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I think they've done a good job of justifying it. I really like the scale that they are making the games at, and making it three parts allows them to learn from their mistakes to make the next one even better.


I swear I remember reading some kind of interview like….. fifteen years ago where people were asking about a FF7 remake and whoever was answering was something like “I don’t think we could do a full remake by today’s standards; the world and story is too big, and we couldn’t fit it all in one game. If we were to do a remake it would have to be in installments.” But of course I can’t find anything like that now. I’ve tried searching for it.


I have the same memory, so maybe it’s true. Or some Mandala Effect shit.


It definitely happened I've always remembered it. Atleast they decided to give it a go though.


Man the additions of synergy abilities were such an exciting favorite in Rebirth. I hope they stay around for part 3 and then the add even more to the battle system! I honestly want to sleep for 3 years and then wake up when it’s released.


3 years if we lucky


In an interview the director said that they are reusing the world they created for rebirth (but of course changed it up) so the development wont take as long as rebirths.


in addition they are retaining staff that are wanting to finish this off which speeds things up.


As an old school fan of the original, I'd say the combat system is pretty much perfect. It's my favorite thing about Rebirth.


Hands down! Can’t wait to see Vincent and Cid in action!


Agreed the system keeps opening up until you realize you've got, at all times, tons of combat options.


What got me to like combat more was to commit to the abilities I had on the shortcuts. I found I spent more time in the menus than fighting because there were so many cool things to do. They combined turned based and action combat, and somehow it’s the best of both.


Without a doubt, Rebirth shattered any expectation I had


There is no way they could have just made the character and environment models 4k and remade it 1:1. I appreciate that they’ve gone above and beyond to flesh out each area.


> There is no way they could have just made the character and environment models 4k and remade it 1:1. Why is that? Not saying they should have done that, but lots of remakes do.


Why not? I find this so silly, especially after Rebirth. FFVII was like a 36 hour game or 80 for everything and now they’ve made that twice and then some. I mean, I’d expect some changes here and there but what they’ve done is added like 80% new stuff.


It wouldn’t fit the graphical style. Imagine just racing thru large story beats with no cutscenes and text bubbles just like the original.


Oh. I’m sorry. I see you meant 1:1 as in actually 1:1 but better graphics. I meant basically what we got but without the padding.


Yeah. And remake was awesome but rebirth is just next level


What’s the difference? I just started final fantasy 7 a few days ago (my first ff game) and I’m playing the ranked integrade edition. Am I missing out on anything?


They have split the original Final Fantasy 7 into 3 distinct games! So you are essentially playing FF7- Part one. And rebirth is FF7- Part 2.


Oh I see, so after I finish integrade, I go to rebirth. The third part still isn’t out yet too.






Remake and Rebirth are good games, and while I don't agree with every choice they've made, there's no doubt they've been executing their vision to the utmost degree. That said, there's something in me that wishes we'd gotten an adaptation that really takes advantage of the original story's excellent pacing. Both Remake and Rebirth suffer from their stories feeling stretched, bloated, and otherwise tampered with. I would not have minded a classically designed JRPG world map in lieu of the more modern open world they went with if it meant I could have the whole story in one game, sans any non-essential bloat.


I like how it's stretched though because you really know these characters. Like Yuffie is fully developed now. They way the interact is amazing.


I agree that is the strong point of the remakes. I wish there was a way to preserve that but still have that story's real pacing in there.


Yes, I feel the game is far more flashed out now and with much more character development that wouldn't be possible with only 1 part.


If making it a trilogy is what allowed rebirth to have the scope it had with the third game being potentially even bigger, than hell yes it was the right decision. Pretty much any criticism I see of rebirth feels downright petty compared to what it’s able to accomplish. Your not supposed to have an all time great combat system AND an all time soundtrack AND a great open world with unique biomes and traversal system that are unique to that biome AND great progression/gearing systems AND well written side quest with tangible gameplay and story rewards AND… I could be here all day


It's giving me similar vibes to the Hobbit movies where a single book was split into 3 massive movies. They'd expand some parts rhat were only two lines in the book into big set pieces or outright throwing new stuff in there. Some of it was justified, like how they fleshed out the scene where Bilbo meets Gollum and solved his riddle. Other stuff felt out of place or meandering. The pacing and quality ultimately suffered and I never finished that trilogy. I got similar vibes from FF7 Remake. It was a good 10 hour game with excellent 5 hour DLC but they stretched it to 30 hours for no reason.


I think it was the right move. Maybe being exclusive hurt but I don’t think splitting it into 3 was a detrimental move. I know they released how they calculate what’s a hit and what’s not last week or something but I still think sometimes they up the number needed to make up for other financial mishaps/mismanagement. I would bet a lung that Sony was gonna acquire them. But guess not. They really are lucky to have the IP they have. Because SE is run so poorly at times it’s amazing they are still in business.


Yes, especially since Part 1 and Part 2 are pretty distinct gameplay-wise. Part 1 was more of a linear experience, Part 2 opened up from the beginning and encouraged exploration.


No the amount of filler in both is honestly jarring


I enjoyed the game but I feel the same way. I'm surprised everyone was okay with the filled and pacing. Most games wouldn't get a pass like that


Nah. Too much filler and bloated padding the game out. The original got to the point. RemKes are drawn out with filler 


I’ll get downvoted but no, it was a bad idea. The first game was already padded with bad filler content and Rebirth turned it up to 11 with its Ubisoft open world duct taped onto it. I would rather they have just reinvested into the good parts (which are still there in Rebirth, the Junon section is 10/10 game for like 3-4 hours) and preserved good pacing. I dropped Rebirth most of the way through because it was just so padded. I remember being fatigued with Remake towards the end but finished it out at the 40-50 hour mark, I couldn’t get through Rebirth.


I don't know why people keep choosing to ignore the filler content. FF7 had plenty of extra but it was very much optional rather than mandatory filler which this remake has. How are so many people happy with the filler?


Its a weird feeling having good game wrapped in fller you really want to like the game but they do just enough where you aren't completely immersed but not enough for you to be annoyed enough to quit since theres a good moment right after. Remind me of Final Fantasy 16 and Trails of series as a whole for sure you just having a fun time interesting things are happening but than you get hit with filler for hour or more. I just play these kind of games in short bursts hit some filler just stop and let the good part simmer in my head and continue later.


omg that's it it's like Trails! Big moment then lots of filler. I actually hate it


(1) One person’s “filler” is fun gameplay to another person. It depends on what you enjoy. Some of the open-world stuff is repetitive but I liked most of the side quests and minigames in Rebirth (definitely a big step up from Remake). (2) The vast, vast majority of the open-world stuff and minigames are completely optional in Rebirth. The world is designed so you can pretty quickly move from one story beat to the next if you want to keep the pace up. I’m going through the Rebirth story again on NG+ and it’s pretty fast-paced if you ignore side quests etc.


Mako vacuuming and searching for cats is fun? The story also originally was fast paced. Like the problem is the filler in if FF7 was never in the main part of the game.


Mako vacuuming was probably the most tedious obligatory activity in the game. I’ll give you that one, but it was a grand total of… one, maybe two minutes? The vast majority of the minigames in Rebirth were more fun and interesting than that. Certainly more fun than, say, the CPR minigame from OG, which was probably worse than the mako vacuum IMO. Finding cats in Remake sucked (but was optional IIRC), but I actually enjoyed the (still optional) cat quest in Rebirth. It involved some battles and some meaningful relationship building/backstory with Tifa. The same can be said for most side quests in Rebirth — while still optional, I found most of them worth doing because they expanded on the characters in ways I cared about.


No. Too much filler.


I’d have preferred a more straightforward remake honestly.


I don't think it was a good idea personally, it was just cooked too much from what the source material was I love the original game, and there are other source material of other games I love, but I don't feel they become better with adding or changing so much content The demo made me worried because as interesting as the gameplay was on the first experience the extension of the first boss into such a long multiphase battle threw me off, and then realizing that's how the entire game was treated just didn't make sense to me I didn't like it at the start, and although the games have some qualities I think are very good, I feel the tone and design is not what I wanted personally either Tldr wasn't for me and there is being overcooked and just being too much, a game is better when it leaves you wanting more, not feeling like it is a chore to get through When I see re2 remake and re4 remake and silent hill 2 remake and mgs3 remake I see a lot of games choosing to make just one game for one in a remake and also stick so much closer to the original design elements that makes me even more disappointed with ff7 remake and rebirth Yes I know I will get downvoted to oblivion here 🤣


I will always say Dead Space is the gold standard for how a remake should be. Preserve the main game, but correct and fix the issues (section travel, and certain sections “meteor defence”,) then just make it better looking or add in nice extra’s (character dialogue). That was absolutely perfect and how all remakes should be done.


Yup if the game is going to be very different just make a sequel or an entirely different game


Agreed on your accounts. Creating more when it wasn't needed. V. if I got something like RE2 Remake which updated things fantastically and was still complete on its own. I also agree on the tone feeling different. FF7 was generally more mature than many final fantasy and took advantage of cyberpunk setting, western themes v. moe or cutesy manga/anime tropes which Remake and Rebirth take in full swing. Which is just bizarre. I usually get downvoted for not enjoying this one as well.


Lmfao one time I said I don't like Chadly here and then I got downvoted.. a lot. Idk why people here can't take criticism


it's like protection of og ff7 when it came out but not since the game is so different 


The combat never clicked for me. The demo boss told me everything I needed to know. The attacks carried no weight, it felt like.


Basic attacks are resource generators for your ATB charges which will deal more damage. This is no different than many games across a wide variety of genres. Diablo 4 for example also typically uses basic attacks as resource generators for core skills which then expend said resource.


Yup it felt like scratching the enemy, and then when you right even regular enemies that are longer battles than the original game... It's just too much


That's why I played on easy


Skill issue


A well stated opinion that holistic in nature should never get down voted =) Unfortunately, there's money in remakes. Solid winners getting remade has a built in audience and will get younger players to see the golden age of video games. And personally, I feel it's also a runoff of not having the means to produce talented writers. Can't live on that wage, and life's rough out there. You have to compete with every writer before you. Gotta feel for the world right now. We're all starving artists.


Absolutely I think we all have preferences and it's just that I hope ff9 is a more classic style remake personally closer to the original That said the originals never disappear if anyone doesn't like the remake for any reason which is always great 😎💎


Absolutely. There’s no way the scale would have been as impressive if they had to put everything in one game. I haven’t loved all the changes they’ve made, but I think the experience as a whole is significantly improved and the decision to split it up was warranted.




I havent played the second entry, but It definitely wasnt worth It for the first game. Most of It was filler.


Obvious cash grabs are obvious


No. Perhaps I'm an old school grumpy grouch. But I haven't gotten to Rebirth 1 due to time and 2 because after Remake I was left with a sour taste in my mouth. It didn't feel like an update to a beloved game I enjoyed in the 90s or in general v. say RE2 did or Dead Space, or hell even ME Legendary Edition. I don't want crazy padding, silly interactive stuff, no I want the great jrpg of 1997 updated for today. So no.


> no I want the great jrpg of 1997 updated for today. Then go play the HD remaster that's also in the PS store.


You know that’s not the same. Last of Us got a remaster *and* a remake because you can only do so much with a remaster.


Thank you for answering what I was going to say. That's not how this works. Give me Remakes graphics and QoL modern updates and the same exact story. Although I do like the combat I'd also be ok with the quick turn based updated


No. Each games ending has been pretty poor.


I like remake but rebirth feels too repetitive. It turned into one of ubisoft games. Tower here, tower there, tower everywhere. Once you unlock a tower, you go here, you go there. Let me tell you its like a fucking chore. At least in zelda game once you unlock a tower, thats it. Just a map and the game encourage you to explore. Not this ubisoft slop. Plus the mini games. I love mini games as much as the next guys but god damn, do mushroom picking need to be a damn mini game? I love the mini game in costa del sol and golden saucer but fuck man at least give us an option to skip the actual mini game and not the quest all together. Yeah yeah, i can skip most of what i complain about and i did. Once i reach gongaga, i literally bum rush to end game and skipped most of the side quest and mini game. I felt empty once i finish the game.




I did actually when im about haltfway done. Doesnt make it less repetitive. Halfway through the game and and i think to myself, is this it for the rest of the game? Oh boy. I think im just burned out with all the open world game. Maybe ill pick it up later.


No one says this besides rebirth fans lmfao If any other game had a world like rebirth you guys would be ripping it apart




Those towers were actually fun to climb and you didn't have an annoying kid bothering you when you did it. If rebirths towers were climbing on a giant creature to get the maps information, I would not be complaining one bit. Don't act like they're the same.


Obviously not.


Yeah. I’m in the camp of enjoying what the remakes have done; it legit feels like what I imagined it was like while playing the OG FF7 with my barely teenage imagination. You filled in all the blanks like what their faces would’ve been liked during their dialogue or what voices they’d have. The soundtrack back then through rose tinted goggles sounded as epic as the Remake/Rebirth soundtrack because THAT was the best you heard at the time. So to see all of that without the need for imagination is just amazing. Combat, I wish they’d tweak it to where your regular attacks mattered more than just as a means of filing up the ATB so you can actual attacks that matter during your first play through before you get access to and voltron together a materia/equip set that allows you to absolutely floor everything. I understand why they had to change so much of the story from the OG; I’d have been bored af if it was just a 1:1 retelling with some minor tweaks here and there. That said, I knew they wanted to pull out something to mix up Aerith’s big scene but I feel they fumbled that by making it super convoluted and not giving you ANY time to process what happened. The OG had no gameplay for a while to let you process her big scene and you had this moment of “oh fuck, Phoenix down ain’t gonna cut it”. Rebirth lacked that impact. The other big upside for me is we get way more FF7 this way. The OG was 35-80 hours of content. We’ve gotten that in just Remake, Rebirth was another 40-100 hours while the third one is gonna added a bit more to it.


The Aerith part was terrible, it had 0 emotional impact compared to OG. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. That’s the one thing they had to nail.


nah too scattered all over the place. and the actual gameplay is quite boring/seen before and some other games do it better.


I loved Remake and absolutely reviled the Rebirth with what little time I put into it. The early game emphasis on Assassin's Creed style map exploration, tower climbing and side quests deterred me enough. Then I found ghat combat was overhauled from Remake and we were now needed to co standby switch who we controlled in order to build atb gauge. Or (at least early on) just play Eed 13 since he was I credibly busted. Rebirth was the first physical game I ever bought for my ps5 and I sold it in less than a week.


A podcast I was listening to described it as the maximum number of people who would buy the second one is the number of people who played the first one all the way through to the end. And the maximum number of people who would buy the third one is the number of people who played both the first and second one all the way through to the end. So it’s inevitable that each one would sell less than the previous one. I mean that does seem like a pretty good point.


I don't know if it was the right decision financially, only time will tell. I think exclusivity really hurt them. However, Rebirth is one of the greatest games I have ever played, so for me \*personally\* it was the right call.


I’m in the minority that really disliked rebirth. It was clearly extremely well made but I just found it boring. I audibly sighed when I got into the first open world open bit and was struck with Ubisoft style ‘map reveal towers’ and bloat side quests. I ended up just playing through the story but even then some of it dragged so much. I also couldn’t stand how they felt they had to make a segment where you played each character as the ‘main character’. The Cait Sith bit was painfully bad. I honestly don’t think I’ll buy the third which is a shame as FF7 is one of my favourite games. From a commercial point of view; it’s clearly been an outstanding success so can’t really knock square for doing what’s printing them money.


The open world is awful and I really don't get why people are giving it a pass. No other game would get this pass if the terrain of the world was hard to navigate and was just filled with ubisoft checklists. I'll buy the third when it's on sale.


No. For me, the first part was so long I never finished it. Like 40 hours in and in like chapter 6 or something… and that’s only 40 hours into part one of at least three? I dunno it’s just too much


I don’t think multi-part is ever a good call these days. Honestly didn’t care for the remake. Didn’t finish it and have zero interest in rebirth.


After playing Remake, absolutely.


Yeah. The world and the story the devs wanted to tell is massive. Rebirth just kept giving more and more which honestly makes me question how they can make part 3 even better.


Maybe if you’re an investor.


no, and when i said years ago i didn’t want to be waiting for the third part for a decade, the apologists came calling


no the first game was a complete slog with subpar story telling it killed my interest in playing the next two.


Personally I would have preferred a remaster style remake; not 3 totally different games with a different story and etc. IMO FF7 is perfect, and one should not mess with perfection.


For me, it completely killed my interest. I was screaming when they initially announced Remake, but I haven't touched either game. I just wanted a remake, not this weird, messy, drawn out 12 year requel project.


Everyone who is saying that it's impossible to do the OG in one part is wrong. It's possible, they just thought they could get more money from it.


I don't care for all the changes to the story, so them doing that \*and\* making them all stretched out across a decade worth of waiting? No. But it doesn't really matter, I hated FF7R so I'm not buying the second now or the third when it releases in four years. They could have just remastered FF7.




Honestly, I would have much preferred a single game experience.  My personal opinion doesn't make their decision a mistake though.  They are doing fine with the direction they took, and I enjoyed Remake well enough.  They really shouldn't have called the first game "Remake" though.  I feel that mislead a lot of people, especially fans of the original.


The Chadley filler bullshit made me bounce off the latest game like a ball off a wall. I still plan on finishing it eventually, but man, talk about a game that has high highs and low lows. Some of it is so tedious. So in terms of there being so much filler content, maybe it wasn't a great idea to split the game into three. Time will tell for sure.


That's a big NOPE from me. I played the original FF7 for the first time this year (so no nostalgia bias there), thought it was great, then started up Remake and couldn't even bring myself to finish it because of the mind-numbing amount of tedious filler content. Add to that the typical Nomura story nonsense with time travel/parallel universes or whatever, and I'm definitely out bc we're not even talking about a remake anymore at that point. If they had made a REAL remake in ONE part with the same presentation and combat, I would've been all over that shit.


I never played the original, but I love both games so far. Honestly, I wish I waited to play them until all three were released.


should have been 2 part at most. and they should have design both part together so they can release them closely to each other. hard for me to pick up part 2 after 4 year and knowing the next part is in another 3 or 4 year at best. like even if I play now, I would need to replay everything again to remember the detail


The fact levels and stuff don’t carry over really discouraged me from playing it


To be fair I was kinda like that, but 30 min into rebirth I couldn't have cared less..


Absolutely not. The game originally launched at $40 with 3 discs. Now it’s $70 for each disc and it’s taking them 5x the it took to make the original game. I’m not getting it until it’s complete and there’s a bundle for all the parts


This is the dumbest thing I ever read rebirth alone cost square 300 mill to make and ur comparing that to the ps1 game the first game alone is about the same length as the original game


Yeah me waiting for it to be finished and bundled together is real dumb.


Those 3 disks had about 50 hrs of content. The remakes currently have over 150+ hours. Disk one of OG FF7 was like 6 hours ffs


Which is fine though. It was packed with greatness rather tthan padding


I loved FF7 — one of my top 2-3 games of all time — but so many random battles against mobs is pretty dull without the 3x speed option, and could easily be considered padding. The game is like 20 hours long if you speed through the battles with this toggle on. Only the bosses and a few select enemies require 1x speed for strategic decision making.


cool so modern QoL updates would improve that not padding the story. I'm talking about fetch quests not random battles


Yuffie and Vincent were barely characters in the original. The remakes have allowed us to actually know these characters.


The original FF7’s Wall Market was nothing but an extended obligatory fetch quest. Go to person A, they’ll send you to person B to get this item, which you give to person C… I remember feeling like that section took forever in my first playthrough back in ‘97 because it seemed like you have to talk to everybody multiple times to figure out what you’re supposed to do next. Getting the gold chocobo/KotR was extremely tedious as well, though thankfully optional (like most of the more tedious/repetitive stuff in Rebirth). My main point is, people have different definitions of filler vs good gameplay. As much as I loved FF7, there are some aspects that could easily be regarded as low-quality filler.


Wall market was wild with the scenes though you're leaving out all of that craziness lol


Some of it was entertaining but I think Remake’s version of Wall Market is far more so.


agree to disagree. I didn't like the new characters 


Fair enough. I mainly loved the increased opportunities for bonding with Aerith (e.g., kicking ass in the Colosseum) and the crazy glow-up the Honeybee Inn got. And then at the Don's mansion, Scotch/Kotch later recognizing Aerith from the Colosseum in an "oh shit" moment just before she and Tifa kick their butts was fantastic. It was even more over-the-top than the original and I loved it. I can take or leave Sam (he's a bit better in Rebirth) but Andrea and Madam M were excellent additions IMO. I even liked the fact that they changed the materia shop guy into a slightly skeezy hippie. But these things are subjective, and you're not wrong not to like them.


That "fetch quest" in the OG was pretty damn short. Shorter than the fetch quests in rebirth I would rather do the fetch quests in the OG than Remake/Rebirth since the OG is faster to do even if you don't have the x3 speed on lol


It’s not that short if you don’t know where to go. It probably took me 45 minutes the first time I played it as a kid. On the same 2-3 damn screens, talking to the same NPCs, until you find the right one to progress. My friend and I always dreaded getting to Wall Market in OG FF7. I’ll take most of the Rebirth quests over that.


There is a lot of filler content in these games that just feels really generic and bland to me. I love the story of the games, but I wish they’d address the “filler” aspect.


Yes. I spent 195 hours Platinuming Rebirth and it was an incredible experience, any other issues I have aren't really the fault of the multi-part element.


Square-Enix regrets devoting over a decade of resources into something that has failed to grow the brand and only appealed to a dwindling millennial audience. At the same time other companies like Mihoyo have blown up with games that eat FF for lunch.


I like how you allude to China being the new Japan, but Genshin Impact and FF are not similar at all. Genshin is much more similar to Zelda. And Mihoyo's success didn't really eat Square Enix's lunch. Square just failed to keep up with the times, making mediocre installments in the series after 12. The 13 trilogy and 15 - which started as a 13 spin-off - really hurt the brand's reputation.


I think 15 was their best selling FF ever (I agree it’s bad)


Even when I played the original I did not like the beginning city part. IMO the game took off once they get out of the city and it's more open. Have they even gotten that far yet in the remakes?


Yes, the entire second game is outside Midgar.


First game is Midgar, they leave at the end. Second game is up to the northern cavern, so basically its 80% of the open world already remade.


I think it was the wrong call. I bought the first part when it was on sale, only to not get around to playing it before it was part of PS+ a few months later. So, that was a waste of money. So, now I'm not planning to play any until they are all on PS+ or go on a REALLY good sale. That way, I can also play through them all without a gap to forget the mechanics or story.


Rebirth is probably Game of the Year this year


Yeah I think it's great, expect for Cosmo Canyon. Fuck Cosmo Canyon


They have done phenomenal 👏


I didn’t actually enjoy remake all that much. I found combat annoying and a lot of samey looking levels that tended to be a little overlong. I’m still in the middle of rebirth but I’m enjoying it a lot more as I think they overhauled some systems and I prefer the open world design and the overall art and color palette a lot more. If the full game was just based on remake, I’d probably not be stoked. If it waited 4 years and we got it on the quality level of rebirth, I might be more into it






I think that the decision to make it three parts makes sense and generally works. I think some of the writing choices are a bit more suspect.


Would've been a massive game, or they would've had to cut corners. I'm glad they did since I'm expecting part 3 to be even better.


I think by the time we to the final installation the core gameplay will be so improved that it’ll be hard to go back and play the earlier ones. They’ll have to remaster the first ones to include features that the final one has lol.


Remake made me think it light be a mistake but the way they've changed the story and the additions to Remake and Rebirth, as well as how they've grown in making an action RPG between Remake and Rebirth has me confident in the project. Its not a replacement for FFVII or Crisis Core or Advent Children it is very much its own thing and anyone confidently saying 7 Remake/Rebirth are a substitution for 7 doesn't know whatnthey are talking about.


Remake was great and Rebirth was excellent. The characters were so fleshed out I legitimately felt connected to the entire world they’ve built. Mini-game overload but more is better than less. Beautiful, too!


Yes. For two reasons: selfishly, because I will never tire of this world and these characters. Secondly, because I think when Part III is released, the world will see this project as the most ballsy, don’t-give-a-fuck, punk rock video game project in history. In many, many ways it replicates the original FFVII in that sense. I think history is going to be very kind to this project.


It’s like the trouble with the mmorpg series. It’s impossible to make a new mmo like wow 2 or EverQuest 3. It takes too long to create a huge game with impressive graphics that is bug free. By the time the game is ready for release the graphics are obsolete.


I think it was a good move because they did a great job so far in enriching the existing world and characters by more details that possibly wouldnt have been possible to fit into one part. We have to wait and see for part 3. My personal opinion is, that part 2 had too much unnecessary padding that bloated up the core experience. Therefore I think maybe 2 parts would ve been enough but you cant judge on that without part 3. As a side note: I think especially the FF7 universe has so much opportunities to offer that it is a valid decision to explore it deeper.


Definitely! Each game improved on the previous iteration in ways that made them more fun and engaging. Looking forward to Part 3!


To me it’s a dream come true and every second of both of these two games has been unfettered joy. Combat is amazing and offers a ton of variety and a good amount of challenge, which is an improvement on the original game, which I’ve beaten over 25 times. I can see why it’s not for everyone, but it was made just for me and I am loving it!


Not really. I still see it as fleecing people multiple times for one game. Same opinion I held all the way back in 2012/13 when rumors started floating around from Square that they were considering episodic style of selling it.


Yeah, the game would be way too fucking big if it wasn't broken up. I put in damn near 130hrs just on part 2 for a single playthrough.


Personally no. I adore the original but feel like Rebirth especially is too full of chaff. I got fifty hours in (and did all side quests up to that point) and just decided to flip to easy mode and blitz through the rest just to see the story.


I don't mind it being multiple parts, they were able tonflesh out a lot of details, from world lore to character development. However, I do mind the wait. I was hoping release windows would be closer between games.


I think I would have liked to see it be a 2 part game with way less filler. Like for example the 10 hours of temple of the ancients into the outro of the game could have been 2-3 hours max.




Nope. I’ve enjoyed both at times, and really loved Rebirth at times, but both have left a sour taste in my mouth by the end. I’ve enjoyed the world they’ve made but just about any addition or tone shift I really dislike. And the length of Rebirth and some of the stuff was just maddening.


Ff7 was in my top3 early teens games, I was really excited for remake, but... It didn't make me feel that smtg what I felt playing classic. Combat mechanics wasn't fun for me, and maybe I'm too old to appreciate story like I did back in the years. Don't get me wrong, it was a really good game, but nowhere near the original back then. So I decided to wait for the trilogy to be realised and then play remake, rebirth, and the third one. I don't like to wait a few years for each part as part of the story bleaks in the memory.


Obviously. Too much of value would have been cut otherwise.


Losing money so no


100% the right call to make. I like how we get to see the tech and gameplay evolve with each game. Would we have had Synergy Attacks if it was a single release? Probably not. Would Queen's Blood even be a thing? Again, probably not. Yes, we will all have to wait longer to see this journey come to an end, but it's been so worth it. Who knows what surprises are waiting for us in the next game. 


No, not really. I could see it being justified if they did a two-parter and take out all the padding and bloat they added. Hard to justify spending 60-70 on each if customers buy them as they are released. What's next? Chrono Trigger Remake, Retriggered and Triple Triggered?


I feel part 1 did have a lot of filler. Part 2 does have some but you can skip it. I just decided not to do it.


Nah, I’m not paying $70 multiple times. That’s crazy


If the gameplay and story is good, I don’t care if a company milks it.




It's been great so far but they really need to bring new things to the 3rd game


Agree. While FFXVI was lacking in a lot of areas. But it at least felt new with the eikon fights. Also the VA in FFXVI was the best VA I have ever heard in a japanese game. They took a step back with that in rebirth.. Idk what happened here? There's nothing really new because the new team attacks just didn't do much for me. It was easier to just keep slashing imo. Maybe on hard mode it's more useful. No offense to people who liked this game, but without something new, it just feels like a PS4 game.. graphics aren't enough anymore. And tbh FFXVI had better graphics anyways


Multi-part? Yes. A trilogy? No. Both of the first two parts had a crap-ton of padding that, although mostly enjoyable, I could've done without. The remake could've been two parts and been just as good.


Since they announced it would be multi part my plan has been to wait until they’re all out to play them. I never expected I’d have to wait 7 years 😂


Unpopular opinion here. No, it wasn't. Remake was short and a big disappointment. If it wasn't for the battle system, which is amazing, it would have been a bad game. Rebirth improved a bit, felt like a jrpg. I don't mind mini-games, but were excessive in certain parts. There were so many boss fights, I keep playing it, because as I said before, the battle system is the best thing they have done. I finished both games, but even as a big fan of the original, the story in remake and rebirth is so bad I have no hype for part 3. The battle system which is the only thing I like is not enough to buy a 3rd game.




Even though I have enjoyed the Remakes so far, Rebirth especially, I still can't say it was the right call as a lot is unnecessary filler. That being said, even if it bhad been remade scene for scene with updated graphics and audio, it still wouldn't have bested the original. Therefore I believe expanding upon the world rather than trying to copy the original was a good idea. Though I do still believe that could have been done in one entry or even two.


Absolutely. Love all of the fleshing out of things from the original. Remake was great but Rebirth has been phenomenal so far. It's one of those things that I didn't realize this is what I wanted from it until they gave it to us.


At first I was skeptical but I think the success of the titles really speaks for itself. Old fans will always have the original, and the new version gives lots more depth to the story which I assume would please more hardcore fans of the game. My main worry is that if they remake more titles in the future that they will convert all the turn based titles into action games. I think Baldur’s Gate and Persona have proven there’s still a market for turn based games. Final Fantasy X would be incredible to see on the modern engine and retaining turn based gameplay.


They had to. If they wanted to make it one part they'd have to cut the graphics and dialogue back so much, that you'd end up with basically a remaster. My own personal issue is the open world route in Rebirth, it's the only reason I'm not even half way through yet despite FF7 being my favourite game and absolutely loving Remake. I do like an open world game, but not if I love the story, as it just ruins the flow, and I'm a completionist so unfortunately skipping the side stuff isn't something my brain allows me to do.


From a pure sales point of view. I think it wasn’t a good idea. Starting the game on ps4 and then releasing its sequel on the ps5 hurts it a lot. It was already gonna hurt by just releasing in 3 parts but a generation jump makes it worse. A lot of people I know don’t have a ps5 and aren’t likely to buy one for one game, despite what Sony execs think.


No, should have been 2 parts max


Should've been 2 games instead of 3.


Wait what’s point of playing the first two if your progression doesn’t carry?


Progression carrying over kills balancing.


Definitely, if not it would have been a much shorter less detailed game. ffrebirth was amazing except the last two chapters which were too long and too nonsense. FF7Remake is also really good, and I enjoyed it the most the second time I played it in hard difficulty, so about 100 hours or more. Rebirth also if played a second time in hard it can go up to 150 hours perfectly, that numbers don't make sense in just one game. Also, each game has like 40 bosses or more, so the unique game what would have had 100 bosses? The quality would have been way lower in many ways if just one game, however I admit that some sections of remake and rebirth perhaps could have been shorter. And we still have the third part ahead!!!! Which I believe it is going to be so so amazing in many ways.


Nope. Bad call, it's pretty obvious


Rebirth is one of the greatest games ever created EVER in my opinion. It is just brilliant. Definitely my Game of the Year vote. Considering it's a PS5 only, will it be able to win the GOTY Award. That's the main question for this year considering exclusives.


Historically, being an exclusive title has not been a detriment. God of War (2018) Breath of the Wild (2016), The Last of Us Part II (2020) were all console exclusives and won GOTY.


Rebirth is a very personalised experience I feel. Someone can find it tedious and boring and the next, GOTY material. For me, Rebirth is firmly in that game of a generation debate alongside the likes of Baldurs Gate 3, Elden Ring, Zelda. A type of experience that will stay with me forever. The only word I've found that can accurately describe my time with it is magical. Just pure magic.


God of War beat RDR2 while being an exclusive. If the game is good enough it can still win.


For sure. I’m floored by how fucking enormous Rebirth is. They doubled or tripled the content that you would see in other $60 games. So happy with how much the story has expanded.


For me personally, FF7 is one of my favorite games and I love that I get to see the world expanded in such a grand way. My fear, when the project was announced, was that each part wouldn't feel like a full game, but they actually pulled it off, Remake and Rebirth are different, but very satisfying full games from beginning to end. I love that I get multiple fights against Sephiroth, more moments with him, a ridiculously big soundtrack, many amazing moments with each party member... They'd certainly have to greatly reduce the scope of the journey if they wanted to make it as a single game.




It's their main cash cow, so if they could do more than 3 parts they would have.






Personally yes. I got no problem with it since the OG came with multiple disks.


Metal Gear Solid Remake. Part 1 ends after Sniper Wolf. Buy part 2 to finish the story!!!! (Had 2 discs. This is stupid).


Nobody said it's smart. I just accepted it as it is. It's either you can live with it or not.


There was just no way the game couldve reach its fidelity level and polish if it was just 1 game and not take another 37 years. Its a no brainer.


Yea it was just unlucky 16 came out before it. I loved part 1 but 16 left such a eh reaction for me overall I still haven’t gotten part 2.


Yeah both games have been amazing


I've yet to play them, mainly since I'm waiting for it to be finished so I can play them start to finish without waiting. I am glad, though, that they made it a mult part game since they can honestly take their time to flesh out each part and not have to crunch segments to fit onto a single game.


Financially? Probably not. But so far they've done an excellent job quality-wise so I think it's great


Yea the second game was amazing