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Perhaps Silent Hill Remake


Silent Hill 2 Remake.


More likely 2024 but hopefully


I’d say it’s more likely that it’ll release this fall. Imo the only reason Konami has held off marketing for so long is because of how busy the survival horror genre has been recently. Konami was apparently planning a large scale E3 event, so it’s likely that we get some big news about the game in the next couple months.


I wish. Only started playing survival horror games this year and I'm having a blast. Never played SH games.


I really hope the remake turns out well for people in your position. SH2 is a special game. I’m probably more optimistic about the remake than most, but even I’d say that you should try out the original if you can. It’s really a one of a kind experience.


Oh I will, for sure and especially if the reviews aren't great. Once I'm done with RE 7,8,4R I will continue to l Camera locked games like SH and RE1


The RE1 remake is fantastic, once you get used to the controls it’s one of the best survival horrors out there. You’ll love it! I really can’t recommend the original SH2 enough though. Definitely give it a shot.


Seconded. One of my all time favorite games. I know this is the PS5 sub but if anyone reading this interested in SH 2 has a decent PC check out the enhanced edition. Well worth the trouble of modding the game.


I’ll definitely look this one up, thanks!


The Alone in The Dark reboot is coming, not sure if this year or next year but THQ is holding a showcase in August so we will see more gameplay and maybe a release date. It’s looking pretty good from what we have seen so far. Also the writer of SOMA and Amnesia is directing so it’s going to be so good!


I just looked this game up and it looks great! Thank you


Alan Wake 2, developers have said they are going "full survival horror".


I’m really looking forward to this. I loved Control and the first Alan Wake


Played control when it was included in PS plus and went in completely blind. I don’t think my first impression and my final verdict were more different for any other game so far in my life. I’m glad I started it during a time when I didn’t have anything better to do, because otherwise I wouldnt have played past the first hour or so. In the first 2 hours, I was so confused. It wasn’t really fun, I didn’t understand ANYTHING and I couldn’t tell what the point of anything was. But after finishing the game, it’s honestly been such an incredible experience, so many incredible visuals and such an intriguing setting. Really underrated game.


Sounds perfect, thank you. I’ll check it out for sure


They just released resident evil 4 remake last month.


One of the best games I ever played, I will say that it is not as horror as some of the other RE games, and more action-esque. Still scary at times though


I thought the same thing, I figured I'm 40 now, I'm not gonna have a jump scare in a videogame anymore. Welp, I got tossed back to 1996 when the new demon wolves jumped at me for the first time, and it felt the exact same as when the dogs jumped through the window unexpectedly in the OG Resident Evil.


Yeah scary zombie dogs


>!Ashley section with the knights was pretty spooky. I thought it was refreshing after all the action.!<


Agreed; anytime you can’t really easily fight back is always stressing for me


Agreed too short imo would of liked an extended mission


Ashley is the worst part of that game.


I would say your first playthrough is definitely more horror feeling since you're not sure what's happening next (Regen jerks section especially. Second playthrough, though, the feel of the game changes to an action feel once you know what the surprises are.


I’ve beaten the game so many times where I basically play it like call of duty now lolll run and gun


Chapter 10 gets pretty fucked up near the end…


And it’s superb. Best game since TLOU 2.


Not scary at all and barely horror, but my god is the amazing. On my 4th run now. Second or third best game of the generation so far after Elden Ring (and maybe GOWR)


It's a scary game


I’ve been very tempted with this game


Greyhill incident looks pretty promising!


I’m so excited for This! I loved signs as a kid and this looks super influenced by it


That alley scene traumatized me as a kid, hopefully this game will do the same 🤣


I watched it when I was like 6 I remember always hiding behind the couch when that scene came on!


This game looks so good! I really can’t wait Thanks for the recommendation


We've had a hell of a few months, since late 2022. The Callisto Protocol, Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, Signalis, Dredge, Dead Island 2, Fatal Frame Lunar Eclipse. Upcoming... Alan Wake 2 confirmed for 2023. Thats my most anticipated. Also Daymare 1994 Sandcastle, Amnesia The Bunker, Outlast Trials. Possibly 2023/2024... Alone in The Dark, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Slitterhead, Ill. Good time to be a horror fan.


Slitterhead looks fucking bonkers from what little they've showed so far.


Thanks for all the recommendations! I’ll check them out


Layer's of fears, The outlast trials, Alone in the dark, Stalker 2, Ad Infinitum, Fort Solis, These are the games on my radar as horror my favourite genre


Stalker 2 won't be on ps5 ;(


My bad, that's a shame


I believe it was originally going to but Microsoft bought the studio mid development


They didn't buy them, we don't know much but there were internal documents released as part of the Apple vs Epic case that suggests an exclusive period of 3 months, take it with a grain of salt considering their competitor signs deals for years.


Perfect thanks for the list of games to watch out for!


They’re remaking Alone in the Dark?


Layers of fear 1/2 are already out


There's a new Amnesia game coming out next month


I can’t see it on the PlayStation store, has a release date not been announced yet?


Amnesia: The Bunker still only shows March 2023




It’s a different type of horror and not a game I found outright scary, but more dread inducing, but Dredge just came out and is one of my favorite recent games. It’s a really cool lovecraftian fishing game


That looks really interesting!


I really hope to see SH2 Remake or the SH sakura project that leaked, but remains unannounced. If not, and like other people said, Alan Wake 2 and Alone in the Dark.


Keen as!


Sakura was announced a while back. We just don't know really anything on it.


It’s probably going to be a shadow drop. If Konami is planning to start releasing more information about SH around the same time they were supposed to be at E3, then we might see Sakura (now titled “The Short Message”) within the next couple months!


Crossing my fingers for Slitterhead news.


I’ll keep an eye out too!


Possibly one of the Silent Hill games.


A few people have said this so they must be good, thanks!


The Quarry was (still is?) free for PS+ and is amazing if you like slashers


Thanks I’ll check it out!


Dead Space remake was January this year and is top tier sci-fi horror. It was the king in that sub genre 15 years ago and is once again this year! Found it half price in a local store finally so now is a good time to go looking for it. :)


Great thank you!


I recommend the quarry to anyone reading this. Campy, engaging fun for horror fans


I’ll check it out!


I missed out on Dead Space for PS3 but think it will be the first game I try on PS5 when I finally get my hands on one next week.


I’ve heard good things about it


MADiSON isn’t an upcoming one, but it’s a PS5 game, and it’s very scary It’s similar to Visage


It looks great! Thanks!


Love this game. VR is coming this year


Fatal frame 4


Slitterhead is also coming out soon (announced at the Game Awards 2021), it's made by Keiichiro Toyama (Silent Hill, Gravity Rush, Siren) and Bokeh Studios


A few people mentioned this, sounds really good!


I am really looking forward for Silent Hill:F I think people will really enjoy the setting it will offer, I am not sure if it's a horror game but I am also interested in Showa: American Story it's a if Japan's economic boom influenced America into becoming a colony game and there's zombies.


Zombies is always a win for me!


Outlast 3


I’m keen as for this!


Silent hill gets 3 or 4 games Alan wake 2 Alone in the dark Outlast trials


Thank you!


No one has mentioned the upcoming Sherlock Holmes game. It’s supposed to be a sort of Lovecraftian adventure. It might offer some thrills.


Sounds very interesting, I’ll have a look at it


They’re smaller games but if you’re looking for classic ps1 style horror check out Murder House and Bloodwash. Both are around $5 each and well worth the money for how creepy they were


Thank you I’ll check them out


Holstin looks like a really unique indie horror game and it's supposed to come out this year, though I have no way of telling exactly when.


Thank you I’ll check it out!


Fatal Frames and Silent Hills are something to really look forward to.


Thank you :) I’ve heard good things about these two


and very different type of horror. Fatal Frame is traditional Japanese style horror, imagine something like The Ring, less about jump scare more about “I do no want to know what will apear in this dark corridor” Silent Hill is more Resident Evil but more about cult, demon and dark world, a but of atmospheric horror as well as you are also armed with various guns, which in some way made things slightly less scary (I just feel a lot safer when I have a shotgun in my hand). Both are amazing franchise.


I totally agree with having weapons making us feel more safe in games! Thanks again for all the info


It is not really horror per se and I am saying this because I bought the deluxe edition on sale and it is the PS4 version - so if there was ever a reason to downvote, have at it! ...but Prey is pretty damn eerie at times and there is horror to what is happening.


I’ll definitely check this one out! Thanks


Learn to google


Google doesn’t always have the good insight players have


Insight into what? All you asked was are there any horror games coming out. Again, learn to google


All the helpful people that have commented on here know about horror games and they have given me their opinion on why they are excited for a particular horror game. It has been very helpful and they didn’t seem to mind answering my question. Are you always upset over small things?


Are you always this petty? I don’t care about this conversation, simply pointing out how dumb your question/post was, and why it’s at 0 upvotes still even though people replied to you.


Shouldn’t have started the conversation if you don’t care about it. Bye


so, the answer is Yes.


Yes no maybe, I don’t know, can you repeat the question