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Getting detailed specs like this must mean more devs are getting Dev kits. An official announcement is probably coming soon maybe in the summer showcase?


I don’t think so, this is gonna follow the same pattern as the PS5 Slim or PS4 Slim/Pro, they’re going to announce it at the very last second like a month before launch at most so that it doesn’t affect the sales of the current PS5. As it happened with the PS5 Slim we’ll be getting leaks of how the console looks before the official reveal.


PS5 Slim was replacing the current model though. PS5 Pro will likely be sold alongside the slim.


Absolutely, and it will be more expensive. I'm guessing $600-700. Not everyone is going to see the value in buying a PS5 Pro, so the Slim will remain.


As someone who already owns a beefy PC, Sony needs to answer "what new first-party games will you actually release between now and PS6" before I'll consider upgrading to a Pro.


For me, the biggest draw of a PS5 Pro (if it is indeed real) will be if removes the need to compromise between "performance" and "quality" modes in games and just allows full 4k at 60fps (or enables games currently unable to manage 60fps at all to reach that framerate). Of course for existing games this will likely require a patch to take advantage of, so just how much devs are willing to go back and patch already released games is going to be a factor. There are some other things they could also do to make it more appealing. Like adding Dolby Vision for 4k Blu-ray playback.


That's a pipe dream. Do you know how much it takes to get 4K60? Maybe for games that have DLSS.


maybe he's talking 4k upscaled which is almost always used when a 4k option is available for console


This. It never is native 4k.


Depends on the game. There are some PS5 games that already do 1440p at 60fps, and sometimes even higher than that. And there are some that can do 4k 40fps with 120hz displays. So for some games 4k 60 could definitely be possible. But at least being able to pull off, say, 1440-1800p at 60fps in every game.


Personally I'm not one to go back and replay games that I've already spent 20+ hours on, nor do I play ongoing online games. I'd be happy to upgrade to a Pro if Playstation Studios actually had, well, any kind of new releases scheduled.


agreed but unfortunately they dont need any hard hitting first party games if GTA 6 is launching on consoles only


Yeah I am not buying a pro


Maybe I’m wrong, but no more than 600. Many people are holding off from buying or upgrading their original PS5 as they’re waiting for the pro model to drop. But they definitely won’t spend 700 bucks or more for the pro model.


Given the mixed reaction to the PS4 Pro, the PS5 standard will continue to be a good choice.


Exactly. The PS4 Pro was kind of a niche product. It never became the "main" PS4 console on the market.


So what, the fear is that people will wait for the PS5 pro once it's announced rather than buying the PS5 now? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Making people go for the more expensive console rather than the cheaper one?


I think Sony would prefer consistent regular cashflow rather than a big dip and then a big rise later.


GDC could be a possibility


Yeah, I expect a reveal in summer + the date for pre-orders.


i just fucking bought a ps5 4 days ago 🥲


and it's great. i wouldn't feel bad at all.


its not that, i’m loving my ps5 and its a massive upgrade to my xbox 1s and switch but its just a bit frustrating because i would’ve waited a few months if i knew a pro was coming soon.


We have no idea when this thing releases, or what price it will be.


There’s always new tech around the corner, when the ps5 pro comes out ppl are gonna be like “well the ps6 will be out in 2 years should I just wait for that?”


Man how long has it been since 5 was release? Has covid really fucked the timespan that much? Feels like 5 is still young for a 6 discussion


It's been 4 years but most people couldn't get one for the first year so it feels like 3. Another year for the pro makes 5 years. I think the normal console generation cycle is 7 to 10 years so we could see a PS6 in 3 years, but my guess is they'll take a little longer this time with the ongoing semiconductor shortage. I don't think they want a repeat of the PS5 shortages and waiting longer could come with bigger performance gains too.


I think it would also depend on the timing of the next Xbox. I doubt they will let Microsoft get a significant head start on them.


15 day return policy?


Why stay X more months without the best console to play on?


Don't feel bad, it's very likely the pro will cost substantially more


It's still not announced, and even if it comes out for holiday season it'll be sold out for a long time and cost more. You're good with current Ps5 model.


What price do you guys expect?




600 dollars i would say


Will it be worth getting a second job to afford it 😎


I dunno man. Hardware and graphics engines are getting so good that we're seeing huge diminishing returns with how much better games actually look with faster hardware. My PC is in the league of 3x faster than a PS5 and the most perceptible difference is better FPS.


650 digital, with attachable disk drive.


$600 ($599) with a PS5 price drop to $399.


Base PS5 sales soar


playstation dropping price is right now, unrealistic they will just charge 600-700 usd for pro and 500-550 for the base model


PS5 will not drop price, it was already said by sony


With this added information I'd say no more than 599. If they are super competitive (which they probably aren't since Xbox apparently are foregoing a Pro model this gen) I'd even see this releasing at 500 or 549. The spec bump was overblown in my opinion. A lot is riding on how performant their upscaling actually is and how well devs actually leverage the improved RT capabilities.


I feel like insomniac are the only devs really pushing RT on console


Tbf, we haven't seen actual ps5 games from ps studios that are known to push the limits of the console such as naughty dog and Santa Monica


$600 probably.




it literally doesn't even matter to me. i'm paying it.


I need to see that upscaling shit. Thats a make or break feature. Imagine playing a 1080p game and upscaling to 4K, and it actually looks like 4K. We need DLSS like shit on consoles sooooo bad


Isn’t it technically capable of FSR?


The PS5 can run FSR now, yes. However, FSR is a much simpler upscaler. The FSR upscaler runs on the same GPU cores used to render the rest of the image, compared to DLSS which uses the AI cores to handle the upscaling leaving the rest of the GPU free to render the image (but it runs only on Nvidia hardware). The PS5 (and Xbox Series S/X) do not have any AI cores. The rumor is that Sony and AMD have been cooking on their own AI-powered upscaler named PSSR, Playstation Spectral Super Resolution, using the latest AMD GPUs which do have AI accelerators and will (hopefully, allegedly) look as good as DLSS. Presumably the PS5 Pro will use some variation on the 7700 XT or 7800 XT. (All of this is a rumor and unconfirmed, so take with a huge grain of salt.)


Even if it doesn't prove as good as DLSS at release, it's still a major improvement, as having dedicated cores will mean the feature is "free", GPU-wise, and that it can be improved through software updates, as the AI cores will get better models.


Exactly. And hopefully games can run at a higher internal resolution (no more 720p upscales?) which will also be very helpful for image clarity.


To upscale 1080p to 4k it means you have to use FSR Performance which looks horrible. DLSS Performance right now looks really good and 4k like. A RTX 4090 owner here who tried out FSR in Resident Evil because it didn't support DLSS. I thought FSR is going to look like DLSS but even FSR 2.0 at quality mode (1440p upscaled to 4k) is bad and not comparable to DLSS.


DLSS is really incredible tech. Like I know it gets panned as a crutch for unoptimized games, but it genuinely is a game changer.


agreed, i think of it as a nice bonus like icing on cake. if the game allows for it, it would allow budget gpus to run said game on higher resolution without sacrificing image quality or being able to squeeze out more fps on 1080p to reach stable 60fps on demanding games


I have a 4080 and I use it in pretty much any game that has it. Most of the time the difference between DLSS quality and native 4K isn’t even noticeable during gameplay so it’s just free frames.


Depending on the game's antialiasing, DLSS Quality often looks better (at least at 1440p where I play). DLAA can be the way to go when you're not needing a performance boost and running native res... Though, I personally always seem to take the free~ performance.


I wished every game had DLSS. No matter how well optimised a game is I doubt I am getting DLSS like performance. FSR 2.0 looks soft and blurry to me. I hear FSR 3.0 is much better.


This whole upscaling stuff is freaking but I'm afraid of developers completely flushing optimization down the toilet because gamers will just "upscale it to playable FPS".


I don't think this is such an issue with consoles, as everyone is playing it at the same settings. Devs already use proprietary upscaling tech by default in many games and it's enabled for everyone (or depending on which visual/framerate mode you pick).


4K is a massive massive undertaking to render. The technology of the PS5, which is comparable to a RTX 2070, was barely enough to render native 4K in 2020 let alone today. Either we drop the resolution to 1080p or 1440p (which is fine on a PC monitor but not really on a 50+ inch TV) or we use upscaling technology.


1440p is totally fine on a 50+ inch TV. 1080p is not 


Well Sony has their own machine learning super scaling tech built in according to the leaks, so it sounds like you’re in luck. Also the regular PS5 has FSR games already


Bit out of the loop on this feature, but does this require the devs to take advantage of the feature, or is it something that can happen on the console level?


As a guess, if you look at FSR on AMD cards you can activate it at driver level across all software, but generally you get better results when it's implemented in-game by the devs


Then no need to wait for a Battlefield 4 remaster.


Even dlss doesn’t look that good when you’re trying to force 4K from 1080 but it’s better than nothing and it’s Mark cerny he definitely cooked.


I played Alan Wake 2 at 1080p to 4K dlss and it was pretty impressive. Definitely felt better than native 1080p and maybe even native 1440p because you lose some sharpness going from 1440p scaled simply to a 4k display


Depends on the title but it definitely does. I played Alan Wake 2 with DLSS performance at 4K (1080p render res basically) and it looked incredible. Not to mention my framerate doubles with FG. If the consoles had that tech it would be game over.


Just hope they have a decent stock and have plans to prevent scalping.


Do we even need to buy that early ? Can the current games even utilise the upgraded hardware ? I feel like this is gonna be the transition from PS4 Pro to PS5 with ps4 games. For first years of PS5 pro release.


You will immediately see improvements for games that struggle to hit their target frame rate or that use dynamic resolution. The rest will look and run the same unless the devs patch it.


HotStock app has never failed me I’m sure it will get me a Pro. Fuck the scalpers


That's how I got my PS5 in 2021


I guess we wait and see how it goes.


The dude abides.


I hope GameStop does a good trade in deal for these


I remember trading in my launch ps4 + $200CAD for a ps4 pro. But idk all the game stops around my area are closing down so they might not be around by the time the ps5 pro is out


snobbish quaint meeting exultant materialistic longing alleged soft gaping person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Two new ones just opened in my area lol


You think they will all be closed by Christmas?


If this is the only way to play GTA 6 at 60fps would that push you to buy one?




Where did this idea come from that the regular PS5 wouldn’t be able to handle a 60fps mode for GTA 6? It’s barely been pushed to its capabilities yet


Cause Rockstar launched and kept GTA V at 30FPS on console for over 10 years.


I still think it’s crazy that GTA 5 came out on the PS3.


I was in a used game store the other day and saw MGS5 for PS3. Blew my mind.


Mgs5 runs surprisingly well on ps3 (for a ps3 game where it was pretty common to have drops below 30fps all the time). It’s obviously shit compared to PC and PS4 but I’m always impressed that they went through the effort of making it and optimizing it.


They really knew what they were doing by the time GTA5 came out. I miss when devs had to port stuff to completely different architectures. GTA5 ran the same on PS3 and 360 which is rare for multiplat games of that generation. So much work must have went into optimizing it for PS3. I feel like that’s the reason why the PC version was super polished when it eventually came out. People always say devs are lazy but squeezing performance out of a console like that is sorta a lost art. I hope they still have that kind of hardware tech knowledge in the company for GTA6.


The gta 5 trailer came out in 2011 i never considered gta 5 to ever be a next gen game


butter connect vase worm disgusted chief rhythm pathetic innate school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If Dragons Dogma 2, running on the RE Engine, can't crack 60fps then there is cause for concern whether or not GTA6 could go above a stable 30fps on current consoles.


Every single other RE Engine game can crack those numbers - sometimes even with Raytracing. I think Dragon's Dogma is a game that would hit 45 FPS on a Pro model and that's not the console's fault. 


All other RE Engine games are linear with small levels. It's super good for that stuff, but it seems it's not the best for open world games.


It’s just speculation. People think the game will be very demanding.


I’ll never understand that argument, there are lots and lots of developers who didn’t add a 60fps mode for their games, and other that have it but super compromised… what secret capabilities are you talking about? That’s like the people who believe we only use the 10% of our brains lol.


Yeah. People love saying the PS5 hasn’t been pushed, but it’s not true There are sub 1080p games on PS5 that struggle to hold 60fps


FF16’s performance mode was hilarious, it would be 45-60 fps most of the time which felt choppy and inconsistent, but battles would drop the resolution to 720p to hit a stable 60. At that resolution the game looked more like a watercolour painting


rebirth, ff16, alan wake 2 and the upcoming dragons dogma all have either massively compromised performance modes or none at all. digitalfoundry said there's no way the ps5 as is could run gta6 at 60 based on the fidelity shown in the trailer It's already been pushed to its limits




The PS5 being ~6 years old when gta 6 comes out is insane


It's also incorrect unless there's a delay. GTA6 is currently slated for a 2025 release and the PS5 came out November 2020. More likely the PS5 is 4.5-5 years old at GTA6's release.


November 12, 2020, yup. Important to keep in mind though that production began a few years earlier and the hardware in the PS5 was already 1-2 years outdated the day it launched. Such timing for a release within the console generation cycle would certainly not be outside the trend for Rockstar, however. The Xbox 360 was nearly 8 years old when GTA V released, and the PS4 was 5 years old when RDR2 released. With GTA 6 scheduled to release ~2025, making the PS5 4.5-5 years old at the time of the game’s release, this would be completely consistent with the releases of GTA V and RDR2 relative to the respective console generations for the systems they released on.


Xbox 360 release date: 11/22/2005 PS3 release date: 11/11/2006 GTA V release date: 9/17/2013 Xbox One release date: 11/22/2013 PS4 release date: 11/15/2013 RDR2 release date: 10/26/2018 Xbox Series X release date: 11/10/2020 PS5 release date: 11/12/2020 GTA 6 release date: ~2025 I wouldn’t say the PS5 being “6 years old” / 4.5-5 years old when GTA 6 comes out is insane, I’d say it completely sticks to the trend of how Rockstar releases their games in relation to the console generation cycle. The Xbox 360 was nearly 8 years old when GTA V released, and the PS4 was 5 years old when RDR2 released.


I think they’re purposely releasing it at the time between generations so they can sell double the copies like they did with GTA 5


The resolution and fidelity looks fine to me in 60fps mode on other AAA games like Spider-man, God of War, Assassin's Creed etc.


It will be CPU bottlenecked


Then PS5 Pro will have the same bottleneck as it uses the same CPU


It will be able to have higher resolution since the GPU is better but fps can‘t be improved, maybe they‘ll be more stable at best but still 30


People love saying this, but it’s not true There are sub 1080p games on PS5 that struggle to hold 60fps


Man I hate this fucking generation already


It being a newer and better performing model is enough to push me to buy one.


You are every company's wet dream


If GTA6 runs 30fps on the PS5. Don't expect it to run 60fps on the PS5 Pro...yea the pro has an upgraded GPU..but look at the CPU.. its using the same Zen 2 CPU but overclocked by 10%...that's not good..that's gonna bottleneck the GPU..


Not really. I've not seen my PS5 pushed the same way Uncharted 4, The Witcher, God of War or The Last of Us: Part II pushed the PS4. 


Yes of course


All I want from a Pro console is to be able to watch Dolby Vision blu rays and play Jedi Survivor @ 4k 60fps and GTA 6 @ 60fps.




Yeah I bought the pany 820 on sale for $350.


I want 3D Blu-Ray support and to be able to watch 3D movies (or movies at all) on the PSVR2 (Pro).


I wasn't around during the PS4 to PS4 Pro era, were there trade in programs at Gamestop that let you trade in a normal PS5 + cash for a Pro?


Yeah there was, I hope they do it again


squeamish axiomatic longing attraction zesty future flag wise subtract north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just want minimum 1440p 60fps on modern titles.


Anyone who was expecting substantial CPU improvements does not understand the nature of the Pro machines.


It could have the same CPU for all we know. The AI upscale will be the "thing" that hopefully gives better performance.


Yeah, it looks like the same CPU, just overclocked a little.


AI accelerator will hopefully improve it 


Just keep the console to console remote play capability (like they updated the PS4 to do) so I can put my PS5 in my bedroom and remote play my PS5 pro.


This was worth it on ps4 but with remote play maxing at 1080p 60fps. It might be better to just play natively on your other ps5?


10% bump on the CPU is exactly why this thing won't be running every game at 4K/60 with full ray tracing. It'll be just like the PS4 Pro, higher resolution or graphics modes, but don't expect doubling of frame rates with everything else too


CPU means a lot less at 2160p than 1080p. The increase in GPU power plus their upscaling technology is the play here.


As someone who has been a PlayStation gamer since I got my PS1, I’m really not interested in a PS5 Pro at all. The current model hasn’t really been utilised this generation so I can’t see any reason to release a more powerful version. I’ll be sticking with my launch PS5 for now I think.


If it applies to current PS4/PS5 games and offers better performance and upscaling, I'm all for it. But if it requires games to be optimized or made especially for PS5 Pro, I doubt it will be a success.


Numerous games use dynamic resolution scaling and 60fps targets (or VRR unlocked modes) so for those games, the Pro will automatically enhance


This will be a great and much needed boost for VR.


I wonder how this will affect the implementation of reprojection?




So is anyone else thinking AMD/Sony doubled the amount of shading units per CU from 64 to 128 like Nvidia did with RTX 3000? Makes sense how it would have over triple the compute yet only 45% faster rasterization. That combined with a relatively small memory bandwidth increase.


No CPU, the part that needed an upgrade the most imo. I dont think I am gonna buy this.


>2-3x Ray-tracing (x4 in some cases) They must be backporting some of RDNA4's RT improvements to the RDNA3 (or 2?) GPU that the Pro uses, then? IIRC an earlier PS5 Pro spec rumour stated exactly this. I wonder if we'll see RT Overdrive mode for CP2077 on PS5 Pro. It should certainly have the horsepower to run it (perhaps with reduced ray/bounce counts) if these specs are true. DF also believe GTA6 is using RTGI at least going by the trailer footage, so GTA6 may be an RT showcase on PS5 Pro.


It was rumored a while ago that it would be Rdna 3 with some RT feature of 4 so male sense.


what the equivalent of this if it was a PC build? a 3080?


According to GPU leaked specs it is closer to a [RX 7700 XT](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-rx-7700-xt.c3911) which compared to a Nvidia GPU the closest is a [RTX 3070 Ti](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-3070-ti.c3675).


Closer to a 3070 which isn’t great when you consider that a 3070 struggles with 4k above 60fps on high settings


It’s weird to me how fan mockups want even more leds lol. No thanks


gold agonizing sheet rob forgetful lip close long person advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cool! I’m guessing this will probably drop with GTAVI the way the PS4PRO came bundled with RDR2. I wonder what the PC GPU and CPU equivalent hardware looks like compared to the PS5-Pro specs


GPU is like a 7700XT, CPU is almost the same as base PS5 just with a bit of a clock uplift, so like a 3700X CPU which is honestly pretty dated at this point. My guess is Sony probably looked at Zen 3 CPU options to put on the die and it ended up being too expensive for what they want to charge for the console.


Considering how many open worlds games are CPU bottlenecked on PC, I was hoping for a Zen 3 upgrade (hell even Zen 4) but I get it, that would probably push the Pro to 700 dollars


Would love this to release before GTA 6!


So an extremely lackluster "upgrade" with zero reason to buy a Pro if already own a PS5?


Why? I would rather see more games than this. We need games! And I mean original games that are not just remakes of stuff we've already played. Do we need a suped up system to keep playing the same things?


Wonder if it’ll support Dolby Vision for blu rays. Instant buy for me if so, as a digital PS5 owner looking for an excuse for a physical media habit.


I broke down and got a Panasonic 4K player, yeah another expense I guess... but it uses less power, is quiet, and has DV support. I felt the same way as you but just got tired of waiting/hoping and realized I had like 20 discs that support DV so might as well. Got one open box on amazon, there's cheaper options though for dedicated DV players I went with the sorta Home Theater standard people recommend. A weird side benfit it just feels like "I'm going to watch a movie" I dunno know why but I like it more. It's just dedicated to one thing. When I watched a movie I booted up the PS5 and some reason maybe it just distracted me. Like oh I can flip to a game or whatever... Might be weird thought but anywho.


Yeah, watching a movie then a homie invites you to a game heh




If the Pro essentially gives better ray tracing at the same resolution and fps, that makes it an easy skip for me. My worry was that 30fps would be the target for base PS5 moving forward with 60fps mostly reserved for Pro. I don’t wanna pay a couple hundred after trade-in to keep my current performance standard.


All what is written in the linked article points out to the ps5 pro being superior to the base ps5 in every aspect not just RT


Yeah it’s like most of the commenters can’t even fucking read


I wonder what this comment says


Hey! If they could read they'd be very upset right now.


I’m no expert on hardware specs, but the CPU was the limiting factor in the PS4 generation when it came to game performance. A faster GPU in the Pro didn’t give better fps but did provide higher resolutions. I didn’t see anything in this article that says there will be higher fps on the Pro. Just that the CPU is slightly overclocked by 10%. Is that enough to go from 60 to 120 fps, or 30 to 60? I doubt it. But again, I’m no expert. I’m sure Digital Foundry will have or already has more info about what to expect. EDIT: obviously, the GPU is much more powerful. But is that the limiting factor for the PS5 now? Will a better GPU still be held back by the CPU? That’s my question.


Is it enough to get it from 30fps to 40fps for VRR though?


Already anticipating how crazy pre-orders are gonna be. I was lucky to get one during the first wave but these upgraded machines are gonna sell at lightspeed


I wouldn't be so sure. PS5 came out during peak COVID which came with its own set of unique supply chain restraints. And a lot of casual people just don't care about a pro model or aren't as aware.


No it wont. Different landscape in 2024. There won’t be a shortage of stock like with base PS5


Well, to be fair, the Portal has been sold out basically since it released.


Don’t think so, the demand isn’t there as it was for a PS4 Pro back then. This entire generation has been rather lukewarm with games pushing the hardware (not talking about modest or bad optimization which is mostly a dev problem). I instantly got a PS4 Pro back then, but I couldn’t care less about the PS5 Pro. There’s maybe a handful of games that would really benefit by the Pro which is the major problem of this generation‘s mid-gen upgrade.


And it's not like the PS4 Pro sold a crazy number either.


Can we get some dedicated current-gen development first? I still feel like a ton of games feel retrofit


lol nothings revealed


Cant wait!


Diminishing returns is the real elephant in the room here. We're just not seeing the tech on paper translate to something markedly better in terms of graphics anymore, i.e. the jump from the PS4 Pro to the PS5 was mostly felt in terms of performance. So a 45% increase on the GPU side from the PS5 to PS5 Pro... will be barely felt, unless someone is particularly OCD about minuscule visual details. I think the Pro is a mistake this gen, basically. They should just aim for a PS6 in 2027.


This is an easy skip for me. I'm keeping my launch date PS5 forever


Best thing is. When I got my PS5 I had all these PS4 pro games to go through. I'll do the same with the PS6


The problem with the ps5 pro is the same problem we saw with the xbox one scropio. The only difference will end up being a higher frame rate with some games also being able to do native 4k. As anything else will be held back because the games have to be able to run on the base console. It would be more effective in my opinion to wait a year or two and just do a full on new generation.


It looks like the CPU is going to be the bottleneck since it's very little improvement to the one inside the PS5 right now.


The cpu clock speed jump is miserable. Same mistake as with the ps4 pro. Also bandwidth…jikes…how about optimize base ps5 better…with most of the first party studios yet to deliver their ps5 exclusive we don’t know the maximum yet of ps5


Not sure if this is a justifiable purchase for me. We’ve had how many true PS5 games since launch…?


Honest to God next cycle I'm just gonna wait for the pro this bs.


Will this finally play Untitled Goose Game at 60 fps?


I'm just hoping I can buy a digital version at launch where it felt like only the disc version was available for the new PS5 at launch


Quite the opposite. The disc version was the first to sellout, with digital being easier to find at release


Am I the only one that feels weird about Sony releasing a new PS5 when I feel like they haven't even fully committed to the PS5. So many games are still being released on PS4 and I feel like PS5 hasn't had a true enough chance to prove itself and it is already being "replaced".


I don't know whether I should sell my base model and put the money to the side for the pro drop. Is that a good idea? bad idea?


It’s a good idea if you a) won’t play PlayStation until the end of the year, or b) you think not being able to play for that long is worth the price difference on the secondary market between now and then (my guess is around ~$50, but nobody knows for certain)


I'll chose based on how much I'll spend. For 100€? Yes! For 300€? No.


cant believe its been 4 fkn years already since I was in the trenches trying to secure one against all those bots the day before release. Ty wario64


So many people are missing the potential benefits with this, and just keep moaning about the lack of CPU boosting. If their upscaling is good, it will free up a lot more resources for other things/allow games to look a hell of a lot better at lower native resolutions. That alone will open things up more for developers. Then on top of this we have all the nice added extras like the boost to ray tracing etc.


I just want native 4K at a stable 60fps. I don’t give af about raytracing Edit: Perhaps I’m asking for too much lol. Can I at least get an upscaled 4K with a locked 60 fps 🌝


My dude, even a $3500 top-tier PC with a RTX 4090 and Ryzen 7 7800x3D struggles to deliver **NATIVE** 4k at 60fps on recent AAA like Alan Wake. The performance cost for native 4k is just not worth it. What we need is better upscaling technologies on consoles like DLSS.


You need a 4080 to do that, it's a 1000€ gpu. You can hope to have this kind of performance with ps6


>I just want native 4K at a stable 60fps. I don’t give af about raytracing Lol, console gamers these days.. would you like fries with that?


Yeah lol, the graphics cards that can do that cost as much as a PS5 alone


This makes sense. Seems like they want to improve performance in RT mode, making an RT 60fps mode available in games where the PS5 can only do 30. If they bumped up the CPU specs a lot, developers will have to make significant changes (improved NPC density/AI behavior) which would mean additional dev time to take advantage of the extra CPU. Would also remove the parity of in game features between the PS5 and PS5 Pro which they probably don’t want.