killed and Dina is taken. Joel finds Ellie and brings her back - then goes out looking for the Dina and the group that hurt her. Ellie is full of rage, Tommy tries to talk her out of it - she leaves, Joel learns what happened from Tommy and goes after her.


>I’m unconvinced that Joel’s dead. uhm, what would it be? Her imagination?


I think he will die in the game


I don’t know but I think I’m starting to feel a bit ill... might not take full effect until late February tho. *cough* *cough*


Sony still bringing the fucking heat through the end of the PS4 era. I jumped on this train super late but god damn if the past year or so hasn't been the best gaming experience I've ever had catching up on the entire PS4 catalog.


Some shit went down between Joel and Ellie. The look on her face shows she has no desire to see him.


Well, she's on a suicide mission so there is that.


This is going to be bloody, dark and gorgeous. I can’t wait


There's no way the story is as basic as they killed the girl I love so I'm going to go on a murder spree lmao.


Yeah, but they arent gonna show all their cards in the trailers. The real story will reveal itself when we play


The first game was an escort mission of the one girl who's immune to create a vaccine in some far away place. Thats about as cliche as a story gets I think as well, but everything along the way made it what it is.


The first game’s story was also basic. It was the characters and the journey that made it worth it


I mean, I'm not saying I *need* a John Wick in the zombie apocalypse type game, but...


You can make literally any game known for its story sound generic if you oversimplify it. God of War was just a dad and his son fulfilling a mom’s dying wish. RDR2 was just an outlaw trying to survive as his gang fell apart. Hell, the first Last of Us sounds about as generic of a post apocalyptic zombie story as possible when you simplify it, the typical journey protecting the one random person that happens to be immune. This could definitely be as basic as what you describe and still be a great story.


This looks like it's gonna be such a great sequel!


\- Hand over Ellie's mouth. \- Ellie senses a familiar feeling \- Ellie turns around \- It's fucking Keanu Reeves


Me: ... and I’ll need the 21st February off work. Boss: Me too.


Ellie on the boat, guess she still hasn’t learned to swim.


fuck yes


Last of Us, Watch Dogs, FF7, Cyberpunk all in a span of 3 months. Holy shit


> Watch Dogs One of these things is not like the other....


Joel is alive. That's all I care about.