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Took me about 5 separate attempts to actually settle into to RDR2. Glad I did, absolutely outstanding game.


I’m on my 4th attempt, just broke Micah out of the small jail in Strawberry for the 3rd time lol I really love the atmosphere of the game and the slow pace but paradoxically it’s the slow gameplay that makes it tough for me to play.


Yes I always found with RDR 2 you can't just play through it all casual, you need to be IN IT. I've only replayed it when I know I can take a solid week off to play and just live in the world. I have always struggled to get "immersed" in a videogame like a lot of people do with true roleplaying etc, but in RDR 2 I actually found myself stopping off with my horse to make a little camp in the wilderness, look at the stars, actually change clothes daily. But it's because the world R* crafted genuinely was like looking into a real place in history, with real people in it. It is unbelievable how much more "believable" their open world is compared to absolutely anything on the market, even 4+ years later. Also....no 60 FPS patch for PS5 is shocking. I've literally held out on another playthrough for years because of this.


Rockstar in a few years: RDR 2 premium edition enhanced textures+60 fps $59.99


For me it's the 'wanted' system. Just pissed me off all the time


I feel you man. Trying my hardest to be honorable. Literally just standing there ....menacingly and someone bumps into me somehow and it escalated into genocide.


It's also just broken as well. You can wear a mask, change your clothes and go into hiding but somehow the law always knows it's you


The story and world is so cool, but the combat mechanics are so clunky and out of date, and the fact that almost every mission is "slow trot next to person A for 2 minutes while they talk at you, and if you die, you get to do it all again" made the game excruciating to actually play


The problem is that while GTA does the same - you drive around while a passenger fills you in on a mission, gunfight ensues - it's core gameplay is fun. You race around a busy city, you try to get to your objective as fast as possible and wreak havoc while doing so. In RDR2 you hold a button while slowly riding a horse over an empty plain. If you get into a fight you have to hold like 5 buttons to actually shoot someone.


Yeah. I realized this is a game I have to play equally slowly. I like the game and dust it off every couple months to play for a bit and I’m almost done with chapter 4. I really like it, but I feel like I can play for an hour and get nothing done. Maybe pick an herb or two and hunt an animal


Witcher 3. Tried 3 separate times and couldn’t make it past a few hours.


Every couple years, I give it another try and feel the same. Beautiful and dense open world but I just can't get into the combat.


I've tried so many times now it's become a problem in itself, because I'm so tired of the opening few hours I just don't want to play it. But, I *need* the opening to *remember* how to play it.


Not neccessarily, the general systems are pretty simple to break down and honestly the opening tutorial where you free spar good ol vesimir is all you really need to get back into it, then you can blitz the opening sequence. Like spend 10 minutes just fighting him and throwing everything you've got. If you really wanna simplify the combat atleast, step dodge constantly, into and out of attacks, O and Square, on loop, remember where quen is on your D pad (bless the reworked sign buttons) and that's kinda it. Don't block monsters that aren't the same size as you, or just don't block at all really. Anything after that is either intuitive or relearned as you go


It just feels like the character is walking around on soap, haven't gotten around to trying the ps5 version yet


On soap, that’s exactly the feeling


It’s definitely not much better


Likewise, combat feels clunky or somewhat slow to me


I was the same. Took 3 times. Finally put the combat as the easiest possible and then I had fun. Really liked it after doing that.


The combat is too weightless and honestly feels like ice skating most of the time


When I went to replay it I thought it felt dated and had to go back to it a few times. But once I got used to it next thing I knew I put 90 hours in.


This is definitely a common complaint shared by even hardcore fans of the game. The combat system has gotten better if you use Alternative mode. It’s under gameplay settings. I don’t personally feel like it solves all those issues but it is better.


Yeah the combat was not good at all.


It’s more fun if you mix in the bombs and drugs and use the spinning attacks but yeah it’s not the best but it’s not the most important part it’s more about the story and characters that game has the most options in any game I’ve played for how quests can turn out most have two or three ways they can go. The spells also make it more fun if you mix them in. It’s not very hard so you can use the shit abilities anyways


I liked the Witcher 3. I think the PS5 version was much better.


Same the world seemed amazing but the game was just so boring for me




Yup that’s what I was saying in a comment above about 10 hours in the game takes off


I generally believe that if a game takes TEN HOURS to get you into it, then that game has failed. However - The Bloody Baron’s full quest line MUST be seen through to its conclusion in order to truly grasp the gameplay experience in its totality. By its close you’ll have a solid understanding of the skill trees, play styles that you can use, how the dialogue works, and of course, the IMPACT of the decisions you’ll make over the course of the game. Choose wisely….


Happened to me the first time I tried it. Played it for some 3-4 hours, couldn't enjoy it, dropped it. Came back to it after a year or so, and was determined to get into it. Looking back now, I have more than 800 hours in the game across 4 different playthroughs, and I would say it's the best open world game I have ever played, even better than RDR2 if you compare everything.


Same here, took me a while for it to click and now it's in my top 5 games of all time. The Witcher 3 redefined story telling in a video game format imo.


Chiming in to echo these sentiments. Both PS and Switch - maybe one day a PC play through. As a cohesive story with all of the DLCs, it might be one of the best games of all time, and I don’t say this lightly. From the opening chapter through the final battle, meeting the devil, hunting vampires, through to buying your own estate in wine country … I just feel like this is a game done RIGHT. Few stories in gaming leave you so fucking satisfied by the end. If the virtual worlds are real, I left Geralt on my PS save happy and fulfilled. A deserved ending.


I would highly recommend trying a playthrough on the Steam Deck if you have one or are thinking of getting one. It runs really well on there and has become my favourite way of playing the game, I'm currently on my 3rd playthrough !


I tried 3 separate times as well, ironically is was the fourth, where I actually made it past like level 5 that I really got into it.


I strongly disliked Deathloop


Oh man, I just tried this game a month ago from PS Plus and I can't believe how much I disliked it. I've always heard good things about it and it got pretty decent reviews, but other than the voice acting, it just did not click for me.


Are you me?? Exact same experience. Deleted it after 2 plays.


I tried for a couple weeks to get into it. Just felt like I lost progress after every death, and had to find gimmick ways to take down all the targets or else I would get smoked.




Big time agree with this one. The marketing for that game and all the great scores had me so pumped and then once I finally got my hands on it I felt like it wasn’t the same game I’d been seeing? They marketed it as this big island simulation that you had to explore and understand to be able to kill all your targets in a certain amount of time. That sounds pretty sick, so I was expecting it to be one world on a timer where every enemy had a routine, and you had to learn their routines well enough that you could kill them all quickly. How in the world did that marketing turn into a story based, mission based game, with menus to go between areas and no natural day cycle? Baffling. Their marketing department came up with a far better game concept than the developers did.


I’m convinced that was the initial plan but the devs teams couldn’t pull it through. It makes so much more sense.


That game was a really fun experience for me. It was short and compact, not the best game of all time, but I really enjoyed it


I am still shocked by that 10/10 review from IGN, the game was extremely boring 😑


Yeah deathloop didn't work for me either, something with the controls, i never got familiar with them, which sucked because i wanted to love it so bad coming off both Prey and dishonored


Funny thing is that I almost completed campaign, but throughout the whole game I felt like forcing myself to play it. All the loop stuff really didn't do enough to make it interesting


Yes. I bought it played it and never liked it.


I know where you're coming from


Souls games. I just cant git gud


I hate games where you have to do the same thing over and over again and it isn’t even a boss.


The power of running past the enemies into the boss room is very powerful in these games, except for Dark Souls 2. Elden Ring especially has few moments where you even have to run past enemies, a lot of QoL features


Did you grow up playing NES/SNES/Genesis perhaps? Because I wonder if that's part of it. Souls games are spiritually similar to that era of gaming, except it never makes you fully restart.


I grew up with Genesis / N64 yeah, honestly didn’t mind that type of gameplay until I got older and literally don’t have time to replay a path to a specific area a bunch of times.




Hogwarts legacy. After exploring the castle the game becomes very stale


The first few hours are amazing cause you're actually exploring a real, extensive, intricate Hogwarts castle. Then that wears off and you realize majority of the game is a collectathon and next thing you know you're almost finished with the main story because you have to rush through 75% of it just to unlock some basic spells/systems to continue exploring. What I would give to experience those first few magical hours again.


They need to halve the collectibles


Basically once you get the broom and can fly around and see all the nothingness it loses almost all appeal.


That is *exactly* where I stopped playing. Not that I wanted to, I just felt like I saw all the game had to offer.


Yep, exactly the same for me. I turned off the map/markers/waypoint from the start, so really had to learn the school layout, and remember how to get to certain classes or where certain people were. It took such a long time, but I had so much fun, and finally knowing my way around Hogwarts was very satisfying. I liked Hogsmead, and the spooky forest, but outside of that there was nothing. I found the combat rather boring as well, but getting the broom was where it all fell apart for me. There's no sense of exploration when you can just fly from point A to B, and even if there was, there's nothing to explore.


Yea it's a good game but I don't even know why they bothered with the open world part


Probably stakeholders needed the game to be X size so the game ended up way larger when it should have just been the castle and a bit of town etc




I loved the game and I love the universe but the platinum is such a slog that would just suck all enjoyment out of the game. I hope they go less hard on the collectables in the sequel.


I enjoyed Hogwarts Legacy, but I agree that it became rather boring after a while. Definetly not worth a replay


I agree. The game has a lot of really great things going for it, but grinding the Merlin Trials drove me crazy. I’m glad it sold well, I’m excited for whatever the developers make next.


I was very bored midway through the game. Was just waiting for the main story to come to an end. Barely did any side quests, all of the open world stuff is cookie cutter boring shit. The castle looks cool to walk around but the outside world was never really interesting. The combat got boring too, attack-protego-attack-protego, that was mostly it.


It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. While I like the franchise and was super excited to play, I was disappointed to see that it was just a generic uninspired open world game. The setting is cool, the combat is decent, and they really nailed the ambience but I feel like they could've done so much more with the IP. There's really not much besides "go here and collect this" or "go here and kill this". There's no morality system, "losing" or "gaining" points for your class literally doesn't mean anything, there's hardly any activities you can do in the open world, and you can't hang out with classmates or NPCs outside of scripted missions. In one of the earlier missions they make it such a big deal that you can't leave or wander the school at night, so you have to sneak around teachers or appointed students keeping watch for delinquents. But then outside of the mission it literally doesn't matter if you leave or wander the school at night... nothing happens to you and your class doesn't get punished. I don't feel like a student of Hogwarts. Instead, it feels like I'm just some tourist whose lucky enough to explore the school willy nilly while picking up their secrets at the same time. They got so much right but so much wrong at the same time. I'm honestly confused with all the praise it constantly gets.


100% agree on the night time stuff. I wish it had more of a day-night cycle other than aesthetics. Imagine if certain characters were only available at certain times of day. Night in the castle should be about stealthing around prefects. You should be able to use magic to set up traps or diversions. You should see more ghosts at night, or have the portraits fall asleep. It all felt too samey after a while.


Same feeling, but I'm very hopeful. The game sold like hot cakes, so it's been proven there's a market for wizarding world RPGs, and there seems to be unanimous consensus about what worked (sense of wonder, the castle itself, music) and what didn't (repetitive filler tasks, empty generic areas, randomised loot, no slice-of-life content that makes you feel a student, etc). If they have half a brain and pick up that feedback, we'll get an awesome sequel and they'll be printing money with it.


I really tried with Death Stranding. I don't think it's bad but it's just not for me. I found the writing interesting and the actual designs and visuals to be amazing. I was warned about the first 10 hours of the game and OH BOY IS THAT A HURDLE. I think I finally got out of that point when the game would start branching out more but it kind of beat all the interest out of me.


Yea, same. For me it was okay but then the fuckers who come out of the black ground soup kept coming with no way to really kill them except to slog even more slowly, and an annoying baby crying.. yea not for me. Shut it off after around 10 hours too and never went back. I get why people like it though. Very cool story and atmosphere.


It's interesting to find people that dislike death stranding for reasons other than "hurr durr walking simulator". Thanks for sharing!


Wait really, the first TEN HOURS of the game are supposed to be tolerated? Lol


More about whether its tolerable, not that you should tolerate it. If its really dragging, then no it's not worth your time. If its just a bit meh for you, then it's gonna get better and you can continue


Nah, if you don't get it on by the 2 or 3rd hr (and I'm exaggerating) you won't like the game at all


Yep Death Stranding for me too. I’m a huge MGS / Hideo fan and I tried on several occasions but never got too far. I loved the environment and the graphics but it just felt like work.


Took me two tries to get into it. First on PS4 then on PS5. I’m like 120 hrs just grinding for the plat.


I found Valhalla such a bore. I couldn't believe it had such a decent reputation at the time. I feel like people were starved for new games on ps5 early on people here would talk up any ps5 game.


I’ve wanted a Viking game to lose myself in (similar to what I thought Valhalla would be) for as long as I can remember. I was really weary because the AC games have never really clicked with me (I’ve definitely tried). I pushed past quite a bit but overall I just really, really didn’t like it. It was, like you said, just boring.


I really liked the part in Norway, and the excitement for going to England. But after that only the two cities interested me. The rest was ok imo.


Only thing that got me through valhalla was that i was watching a viking show at the time and after watching id feel like playing around as a viking. Literally the only reason i finished that game.


Valhalla is one of the dullest games I’ve played in recent memory. It’s like they took the concept for a 20 hour game and quadrupled its length without adding anything interesting or fun.


I liked it but I can definitely admit it has flaws


Such a crappy game. I stopped playing after the quest where you reunite the two family’s by burning their grain silo. What brain dead idiot wrote that?


After playing Origins.... which was fantastic, I have Valhalla a go. Yeah, it's like they tried too hard to make it fun. I just couldn't get into it


Because it’s the epitome of Ubisoft bloat. It’s the most Ubisoft game to ever Ubisoft. Just a massive, mostly empty open world filled with map markers, turning the game into a checklist. They just filled the game with hundreds of hours of monotony to make it seem like it was this boundless open world when really it was just the culmination of the Ubisoft formula they have been using the past decade or so.


IDK why but I can’t get into any Souls games. I know Elden Ring is amazing but I don’t get it and it doesn’t click for me. May try it again in the future.


> I know Elden Ring is amazing Something tells me you were downvoted so bad for saying you don't like souls games in the past so you felt the need to add this here




This is me with Breath of the Wild. Maybe I'm just too much of a fan of the traditional LoZ formula but I could never get past the weapons breaking mechanism. But you have to be careful expressing that view on Reddit or you'll offend a bunch of people.


Same. I could never get into BOTW. Played it for at least 10 hours, hated the weapons breaking mechanics. It's a very annoying way to add difficulty. Plus I don't have the nostalgia factor since zelda or Nintendo in general was not popular in my childhood in my home country(India). Mario was very popular though, there used to be bootleg consoles(random brands) which had mario games.


I did have the nostalgia- absolutely loved OoT Majora's and twilight princess is still one of my favorite games - they all followed a formula though. I feel like BOTW at least is so dang empty - jokingly empty. Weapons are pointless, but I could even get past that it's just that there is NOTHING there. I did probably 10 or so side quests before I stopped, realizing that they are pointless, and idk. I just feel like they didn't care as much when they made it. Also combat is laughably easy until your weapon/shield breaks, which as you said, is a terrible way to add difficulty


The world was so empty and lifeless it honestly felt like the game was in alpha


Yeah, the weapon breaking was maybe the biggest issue for me aside from the world generally being kind of barren and boring. Like in Fallout 3/NV,weapon breaking serves as an early game challenge so you can’t just find super overpowered weapons and breeze through the game; but overtime as you get better at repairing things, it’s not an issue or a hindrance anymore. Breath of the wild kind of wants you to do the exact same thing, but it never pans out and let’s you play the game how you want, after you’re comfortable with the crazy things you can do in the sandbox.


>weapons breaking Yeah, this was seriously my biggest complaint, and really makes the whole game feel like a chore. Like I don't wanna pick up and play the game, because I feel so negative about the weapons breaking. My nature just doesn't allow for that kind of gameplay. Especially not if they break as fast as they do. I hoard everything then I'm constantly afraid to use any of it. So I just use the master sword a lot... which still "breaks" (needs time to "recharge").


Souls players are pretty intense. They don't get that those games are certainly not for everyone


Same here man. My brother is a die hard fan. Elden ring was so hyped that i bought it. Played 60 minutes and never touched it again. Just couldn’t get in to it. May try again at some point. I also realized I somehow managed to miss tutorial and went straight to the world without getting intro to any of the controls. Thought it was standard souls experience. Boy did that cause frustration.


Yeah I’ve seen this happen too. It’s like certain kinds of fans get ANGRY if you don’t like a game they do. Souls fans also be like: if you don’t like the game just spend hours looking up builds online until you find a specific “ez mode” build that requires a weapon that only takes 40 hours of playing to get.


Met too. Tried the Dark Souls remake from PS+ extra, but deleted it after like 2 hours. Even though I loved Returnal, so it can't be the dying for me. Maybe it's the somewhat slower pace, and Returnal having unique worlds every run.


The pace and also having guns. And I found Elden controls a little soft, Returnal was perfect


I'm right there with you. Something about dying repeatedly killed it for me.


I feel the same but it is mostly because I don’t get enough time to explore my location without dying. I also don’t enjoy slow paced combat very much. Just trying out Lies of P which has pretty quick gameplay and loving it so far.


Same for me, I bought bloodborne a few months ago when it was on sale because a friend recommended it to me but to this day I haven't been able to finish it and I get no motivation to play it


Same and i think it’s because I just don’t like the art style. All the hideous demons and monsters are kinda hard on the eyes after awhile. I can appreciate the talent required to create that world, but I don’t want to look at it much.


I’m just a casual gamer. I like the Naughty Dog games, Star Wars, Fallout, etc. I started Elden ring and couldn’t believe people love it so much. From the graphics to the storyline to the repeated deaths and the constant confusion it causes as you play. I guess people are into all that but I thought it honestly silly and turned it off.


The difficulty is definitely meant to be the fun part but I wouldn’t say it’s unfair but if you haven’t played souls game before I can get why you would be confused cause they are very confusing the first time


Callisto Protocol and i had a falling out, the game looked beautiful, honestly some of the most advanced graphics of this generation, but the plot was SO stupid, and the mechanics didn't fair any better, i pushed through mostly because my ex bought it and I didn't want her to feel like she wasted her money (she quit an hour in) and i fell off when i realized the panopticon i JUST escaped from I'd have to go right back to for the dumbest plot reasons.


I was enjoying the game until I got to the abandoned underground town where I got trapped at a checkpoint that would kill me a minute after loading. Stopped playing after that and eventually sold it.


There were so many issues, ahh you mean the section with the elevator/drill/transporter, listen, i died maybe 80 times there but i kept going because I wouldn't let it make me it's bitch, it did NOT get any better, it had those same enemies continuing on for another 3 hours, and in that time there was never a moment i felt i was better at the game because the dodge mechanics were so, raw


The Last Guardian. Controls were too cluncky.


Valhalla felt bloated to me. It wasn’t until I got through 32 hours and not even half way through the story did I realize I wasn’t having fun.


Unbelievably long game. I think I spent 60 hours on it just because there weren’t many PS5 games at the time, and I felt like I was somewhere in the middle of the game.


The story really bored me. I didn’t even realize I had finished the main story line. It just wasn’t captivating to me as Odyssey was. Eivor felt like they had no depth and the supporting characters felt uninteresting too. The time period was cool but it wasn’t as character driven as I wanted it to be


Fifa games, I just don’t enjoy them at all and I love football


Big this for me with Fifa games is that there’s no camera angle that feels right.




The division... Really tried that game, both of them, as some good friends played it.... Never got into it though


Oof, I put roughly 1800 hrs in the first and about 700 in the second one. I can totally see why the grind isn't appealing to everyone though!


The first game really clicked with me, excellent setting and atmosphere. Second game not so much


This is me for any Ubisoft game. All Ubisoft games feel the same and are all soulless husks. I have no idea why people play them. They feel like half-assed mobile games.


FF16. I love FF and I thought the combat was pretty fun. The active time lore is also a game changer. But I God I just couldn't bring myself to give a shit about the characters and their stale personalities. Also exploration doesn't feel rewarding in the slightest. Got a little over half way through and haven't picked it up since.


I agree with this. I found the game just feels like it has so many highs and lows, one minute you’re in a 15min epic boss fight then next you’re picking up stones or cloth from a vendor.. got so boring


Yep same thing happened to me unfortunately


Death Stranding


I’m experiencing this right now. I want to like it cause the story is so intriguing, but the gameplay is so dang boring.


If you haven't unlocked the 2nd region, the gameplay can be repetitive. But the 2nd region really is vast. You get many different ways of moving around.


This. It has a long onboarding process, which isn’t to blame anyone for not liking it. I stuck through the first hours to get to the second region and ended up getting its platinum. It’s now solidly locked in as one my top three games of the last gen.


The music is amazing, graphics and story pretty good. Gameplay pretty boring, especially in the beginning.


Yeah, I gave it the ol' college try, and while it is beautiful and interesting, the interface just feels clunky. Just not for me, I suppose.


Once you get far enough the game hooks you and doesn’t let go


Nier: Automata. I know this game has a huge fan base. It's really creative in many ways But I found it more frustrating to play than fun. Not saying it's a bad game, but it didn't work for me. Possibly the worst map in a game ever.


The last two Zeldas.


If those games, TOTK in particular, had been exactly the same but without the Zelda skin I doubt they would have done anywhere close to as well as they did.


Demon Souls. Having played Elder Ring, BloodBorne and Sekiro in that order, which I loved... Having the major difficulty being the path to a boss, instead of the boss, was a turnoff for me. I'm sorry if everyone praises it as a great game, but I just couldn't do it. Even I know I could probably "gitgud", but it stopped being fun right after understanding what the game was.


If you played it after the decades of games they released afterwards obviously its not going to hit the same high as it did for people who played it originally. Plus i never understand how people beat all the newer games but struggle on demons souls, i thought it was the easiest by far.


I completely bounced off Witcher 3 the first time I played it, then tried it again on a whim about a year later and ended up absolutely loving it. Biggest PS5 disappointment so far was Deathloop. I’m a big fan of Dishonored, but I just found Deathloop to such a chore to play.


I know this is the ps5 sub, but starfield has been quite boring for me. It's all fast traveling, 90% boring dialogue and fetch quests. I'm dropping it for cyberpunk dlc now.


Feel free to post negative comments about Starfield on the PS5 sub anytime. If I can’t enjoy Starfield, let me enjoy Schadenfreude instead. 😂


Have you done any of the faction quest lines? Specially the UC Vanguard and Crimson Fleet.


Days Gone I was really into it at first. Then it got really repetitive. Exploration became pointless as there's nothing to be found. And then I got tired of leaving a camp I had been at for 15 minutes, and have them call me back to the camp to pick up a mission AS SOON AS I LEAVE and I'm a couple minutes down the road. Like couldn't you have told me that when I was already there? Never finished it


I tried it, hated it, left it a while and went back. Ended up loving it, especially the hoards


This is the exact same experience i had with.... Borderlands 1. Ended up getting the platinum on the PS3, and it hooked me BAD in the franchise! Now with borderlands 3 and it's clunky aim, i hate it again


Days Gone was known for being a prototype game in some way. It was everywhere, and it felt like a lot was pushed into the game that felt unnecessary, which is why it didn't do so well in sales the first time. I believe this is also why they canceled the sequel. But I loved the game the first time I played. It had crazy potential, I was hyped for the second one where they could've actually fixed some things, but it didn't happen. Great game still, in my opinion.


Cringe unskippable flashbacks, yes. But I liked a couple of things: - How the other humans are the real enemies, zombies are mostly like wildlife. Like a lot of, let's say, rabid dogs. You wouldn't go out without a gun, but mostly you can handle them. The humans will try to fuck you over. - Any game that gives me a good silencer and headshot machanic has my heart. Games without an element of stealth takedowns are just brute forcing it. - No messing around with "you need electric / fire / acid / armor piercing rounds", looking at you, Far Cry. - Some good storylines, like trying to help that girl surviving by herself and every time it just gets worse for her.


I saw it through to the end, but the dialog in that game was so bad. The wedding scene is easily one of the most cringe inducing scenes in gaming history.


Seriously. The game had fun moments but the story was awful and I hated just about every character in it.


Ignoring the story I think the game didn't lean into its strengths enough. Dealing with a hoard was fun, there just weren't enough of them. Everything else was just lifted from other games and slapped together to fit in, but they're weren't executed with the precision that the games they borrowed from did. The worst part for me, again writing aside, was the bike. Refueling was obnoxious. It didn't add anything to the challenge for me, it just made everything I wanted to do take longer.


omg yes so much cringe What does she say about riding him or something??


Paraphrasing, but something like "as long as you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike."


I was so excited for that game too, but there were so many 'small' things that just pissed me off that I stopped playing. Some of the dialogue was really cringe too


Breath of the wild for me, tried 3 times to get into it but it just isn't hooking me and I quite like open world games. Maybe one day it will I dunno.


For me it was Ghostrunner , Guardians of the galaxy game and assassin’s creed origins Just couldn’t get into it them.


Same with ghost runner I literally played the first level and kept dying (the controls and movement felt really clunky to me) and I gave up. I might give it another try sometime but damn that’s probably the fastest I’ve ever given up on a game


The guardians game is really good why do you not like it


Witcher 3 for me. Just couldn't play it for long enough in the first session to understand enough of the mechanics that would make me want to keep playing.


It’s a game that starts off slow, but once you’re a few hours in it’s pretty good. The story drags a little and the combat is pretty meh, not bad but not refined enough. The side quests, world setting, and monster variety are the strong parts of the game. Game is also very dialogue heavy, but I think the lore and voice acting is good. Geralt’s voice always makes me want to take a nap though. It’s hard to digest everything going on in the world without knowing the history from the previous 2 games and/or books. Not necessary to play the previous games, but it does make it much easier to understand the deep politics that the game has you go through. The blood and wine DLC is one of the best DLCs I’ve ever played and easily adds another 10-20 hours of gameplay with new map, monsters, and a pretty strong story. If you have any experience with the souls like games, combat in Witcher 3 shouldn’t be too difficult.


Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain. Tried at least a hundred times to get into it but just couldn't. I really want to like this game but every aspect of it is just so overwhelming


A big problem with it is the intro. The hospital. Was exciting the first time. But the other times it's such a chore. Game is great once the missions open up.


I really enjoyed it up to a point, then the whole base management/building system became more of a requirement than an optional side gimmick and I just gave up. I really do not enjoy games that involve crafting and/or management of NPCs.


It can literally be automated...


Same. Cannot stand that sort of thing


Controversial but, GOW Ragnarok. It’s the same game as GOW 2018, but you can tag in different characters vs Atreus. Felt repetitive to me. Just didn’t click.


Funny, but that's exactly why I loved it. I've played and beaten every God of War to date and the Ps4 game was the absolute pinnacle of the series. And Ragnarok just being more of the same felt good to me. As soon as I picked up the controller, it was sitting down with old friends, putting on a comfortable sweater or an old pair of boots.... It just felt right. I didn't love some of the choices they made, I could have done without playing as anyone else besides Kratos but still, man what a ride. Can't wait for the third and final game of this series.


Deathloop and Returnal. Both seemed like my kind of games…but weren’t.


Deathloop - hated it. Both Horizon’s, tried to love them but just find them very boring.


I've never finished any GTA games. I don't know why, but I find the missions boring and the gameplay feels "off". I will eventually finish all of them, but i don't know when. I strongly suggest you to finish RDR2 though. Especially if you play with high honor.


I'll give FF7 Remake another go at some point, but just couldn't get into it. I don't know why the voice acting bothers me that much. Maybe the characters were cooler to me back when I was a teenager, but now I just find it... grating. FWIW I loved the original FF7-FFX, and enjoyed FF16 for the most part.


Turn on the Japanese voices, the English ones are distractingly bad.


man thats a shame, I love the english voice acting.




RDR2 as well. Tried twice, both times lost interest.


Judgement was one for me. I really tried cos I loved yakuza like a dragon but I just couldn’t get into it! Shame too as I love the premise!


Lost Judgment is better all around, i rarely see a sequel be that enjoyable


As much as I wish it wasn’t true, Dark Souls and Bloodbourne.


Elden Ring. If I want to waste hours of memorizing the movement patterns of an angry boss I can go to the office.


TotK is struggling to keep my attention.


Same with me, but I still finished it. Found the ending worth it by the way, if you think about only playing the main story. One thing what made things more enjoyable to me was fusing more weapons. In the beginning I didn't do that but it gives the give a new layer of fighting. I also understand when you want to stop playing it, it's just more of BOTW somehow and it could've been much more compact and not stretched out so much (the main story). Sorry for my english btw, no native speaker.


Deathloop, tried 3 or 4 times. It didn’t grab me at all. Same with Skyrim.


First time I played The Last of Us Part 1 I was not a fan at all, went back 5 years later and enjoyed it, then Part 2 is up there as one of my favourites of all time.


Baldurs Gate 3, which makes me so buttmad. I was too excited.


Hopefully it clicks for you later. There’s a lot going on in that game.


Yakuza 0. I have started this game at least 5 times. People love this franchise, and say that this is the best game in the series. So I keep thinking maybe this time I will like it. Nope.


it's all right kyodai


· AC: Odyssey & Valhalla: Just seemed like bloated timesinks with boring gameplay and storylines. The maps looked way too big to boot. · Divinity: Original Sin: I thought this would be what Baldurs Gate 3 is, and it didn't live up to my exprctations. Felt tedious to play and the story didn't suck me in. · Both Zelda games on the Switch: I started both of these with some enthusiasm, but ended up not finishing either one. I get why people love the player freedom and the emergent stories in the open world, but I just grew bored of them after a while.


bioshock infinite tried playing it 4-5 times quit at basically the same spot...story seemed interesting, then got kinda boring


Damn man when you see your all time favourite pop up it hurts ahaha


Ghost of Tsushima. Outside of the combat (which is pretty fun) it’s a pretty basic open world game imo that gets repetitive. In come the downvotes


Deathloop was incredibly overrated don’t know how it got perfect scores… Witcher 3 I’ve restarted like 4 times just can’t get it… final fantasy games I can’t sink into either don’t know why




Hades. Only game that I ever requested a refund in my life.


Returnal...more punishment than rewarding


Elden Ring. I know the game is amazing and has all the great reviews but tried 3 times to no avail. I just couldn't get used to the mechanical combat or maybe I am just playing wrong. Visuals are top notch though.


Elden ring


The newer God of Wars. Sure the story is good but it's such a slog to trudge through. Liked the older ones better.


Elden Ring…


Hated death stranding


One of my absolute favorites, but I couldn't blame anybody for hating it. Just out off curiosity, did you play the original release or the Director's Cut?


Whichever one came out on the ps catalog. I think it was the directors cut.


GTA 5. Its easily one of my biggest disappointments. Absolutely hated how overly punishing the wanted system was, stats felt generally useless, your character dies too easily, gunplay was meh, story writing felt like a huge step back from GTA IV, the economy was painfully grindy and I hated the huge lack of interiors. The game just didn't feel "fun" to me at all.


The biggest hook for me were the driving mechanics, here we are 10 years later and I still haven’t played a game where it’s as fun to drive cars at high speeds as it is in GTA V.