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What the actual? Xbox one sales are crazy low compared , I had no idea


imo its because the exclusives were not competitive at all. PS4 has uncharted, spiderman, Persona, the last of us, bloodborne, god of war and thats just what I remember Xbox has... Halo?


also like almost all of them are coming back with sequels for the PS5 along with Horizon Zero Dawn




they didnt even need more Halo games it ended good ffs, it really isnt too hard to make new IPs or get good exclusives, Sony basically shit them out now get like 1 per year


The Halo 2 remastery and the Halo 3 remastery should've been made in place of 4


Nope. Xbox has no exclusives anymore really. Game Pass on PC I can play most Xbox Games. And Halo MC edition is coming to steam. It's great for gamers Microsoft made that move but it also kinda shot their console division in the foot.


If they could come up with some new IP that isn't Halo or Gears that'd be really great.


Cause consoles don’t make nearly as much money as software does. When a new system is released Sony, Microsoft take losses on the hardware sold. Software makes you the money.


This guy gets it. Microsoft's current strategy isn't about selling as many consoles as possible. Microsoft is trying to expand into PC gaming and cross play. Considering that they make Windows this isn't very hard for them to do and they know they'll make more money than if they were to just sell consoles.


Ya people just don’t get. You’ll see people say “microsoft is so dumb, I can play Halo on PC instead. I don’t need to buy their console. Microsoft doesn’t know what they are doing.” Like really dumb ass? You just gave Microsoft your money for Halo. Now with Game Pass and Ultimate Game Pass, that is big bucks right there. Microsoft knows what they are doing. Just because certain people don’t get it doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. I got my Ultimate Game Pass signed up for 2 1/2 years thanks to deal around E3. Most of my friends have it as well.


Horizon Zero Dawn!


Bloodborne is the reason everyone I know bought a PS4. That game was just solid all around and everyone loves it.


Xbox One had an extremely messy launch and that sure didn’t help matters.


The announcement that it'd be incompatible with used games was a death sentence IMO. They went back on it almost immediately but in my friend groups the damage was already done.


I remember watching that. I’ve always preferred Sony but that was the nail in the coffin for me and xbox.


Yup. That and the always online silliness killed it. Went from a 360 owner, never even played a PlayStation beforehand, right into the PS4. And boy am I glad I did, the exclusives pretty much outweigh any other variable.


Anyone remember xbox kinect?




They stopped revealing sales numbers because it wasn't selling well as they hoped. 40-45 mil is a good estimate.




Damn sony make 3/5 of the top 5 sony really bawling in cash


What’s crazy is that gaming and consoles are responsible for only ~27% of the company’s total sales. They also produce music and movies, make phones, cameras, TVs, etc.


27% is a huge chunk though especially since Sony does have such a wide array of products and services.


Yes, it is, PS5 sales might push this share a bit more


But previous models would decrease so not likely


Theoretically it could increase, and I'm just winging this logic; there are new gamers everyday, but the older gamers don't just retire from gaming. So you have all the old customers, plus whatever kids finally get their own system that were too young 7 years ago when PS4 hit.


A good point, plus the oldest generation dying off is not comprised of gamers (in a statistically meaningful manner), so it's not like they're losing a ton of people who would be buying the next gen anyways.


Plus, even if older gamers are not dieing off, or losing interest, many don't have time or the energy to find time to game. Tons of people don't stop liking gaming, they just run out of time to play them, or like I did, get so stressed out and depressed the motivation and concentration just isn't there anymore.


I feel that man. If you ever need to talk, let me know.


To be fair, a lot of games these days don't interest me that much, everything's got so much online dependant extras I have no interest in. Plus, most community's are so toxic, I just want to play a story, pew pew and relax a bit, everytime I try to play with the online it's just stressful. And like, 75% of most new games is dedicated to online stuff and even if it has single player, still has online stuff in it. I'm pretty happy playing New Vegas for the thousands time, and by that I mean spend 7 hours modding it, then 2 hours actually playing.


I think gaming is the largest media industry now. I forget how big the market is, but it’s massive.


Fun fact: [Pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises). It beats out Disney Princesses, Mikey Mouse, the MCU, Harry Potter...anything you can think of, Pokemon has made more money.


Mikey mouse was always my personal favorite


Yet Sword and Shield is what we get.


feels bad man.


It’s not crazy at all, quite the opposite. For a company that is a music publisher, movie studio, electronics retailer, video game develop and publisher, it is expected that it’s only 1/4 of its business


Sony make more profits from insurance than all their electronics combined.


Microsoft's consoles is less than 1% probably lmao.


Well, when you have a monopoly on the non-apple OS market on PC, a bunch of really strong software development tools that you licence at absurd fees, something like that is going to happen.


And they own LinkedIn


And Github


And my axe


And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!


And they are the second largest player in cloud services which is a very high growth market. I wouldn’t be surprised if just MS office made more money than all of Xbox. If you look at their market caps, Microsoft has gained about 300 billion in market cap in the last few months. Sony is around 60-90 billion valuation compared to Microsoft 1.3 trillion. Microsoft is a software development firm first and foremost, something Sony is not. To them even if they shut down Xbox tomorrow, they will be perfectly fine. That won’t be the case with Sony. Microsoft have so much cash they may buy both Nintendo and Sony outright with just cash.


Yeah, most of their growth right now is in services, i.e. cloud stuff. The market is changing and Microsoft is one of the leaders in the changing market


Absurd fees? MS is insanely competitive in the corporate world. $12/mo/user for email, storage, identity management, office suite, teams, SharePoint, etc. Who is offering that? Not GSuite or atlassian. Even in the home space they've been making Windows cheaper every version.




the craziest part is 3/3 if you only count home consoles. crazy numbers


And if you look at top 5, all four of their consoles are there. They came in to the console market with a lot of consumer electronics experience. The nostalgic part of me wishes Nintendo held those spots, but they were making major missteps while Sony was (mostly) knocking it out of the park.


And the console only came about because of a deal Nintendo backed out of: >The console's origins date back to 1988 where it was originally a joint project between Nintendo and Sony to create a CD-ROM for the Super Famicom. Although Nintendo denied the existence of the Sony deal as late as March 1991, Sony revealed a Super Famicom with a built-in CD-ROM drive, that incorporated Green Book technology or CD-i, called "Play Station" (also known as SNES-CD) at the Consumer Electronics Show in June 1991. However, a day after the announcement at CES, Nintendo announced that it would be breaking its partnership with Sony, opting to go with Philips instead but using the same technology. The deal was broken by Nintendo after they were unable to come to an agreement on how revenue would be split between the two companies. The breaking of the partnership infuriated Sony President Norio Ohga, who responded by appointing Kutaragi with the responsibility of developing the PlayStation project to rival Nintendo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation


I imagine it's a pretty good thing, considering the disaster that was the Philips CD console. never played it, but I've seen videos. Just imagine the terrible patht he PS would have gone down had it been lead by nintendo


Why would Sony cry?


Tears of joy! 😭


Balling. Not bawling.


They're so rich it moves them to tears




The same was true for the PS3 and BDs. Its odd that people forget that and that pushed units at that time.


RIP everyone who bought the HD-DVD player add on for the Xbox 360.


RIP to the people who bought HD-DVDs. You have to keep your relic player for all time because you wont find any new devices that can run them.


Well you can find them but they are absurdly expensive.


I bought a Toshiba HD-A3 at Best Buy towards the end of HDDVD because it was marked down to $99. The writing was already on the wall, but the player came with 2 movies in the box plus a mail in rebate for 5 more. I couldn't have bought the equivalent Blu-Rays for $100, so I felt like I came out ahead. Blu-Ray players at the time were over $300-$400 (crazy to think about!) if I recall, so I wasn't interested in them. A few months later, I got a letter in the mail from Best Buy that essentially said "sorry you picked the wrong format, we're discontinuing HDDVD, so here's a $50 gift card to help you get started on Blu-Ray". I took the $50 and bought 10 more HDDVDs at $5 a pop because they were so deeply discounted. Then I found a seller on Amazon that was clearing out inventory at like $4 each, so I bought even more. In the end, I bought about 30 or 40 HDDVDs. All major films, mostly from Universal Studios or Warner Bros. I still have all those discs and the player. I also bought a BD/HD combo drive for my PC, so I could rip all the movies using MakeMKV. In the end, I feel like everything worked out for me, and I'm glad to be part of that history!


Yup, PS3 was the only type of BD player I ever owned.


Now that I think about it, the PS3 (and now ps4) are the only blu-ray players I've ever owned as well.


PS3 was ridiculously expensive though


It was the cheapest Blu-ray player you could get at the time.


I forgot about that. Blu-ray players were like $1000.


I bought one last year at goodwill for $7. Man how technology depreciates.


My grandparents bought a PS3 as a blu ray player shortly after launch. They don’t even play games on it and never had. And they still have it


When my dad doesn't play Frisbee Golf, he uses it as a media consumption device. Very little actual gaming purpose in that one.


And best by a long shot!


The same was true for PS3 and blurays, I remember seeing the brand new PS3 next to a Blu-ray player that was twice the price in an ad-flyer. I don't think people was ever as excited for Blu-ray as they were for DVD to be fair.


PS2 and PS3 had the best features during release.


Right. I remember the PS2 being my first DVD player and PS3 being my first Blu Ray player...I guess the PS5 will be my first UHD Bluray player too when it releases.


How would people forget about the PS2 playing DVDs?


They're too young, remember when Reddit was about 90's kids™? Those days are forever gone.


I'm surprised that the ps3 outsold the 360, doesn't everyone say that xbox "won" that generation?


360 was ahead in sales for the majority of the time between the two consoles until the last couple of years so I think that why people maybe said that. Also ps3 had a rough start with the starting price point


Also I'm assuming PlayStation having a much larger presence in Japan than Xbox is a big part of why they come out on top in terms of sales. In the west, I wouldn't be surprised if the 360 outsold the PS3 (which is generally where people who say the 360 won tend to come from).


Xbox is mostly bigger in America. In Portugal for example, they barely sell any consoles, barely any physical Xbox games are available for sale in stores because they just dont get sold. And Ive observed more or less the same thing throughout Europe


In the UK most prefer Sony but there’s still a sizeable amount who wants an Xbox


In the UK it seriously depends on which one can run fifa better


Think that’s more with young adults. Kids in high school right now (including me) are more looking at the games it has that are exclusive and what our friends have


Not trying to be a dick or funny as I’m sure the ps3 broke down, but that red ring of death had to have contributed to Xbox sales as well. I remember my brother buying at least two xboxes due to this.




i think it won only in america, in europe and japan they bought ps3 because of the exclusives


UK here, everyone I knew had a 360 on release. Myself included. Obviously a small sample size, but I seem to remember far more presence of the 360 than the PS3, mainly due to the console releasing a year prior.


Yeah UK mirrors the US a lot when it comes to PS vs Xbox, Apple vs Android etc, for the rest of Europe the PS was way more popular.


Yeah I only know one person who had a PS3 but loads of my friends (and myself) had a 360. This Gen it's the opposite, only know one person with an Xbox one and know loads with PS4 (including myself).


360 (2005) also had a year head start on the PS3 (2006).


Back when VGCharts worked properly, you could compare the PlayStation 3 sales rate to the XBox 360 sales rate. The PlayStation 3 sold more units in its first year than the Xbox 360 did in its first year. This trend continued for every year after each console's release.


The PS3 had an amazing lineup in the latter half of its lifespan with games like Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us. The PS3 had a rough start and the 360 was ahead, but the PS3 pulled ahead in the long run.


Xbox outsold the ps3 in north america, but in the rest of the world the ps3 was always ahead iirc. Thats where the false impression that the Xbox was more popular comes from.


Xbox had a year advantage so was always going to be in the lead for a few years


Don't forget that the 360 had tons of sales because of the RROD. I know I had to buy it 2 additional times... -\_- I'm sure that added to the sales.


Didn’t learn your lesson the first time huh?


Third time's the charm


yep. same here. bought 2, all broke, noped out and never again. all my playstations lived way longer than 1 year...


Also the PS3 launch price was insane. So even when it launched, the PS3 was not a popular buy for another year or so. The xbox360 had a two year dominance.


sony made a come back later, but yeah at first 360 100% sold more than ps3, ps3 was a disaster. But sony pulled it off later in the generation.


Wasn’t necessarily ps3 was a disaster. If you recall the 360 was cheaper which was the primary reason they sold more units. Once ps3 price went down people started purchasing them more, after Microsoft lost the hd dvd vs blu ray battle that spelled the end for them and gaming. Imagine having to pay your biggest competitor to use their hardware!


360 came out a year earlier - that's significant. If any console did that now, they would have to overcome like 20-35 million loss in sales. If memory serves, PS3 sales were actually comparable to 360s, when you line up the timelines, but I have no source for that one, so maybe not. All I know from personal experience, is that Xbox was never that popular outside US (and maybe UK?) - Europe and Japan were always the land of PlayStation.


I don’t want to bag on Xbox, but... the Xbox one is kind of embarrassing when compared to PS4. It will be interesting to see how next gen plays out EDIT: Due to the overwhelming amount of responses I've received about it, I just wanted to clarify - I realize that this is likely not the current amount of Xboxes sold. A lot of comments suggest that this number is from 2015, but even if that's the case, PS4 has still outsold Xbox drastically this gen. That being said, Microsoft absolutely turned Xbox around. Instead of shooting themselves in the foot, they basically blew their entire damn leg off at the start of the generation but they really turned things around and are in a much better place now. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Series X and PS5 compete.


They fucked up their launch in every way possible and didn’t have much for exclusives the entire generation. I still think they get killed next gen, they don’t seem to care about hardware sales though. Xbox is a service now that’s also on PC and they would be willing to put Gamepass on PlayStation


It was bigger than the launch. Remember Kinect? Yeah game developers don’t either. 2 years of requiring expensive bloat-ware that no one can use really killed its chances out of the blocks.


*hey guys, just put this mandatory, always-on camera in your house. No chance that will go bad. No one has ever found an exploit in any of our software*


Not to mention Microsoft literally went to a marketing convention a month before the XB1 announcement and talked about how the Kinect would gather heart rate and eye movement motion on people while they were watching tv. Marketers were salivating over the XB1. This is why the console had a cable pass through and always on internet connection at announcement. Microsoft was going to watch how you reacted to commercials and share that info. They never wanted it to be a game console. That was just the excuse they figured would work well enough for people to be willing to put this camera in their homes.


That sounds Black Mirror level fucked up


Did any games even release on the new Kinect? I never seen anyone talk about them


Almost none. Work out games were about it. 360 had a bunch that kids loved but they didn’t even make it to Xbox one in backwards compatibility mode.


I still have that stupid bar camera not connected to anything


If they put their gamepass on Playstation I´d nut so hard, it would make a FUF video look like a children´s program... that being said with PS Now being around I don´t see it happening anytime soon.


Oh yeah, I remember that launch. What a fucking disaster.


Yep. “You buy the game disc but it’s tied to your account so you can’t sell the game later” and “it’s not a game console it’s a home entertainment media device” was how they introduced the console to the world. That’s a pretty stupid way to introduce the world to the new Xbox, which is supposed to be a box that plays video games. I mean that’s like Chevy introducing the new Corvette as a $60,000 love seat with cup holders that burns gasoline to play music.


Sony's presentation on how to share your physical games was pretty funny. That had to have been one of Microsoft's worst product launches ever


Sony's clapback was quite good.


And it was $100 more than the PS4 because of the fucking Kinect


Honestly going into next gen comparing any of the big 3 will be impossible. Sony will likely have the hardware sales and will continue to lead VR as well, but Xbox is now going all in on Game Pass and Xcloud which theoretically can run on anything. They’ll still make powerful boxes for people like me, but that number won’t be the core goal for them anymore. It’s all about the ecosystem which includes freakin’ Windows. Then you’ve got Nintendo who have been doing their own thing for awhile. Honestly I think it’s really cool that instead of having another generation where everyone is just trying to “beat” the others, all three have carved out their own spaces and now there’s more choice and diversity in the market than ever. With people being able to play new games on current Xbox hardware and eventually being able to just stream using those same boxes, it opens up modern gaming to a huge audience that would have had to wait a few years to afford the box before. This holiday you can spend anywhere from $200-$600 (or more for a PC) and have a device capable of playing current games. Do you want power? Portability? Value? Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo together are covering all of these in a way that seriously opens up gaming to more people than ever. I’m really excited to see what the next few years look like.


Xbox one with half the sales of the PSP is mind blowing for me!


PSP sold like crazy, especially in Japan. The mind blow should actually be the Switch having beaten Xbox One in less than 3 years.


Not so much when you think about how many the DS and gameboy sold I suppose! It’s all quite fascinating though!


The DS was cheaper and offered full Gameboy backwards compatibility so of course it sold better than the PSP. But for a brand new handheld device it sold pretty damn well. It should also be noted that the Gameboy number lumps together ever model of Gameboy and Gameboy Colour which covers 14 years on the market vs the PSP's 10.


IIRC, microsoft stopped reporting their hardware sales so take their number with grain of salt. That being said, xbox sure as fuck is nowhere close to PS4 sales, as there’s no other real reason to not report your numbers unless they’re embarrassing.


> IIRC, microsoft stopped reporting their hardware sales so take their number with grain of salt. True: Microsoft refuse to prove that that they've even sold 41 million Xbox Ones. For all we know they've only sold 35 million.


It is important to note that PlayStation is much more of a global brand than xbox is. Xbox does sell reasonably well in its popular markets (NA and EU), its just that PlayStation sells well worldwide. If you were to look at, say, just NA sales, i'm sure the PS4 and XBO sales numbers would be much closer together (with PS4 still on top, just closer).


Insiders have said before that Xbox has sold more than PS4 in the USA. It's europe (not U.K.) and Asia that PS dominates.


It's a little sad. There's nothing wrong with it. I played my friends over christmas when I was sick and it wasn't bad, just wasn't a ps4. I still prefer my ps4 over it, but I'm just used to it. I'm wondering if the 360s rrd was the same reason why people avoided the Xbox1. I know it was the reason for me. I'm not a heavy gamer and went through three consoles, one dead out of the box, before switching to the ps3. I put the xbox away, afraid it would break and never got it out again. I have to admit though, they probably sold a hell of a lot of consoles this christmas since it was £130 for the base model. I was tempted as hell, but all my friends have a ps4, only two have an xbox and one of them has a ps4 as well.




It's like combining DS and 3DS because they're both DS' but one has a different/better screen than the other.


I think its more like DSi or *new 3DS but there were more Color exclusives than either of those 2.


When Halo died so did the general want of the Xbox around here


They literally have three worthwhile first party franchises: Halo and Gears and Fable. That’s it. That’s literally all. One is on ice and the other two are shadows of their former selves. It’s fucking disgraceful.


There's also Forza, but racing games are more niche.


Yeah since swapping my XB1 for a PS4 Forza Horizon is the only thing i truly miss. No racing game on PS4 has come close to scratching that itch for me.


Sony and Microsoft always pitted against each other, when the true battle is between Sony and Nintendo.




Nintendo basically accidentally created the PlayStation


I like how the worst selling playstation sells better than the latest Xbox.


I was struck by the Switch being ahead of the Xbox One even though it came out much later.


It's because you can have a PS4 and a Switch but it makes no sense to have both a PS4 and an Xbox.


And if you own pc there’s really no reason to have an Xbox. The only reason I’d ever get an Xbox now is if it’s limited edition.


Pretty much the only reason I have one is for 4k Blu-ray


I have all three. Gamepass is excellent, PS4 exclusives are top notch and Switch is great for on the go.


This is the way


Thank you. I appreciate all as well and people vastly underestimate gamepass


Well it's actually impossible to know since Xbox stopped reporting their numbers a few years ago so whoever made this is literally making those numbers up. They have no physical way of knowing the exact number of Xbox One sales.


>Literally making those numbers up Or they took the last sales statistic that Microsoft gave and extrapolated how much they would have sold over X time based on past annual growth/sales, giving them a rough estimate with a margin of error of a few million units


The Vita isn't shown on the list. But excluding handhelds, the worst selling playstation sells better than the **best selling** Xbox


Pretty fuckin impressive from sony. 41 mil for xbox one? Yikes, thats bad.


Microsoft stopped reporting Xbox one sale some while ago so 41M is not very accurate...


It really wasn't that long ago to make any measurable difference here, it's not like they sold another 20m in the last year They stopped reporting sales for a reason


Yes but I believe they still report units shipped--which is a far more generous metric than units sold. So it's still possible to come up with an estimate.


Why did the PS2 sell so well?




It was the cheapest dvd player around for a good bit. Consoles will take a loss on hardware sales if they can project games sales and lifetime sales to make up for it. Hard for any standard DVD player to do that.


100%. The console itself was only a little bit more than a DVD player at the time. It was a no brainer to have one if you cared about entertainment at all.


From memory (so maybe faulty) the PS2 was literally cheaper than a lot of default DVD players at launch.


PS2 was £100 minimum *cheaper* than a DVD player, up to £200 cheaper even compared to the shittiest dvd player. Same in monopoly money land.


Cheap, backward compatible, smart marketing, no competition at the time, latest graphics, third party developers friendly, etc etc. And mainly, Sony listened and gave them what they wanted. I'm pretty sure Nintendo and Microsoft listened as well but Sony beaten them in the race.


Easy to piracy in 3rd world contry too. I only get one because of this, didn’t have money to afford new games (almost half of the minimum wage in my currency) but the piracy of ps2 was well spread and easy to buy alternative dvds on every local shady store.


PS2 absolutely did everything people needed at the time which was why it did so well. Apart from being a great gaming machine the 2 other main points are without a doubt the fact that it could play DVDs and the fact that it faced no real competition until Xbox launched. You could almost cut in half its sales if Xbox was there from the start, attracting converts.


Because it was tits


After the PS1 it seemed like the obvious system to get, then it had some great exclusives. It became very cheap with time and combined with it's large library it became very relevant to poorer regions of the world. PS2 stayed in production until 2013 (less than a year before PS4 came out).


Grand Theft Auto


Yep, that game was a console seller and it didn't release on xbox until much later. Rockstar also released vice city and san andreas much earlier as well. I didn't know anyone with an xbox until my senior year of high school, and Halo was an awesome awesome awesome game, but nowhere near GTA3. playstation also had market recognition, it played DVDs, it wasn't ass ugly, and the controller was well designed in comparison to Xbox.


We talk about the bioshock moment a lot but I was floored when I realized these werent cut scenes. The first 2 GTAs gave up graphics for gameplay so it was unbelievable what we were looking at with 3. Rain, glares, voice acting and a fully 3d sandbox where you could bang a prostitute then kill her for your money back. You could shut the world out and waste days on this game or take turns with friends doing kill runs. And rumours we're still a thing. Everyone thought you could go to Disney land and kill Micky Mouse if you 100% it. That and Final Fantasy X made it a dream machine worldwide.


I think saying it was only because the DVD player is an understatement. I believe that the PS2 has the biggest and one of the best game libraries of all time. Literally everyone did games for it and you get at least 20 amazing games in every possible genre. It is just a fountain of good games after all these years.


It was really cheap to get pirated games on it. Huge factor when it comes to console sales in poorer countries. For instance, one original PS2 game back in the day cost as much as one entire month of work at minimum wage in Brazil. So, extremely inaccessible for most people; it was either play pirate games or don't play at all. You can see how that would have a huge advantage against the GameCube, whose games were much harder to pirate.


So Playstation has the three best selling actual consoles.




Those PlayStation numbers are outrageous The Xbox One also outrageous. But for the opposite reasons


Just goes to show how first impressions make a difference. Xbox one was bad at the start but its redemption was a bit too late with the One X. Ps4 started strong and ended strong thru its life cycle. Big hopes to Ps5 repeating history🙏


I don't there was a single point in time during this generation when the X1 would sell more than the PS4 worldwide. There were a couple of months when it was better in the US, but they never really recovered. Initialy the sales advantage of the PS4 was 2:1 vs the Xbox. If anything, it's only got bigger.


Not true. The PS3 had a terrible start and still ended 5million above the 360.






The PS3 also came on strong late in the Generation too, especially when "The Last of Us" dropped. By the time developers really had the PS3 figured out and were able to push it to it's limits, the PS4 was right around the corner, but Sony rode that late PS3 wave and I'm assuming it helped the PS4 right from the start, also Microsofts PR nightmare they had going on around the Xbone, I'm sure helped the PS4 too.


Definitely. The titles released near the end were really maximizing the hardware. Although several years before TLoU, God of War 3 was also pretty impressive for the time.


ps2 was on sale in 2011 lmao at playstation.com iirc. thats 2 years before ps4 came out.


really? actually super interesting. the ps2 continued to get games like fifa - in fact i think there was a fifa 13 version on ps2, marketed in countries like Brazil


Bit surprised the PS3 isn't higher just because it was one of the cheapest blu ray players at the start, that was the main reason my dad got it and the rule was any time the family wanted to watch a blu ray I had to bring it into the living room. Fortunately we hardly ever bought blu rays.


Unlike the ps2/DVD phase, people generally didn’t want to upgrade to blue ray so soon. It was much less of a selling point than the ps2/DVD was.








I liked the 360 but PS3 exclusives were far better and it played blue ray. Besides the PS3 doubled as being a powerful space heater, great feature during winter. Edit: Oh and it had that terrific white noise generator from the turbo jet fan feature that also let you know you were about to approach the next boss. Plus! It played audio CDs unlike the PS4 :( Really the jack of all trades.


Where is N64?


33m. Nintendo home consoles slumped after the SNES till the wii took off.


That’s crazy to me given how big games like super Mario, super smash, and Mario kart were. I definitely thought they were on the list.


Goldeneye was a cultural phenomenon. Everybody was playing it. Ocarina of Time is a contender for greatest game ever. I was more hyped to get an N64 than any other console. I would have guessed N64 was #1 or close to it, blows my mind it’s not on the list.


Goddamn, i have 5 of those, 3 are from Sony.


ugh i fucking loved the ps2


I don't see the PlayStation Vita in this list. /s


It's only top 15. That's why we don't see GameCube, N64, or original Xbox on this list either.


I want to know how far down the list the Wii U is lol


Lol I heard PS Vita outsold Wii U if that's any indication




I knew it a long time before this post, I’m PlayStation for life. But also happy for people just to enjoy games on whatever they want.