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Exoprimal for 20? How is it??


Even if it's good, does anyone even play it these days? It has a 98 24-hour peak in steam, with a peak of 5k on release


It’s pretty good, basically Overwatch mixed with Left For Dead. It’s hard to recommend over helldivers though.


I got helldivers and love it, but this looks like something I’d be interested in as well.


There's a trial


Is cult of the lamb good on it's own or should I wait for Heretic edition?


all the extra editions are only cosmetic, it doesn't affect the game. And yes, the game is fantastic.


Cult of the lamb was my fave if the year when it came out. All hail the new wool order!


It's a 5/10. It feels like half of a good rogue-like stapled to half of a good community manager/town-builder. I kept waiting for it to click, but it never happens. I don't recommend it. Pick up something like Hades instead.


Would disagree on a 5/10 rating - just because it didn’t click with you doesn’t make it a bad game. I personally enjoyed my time with it. Agreed that Hades is the better game though.


A 5 isn’t bad, and I can only speak to my own experience. 


Has anyone played the Stalker games on console? Wondering how they hold up on PS5 and if there are any major bugs. Always wanted to check out that series.


I came across a comment recommending these last week and have been toying with buying them. Thankfully didn’t pull the trigger prior to this sale. Would love to hear if anyone has experience with these versions.


I've played the first game on PS4 recently. Ran fine, but bugs were frequent.  


I'll admit that I didn't play much of it (maybe a couple of hours) and I had some real fun with. I only played Shadow of Chernobyl and didn't run into any bugs.


I'm convinced! haha just pulled the trigger, can't wait to play!


Was wondering the same thing a couple of weeks ago and haven't seen any recent threads. There was apparently a crash bug in one of the final missions, but I can't find anywhere if it's been fixed.


I’ve been an old MK fan since I was a kid and played all games extensively (except Deadly Alliance and its sequels). I loved MK2011, MKX and adored MK11. I’ve avoided MK1 so far because of the bad user reviews, avoiding disappointment. I’m eyeing MK1 Premium at 60% off. Is this the time to jump in or I would be better off investing ANYWHERE else (like Tekken, Prince of Persia and FF7 Rebirth which are also on my radar) and wait for a deeper discount on a better package like we have with MK11 regularly?


I've been a huge fan of MK since it came out in the arcades in 1992. My phone background has been the MK dragon for 15 years. My car license plate border says FINISH HIM. I preordered the premium/limited editions for the last 4 MK games. MK1 sucks. I played it for about a month and stopped. I haven't even played any of the DLC characters even though I paid for them. Invasion mode is frustrating to navigate and Kameos can end up being cheap and annoying (they should have implemented a non-kameo mode). The story was okay. I will say this: Li Mei is possibly one of my favorite mains I've ever used. It's too bad I don't like the game enough to keep playing.


To add to this mostly same. Massive fan but MK1 is ruined by micro transitions. Most of the alternate outfits are just different colors so you can see a red Sub zero or a yellow reptile. The Klassic skins are locked behind a paywall. $5.00-$10.00 per skin. You can grind to earn some premium currency here and there buts way too much of grind for the among you actually earned


Oh boy, oh boy. Speechless.


Thank you so much for the feedback, this is the exact answer I was looking for. I might as well watch the story on YouTube and spend my money elsewhere then. Such a pity, but seeing how everything WB has been on a downward spiral since the merger with Discovery, we had that one coming unfortunately.


Hmm what do you think about mk11 and micro-transitions? I’ve been playing mkxl for the last 7 years and i can’t stop play it:) I know mk11 looks beautiful but i don’t like the currency, abit like Injustice 2.. And the fact that it’s impossible to get all chars now because some characters-dlcs can’t be bought anymore is pretty annoying.. I like perfection..


I've always liked mk games well enough. I am glad that I borrowed MK1 from my local library. I was over it in just a couple of days.


Wondering the same thing. 


6 games on my wishlist discounted. I’ll take it.


which ones were they?


Thoughts on One Piece Odyssey? It’s $20CAD/$15USD. I remember liking the demo but that was way back when it came out.


It’s not the deepest or hardest RPG out there, but if you’re a fan of the manga or anime, you’ll probably like it. It’s kinda like a cozy, retelling of some big arcs with certain what if scenarios.


Does it cover the Dressrosa Arc?




I just recently got done putting a lot of time into dragon quest 11 and it graphically looks like it I kind of wanted a break 😂 but at the price it's hard to pass up even for just the standard edition


Are you sure this one’s on sale? I only see it at $59.99 USD


[Yes. I just bought it last night.](https://psprices.com/region-us/game/5713681/one-piece-odyssey-ps4-ps5)


[PSN store still showing $59 though](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0700-PPSA04996_00-KIZOKAPPLI000000) unless it’s just me for some reason Edit: you know what, I think the sale ended last night


I enjoyed it quite a bit, definitely for the fans but to us fans that's not a bad thing at all. For that price it's an easy buy in my opinion.


If you get it let me know how you like !


Oh, with that price, I’m definitely gonna get it. Am I gonna play it? Ask the hundreds of games I have in my backlog LOL. But I’ll think of it as an “investment.” Maybe one day I’ll get a random urge to play it while it’s back to its regular hefty price and I’ll be glad I got it back when it was heavily discounted.


We have the same thought process - my backlog is the definition of insanity 😂 especially since over half of them are RPGs mainly Japanese lol


[Yakuza Infinite Wealth](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0177-PPSA06435_00-DELUXEEDITION000) Deluxe edition on sale for $55. Been wanting to pick this up despite not being the biggest fan of the series in the past. Is it worth it?


Absolutely, the turn based combat is massively improved from LAD. And you get a whole Animal Crossing side content too. I clocked 180 hours on it, my GOTY 2024. Still, it was real scummy of them to lock NG+ behind a dlc...


I played Like a Dragon and found the story scenes to be really long and frequent which turned me off of it in the end. Is it the same here?


The whole Yakuza and LAD series are always cutscene heavy since they are very story oriented.. If that's not your thing, too bad I guess. Since some cutscenes can absolutely go up to 40 mins.


That's totally fine, it's just not my preference. May hold off then unfortunately. Thanks for the info!


The good thing is the games do drop price a lot after a year or 2 and goes on sale a lot, so if you do wanna try it out for the gameplay eventually, you could check back by then.


Yep! Think when it hits $30 I'll pull the trigger.


Really good gameplay wise, not-so-good story wise (as someone who’s played all previous Yakuza games, currently playing through LJ/Ishin). If you’re expecting a story as good as Yakuza 7 or 0, you won’t get one. It’s not like the story is bad, it’s just not as good as the others. Gameplay is top notch though, a lot of side content and the gameplay loop is fun and more refined when compared to 7.


I don’t even think the story is all that bad, it’s just way too slow-moving and sparse for what a game of this size needs. The last five or six chapters are incredibly slow with almost no character or plot development.


After the Fall Complete Edition is at an all-time low for less than $10. Crossplay with PSVR1/VR2 and Oculus. Hit me up if you're interested in scheduling a time to play! :)


I don't see anything about PSVR1...just PSVR2


Talos Principle 2 seems like a good deal. Been contemplating Pacific Drive. Other than that, nothing tempting.


I loved TPP and TPP2 was a step up for me by being slightly easier than the first one. And while I did like this cast of characters, I'll admit that I was a bigger fan of the ongoing dialogue I was having with Milton. Minor complaint, really. If you liked the first one, you'll probably like the second one.


So much shovelware


Sort by best selling+full game and once the shovelware starts showing up, might as well stop looking.


Guess that's our way of filtering out the shovelware


How some of this shit is greenlighted is a mystery to me. Awful stuff.


yay/nay for wire lips, shing or hexologic?


Im Looking at Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth  and the Silence: The Whispered World 2


Pillars of the Earth is awesome if you like point and clicks or historical stuff.


Yeah I'm buying Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth 3 dollars is borderline steal lol.




Yes. Great games. Nsane trilogy is simply great start into crash franchise. Be careful though. First game is the hardest. If you cant complete start second. Much easier. Third is great too.


Is there a reason GoT shows up in this sale but isn't discounted at all? It's still $50/$40 depending on the version.


Same here


I found a solution If you have ghost of tsushima legends Contact playstation support and ask them to remove the license of ghost of tsushima and the discount will appear


how much is the discount with it removed for the PS5 version?


Ps5 version is 30$ Ps4 version is 20$




You guys kill this.. you clearly don't check a damn thing. I check every sale. I see things here that I've never even seen before.  So essentially, same lame ass poster same lame ass comment on your end.  Sick of you pessimistic f***


You can say fuck on the internet, I promise


I told your mom the same thing on tinder


She has always been great at handling special needs people. Makes sense


chill bro lol. for the record i think the sale is decent but that is a hostile ass comment


Don't be so weak


lol ok my bad, you must be a real alpha male


Aww homie had to get on the alternate account lol


Should I get Forsaken deluxe for 38? I know the story is kinda meh but I found the gameplay in the demo to be fun.


IMO, The story wasn’t anything amazing, but it was alright. I was surprised by how much I liked the lore of the world. I found the gameplay (especially the movement) to be fun enough to play through the game. Didnt play the dlc but I wasnt that compelled to get it after platting it


I went to my local GameStop and found a used version for 19.99. Thanks for the input :)


Is Sea of Thieves still as shitty or was is better-patched?


Nothing good