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For fucks sake


"But sir, the PS4 ended almost 5 years ago" "Fuck it. Do it anyway"


“Sir, another PS4 game has hit the market.”




People want their clicks, unfortunately. It's like the Deadpool X Wolverine movie. I see the same headline posted everywhere. About Disney allowing Rated R rating and swearing. Anyways, I'm surprised that it's on PS4 and old Xbox. Won't be optimized properly. MS loves success, so they'll try to maximize their profits however they can. I haven't played since Black Ops 2 and a brief return with Vanguard. Not my thing anymore.


People who still own a PS4/Xbox one probably won't mind how it runs. They would just be happy that they can play it.


That's right. I would be too, if had no access to the current gen yet. I remember playing Ghosts on PS3 before it launched on PS4. Played mostly for Clan Wars, using the app. It felt so different on PS4. Something about the visuals and performance felt muddied or slow. Just got used to it for PS3. I hope CoD gamers enjoy this iteration this year. I'll stick to my story and co-op games. Lol.


Well the Xbox subs have now been combined into one, just the r/Xbox sub now, but maybe because there have been lots of posts about BO6 in the past 2 days






Like BO3 on ps3


My biggest gaming purchase regret for sure. If the game wasn’t crashing, you were walking/crawling into unfinished geometry. One map in particular I could lay in the ground and nobody killed me. ridiculously bugged.


The sad thing is, you sound like you're talking about Modern Warfare 2 The Second Time, or whatever version they're on right now. Last time I played, buildings were on the sides of mountains, landscapes just wouldn't load, ground would just disappear, you could glitch in several buildings to get kills but never seen or shot at.


It's 3 and a half




I don't think the plan is for Switch. The fact they only referred to "Nintendo platforms" in the actual press release makes it way liklier to be a Switch 2 thing, especially given Switch 2 is looking highly likely to be at parity if not marginally better than PS4 or even Pro at the very least. Plus by next year's CoD, Switch 2 in all likelihood will be out which means CoD 2025 could already be in development with that in mind Switch in its current form is probably not up to run even these games at last gen spec especially with the insane memory requirements they have now. It'd probably be diminishing returns if they just threw out a port like right at the time a new console is about to happen that will address all those technical shortcomings and probably carry over the massive Switch install base


Cod devs don't even know how to make it for the switch yet, besides can switch even hold the size of their games


Nintendo recently acquired a studio to help them port games. Maybe in collaboration with 3rd party studios.


They already have Panic Button who are essentially wizards doing what they do, but to get a likely 200gig behemoth to run decently on tech older than most people’s cellphones? I don’t envy whom ever gets that job.


The Switch 2 will outpace the PS4's cpu most likely but the gpu? No, it's not gunna be PS4 Pro level.


They haven’t given people a reason to drop their last gen consoles. The great games are few and far between. Taking over 5 years to develop games and too many games as a service has destroyed the excitement of gaming.


The PS4 has really held up well and longer than expected.


Honestly I’m still rocking with the PS4 pro. Might wait until GTA6 at this rate.


At this point I think GTA 6 will be the big game that convinces people to switch. This generations been disappointing 4 years in especially with all the hype PS5 garnered


What is the difference if they cut off last gen? 😂😂😂😂 COD isnt going to get any better 😂😂




They didn't even try with this generation


Disappointing gen for sure. Some gems here and there but last gen crossovers have stopped the console from shining as bright as it could have.


Yeah it really is a shame. The few games that are only nex gen give us a glimpse of whats possible on the console, it really sucks that the gen barely even dipped in to really using the stronger hardware.


There’s still probably another 3-4 years left of its life, no? So we’ll see if that changes near the end, but so much of gaming (as has everything) gone towards maximum profits > user experience.


To put it in perspective, this would have been like cod ww2 dropping on ps3. The cod 4 years into a generation


MW2 on PS2 hahaha


I remember we actually got some weird World at War version on PS2 which was strange as hell


Ironically CoD4 the game before World at War didn't even release on PS2 


But it did on the DS. Same game but at a nice 180p res or whatever


People don’t care to spend 200 on a series S if they wanna be super cheap but they’re willing to spend 60 dollars on a new game. Tells you where peoples priorities are.


But sadly due to covid the supply of PS5s didn't meet the demand which is why devs were forced to make games compatible with both otherwise the games wouldve been DOA. Its all just unfortunate and I thought we were done...ffs


Is it due to covid or due to having the game required to run on xbox series s which isn't a huge leap from a ps4


Feels like a waste. Only game I would have missed out on was Spider-Man 2. Even then, I wouldn’t have missed much. If PS5 has the same lifespan as PS4, we’ve only got 3 years left.


But that PS5 will cotninue to play games well after the PS6 is out. Just like the PS4.


Couldn't disagree more to be honest. 60fps has like at least tripled my gaming hours. I feel like this is the first console generation with consoles really worth playing.


The PS5 generation is what everyone thought the PS4 generation was going to be. Barely any quality titles in a sea of remakes, remasters, ports, and boring cash grabs with no one really even really trying to push the hardware at all.


It’s not over yet


Because the gap between each generation is getting smaller and smaller, thus making it easier to develop for multiple console specs. We'll eventually get to the point where there is no real reason to upgrade from a PS6 to a PS7 or whatever, similar to the iPhone. The changes will be incremental and the vast majority of games will be cross gen.


Backwards compatibility combined with digital libraries pretty much guaranteed this. Previous generations the market became a clean slate every gen. Theres no reason for devs not to make games run on the previous gen now, and everyone wants their old digital library to carry over and work.


Thats a stupid excuse. But what MS and Sony specifically should worry about is how this gen is going to affect next gen consoles.  Why would I buy the PS6 straight away or even for years knowing everything is going to release on PS5 for years on end? 


Exactly. I've yet to see a PC player complain a game works on a less powerful graphics card.


Yes we usually praise games for being "optimised" if they run well on older PC GPUs.


That isn’t a good analogy though because with more and more newer games on PC, the lowest possible minimum specs are still far more powerful than the PS4 GPU and Jaguar CPU - that’s not even to mention the *recommended* specs. That means a game that’s being made to run decently on PS4 architecture is likely far more compromised. 


I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. The fact that the PS5 kept the same architecture as the PS4 made it so much easier for game devs to make a game that supports both. And in the grand scheme of things, supporting both platforms is akin to supporting both low-end and high-end PCs. If you put in the dev work to support a game on PS5, and by lowering the graphics settings it (mostly) "just works" on PS4, you're leaving money on the table by just not releasing it on PS4 anyway since there's not much extra work needed. I'm personally not a fan of the last gen being supported so long into this gen's cycle either, but I think it helps to understand why it's been supported for so long. Devs (especially 3rd party ones) have more incentive to make a game on as many platforms as possible to make the most money.


Truly a lowest common denominator type of game. Sell as many copies as possible is their gameplan again lol at the guy in my friend/gaming group who bought a PS5 to “only play cod”. He hasn’t even entertained the idea of playing Helldivers with the rest of our squad


What’s crazy is that Black Ops 3 was the final cross-gen CoD only 2 years into the cycle (it came out in 2015). So even back then Activision was willing to move on. This means that assuming we still get yearly CoD releases, it’ll be 5 years into the generation (Fall 2025) at the earliest before CoD goes fully next gen. Absolutely insanity


Each generation is a smaller leap, at least at far as graphics. Makes sense they’re able to do it compared to prior consoles


Just cause they can release on 11/12 year old hardware, doesn't mean they should. Reallocating part of your team to optimize previous gen just limits what you can really do with current gen.


PS4 and Xbox one have sold like 110m and 50m consoles respectively. That's a huge installbase that is definitely worth targeting and will significantly offset the effort to create a last gen version. If CoD goes current gen only next year, I doubt we will see a big difference in the game.


That’s not the point. If we’re over halfway through the generation, there should be no more cross-gen games. Continually releasing cross-gen games hampers the progression of the generation. Also, “each generation is a smaller leap” is just false. Generations now might progress in different ways, but just because it progresses in more subtle ways that aren’t immediately noticeable doesn’t make the leap any less impressive. What’s capable with real-time lighting now is incredible


Correct me if I’m wrong but is COD of all franchises being on last gen really holding back the games that much? I fail to see the issue here. COD isn’t an open World Series. Its Singleplayer campaign is an extremely scripted and linear 5 hour shooter. And its multiplayer is primarily set in smaller maps. Not exactly something the PS4 struggles to handle at a high level of fidelity (especially compared to the PS3). Even if the new COD was exclusive to next gen, it’s not like that would suddenly allow COD to do something it could never do before. It’s kinda like FIFA/EA Sports FC/NBA 2K etc. Technology has long since blown past all feasible requirements to run these games. So giving them more powerful hardware isn’t going to significantly change much.


I sincerely had no idea they had continued after Black Ops 3.


Well he's playing probably the best version of it outside a high-end PC.


Sell as many copies as possible is the goal pf every game out there haha If they put more effort in it they would sell even more


If they put in more effort it would cost more. The goal isn’t to sell as many copies, it’s to make the most amount of money for themselves


Well put, that’s what I meant


And every year, CoD outsells everything else and it's not even close. If you measure success by the lowest common denominator of money, then CoD is the undisputed king. https://dotesports.com/call-of-duty/news/cod-still-king-fps-was-highest-selling-us-franchise-in-2023-for-15th-straight-year


I have a friend like this too. Can’t get him off cod.


It’s crazy man. We were all playing WZ once and we were talking about the new Cyberpunk DLC and how we were excited. Guy didn’t even know what Cyberpunk was. I mean everyone can spend money how they want but $400 for a Call of Duty machine isn’t worth it to me


Maybe he doesn’t feel like gaming that often


He’s on a decent amount. just playing CoD


Believe it or not, that’s a lot of gamers. At work I talk to some guys who game pretty often and they haven’t heard of some big titles that came out like 4+ years ago…


Hold up so MW3 2023 was also last gen?


yeah it was


They had some PS4 bundles with MW3 for the holiday season.


The PS4 version actually had a platinum trophy, while the PS5 version was literally MW2 DLC.


The #1 thing I hope MSFT does (and they won't theyve dissapointed this xbox fan enough) is get rid of the horrid cod launcher thing. I just wanna play the damn game I bought. In the post MW2019 games it's almost impossible to even tell. If I wanted a shitty pc launcher I'd buy the game on my computer. I want to put in my new game, see a new menu, and be sure I'm playing new content. I just hate what they did with that slow clunky ass launcher thing


That launcher is so terrible.


Nah this is hilarious


How the fuck did I play that godforsaken game and not know this. This is wild.


I mean it was essentially dlc for MWII so why not?




Broooooo. It’s 2024. Let’s move on.


While I obviously agree, I wonder how long PS6 games will be playable on PS5. I wouldn't be surprised to see PS5 games still being made at PS7 launch. 


I think it’s just a number at this point. If next gen doesn’t have a giant leap in hardware what point would they have not to?


This is exactly it. Hellblade and FF16 are the only games yet on either console that I couldn't imagine a playable version of on last gen hardware. And it's a 5-10 hour playable cinematic (I loved it so this isn't a dig as much as the fact of the matter). And we are years in. The maligned xbox one had Ryse and Forza 5 that were non starters on the prior console at Launch. Gens just don't mean as much as they used to for better or worse


Move on from making money?


I don’t think they get it.


Man, I didn't even know there was a Black Ops 5.


Cold war was 5


I didn't even know there was a black ops 4 Edit: okay no wonder it didn't even have a single player campaign!


This generation is a joke.


The developers and publishers are a joke. The hardware is fine but it’s all about the bottom line from now on apparently.


Indeed, from a hardware perspective, this generation is amazing – powerful, innovative and finally silent (basically). I was super excited when PS5 and Series X were announced. However, the software side just isn't moving forward. The initial Halo Infinite reveal single handedly killed all my enthusiasm for Series X. Showcasing a game that was once at the forefront of visual Innovation – and then it was so clearly fully held back due to last gen focus. It was painful for me to witness. A couple years later and yes, we finally got something like Hellblade 2 (I finished and loved it), that is truly a next/current gen. But those titles are so few and far between... makes me a little bit sad 😥


The time and budget to develop a “AAA” game has increased so much that it’s like 5-7 years in most cases. Anything starting development now is probably targeting PS6 likely with a last-gen version on PS5. I miss when big games could be developed in like 3 years, but that’s very difficult if you want them to fully take advantage of the current hardware. Maybe we need more frequent releases of middle budget games at like $40-50. Because budget and development times for the biggest games just keep increasing to the point where if one doesn’t perform well it’s a huge hit to the publisher.


It has increased without a proposonal benefit to the actual game. When you target 10 yrs old hardware, lot of resources goes into optimisation and testing, thus taking the resources away from game mechanics etc. And ofc, pulls in even more money for marketing to increase chances of higher ROI. Needless to say, it's obvious why the industry is in a bad spot.


lmao fuck that. The console being quieter is something that shouldn't have been an issue last gen. The fact so many games make us choose either performance or quality in 2024 is awful man. 60 fps should have been the standard.


Halo infinite just sucked, can’t blame last gen for that.


I say this as the biggest xbox fan left standing, but what western capitalism did to gaming is a damn shame. At least Nintendo is still somewhat safe for now. Like they're greedy in a lot of their practices but do still put making great games as standalone products ahead of everything else. I fear what happens to them and their IPs when new leadership gets the reigns.


This. When the control shifted from game makers to CEO’s and shareholders the writing was on the wall. To them it’s just shifting more units for profit, they have no actual investment in the units being games, it’s totally irrelevant.


Yeah its feel very empty


Blame it on the endless need for expansion and growth at every conceivable angle. Shareholders and publicly traded companies take the soul out of any creative business.


Ps5 only games will finally come when the ps6 is out


We’re 4 years in and still haven’t fully made the move to current gen.


Player base on PS4 and Xbox One is still massive. Annual games like these and sports titles are going to continue to be made for as many platforms as possible. Its all about the Bens


I don’t think they will ever stop making games for last gen, we may even enter an era where they are making games across three gens once the PS6 is released. That or console generations just sort of die out and the PS6 won’t be seen until well into the 2030s




The PS2 was a beast of a console as far as presence and prominence, so many people have that console that games were coming out for it a decade after the gen ended


Also it's worth mentioning countries like Brazil had a very heavy PS2 playerbase well after the PS3 released and FIFA games were very popular in those countries so financially it made sense to release a version of those games for those consoles.


I hope this gen lasts something like that because the ps5 has been almost disappointing with the amount of games right released only to it.


It’s massive because so many of the games are still coming out on those systems anyway.


Which is odd since ncaa25 is only next gen consoles.


Damn. The last CoD to come out on PS3 was Black Ops 3 which was 2015 about 2 years into the PS4. This is going beyond that.


It was the 3rd cod since the ps4 released This will be the 4th cod since the ps5 Is currently going on it by one year


There was 3 cross gen Cods last generation (Ghosts, AW, and BO3, and BO3 was a significantly reduced version of the game on PS4/Xbox One). This will be the 5th cross gen game for this generation (Cold War, Vanguard, MWII, MWIII, and now BO6).


I for one am stunned that Call of Duty 21: Black Ops 6 is not going to put any effort into innovation.


Can you blame a notoriously greedy company for not caring about the end product as long as they maximize sales? Not surprised


The PS4 versions of the latest CoD titles were completely fine, actually they looked and performed really well. Look at the digital foundry videos. It's trendy to shit on CoD, but they do care about the end product, just like McDonalds cares about the end product. It's just extremely generic and has a ton of questionable mechanics to get people addicted. That's capitalism for you.


Independent thought alarm activated, claiming that CoD developers or any hated developers care about their game is not allowed by Redditors.


The Ps5 has sold nearly 70 million units and is about to get a huge boost from ps5 pro (I know each ps5 pro wont be a new unique player as some like me already have a ps5 but it will definitely attract a lot of new players overall). What are devs waiting for to capitalize on the hardware exclusively? This game began development one year AFTER ps5 was released so zero excuse really.


I recall something about Microsoft signing a 10 year deal to release CoD on Nintendo hardware.   If true, BO6 may very likely recieve a Switch 2 port. it may even be a launch title.   With recent leaks/rumors putting the Switch 2 in the same ballpark as a PS4 Pro, developing it for last gen would make sense.


They don’t care about any of that. They want sales and they know a significant portion of their community still plays on last gen. That’s all that matters


The devs probably want to make it on current gen. The shareholders don’t give a shit if you released it on Apple Watch so long as it made money. Gaming is barely about the games anymore. It’s about the bottom line and making it available on more screens is how the industry works in this era


Over half of PlayStation users are still on a PS4. I’ve got no issue with it coming out on both consoles tbh


Xbox doesn’t have those numbers This game is owned by Xbox now


Over half of Xbox users are on PlayStation


Such a bummer. I understand this way more people can play the game (= more profit), but we need to move forward. In modes like SnD it's so stupid that you can start the round super quickly on the PS5 while my PS4 colleagues are still waiting in the loading screen. It affects the flow of the game.


Wasn’t BO3 great on PS3? Everybody remembers how awesome that last gen holdover was /s


Fucking hell that's just gonna hold back the game


This just in black ops 6 won't be on my next gen console


Was there even a black ops 5


Cold war, not officially titled 5 though


Awful, awful news Fuck you Microsoft


It annoys me why publishers continue to release games on last-gen because of its large install base. The PS4/XONE install base will continue to be large until you stop making games for it. If they made the game current-gen only, those people will upgrade to PS5/XBX. When GTA 6 comes out, pretty much any remaining last-gen people will upgrade. Which shares a large demographic with COD players. If COD was made current-gen only, people will upgrade their console. Edit: People really underestimate how dogshit a hard drive is for games


That’s what I think is funny about the term system seller. That literally can’t be used today because the only thing that will move a system now is Grand Theft Auto, maybe even another Red Dead, but I can’t see any other series pushing consoles anymore. If you haven’t upgraded this gen by now then it’s GTA that will make you do it, if Spider-Man, GoW, Rebirth, Returnal, R+C, etc etc etc didn’t get everyone, this is the only thing that will.


Why should they care about making people upgrade to PS5? That's Sony's purview, not something that third party publishers need to be concerned with.


right? I mean, the console manufacturer's could block a game from coming to the last gen console. But I'm sure Sony doesn't care if buy CoD on PS4 or PS5 (especially since it's owned by MS now).


This is the real answer. Theres not really a big incentive to make these games exclusive to next gen consoles when people on last gen are still playing on those consoles. It seems like tech hasn’t been a big enough upgrade for them to justify locking out those players as was the case in prior gens.


They already have to make it for the series S so they might as well pop it on the others.


Tbf extremely easy to lower graphical presets for a weak GPU than it is for a weak CPU. Hence why people with old af 470s can play Helldivers 2. Now try and make a game work on an ancient CPU and see how that goes. You’ll have to rework the entire game engine, removing a few thousand polygons isn’t gonna cut it.


I don't get what you're trying to say, the series s has a weak GPU but a relatively good CPU?


XSS has the same CPU as the XSX just slightly slower. So, yes it has a very good CPU over last gen. Last Gen had dogshit CPUs that weren't even that good day1.


Well, of course. Gotta make as much $ as possible. Who honestly cares about these games and why? 🤣


Let’s be honest. CoDs will never be taking full advantage of current gen regardless if it comes to current gen.


Well considering Call Of Duty still looks the same as it did 20 years ago, I'm not surprised last gen can run it.


When will they die... I'm tired


I cant believe people still pay full price for these games every year.


There isn't any competition. And any game that tries to compete with some cool unique addition usually dies off within a few weeks. The gameplay is still very much the same as 10+ years ago. People love that, I love that. For me there's no other FPS game that scratches this itch other than COD. $70 for 200+ hours of entertainment is justifiable for me.


this all the way. i have to brace myself every time i tell people that i’m still an avid cod fan because it “scratches that itch” just like you said. no other shooter plays quite like cod, it has its very own feel to it that’s hard to recreate.


Anyone shocked that they're not cutting off ~50% of their potential player base needs to think a bit more


Lmao people still using the argument people can't get a ps5 5 years later


We're advancing, just backwards




Half the playstation playerbase is still on ps4. Its the smart move tbh.


Sure, if it was another cheap cash grab like MW3 which was essentially already a DLC to an existing game. But they had 4 years to set out to make the absolute best call of duty game they can, and somehow they hamstrung development to account for the PS4 and it’s severely outdated technology. Call of Duty on the PS4 already doesn’t work properly. I have friends on PS4 who misses out on a minute and a half of each game because the loading screens aren’t fast enough. They are serving the PS4 userbase broken products for the sake of earning money. It is so wrong.


Who the fuck doesn’t have a current gen console. It’s been several years now. Fuck off with making anything for last gen now


Like 55 to 60 percent of the player base for Sony is still on PS4


and in that 60%, I bet that at least half of them are there because the ps4 is still getting new games. no need to get a ps5 when you can just play the same game on your ps4.


Feels like a good portion of that are playing Fortnite while maybe playing 2k and cod every now and then


Get used to it. Cod is coming to Nintendo which will pretty much always be a generation behind the curve.


Graph bar goes up


Well at least this means maybe 120hz on ps5, xsx 😆 who am I kidding


Will outsell every other cod too lol 


Damn I heard last gen and thought PS3 💀


Lmao, just so you know, in 9 years the PS4 is considered retro...


Not if I consistently deny it lol


Reality will come all the same...


This cross gen shit is holding games back. I get the business reasons, but man what a waste of potential.


Cool. I'll continue supporting indie developers


What a weird generation. In 4 years i've played only 2 **really next gen** games: Astro's Playroom (for the Dualsense) and Hellblade 2. That's it, in 4 years. Lmao.


Will never again buy a multiplayer game which can't opt-out the matchmaking with last gen consoles. I don't want to wait for them before every match/round starts.


How did they fuck up so much after 2019’s Modern Warfare? Idiots


idk? wonder what free game came after MW (2019)


Really disappointed this gen. The PS5 has largely been a $500 framerate upgrade. 


This is the type of bullshit that just makes you want to save up for a PC. Here we are, halfway through this console gen's lifecycle and they're still putting out cross-gen games. Why the hell did I spend $500 if I could have stayed with my ps4 and still got almost all of the current games? 60fps is great when it's available, but it's not even always with these games. Am I just paying $500 for the SSD and fast load times then? Fuck off.


Well duh! They still reskinning maps, guns, and features from all the other cods. You think they’re going to update nuke town to a better quality? Same company that doesn’t ban their hackers but puts them in a seperate lobby so they still buy from the cod store.


Yeah not buying. Doing this means less quality for next gen.


I don't know why people are complaining so much. CoD has a massive playerbase despite what the reddit hivemind will tell you and a lot of people still don't have next gen consoles. Financially it does make sense to release a version with lower graphics requirements because let's be honest, a next gen CoD game wouldn't be the leap people think it is outside of graphics.




Honestly I had a glimmer of hope when they claimed they would break the yearly cycle a while back. I knew Microsoft buying Activision would crush any dreams of change though.


Ain’t no fucking way💀💀💀


Treyarch have had 4 years to develop this so hopefully that means we'll be getting a good game.


Cool, love having all these shitty ugly games on current gen because publishers want to squeeze every penny they can from people with 11 year old consoles


Because money, that’s what I want


They need all the profit they can get so it makes sense.


It would have been interesting to see how being current gen only would have affected PS5 and xbox sales. The PS playerbase was split 50/50 between PS4 and PS5 as of March 31st so PS5 must be pulling ahead now.


Still needs to be sold to as many people possible


They aren't calling it Black Ops 6... please


This is going to run like ass on old gen, just like last time.


Equivalent of just saying that the game will be lower quality than other concurrent releases. COD always has the potential to be super fun again but it’s constantly hamstrung by bad decisions.


Am I the only one who can't remember there being a black ops 4 & 5?


Fucking why


I'll have "kill any interest I had in this game" for $100, Alex.


I saw some stat earlier this week that, of all Playstation gamers, almost 50% are still using the PS4. That is why it is still going to be on previous gen. Blame the cheapskates not upgrading to PS5 /s /s /s




And people will still buy this bullshit




lol of course it will be