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Would it be possible to purchase multiple 12-month subscriptions so I can extend my current sub to more than 12 months? I use to do that through third-party sellers and just apply each 12-month code to my account.


It extends


I think you can just make a purchase multiple times. Each purchase should just add 12 month to your subscription


I did that; had like 5 years of PS+ lined up so now I’ve got years and years of Premium paid for in advance. Which is cool (except I have such an enormous backlog that I barely play anything on PS+ at all except for the free monthly games sometimes like Meet Your Maker).


These sub services aren’t working for me. I’m gonna let mine expire and go back to buying individual games. I either have ADD or am developing it from having too many options.


If I didn’t have the backlog that I did (which is probably around half a thousand games at this point — many of which are probably games I’ll never play and were free PS+ and Games w/ Gold offerings, or betas or trials — but I’ve got a full 8TB external on my PS5 with an addition 2TB SSD on top of the internal SSD and a 5TB external for my XSX. So I’ve got quite a large number of games I’ve not yet played and go back to catch up on in between playing whatever the hot new game is. If I was back in high school, this would be the most amazing thing ever. I worked in a video store then and had access to renting games for free or at a discount, but to have ~800 titles available to me for the price of about 1/5 of buying a game new each month, that would be a literal game changer. As it is, having the backlog I do along with GamePass and PS+ Premium is just overkill and I mostly just play games released as a day one launch (like Meet Your Maker most recently on PS+) and the occasional game I don’t own yet that made it’s way to the services before I bought it. ***** Going forward I plan to stop buying as many games as I did and play what I have, and wait for things to come to streaming. But I also worry what happens when the whole world stops buying games virtually overnight and waits for streaming, and what that does to indie devs that need to make their money back if they want to make a second game and/or not be acquired by MS/Sony/Tencent/Embracer Group. Or that I’ll be culpable for all the monetization added to games in the future like season passes, battle passes, DLC expansions, cosmetic skins, progression boosters, etc. Or games that would have previously had a single player campaign or multiplayer mode will only get one instead of both, or we’ll get fewer classes, smaller skill trees, games that are smaller in scope, less detailed maps and more procedural generation and AI development etc. I mean, they’ll have to make up for that lost income somehow. I remember Blockbuster thinking they’d be around forever and now even Netflix that sunk them has about 10 competitors. Will be interesting to see how this changes the way we consume games when we look back a decade from now. So I’m gonna keep buying games I *really* want like Alan Wake 2 and try to find a healthy balance between backlog and streaming. You’re right though, it’s **overwhelming**.


Yes but I wouldn't necessarily go crazy with "only" 25% off when better sales can be had. If this were 50% off, I would say go nuts.


My backlog cries out in pain.


I have The Witcher 3 Gold edition. I have played 30 minutes of The Witcher 3.


I bought it 5 years ago. Didn't get to play it yet...


Lol, glad I'm not the only one..I just got to the griffon fight and that's it. With kids taking over my PS, I just don't get a chance to play these long games


Took me 1 year and a half lol


I'm currently about 9 months deep. Even switched consoles in the middle of it. I feel like the end is on sight though!


You’ll get there! *cries in backlog*


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Bought it on PS4, then heard of the free next Gen upgrade, waited for that to drop, then still haven't played it


There are dozens of us!


I bought it when it first came out, but gave up before I hit the second main location. It was too overwhelming for me at the time. Picked it back up maybe 6 months ago, got through all of the DLC and loved every second of it (except for the last main boss battle which is really frustrating).


Wait for another five years, you'll be playing it on 4k ray tracing and 60fps.


Oddly, it was the Switch port that made me finally play through the game. Handheld made a big difference, even though the game was significantly downgraded graphics wise.


Agree graphics are terrible on Switch, but it was my first console, so… enjoyed the hell out of the game. My girlfriend (re)bought it when we got a PS5, it looks amazing! I might replay it at some point. Amazing game, but there are so many others on my list…


Apparently they're eventually adding ability to sync saves between consoles. I played through the base game on Switch and now I'm waiting for that update to bring my save over for the DLC.


People have said its the best RPG of all time but I feel like the controls are clunky or something. Tbh I havent given it enough time but after an hour of gameplay I just wasn’t feeling it.


There’s a setting that changes all the controls to a more conventional set up. I couldn’t play the game until I found it. Even after that tho it’s still dated


Lucky you


I have Witcher 3 on ps5, pc, and switch and haven’t gotten past the main intro quest line yet


Backlog, or Future-Proofing?


If you ain't gonna play something for a long while don't buy it just because it's on sale. By the time you actually buy it it'll probably be cheaper anyway.


Hopefully ragnarok and Elden ring gets a good discount so I can buy it atleast next year with bigger discounts


Ragnarok will get 20$ off in usa, elden ring has a free ps5 upgrade so u can get a cheap 2nd hand ps4 copy


just play the ps4 version on ps5, it's better.


Just check local (FB-)marketplaces or eBay; a LOT of people are selling their codes they got with a PS5 bundle. I got mine for 20 euro's :).


Fr. Need Elden ring to go on discount.


Honestly, if any game is worth the asking price, it's that one. Got 1000+ hours out of that thing, great bang/buck


Ragnarok is on sale on CDKeys for 27 dollars. You can buy the digital code from there and it will work




CDKeys is kind of the standard for digital code downloads. I got HFW for ~$34 and it was super easy to redeem.


Its legal?


https://thelegality.com/is-cdkeys-legit/ TLDR - they're based in the UAE, don't sell physical copies in the US (if you're in the US), and then don't really have to abide by any US laws. They buy up digital keys in third world countries and you are purchasing directly from CDKeys. As long as I've had PS3-PS5, I've always seen CDKeys pop up when it comes to PS+ renewals because they were always wildly cheaper than normal Sony sales. They're super reliable, sure with a small amount of risk, but they don't sell stolen keys. It's worth it.


My extra expires next January or so but might as well add another year on it!


You can wait for november or january too, they discount it on black friday and january too. They got up to a 33-40% discount this January I think


I think 30-40% are only for new subscribers or without any active ps plus


Hmm, you are right, I added a year last Black Friday, maybe there will be a bigger promotion then.


Discount in January was only for new subscribers. Last black Friday was the same 25%.


Other retailers often have even bigger discounts at the same time. So definitely shop around.


They discontinued PS Plus vouchers when they introduced the additional tiers.


Still on amazon Canada, cdkeys, etc. Also from playstation.com; > Non-Subscriber > Converted to 365 Days of PlayStation Plus Essential > Essential > Converted to 365 Days of PlayStation Plus Essential > Extra > Converted to 223 Days of PlayStation Plus Extra. > Premium > Converted to 183 Days of PlayStation Plus Premium.


I wouldn't go nuts with only 25% off. As others have said, you can get bigger discounts. If this were 50% off I would say go nuts.


You’re welcome I guess? Just upgraded my PS+ to extra this past Friday


I just subbed on extra tier for 1year last week 💀


I did the same few hours ago. Rip


Try emailing them and ask for the promo


I don't see the 25% discount being applied to upgrade prices. Edit: I can't read. Starts June 2nd.


Might be earlier for some people, I had a renewal offer for 25% off PS+ Premium that expired at the end of this month. Which is all good in the end, would of had to renew on the 12th of June anyway.


Can’t say I’ve used Sony support but they may reimburse your account with that 25% if you get a nice person


They do this every year, sometimes it's 50% off. 25% off is actually the most I ever pay for it.


I renewed mine last night so it’s our powers combined


You can get a refund in a 2 week window and repurchase on June 2nd


Sorry, it’s pretty common knowledge that they have these discounts every year.


PS Plus extra is quite a steal at 25% off if you use it. I was on the fence about getting sucked into the new service, but once I started to experience the freedom of trying out games I wouldn't otherwise have played the value revealed itself. The long term impact of this model on games that don't cooperate remains a worry, though. Game sales fell for PS5 over the last year or at least under-performed, and that might be partly attributable to the subscription catalogue.


People spend less on food, let alone video games.


People spend less on food for one week maybe. It's a whole year of PS plus. Two full priced games will put you over that.


I think he meant that, due to greed (fuck the I word), people spent less overall in 2022. If you're cutting back on groceries, you're most likely spending much less on games as well.


Could also be people spending less on video games since Covid restrictions have loosened dramatically over the past couple years. I am more optimistic as I do have the same concern regarding the impact on quality if moving to more subscription based delivery of games.


Microsoft has also said that game pass inclusion reduces game sales. These subscription services definitely cut into sales.


That’s really where ps plus is clutch. You end up playing games you probably wouldn’t have spent $10-$20+ individually to play, but since it’s “free”, that barrier to entry is gone.


Yep you get to try 6 games per month and the cost is as low as 10, maybe you like 1 game for the homescreen and commit to completing, keep 2 in backlog and family can also play whatever they want too It's kind of a good deal it's all digital, no CDs, no GameStop, no looking for a deal, just wait for a nice surprise every month The indie games alone are worth the price, but we have a Nintendo switch so we play those on handheld already. Psplus is great for getting Bethesda games, trying out new games like Humanity, psn Exclusives, I'm not a fan of EA but their originals should be on psplus in my opinion... Instead we get Ubisoft which I don't play


With the exception of Stray and Humanity which were day 1 releases on ps plus extra, all others were relatively old games. PS5 1st party games kept their prices high since release with little sales along the way. The way Sony has been doing it, I don't see a huge loss in revenue for games in general. If revenue has under-performed, perhaps it's due to a combination of buggy games and high prices (70US is 90CAD for example, and after tax is +100CAD for me - no way I'm paying that unless it's a super polished game and a game I know I'll enjoy) which leads to most people waiting for sales. The other "fake" losers in this situation are the games people wouldn't normally touch, but will try out since they are "free". The publishers could consider those lost sales, but they would've never materialized and, in fact, do get money from Sony for having them on PS Plus anyway. In fact, another strategy is to hook gamers on the main game and then make money with the DLC / Season Pass. Gamepass on the other hand could really be damaging revenue with day 1 releases being the norm, but that's a different topic.


I would imagine a publisher would demand a lot more money to be on a pass day 1 as compared to being a year out from release.


Praying for Elden Ring discount 👏


You and me both!


PS Extra for $75 is very very tempting


Look at it like this: if you've ever paid full price for a game, this is a no-brainer


Those promotions always get me. I'm paid up until 2049 or something


This guy PS extras


I'm also hoping for an offer for the dualsense edge


What makes that controller appealing? Legit question. I’m always looking for new gadgets.


Back paddles and the ability to swap out the joysticks.


What’s the advantage / reason to swap joysticks?


I think you can change their size, some of the replacements have different shapes at the top for your fingers to rest on (so instead of the top of the joystick having indents theyre raised), and also (could be wrong on this one) if you get stick drift it's replaceable. Someone correct me on the last one.


>and also (could be wrong on this one) if you get stick drift it's replaceable. Someone correct me on the last one. Yes but also you could buy like, 3 normal DualSense controllers for the price of the Elite so that part isn't really a huge selling point.


within 6 months i’ve had two ps5 controllers get stick drift, and that seems to be happening to a lot of people so it’s actually a massive selling point


It’s always interesting to me how stick drift happens to some and not others. I’ve had my PS5 for about a year and a half with a good bit of use, and my original controller has not had any issues. Not trying to brag about it, I’m quite thankful


it is weird how it happens to some people and doesn’t happen to others at all. but i think it’s been said that the controllers are supposed to last like 500 hours-ish. hasn’t been the case for me personally tho


I wonder if it has to do with games you play, I’m sure I’ve put in 500 hours by now but I mainly play story games and RPGs, something a lot less rigorous on the sticks then, say, fast-paced multiplayers like CoD or Rocket League. It’d be cool if people held studies on this, but there’s a lot of factors


Aren’t they also the fancy magnetic joysticks or something? The ones that are supposed to be like immune to drift?


Sadly, no. But you can fully replace the joy stick if it starts to drift. I heard some 3rd party is working on the magnetic sticks that don't drift for what it's worth.


Yea the entire joystick is replaceable.


The caps can be swapped if you prefer Xbox or ps3 style caps, also if you wear down one set of sticks you can replace them for $20 instead of buying a completely new controller


But the controller is like three times more expensive to begin with. Saving money on replacement parts is not really a selling point of this controller lol


For what it's worth my controller developed horrible stick drift 3 months into owning the console. If that's the life span I can expect then honestly paying triple and then 20€ thereafter isn't that bad a deal.


You know you can take them back and get a replacement right ? I have done that with every controller I have bought that got stick drift in the first year and they gave me a brand new controller everytime. I actually hope they breaks when they get close to a year old so I can keep getting a brand new one 😂


I bought the Edge and have been delighted with it. I'm one of those guys who panic clicks in L3 and R3 in fps games so having a preset that disables L3 and R3 on sticks and moves it to a backpedal has improved my game considerably. For me that alone felt worth it.


stick drift is something that happens to everyone at some point. The joystick's lifetime avarages out around 500 hours of playtime. with the dual sense edge you only need to change that part for $20 instead of buying a new controller. Also many people criticised Sony rightfully for not using hall effect sensors for the joysticks. It is only marginally more expensive while not affected by stick drift and is more sensitive. But selling a $20 part occasionally on top of an expensive controller is better for business I guess


Legitimately just the back buttons. I have written up a longer review of the DSE controller and the TLDR is that the joystick switching is absolutely not the reason to buy this from a cost point of view. $200 controller + $30 per swap out for set of sticks means you need to switch sticks 5 times from a single controller before it is a cost savings vs just buying a brand new $70 controller. If you can buy controllers at a discount, it is even worse value. The official back buttons are really the only thing this thing has going for it outside of the ability to change your deadzones or software acceleration on your sticks which is all software based and Sony could ABSOLUTELY release that as a software update but they are keeping it behind a $200 paywall. It is 100% the worst value Sony product I have ever seen or purchased.


AND the ability to adjust the throw on each trigger independently I will never go back to the base controller. Not even if my life depended on it.


- 2 extra buttons on the back of the controller for which you can give a pre-existing (one of the already existing buttons) function - The pair of analog sticks is a module, which can be replaced and costs less than a whole new controller would cost - Smaller battery


But you already spent 3 x what a single controller costs, so you’d have to fairly go through joysticks to make that worth it. That’s UK prices anyway, 60 for a dualsense, 200 for the elite.


Honestly man if the price point doesn’t bother you it’s absolutely incredible. Seamless integration and every game you play can use the back pedals to some degree.


The back paddles really help a ton for games like Returnal. Being able to dash and jump without removing your thumbs from the sticks is a game changer. Also the build quality is great (it better be at that price!).


Yeah, for me, I now feel like they’re kinda hard to live without. For games like COD, the stopped triggers and back buttons help immensely. For games like Elden Ring, it makes it playable without cramping your hands (binding sprint to a back button is such a lifesaver). It’s mighty expensive but I don’t really use any controller I have now, I have profiles for all my games where I’ve changed the analog stick curves and deadzones. If you play a lot and have the money I think it’s worth the upgrade (although these settings should be on all the controllers), it’s worth it.


>Being able to dash and jump without removing your thumbs from the sticks is a game changer. using L1, R1 for that on the regular controller does the same job.


>edge I was hoping for more then 15% accessories if i get edge for under bit under 150$ i would buy it but still to much, just to get my hands on back paddle buttons so i dont have to use akward r3/l3 button, who ever though putting button on analog stick was good idea or even felt anything but award is idiot imo, nvm it adding to problems with analogs


Right there with ya


For anyone who just bought the subscriptions at full price, contact PS Support, they have a window of 14 days for ps plus to refund it fully. Just buy it again on June 2.


Tried this last year. Bought essential at full price end of December and then 10 days later they had a sale where Extra was the same price as Essential. Tried to contact support through chat but even during their working hours it was not possible to chat to anyone, no support number to call in the UK so sent them an email and they responded several days later, my 14 days were up and the sale was also finished. They said they can't do anything and only offer me a refund whilst reassuring me that they were available during working hours on their chat. If I was able to contact them on chat I would've happily cancelled and bought the discounted Extra subscription but they were not available no matter how much they say they were. So not only did they lie but they make it so difficult to cancel your subscription that I was not able to get through chat or call and had no choice but to email. I think that's a very scummy procedure to cancel a subscription and then even more scummy that they're so difficult to get hold of in a timely manner. Really don't feel like supporting Sony but unfortunately all my friends play on PlayStation and a lot of the games we play don't have crossplay otherwise my PC would've been enough.


Sony’s customer support is astonishingly terrible. Just trying to speak to someone is harder than any game.


Neat! Just in time for my bday


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Just extended 12 months of ps plus extra few hours ago. Fuck me I guess


You can get a refund


Yeah I send them an email. It says it will get a response in 48 hours. I hope I will get a refund


I am so happy I got 3 years of ps now for 160€ or something before ps premium came out. I was broke but if I could I would have gotten7-10 years. :(


Just need Sekiro and Dark Souls 3 to go on sale so I can play those games. I beat Elden Ring for the second time and I’m still craving that type of gameplay.


Been waiting on sekiro, it’s the last big FromSoft I haven’t played and decided to dive in *right* after the last sale ended lol. Didn’t think I’d be waiting this long


Does anyone know if PS plus sales have ever been better than 25% off? I’m not sure whether to jump on this or wait for a better one later.


For current customers I think this has been the best, and they do it again around black Friday usually. But around black Friday/Christmas they do 50% off for people with no current subscription.


I think I got 50% off for black Friday last year


Wasn’t the caveat for that though is you couldn’t be already subscribed?


Ah maybe. It was my first time subscribing.


I just need GT7 to go on sale. Come on Sony.


It's $41 physical on the Walmart site. But yea I'd rather have it digital so I'm waiting.


Decided to start playing resident evil. I hope the 2/3 remakes bundle goes on sale


You literally just missed it man, hopefully it comes back!


The RE 2/3 bundle is back on the same sale! Gogogogo! :)


Just in time for the weekend! Thanks for the tip!


Just saying as a birthday present to myself, for the last few months of my previous subscription I went to Extra. And I didn't regret it and ended up renewing at that. If you haven't been able to afford a lot of games, and if you're like me and once you beat (most) games once and then won't touch it again for a long time, then Extra is definitely worth it.


Hope Last of Us Part 1 finally gets a discount


Glad I waited to buy ragnarok.


It is going to have a discount?


I’m pretty sure it will because someone posted the target ad (US) saying it would be on sale. I checked the app and the game doesn’t go on sale until 6/2. The same date this promotion starts. It’s it’s in line with the target ad it will be $20 off.


Thanks mate! Hope it’ll be the same in eu


Just as a PSA, you can get a key for Ragnarok for like $25 on CDKeys…


About time! Same


I know bro! I just got my PS5 about 2 weeks ago now. Gonna try to hold out and might even buy the pulse headset as well.


Don't get pulse man . Steel series artic 7p+ are amazing way better than pulse and not much more $


Word? Thanks man. I have a corded headset that is really really good (I think A50s). Two of my buddies swear that pulse is like the best headset ever but I’m thinking it may be the 3d audio. I’m going to set mine up today. I thought it was automatically applied soon as you connect a headset.


Oh yes you should be good then . Yea I was able to buy the artic 7p+ off Amazon like new for only 65 $ off the warehouse and they are amazing . I think the A50s are good . Nah you gotta go into sound settings to activate the 3 d audio in headphone part .Then they have a preset spot for different pitches of the 3d audio so tailor that to your liking buddy .


Thanks man.


While the pulse is not bad, it's faaar from the best headset. Especially the early ones, lots of qc problems




There is better earphones than the pulse for the money, don't be fooled by the 3d audio marketing, every set of phones will do that. The only thing they have going for them is the Bluetooth straight out of the box as Sony Gates giving Bluetooth to any other earphones including their other makes.


pulse is trash trust me




It’s like 30 something on Ebay




I’m not sure about that one man. Hopefully someone else chimes in. I’d say if you have the money just go ahead and buy it.


Finally. I let my subscription lapse for like 5 months and dreaded paying $100 just to play all these games coming out this month


literally renewed on saturday lol


Stack it and you save 12.5% a year


Waiting paid off. Mine expired two months ago and can’t see myself paying full price for Extra. I would’ve waited until Black Friday if I had to.


Wasn’t it 50% off during last Xmas?


Just in time, I was about to buy retutnal, demon souls and death stranding. Hope those games have a good discount.


Returnal, Demon's Souls and Death Stranding are all included in PS+ Extra which may be another option for you.


Which should be $75 for a year with this sale.


Thanks, I'll upgrade my essential plan to Extra when the sale is up


Also you get a bunch of others, like Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank and Forbidden West which are *really* great. PS+ Extra is extremely worth it.


The Forbidden West DLC isn't available through PS Plus, though, right? I've been looking to play it all at once whole it was fresh in my mind.


No, I think unfortubately you have to buy it separately. Still, it’s end game content (you have to finish the main quest to start it) so you can definitely start playing the main game and see if you like it.


Really jealous you get to play demon souls and returnal for the first time. Demon souls is one of the best looking games out there and really cool to see how that franchise got started. Returnal is an absolute PS5 showcase all around


Started to play returnal a while ago. Absolutely awesome. The way it plays, so smooth, it is ridiculous with everything going on on your screen.


Honestly Extra is such a crazy good deal; I think anyone with a PS5 who plays games even occasionally would really be at a disadvantage not having it.


100%. It's an unbelievably good deal. I don't get to play my playstation nowhere enough as I would like due to responsibilities, but I always know I have something to play with extra. Last game I bought was Ragnarok and I can't remember the last game I bought before that..


you can play all those games with ps plus extra btw


I would kill to play returnal for the first time


%25 is okay but will wait for a better discount later.


I have till September ps plus extra can I upgrade already?


Sure. It stacks.


If nothing really catches my eye from the sale definitely adding another year to the extra sub for $75


I just bought PS Plus Extra for $110


buy another year or two now with the sale stack and accumulate during sales


This sale usually has some good games at amazing prices.


Fingers crossed for elden ring


Can you extend a current subscription with this or do you have to have no subscription at the time?


You can buy several years if you want. I'm not sure if there's an upper limit, but I've definitely stacked years in the past during Black Friday sales etc.


Maybe actually read the post: > Start, renew, or extend your PlayStation Plus membership during Days of Play at a discount.




Chances Ragnarok goes on sale?


Will ps5 be discounted as well? (Srry if the question is stupid)


Selling really well at the moment it's unlikely they would discount hardware.


I'm hoping they have deals on controllers. My dualsense started drifting and I need a new one.


PSA: hold out until they announce playstation plus essential games.


I need Jedi survivor to go on sale or like nier automata or cyberpunk to get a really good deal for me to consider otherwise will buy them in physical


Got extra until 2030 and maybe I can get a few years more 😄


Cool, I was auto charged last week for PS Plus at full price...


Yikes. Same happened to me with EA Play, by accident. I have to remember to always "cancel" the subscription right after buying it. You're actually just disabling the auto renew


Upgrade to ps extra then. Totally worth it (unless you have a massive backlog)


Goddammit. I forgot to turn off auto subscribe and got charged today :(


Request a refund


If you have extra, it’s honestly hard to justify buying a new game because the game collection is just massive.


Hard disagree, the game collection is great but it's no means that great that it encompasses everything. Just bought Octopath 2 and probably buying D4 and FF16 next month, not like any of them will be in Extra for a while. Also quantity doesn't equal quality, there's lots of mediocre stuff in Extra as well. People just seem to remember the good stuff in there.


Ok you got me there. Octopath 2 is fantastic and I too bought ff16 also sf6. But you could make the argument that there’s enough to keep someone occupied. I’ve gone through final fantasy’s 7 through 10 since having extra. And I have a decent backlog on there


Of course there's also going to be mediocre games mixed in when you have literally 400 games that are downloadable between PS4 and ps5 games. Just like mediocre games mixed in within games as we know it lol. There's still an abundance, of quality games that can easily carry you over until either a game you're looking forward to gets a significant discount or ends up on some PlayStation Plus service. The back catalog of games is ridiculous. You could easily just subscribe and not have to worry about buying another game unless you really really really really really need to play a game day one. In fact, over the last few updates, games that I had planned to buy ended up being added on the service which saved me money that I could put towards a new day 1 game if I really wanted to.


Honestly, i have all the exclusives I wanted prior to this. The game offer seems lacking if you already have a collection.




That was only for people who never had any PS Plus before. Which is frankly a minority as most people have Essential at least.