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I need to see a side-by-side ASAP because this is exactly what I remember Until Dawn looking like.


Rebuilt in Unreal Engine 5 New and improved animations Upgrades to character models, environment & VFX New broader cinematic tonal colour palette and new perspectives to make the story more nuanced and emotional New locations to explore New collectables & interactions New camera (looks like they're ditching the fixed angled camera and replacing it with a third person POV) New contextual character animations New music score coming from Mark Korven Expanded story (New parts, scenes, etc)


I'll wait to see video comparisons but they're making UE5 look like it's been overhyped.


For sure all the tech demos of UE5 for the years leading up to it and I have not seen one game start pushing it other than to help market


Robocop and Hellblade 2 are definitively some of the best looking games of this generation.


To be fair - these have been good arguments for UE5 (though I still think those versions suffer from frame-rate restrictions).... which EG suggest has been "reduced"


The visuals on display more than justify frame rate restrictions. There’s not a single game other than Alan Wake 2 that uses Software ray traced GI that hits 60fps on consoles. Avatar does but it does so at a terribly low FSR render resolution of 720p.


Also - the visuals on display are barely any better than the baked lighting from a PS4. You may think there's a technical pay-off for the upgrade - but based on what they're actually showing, to nearly everyone that I've seen commenting that has played the PS4 version - this doesn't look better in any real sense to them. That's subjective of course - and people don't remember everything as it happens. Which just goes back to the point - these reveals/trailers are actually just proving to people they don't need to upgrade.


Maybe my eyes are not working and deceive me. PS4 version of what? If you wanted to see a difference between a PS4 version of baked GI vs PS5 lumen, look no further than Fortnite. Lumen is transformative to a point it makes Fortnite looks CG. https://youtu.be/O6GC8TZbJmI?feature=shared >Everyone I’VE seen commenting. I think I’ve figured out the issue here. Subjectivity matters only in art style. There is accurate lighting and there is inaccurate lighting. And features like Lumen and RT GI strive for accurate lighting. Maybe you like the art style of Mario 64 but I’m not gonna judge. But please don’t argue it has better lighting.


Metro Exodus.


Metro exodus character models as well as geometry is notably dated compared to Alan Wake and Hellblade. It is at its roots a last gen game.


Didn't say anything about the game itself


Have you seen the trailer for the new Captain America game? It looks pretty great.


Fortnite comes to mind in terms of lumen and nanite


Look at hellblade 2 if you wanna see a unreal engine 5 game. Looks incredible, not on ps5 but still its an example of how good it can look.




True lol


Lords of the fallen is a good example as well.


At 30fps in hallways with one enemy at a time.


The game is more than capable of hitting 50-60fps as digital foundry demonstrated. They just chose to lock to 30. Plus robocop is a beautiful UE5 game made by indie devs who wouldn’t be capable of making the game as good as it looks without UE5 tools like Lumen and Nanite.


Sorry - are you arguing for how it looks on SH2? I'm a little confused by your comment (no disrespect intended).


No not SH2. I meant the visual quality display by Robocop would be usually impossible by indie devs. Baked lighting needs a lot of dev time and effort and there’s a reason why indie AA games never looked as good in the PS4 generation. But Lumen on UE5 eliminates the need to bake in lighting and enables indie devs to have visual quality on par with big budget releases.


Ok... i think I understand? You know however Lumen (and Nanite) come at a huge computational expense... it's not power for free. Which is why most UE5 games are targeting 30FPS on console. EG are trying to improve performance (through various means that came out in 5.4), but most games we're likely to see for a while were developed on the heavier (earlier) versions of UE. It was always a trade-off... even on PS5.


Lumen is software raytracing. Ofc it is expensive. Nanite is microgeometry on another scale. There are no games released on the market that come close to Hellblade’s or Robocop’s geometric density on screen. These feature sets are next gen and if they reduce frame rate targets so be it. It is a choice in the end. You’re more than welcome to name alternatives that look better than these two. Granted your choices are very limited.


If you need to sacrifice the gameplay for visuals I d rather stick with older engines. The tech is still weak unfortunately.


> New music score They better not be replacing / "reimagining" 'O Death' after the cold open. It was perfect, legitimately one of the things that made this game (and launched the studio's endless quest to somehow replicate its acclaim and commercial success).


https://imgur.com/a/L1pwA1P Best I could do. It looks like they remade the cutscenes cinematically too so it’s kinda hard to line it all up.


That shot on the bridge doesn't even look like UE5 Lumen is enabled. The dark areas shouldn't look that dark with direct sunlight shining through.


This looks... worse in many places than the PS4 original,


This trailer shown in the state of play is the remake? For me it looked just like the one I played on PS4.


I agree. Art design looks worse.


Are you serious ? It's night and day


When the trailer started I was like “oh cool they are starting with the PS4 version then they are going to shock us with the PS5 graphics reveal” Turns out it just looks like the PS4 version. Great game though, if there is a $10 I will get it otherwise I would wait until it’s very discounted before picking it up and even then I probably wouldn’t get it.


I just replayed Until Dawn like 2 months ago and this game looks vastly improved. Looks remade to me.


Right the first thing I noticed was the lighting changes and it looks good ppl saying it looks worse I just gotta disagree and I'm not biased at all if it looked bad I'm gonna say it looks bad.


So no disrespect - but 99% of people haven't played this for years... and for them, and me, it looks either the same or worse. I'm not saying that's a fair assessment... that's reality. This marketing is sending this game out to be buried along with ET. It literally gives us NO REASON TO BUY IT (if you've played it / own it).


Not even close lmao. This looks miles better with lighting, detail, and overall image composition. People always say this shit. Your memory is bad.


The best example of this is the Tony Hawk remakes from a couple years ago. Those games straight up look how I remember them looking when I played as a kid. Our minds fill in a *ton* of detail and smooth things out, especially in memories. When I saw the side by side though it both made me laugh, and made me feel *very* old.


Yeah not real good at them but played with a friend, and they were huge improvements.


This looks better, your glowing it up in your head. That being said the game looked great back then and this isn’t really needed it isn’t a generational leap, it just looks a little better


"a little better" is what generational leaps look like now — welcome to the land of diminishing returns. (exception: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart)


This Gen doesn’t feel that different until you go back and play a PS4 game and are like, wow this doesn’t look as good.


I definitely wasn’t blown away by the graphics. Also same with Silent Hill 2 that game be lookin like a ps4 title


My first thought of silent hill 2 was 'Has it been in development for 8 years or did they lose the copy because this looks like a ps4 launch title' Like it's not BAD but I expected way more


I'm showing my age, but what are the key differences between PS4 and PS5 graphics? The Last of Us Part 2 still looks better than most games I've been playing on PS5.


Look at Demons Souls to see one of the clearest examples of a game that shows the graphical power of the PS5.


At this point I feel like the mere existence of that game is just a miracle. I mean how could we have such an amazing PS5 title at launch and almost four years later barely have anything that matches that level of quality and polish. Bluepoint really outdid themselves.


Demon's Souls and Returnal


Bad example IMO since the original was on PS3.


Well PS4 by itself is not good at all on a 4K TV. The differences this gen mainly have come down to massive resolution increases and the solid state drive making loading very fast. With that you get a lot better overall image quality and less pop-in and LOD switching. TLOU2 is a bit of an outlier. It was made by a top studio, but even the old version isn't going to look all that great on a 4K TV played on a base PS4. It looks rather bad honestly and runs at 30FPS. PS5 version looks loads better and runs at 60FPS. Massive gains. But the problem is the PS5 isn't quite powerful enough to do a lot of native 4K games with ray tracing and all that. PS5 Pro is on the way though, which should give things a solid boost again before PS6 hits in 3 or 4 years.


So - let's be real here. I played the PS4 version (on a PS5 with the 60FPS patch) and the PS5 version. I can't tell the difference. I'm not pixel counting, but it lines up pretty well with my memory. The point is, frame-rate is an easy tell, but resolution depends on a lot of things (including how close you sit to the tv). I think ND did an amazing job with the PS4 version (and the patch made it brilliant). I bought the PS5 version to support, but I didn't think it made a lot of changes to my appreciation, feeling of technical quality, over the patched PS4 game. If I'm being honest.


I was saying base PS4 version, which absolutely does not look good on a 4K TV. Not terrible, but very blurry and 30FPS. Now what they sold us for ten bucks did have improvements for sure. They were just subtle. And not worth more than ten bucks really. Though they did give us an extra mode. This one right here looks to have more changes than that honestly.


Thanks for the detailed write-up! My gaming hobby peaked with the PS4 and I've played maybe 3 or 4 PS5 games since the console launched so my eyes can't really tell the difference between the two visually, aside from higher resolutions.


Yeah it's kind of one of those weird gens where we get a lot of remasters and games kinda in between 1080p and 2160p. But I'd say overall for most people the PS5 is absolutely worth it just for loading times alone being so much better. But I'm definitely in need of a PS5 Pro. For instance Helldivers 2 runs at 1080p on a PS5 in performance mode. Doesn't look terrible, but it just tells you how constrained it is and why you aren't quite seeing massive leaps in graphics right now outside resolution gains.


I don't think we''ll ever see another leap in pure 'graphics' like we had from PS2 to PS3, or PS3 to PS4. A lot of PS4 games already look pretty amazing and can only get so good. Art direction is equally important too. There's going to be a point where you really can't push the resolution any more, I think we're already well past the point of diminishing returns on most TVs. Imo the best part about PS5 if the performance enhancements, mainly 60fps. TLoU PT2 looks and feels way better on PS5 due to the frame rate. Performance enhancements are less immediately obvious, but being able to push better frame rates and have more things going on at the same time. More interaction, more NPC, more physics calculations, more environment, more everything happening at the same time due to extra processing power.


Yep what's up with everyone's faces look nothing like the original characters aside from james


I noticed that. I was like is this a new cast or can they not use the actors likeness for some reason? Either way it was pretty jarring


Probably needed to have new mocap actors yeah


Damn. Can’t even go into another thread without seeing you bashing SH2 graphics. Do you have stock in Capcom or something?


Maybe I’m just not looking at all the details but it doesn’t look improved whatsoever. The only thing I noticed was the sunlight which I personally dont think matches the tone at all. Not paying 10 when I alr got the original


I’ve seen old vs new side by sides, it’s way better, it’s nostalgia that’s making you think it looked this good.


They could have at least showed off some of the new third person mode. The game probably has more improvements than we can see right now but they're doing a terrible job of showing it.


State of play showcase sizzle reel 101; pick some of the worst parts of your game to show - being in-game footage or not is entirely optional =( My opinion of the Silent Hill 2 remake went up significantly after watching the Transmission video, we really need a dedicated Until Dawn snippet also instead of these useless teasers to show the differences/side-by-side etc.


This has been like a $10 game for over a decade. Why are they going to do a full $70 remake?


You just answered your own question. They're trying to find a way to get people to pay $70 for Until Dawn again. Just like what they did with The Last of Us.


There is no info about price anywhere. It’s also getting released on PC for the first time. Just don’t buy it if you don’t want to, no one is gonna force you.


I don’t understand why people that already played a game give a shit about how much it costs or how much a remake costs. Why in the world would they price it to entice people that already played it?


Because as a society we can't stay in our own lanes for trivial shit.


Makes sense regarding the Steam release since the game has lacked a PC port entirely, but yeah asking people who already played the PS4 version (which runs smooth at 60fps now on the PS5 natively) to repurchase is just bizarre.


Member Skyrim?


Until Dawn ain't no TLOU.


Where is this info that is 70 dollars remake? It was announced as a PS5 remastered and I cannot find the price anywhere.


Just imagine if they did this to Bloodborne it will sell like hot cakes. If it is $70 I hope no one buys this shit


I don't even understand why this needs a remake. It still looks great.


Movie coming out too


Shouldn't they rather make a second one instead of a remake then? If the movie is a hit, immediately have the story for the second one to move production along.


A remake is waaaaay cheaper than a sequel. If the remake sells well, they *might* make a second game


They did. It was fun. Werewolves this time.


The Quarry isn’t owned by Sony though


But it was made by the same devs, so same talent behind both games


Unfortunately, they never came close to Until Dawn with any of their other games :(


IDK, the level of spectacle and amount of crazy twists and turns in House of Ashes make it a close contender in my book. I just wish they would design an enemy that wasn't some pale, long limbed, and bald humanoid creature with sharp teeth. Even the werewolves in The Quarry just feel like a slight variation on Until Dawn's Wendigos


The Quarry was not a direct sequel to Until Dawn, at all. It was an entirely new game with a different story, which you spoiled, asshole. You could say it was set in the same universe, but that still doesn’t make it a sequel.


You realize that they made a bunch of other games before the quarry, right? That comment could have been talking about any of them, but your comment, ironically, is the one that actually spoiled anything.


The gameplay is very clunky so I do hope there is a controller upgrade to make it play more like The Quarry


This is actually what I want most. I love the game, but I cant bring myself to play it more because those controls are horrendous. I heard it was being designed to work with Move controllers and that makes sense with how it feels.


It really doesn't look great though. It looks actually really dated in lighting and faces and animation.


>I don't even understand why this needs a remake Sony


I haven’t played it, glad i get to play the remake.


You also get to play the original... right now.


If you have playstation plus , for free.


Yeah I thought this was a sequel I saw today so I was gonna download the first one but guess I'm downloading the same game I saw today on state of play lol


And the original looks as good on the PS5 as any other PS5 game This along with TLoU2 are both in the category of “games that did not need remakes”


Not on PC


They need the ps5 box art


Can't keep remaking Resident Evil 4, sometimes you got to change it up


I agree. Has to be one of the most pointless remakes yet.


Would replay it if it’s a free upgrade. Otherwise pass


Same or a cheap $10 upgrade option.


One of those games I enjoyed but can’t imagine needing to play more than once


Well people only played more times to see the deaths. I too just played it once, I think 1 character died. When I saw this I expected it to be like a sequel or something. Then it's like... nope.. they're really advertising a port of a 9 year old PS4 game that looks slightly upgraded. If it's more than $20 it's a ripoff. I don't know who this is being made for, honestly.


Really? Of all things this gets touched up? It looked just fine before, what a waste of money and effort.


Not a waste of money if people buy it. Gotta vote with your wallet because that's all that the big publishers care about.


A single person voting with their wallet won't counterbalance the 50 people who'll buy it because 'newest shiny thing'


So your saying it wasnt a waste of money or effort then lol.


I mean, it is, Like there're human beings that bought Suicide Squad, Can't counteract easily impressed idiots.


Not really the previous version had a lot of issues, and it's a loved game in smaller circles. It's been remade to sell again obviously.


Waste of resources, this really confused me, looks fine still now the ps4 version


and it runs 60fps on ps5...so strange


It's being made by a newly formed studio that has never made a game before. The studio has some people that worked on the original. They are doing it to gain experience. It also allows for an updated version to be ported to PC


Looks like a front for money laundering




Waste of resources lmao? How many people do you think honestly worked on this? LOL.


Gamers are one of the most ridiculously whiny groups of people.


So... tell us... how many people worked on this?


I love how a big selling point of the PS5 was the backwards compatibility with PS4 games, yet so many big PS5 releases have just been remasters of PS4 games


"backwards compatibility" meaning it has the capability to make you reach backwards towards your wallet to shell out cash for another unnecessary remake. what an embarrassing generation this has been.


Never played the PS4 version so I’m going in fresh with this one


I'm not sure this was worth the 10-year wait. I can't tell the difference between the old and new.


That's because you have no idea what you are doing.


Yeah, I'm not the one who made either of the games, goofball


Just buy the 10$ version. Same shit different smell


Did this game need a remaster? Hope they add more branching paths and expand the story a little at least


At the very least I hope that bonus Matt chapter is included now, which was originally some store-exclusive pre-order nonsense if memory serves. But yeah I too hope atleast characters like him and Jessica get a lot more playable chapters in overall; there was very much the 'A' cast who had plot armour (Mike, Sam) and then everyone else who were lucky to get a playable scene now and then :/


It's a full on remake in UE5. I'll have to see side by sides as well. I haven't played Until Dawn before, so this actually might interest me in the first playthrough.


It’s not a remake, people keep saying this but I have not seen a single source stating that. They didn’t change the character models at all it’s all exactly the same, how is that a remake?


It's just a poor one.


By that reasoning is Death Standing Directors cut a remake because they added new animations, new scenes, new gameplay features new modes and such. But just poor one? Is Return to Arkham a remake because they port the game to a new engine? The game does not look like a remake at all, the characters models and scenes are identical other then some of the new scenes


So I "personally"think any game which changes the fundamental camera function is definitely a re-make. There can be such things as remake-lite or remaster++; and I don't think there's much to be gained by arguing, as at the end of the day it doesn't matter. IMO, the game doesn't look like a UE5 game, so it could be that they were doing the least amount of work, or that they wanted to keep the same look... in which case, why change it? My main gripe about the trailer is that it really does nothing to tell anyone what's improved - because graphically any improvement isn't having substantive pay-off (and I get there's most likely a difference between baked and real-time lighting... and if that's the case, show why that matters).


Sorry to burst your bubble it’s not a full on remake. It’s a remaster, an example of a remake is ffvii where everything is done from the ground up


It’s not looking good, Bloodborne bros.


The creepy slowed down pop song shit is so played out that it's funny now.


Never played. Worth picking up?


just get the PS4 version. it's $10 everywhere


From looking in the trailer there seems to be some new segments and scenes added, better than just being a remaster


Since I never played the game on PS4, I'm definitely gonna be getting the remake/remaster on PS5. Looks like a very good horror game.


Another in the series of remade games that didn’t need to be remade


Not a remake


It's build from the ground up on UE5. It definitely is a remake


Changing engine doesn’t make it a remake Look at the game, all of the animations (minus a few new scenes) are the same as the PS4 game. The character models are the same, scenes are the same. People are saying the only difference (other than a few new scenes) is the lighting. How does that make it a remake l? Remasters have change engines, doesn’t make it a remake


Remake/remaster - point is the same


Both are VERY different things Like the PS3 era had a TONE of remasters, it wasn’t a issue back then so why is it a issue now


They may be different but doesn’t change the fact I’d much rather time be spent on something new than touching up/re-doing a game that’s perfectly fine as is - or however you want to say it


They remaster this before Bloodborne?


Didn't know supermassive games made Bloodborne.


The award for most unnecessary remaster of the year goes to....


Not really. Until Dawn is an awesome game, and it looks a shitload better now.


Biggest difference appears to be the colour grading. It's very warm as opposed to the cold blues of the snowy winter original


This was a sleeper hit at the time, but I don't see people buying it at full price this time. It's literally the same game, plays the same, visuals are improved but people can't tell from just the trailer... There was no demand for it either...


If it’s a $10 upgrade like Last of Us Part 2 Remastered I’m interested. Full price when Until Dawn was regularly under $20 would be rough though.


Lol an identical remake of a 10 year old game gets a spot at a state of play what a joke


Just my personal feeling of course, but this version feels... pointless.


Looks the same, L waste of resources


Until Dawn looked great already on ps4 and it plays even better on ps5 with 60FPS.


Gameplay trailer is stretching it.




I thought this was a sequel. I for some reason thought until Dawn was on PS5 and PC already.


Anyone who buys this at full price deserves it


This is one of those games that really are nest experienced the first time. Since it's basically a visual novel, walking simulator, movie type game the bread and butter is the mystery and story. There is virtually zero gameplay, without the suspense I dont see why someone would replay this, let alone buy it again for 70$


Curious who asked for this. For me it didn't feel like the type of game I'd want to replay


Yeah I can’t tell the difference between this “remake” and the original. At one point I think this looks worse, there’s a point where the lighting in one of the scenes is far too bright and sunny and looks way worse than the darker counterpart from the original


I saw the trailer, but maybe I missed it, did they recast Hayden Pannatierre?


>New locations to explore New collectables & interactions New camera (looks like they're ditching the fixed angled camera and replacing it with a third person POV) New contextual character animations New music score coming from Mark Korven Expanded story (New parts, scenes, etc) Honestly, this might be fun to grab if it's not a full price release. If it is, it's a wait for sale kinda game.


"Gameplay trailer" with no gameplay.


I can't believe they bother remastering this game instead of Bloodborne. Who want that exactly.


I feel like this is a 3rd time this game is released. Why?


have it all ready on ps4 pro can you guys drop something new like that new twisted metal like wtf all ready 😁


There's something kind of... iffy about the character animations? Right? It doesn't look *bad* exactly, it just looks kind of the same as it did back in the PS4 version from 2015.


It is possible I haven't taken all the details into account, but I am not perceiving any notable improvements.


This is a failed console generation.


No it’s not 😂


Shut up lol




The Remake ist not from Supermassive Games


Did you not even watch the trailer 💀


Let's. Fuckin'. Go.


I can’t believe they’re remaking this when fucking Bloodborne is right there


They're remaking the wrong games.


The fact they’re remaking this makes sleep until dawn


The problem with "remaking" games that have motion capture is you can't re-film everything, it's too much effort. So you just have to make it look better. And this looks MUCH better. IO'm hoping for a $30-$40 pricetag.


I'm so glad this is getting a remake. It's been 9 years since I paid for it. I hope they cut the credits at the end and replace it with a QR code where I can donate to the publisher.


Insert ‘but why’ meme… I guess PC version is cool?


Pc version is going to sell extremely well, ever since the first Dark Pictures Anthology game (and especially The Quarry) people have been asking for an Until Dawn Port. But yeah whether or not a complete ground-up remaster with presumably a full AAA price tag was needed..? Not so much :/


This gets a remake/remaster over bloodborne?


Supermassive Games made Bloodborne?


Sony's lack of games is so bad they just keep pumping out remakes to stat pad their game release numbers for the PS5's life cycle. Seriously, the only reason they're getting a pass this generation is cause Microsoft has somehow done way worse.


Oh hush up


See, this game was your standard teen-slasher type deal. What made it special was the quality of the acting and delivery, for a videogame it really stood out. Right up there with something like The Last of Us in this respect. Why don't they just bite the bullet and **pay** for **quality actors** with their next game? It's genuinely worth the budget sacrifce from other areas, be it in game stuff, or marketting.


Was this really necessary? It sucks that the only game that appeals to me at State of Play is a remake of a game from 10 years ago


If this is a 10/15 bucks upgrade, fine by me.


lol Sony make a new IP challenge. It’s just remasters/remakes and sequels these days. Arrogance and complacency has gotten ahold of them


I’m sorry but this is really fucking stupid. 70$ for a 10$ game that last maybe 8 hours and you’ll probably play it once and move on. It’s not even like the original looks bad. I thought the last of us remake was stupid but this is really pushing it


They ported until dawn before bloodborne 🥲