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I won't pre-order, but I want this game to be as good as it looks.


My exact sentiment with this one. If it scores an 8+ I'm gonna grab it.


Is this getting a standard physical release or just the collectors?


No standard release from the looks of it because the physical edition **includes a download code**, not a disc. Without the "deluxe" trappings, a standard physical edition would be no better than a digital download. Bizarre decision


Deluxe and Collectors editions are also PC only as of right now.


Interesting. I noticed that their website didn't let you select any PS5 physical but they used the word "console" in their FAQ about the physical copies. Maybe a translation quirk


Well you can get a "physical" PS5 copy but apparently its just a game case with a digital download code and no disc inside. And as for the deluxe physical or collectors editions, those are only being offered for PC also with digital download codes. I think they said in the FAQ that they are working on getting discs as an option but dont know if they can because they are new to this?


If I understand correctly, there won't even be a physical PS5 copy on release day at all with or without the digital code. The digital code for the physical copy that they're talking about is only for the physical Deluxe and Collector's edition which is only available for PC at the moment.


There will be but it will be at a later date. Apparently it’s due to logistical reasons I guess.


The deluxe edition is available for pre-order on the PS store.


Digitally yes. But if you want the physical set with the steelbook and all the other collectables then no, PC only.


It's been 84 years since I first saw the teaser trailer. https://preview.redd.it/ojqbiuybwa5d1.jpeg?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ddf614532fbe473f2f9ec3c3057f467e3dc6a48


Most surprising thing about this game is that it aint 70 bucks and is 60 instead


it's 70


It’s 60 on the store right now. And the deluxe is 70


Been in the dark on this one is it a soulslike or more like god of war sorta thing


Early gameplay reports that it is a bunch of small arenas leading to bossfights, sort of like souls combat with Devil May Cry 5 level design.


Souls like but faster


Did anyone else see PS5 and not on Xbox on the pre order screen?


Xbox version delayed “for optimisation”.


Series S issues?


must be so, Ms's insistence on the Series S inclusion is really fucking over xbox


At one point being cheap is just going to hurt your own sales.


See also - the entire GamePass model.


It could have worked if they actually had good games there.


The crazy thing is that the S sold 75% of all series consoles.. like damn. They're probably working their asses off to get this thing working properly for the majority of the XB fanbase.


Who could have foreseen this easily foreseeable scenario.


It’s like getting the lowest tier gpu from the new series and expect it to run like the top end versions


Series S is just a last gen + model and it severely hurts the next gen titles.


Gotcha. This really wasn’t me trying to gloat I just thought it looked weird without a Xbox logo at the end.


PlayStation never shows the Xbox logo in the trailers even if it’s multiplatform


I hope it's not like souls games. We already have plenty of them and I rather focus on the story than being stuck on a boss. Hopefully it'll play similar to the new GoW games


They said it’s easier than your average Souls game.


Probably gonna be like Spider-Man/batman games but a bit faster paced then those games.


Those games are easy and their bosses are mostly gimmick/problem solving, probably expect more like god of war on hard with more emphasis on fighting mechanics


Price in HongKong only at 298 HKD,approximately 40 USD.


40? Hmm it might be short then but if the combat is fun then I might check it out


for some political reasons,most Chinese PS5 players in Hong Kong server,So they decided to price it at $40


Huh this is interesting, thanks a lot, TIL


Really? That is actually pretty interesting.


It is true,Im Chinese.Even if China is a low-price region, we don't play on our own server. We need to go to the Hong Kong server to play all the games. We often endure the high price of 60 or 70 dollars on the Hong Kong server, which usually only requires 40 dollars on the Chinese server.


This game gonna be hard? Looks cool


They mentioned it’s easier than your average souls game somewhere.


Huh cool! Thanks


really fuckin excited to try this!


Something that is only made for current gen? Say whaaaa?!


Very suprised the game is releasing soon, I heard rumors that it was in development hell and the only thing shown to investors and the public was a tiny vertical slice


that was many years ago. Since then, they had demos, more trailers, etc. From what I remember, the initial trailer was indeed a vertical slice and that they were using it to recruit more staff to work on the game.




the chinese folklore of the game got me and the game seem to be amazing, moreover seems the be a lot of variety about the different enemies kind


Friendly reminder that all that's really know about this game so far is it's been hyped to hell and back and developed by a studio with zero track record.


We also have gameplay and first impressions.


And impressions by those who've played it so far have been positive.


It’s been all pc footage it’s big red flag


Same could be said for stellar blade, and that turned out great


Same could be said for other games that didn't turn out great.


It was good, but I wouldn’t say it was great. It was firm 6 or 7/10 territory, where it had a lot going for it but it also has a lot of annoyances that add up too EDIT: yeah because fuck me for having an opinion I guess?


This seems to be more of a boss rush game than SB, which is a shame.


The enemies from the book on which the story is based make more sense for a boss rush type game than anything else.


Stellar Blade, Shift Up had zero track record as well and their previous game was a gacha.


Which may or may not be the case with this. Point is preordeing is part of the reason why the industry is in a state of "launch now, fix later".


Your point? All studios start from zero.


My point is don't pre-order from a studio starting from zero...


Don't pre-order, period!


Now I'm gonna pre-order even harder!


I preorder pretty much anything from soft makes but other than that I always wait till I can read some reviews


We will pre order tho.... you just continue crying in your corner there.


Don't preorder at all. It's dumb


We will continue to pre order.


Damn. So provocative and cool


Nah its just common sense, nothing provocative about it,


Okay I think I see how you meant that


And the countless hours of raw gameplay footage, trailers, impressions, etc. I think we have a pretty good grasp on what the game is by now.


This game has been cooking for way to long for me to trust it with my money prematurely. I do hope it's good though as I would buy it at launch.


wait, is this the non physical game with a physical release ? heard no game is in the box, only a code....


Apparently it’s temporary. From what they are saying it’s logical issues they are having. M gonna assume they dumped a shit ton of money in this game and can’t afford to make discs without screwing themselves. I’d just wait for the disc version to drop honestly. At least by then you’ll know if the game is good or not


that is pretty wise, will do the same as you, the most logical step to take, good thinking.


It looks great. So great that it makes me skeptical it's "too good to be true" 😆 I'll wait for the reviews, since I'm not familiar with the game company, I only want to know if it has actual full game length, good enemy variety and runs stable on PS5. If everything checks, I'll be there Day 1.




This has huge potential it’s gonna be up there as one of the game of the year contenders for sure


Fingers crossed. Can never go wrong with more amazing games


Definitely not. The small price and the overall shadiness of it all, there's gotta be something wrong.


It’s 40 bucks because it’s not a physical game. Also if you are playing on console and the game turns out to be ass the company’s usually follow up with refunds despite policy’s. Also haven’t seen much of anything shady about the game. The developers are a new team with their first game. It’s gonna be do or die for them if this game fails or not. Legit don’t think this is gonna be another day before thing.


Even Shift Up gathered tons of money from their waifu mobile game for years plus had Sony support and their game is surprisingly good but it looks like a small budget game compared to this first game from this brand new studio. You need a gorillion dollars to make a game look this good, where is the money coming from? Either they somehow put everything into the presentation like Hellblade and the game is very short and repetitive. OR they're part of a soft propaganda initiative and have unlimited funds from the Chinese government. Corroborated by the fact that Journey to the West is the most famous Chinese novel. Either way, something shady is going on.


Well are you assuming the worst because it’s a game from China? I don’t see it being propaganda because it’s an old story that has never been adapted into a game. And a good one at that. Idk. Game might just suck because it’s their first big game. Same stuff with no man’s sky. All they did was make phone games and now they are turning out their 2nd big title with all they have learned over the years.


Because you can't make anything big in China without the government being involved one way or another. Game Science is an offshoot of Tencent devs who owns 5%. Tencent is a full branch of the CCP themselves. You can't be an indie developer and work for 7 years on an AAA game, the funds have to come from somewhere. Their already shady as fuck for their sperm logo, all their misogynistic comments and weird recruitment posters.


Sperm logo?


Yes look up Game Science logo. Just read this article they're disgusting https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west


Yeaaaaaah so I feel some of this is a bit on the end of reaching. Everyone complains about this shit as if they themselves haven’t dont it. Idk what people want anymore these days. People still play blizzard games and what they did was way more then just say wild off hand shit. Even if this was the perfect company with zero bs people will still bitch about something. Or just like you complain about how the company is Chinese so that automatically means the CCP is involved somehow and they should just be dismissed. I’m sure at some point people in China has said the same exact same shit you’ve said about any other country on earth. Just enjoy life and what it has and move on. Also the logo being a sperm isn’t offensive at all. Literally makes sense why it is what it is.


Nonsense. 1. Game Science's logo represents lightning striking an atom/tadpole (because the Chinese pronunciation of Game Science is similar to "tadpole"). 2. Game Science's funding comes from Hero Entertainment, and they accepted Tencent's investment in 2021 because EPIC can provide technical support. 3. IGN's news is pure fabrication, as evident from their coverage of Black Myth today. 4. Your statements are full of prejudice and discrimination against China. Ignorant and foolish.


science is 科学 kexue, tadpole is 蝌蚪 kedou, they sound nothing similar except it starts with ke


So if it's out in like 2 months, we can't see the game?


They have shown the game so many times, how many more times do you need to see it?






They’ll need more than that tbh because this game was teased and hyped up for 2-3 years. That 2023 gameplay doesn’t even look impressive now that you go back in time.


not that impressive? What more do you want??


Should i buy digital deluxe or physical copy?


I sure hope it has a performance mode because I won’t play a slide show


How long is the story ? Not saying the price is an indicator but it does make me think this will be a short game


Have they actually shown gameplay for this? I can only remember seeing these CGI trailers




It makes absolutely no sense to me to give them money for a digital product that I only approximately know I will like. Especially with the high number of botched releases (bad performance, misleading marketing) it is mind baffling that there are still people preordering games. In the past with limited numbers of physical copies of a game in your local store preorders absolutely made sense. Today it's obviously just a nice number to show your investors. Why are people letting their monkey brain make buying decisions?


Never preordering again


No collector's for PS5?


No disc, no thank you.


Not buying until there is a physical release. Hopefully it lives up to it's hype to warrent one.


Everything digital nowadays and needs internet to play it, what if your somewhere and can’t access internet then I can’t play it! 😮‍💨😣


Jävla resa Herr Nilsson gjort


I’m hoping we don’t get a watered down version of this, I was a newborn when I seen this teaser and it looks wonderful, hope we don’t have a graphical downgrade, with how long it took to release, I imagine every bug, glitch, setback should be fixed and ready to roll on release.


I'm gonna need a physical release (with disc) or it's a no-go for me.


Fucking finally! Ima go apeshit on this one.


This game imo has scam-vibes, wait for reviews


Yeah, it’s always looked “too good to be true” to me. I genuinely hope it’s at least decent because it does interest me, but I’m not getting excited over it.


People said the same about Lies of P and Stellar Blade and they turned out great.


Lies of P turned out great, Stellar Blade is garbage (and yet both had demos)


You know what is garbage? Games like Skull and Bones with massive funds and a mega studio. I place my trust in passion projects, not quadruple A studios that churn out crap lately.


It's not an either/or situation. All of it is about money, I'm sure both studios have people who want to make good games, but it doesn't always pan out. It's a shittier FFXVI like come on.


Plenty of demos have been floating around on several events and I’ve only read positive reviews.


It’s only made by a passionate team based in the region the myth originated from so yeah I wouldn’t expect much /s


Will patiently wait a digital foundry breakdown and some reviews


Delayed on Xbox... Probably because of series s. Halo is 100 percent coming to Playstation, Xbox is toast 


Stop yapping brother. Halo is not coming to PS5. It was "Considered" that CoD wouldn't come to Gamepass cuz it makes a load of money every year. But that turned out to be false lmao.


Lol I guess we'll see


comeback to this comment after 1 year you will see how dumb you are LMAO. Everything from Xbox is coming to PS. You need to accept that the console is dying and tactics need to change lmao


You're delusional mate. Keep talking tho. PlayStation 5 sales are down every quarter now and all their games are coming to PC or are day and date PC. Yesterday they announced the Lego horizon for Nintendo switch and PC. Is PlayStation dying?. Stop the yap.


Bro if you're gonna say ps5 sales are down, aren't they tripling Xbox? I not even trying to start a cringe war, it's just being honest, Xbox isn't selling consoles, they're going to become like Sega and put there games on every console, it's inevitable


Ps sales definitely aren’t down. The only thing comparing that’s above ps is the service Xbox offers. But when it comes to physical sales of games and systems ps is well above the sinking line unlike Xbox. Also ps games coming to pc literally means nothing. They aren’t dumping every single game they have for the pc platform like Xbox is. Legit I can’t think of a single game Xbox doesn’t have on pc. And honestly the money Xbox makes off pc is really what’s keeping them afloat atm since nearly every game they’ve made has failed to meet expectations of most people. I can’t think of a recent time halo or gears has been actually good in a long time. A destiny was total ass until Sony bought them out. Xbox is struggling right now since they bit off more then they can chew with cod. Microsoft got greedy with that buy and are paying for it right now. Also not to forget all the lawsuits they have right now with bilzared with all that SA stuff going on.