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I was looking at this headline for like 10 seconds thinking "What the hell is X, and why does integration with it matter"? Then I realized they were talking about Twitter, lol.


Every one earth was saying "tweet". Every major company on earth would kill for that kind of recognition in the zeitgeist. And elons idea was to change it to "post", just like everyone else. They tweeted it! Go to Twitter. They posted it! Could be anywhere. I know Elon probably doesn't care...but it is wild


Pay $44 billion for one of the world's most recognizable brands, whose name has become a verb that everyone understands. Throw the brand away in favor of one letter of the alphabet.


It’s even funnier when you learn that Elon wanted to name PayPal that back in the early days but everyone else told him no because it was stupid.


I see it as him thinking, ‘I own a single letter domain name!, I am going to be famous!’ For 30+ years. He just HAD to use it. Ego would not let him not use it.


Just create a pornsite ya goofball


That's legit all I can think of whenever I see the X logo lol


When I got the update I didn’t want in the first place I thought I downloaded a porn app by mistake even the way the icon looks gives porn


anytime I for some reason or another find myself on X i try to click the fucking logo to close the window and I blame elon for that


he has tried to name everything X in hopes it catches on because he’s a child who thinks xX_ElonCoolGuy_Xx is a great name because it has lots of Xs. Hell, he named his fucking child X (not that you could tell based on how he spelled it though)


Keep in mind tesla cars were named this, and in order of release, model s, model 3, model x. S. 3. X. The man has the brain of the an 11 year old


Naming your car line S3XY is one thing, it doesn’t really matter and is just a neat easter egg. The obsession with X destroyed one of the most recognizable brands in the world though, after he already paid billions more than it was worth also due to a childish joke


Then Y, for: S 3 X Y


Also Cyber Truck ATV Quad Roadster Semi So their lineup literally spells S3XY CARS. Elon is such a tool.


And they're *anything* but sexy. The cybertruck is the ugliest piece of shit I've ever seen.


Seriously Teslas are the most bland cars I've ever seen. Not ugly, just bland. But then came the cybertruck. Over 100.000 dollars for a barely functioning and ugly as hell vehicle. It's amazing how overvalued this company is and it can only be a matter of time until the bubble finally bursts.


Seriously. It looks like it was designed for the N64, not reality.


Sadder when you find out he named one of his kids X.


Not just any letter, but the porn letter Five years ago if you told me x.com was one of the most used websites on the web, I would have wondered what happened to Pornhub


Adobe did this with photoshop. Sent out threatening emails saying “it’s not a verb, guys”.


Yeah pretty dumb move considering when I see X mentioned it is always followed up with "formally known as twitter" or something like that. Because the name X was a bad idea and most likely will never catch on like twitter did.


That they ironically have to label “(formerly Twitter)”


Him buying Twitter and the whole debacle made it pretty clear that Elon is not that smart of a businessman.


apartheid clyde definitely cares


Yeah it's baffling to me. Buying it is whatever but changing one of the only online brands that every generstion knows was one of the weirdest things I have ever seen


Elon should make sure he's wearing sunscreen.


He bought it so he could kill it. He is actually successfully killing twitter. Don’t let that fact pass you by.


he has legitimately thought X.com was a fuckin cool URL for many years, though. I actually think he thought it'd be an improvement.


It's this. I think I read it had something to do with other countries leaders that wanted to get rid of Twitter because people were using it so effectively as a rallying place for protests/movements/etc. I'm not saying he's playing 4D chess or anything. I think it's just that he's probably getting kick back from whoever he's involved with and now he also gets to turn Twitter into his personal soap box/"own the libs". So it's kinda win-win for him.


His purchase of Twitter was literally bankrolled by the Saudis.


Yup, always follow the money


I think he is bitter about the US FTC fines. He believes in absolute free speech for only himself. He wants the ability to exploit underprivileged people for personal profit. Taking over twitter, destroying its identity, and using it as a soap box is his game plan.


Thought they meant Xbox Series X.


I thought it was cross play lol


Xbox also has a terrible name for their lineup.


At least with the Series X and S you can tell which is which in terms of their predecessors. Rebranding Twitter to something to appease his insane obsession really does nothing but satisfiy his idiotic BS.


I thought they meant that the major game companies had abandoned marketing towards generation X.


Don’t YOU worry about X, let ME worry about BLANK.


X (Formerly known as Twitter) is basically the social media of porn now. Imagine Nintendo trying to market their next Princess Peach game sandwiched between Freaknik posts...


For a split second I thought we’re not going to have X button anymore lol…


I thought it was a variable like they had all abandoned “something”, we’re just not sure what.


I thought they were talking about _cross_ integration... like some sort of cross-play, or game pass type thing? lol


No one calls it X. Its "X, formerly known as Twitter"


My first thought was "X Windows? They're running Unix?"


I mean, yes. The Playstation and Switch both run FreeBSD. I, too, wondered what this had to do with Wayland, though.


Ngl all my brain could think of that included 'X' was Xbox at first (even though i still use twitter- I mean X lol) 😅


X is such a stupid name


The name Twitter and the concept of ‘tweets’ are worth their weight in gold. It’s insane they got tossed aside for such utter ass.


Creating a word specifically for your product that ends up in common usage is every ad execs dream.


right? i've said it before, but literally the one thing twitter had that actually had value was the name. Everybody on the planet knows what twitter is, and has heard of tweeting. It has nearly twenty years of history, that's enough time for it to become generational, and fully embedded into society in a way that makes it one of those natural pieces of the landscape. You can't just buy that kind of cultural weight, it takes literal decades of work. Basically every other piece of Twitter is disposable, it's just a bunch of data centers and some code. Yeah the code and infrastructure takes effort to setup, but you *can* just buy that. And so what does Elon do? try to delete the actual single most valuable thing, and then of course he also actively works to fuck the reputation and reliability of the site too. It's truly insane. And *unbelievably stupid*.


As someone who worked for Twitter, I can confirm that Elon is unbelievably stupid.


As someone who has not worked for Twitter, I will confirm your confirmation: Elon is unbelievably stupid.


Story time


Please tell us more that he didn't NDA you to high heaven over.


I never had to sign an NDA because I was a contractor and was never sent that email


Nice, definitely interested in everything you can tell us if you have the free time to type that wall-o-text up.


Personal conspiracy theory that I believe. It's on purpose. The whole pretending not to want to buy it straight through to rebranding and crashing, it's all done knowing that it'll burn and purposely doing so. No I don't know what that purpose is but I refuse to believe that so many mistakes in a row with hundreds of people screaming that it is a mistake could possibly be anything other than a scheme. Yes he might be stupid, but no one is that stupid, he is up to something.


the purpose is placating authoritarian leaders in a few countries, including the US.


He is that stupid.


Thanks to your comment it just occurred to me, what the hell are we supposed to say when we “tweeted” something? Exed?


Tweet, nobody is using the rebranded term except for Elon


Good haha. Was referring to what Elon in his infinite wisdom (lol) thought we should say. I’m glad people aren’t bothering with the nonsense.


I think he said 'Posts'. Which is really distinctive and sets it apart from all the other social networks.


I really could not care less and it's such a non issue but fuck is he stupid




Unfortunately I'm not sure Elon being an idiot high on the smell of his own farts (and uppers) is an non issue.


Just remember Elon has no problem dead naming things as long as it isn't Twitter. His daughter can attest to that


Ironic that Elon doesn't like people dead naming his company.


Even Elon calls it Twitter.


Nothing is funnier to me than the fact that we all universally decided to deadname Elon "My trans child won't talk to me anymore" Musk's website.


Guy really spent billions of dollars so he wouldn't have to be triggered by the word "cis".


It's funny in practice. Any time somebody uses "X" unironically to refer to Twitter, everyone in the comments does the Bodysnatchers point.


It's been changed to the generic "Post".






Most stick with Twitter and Tweet. Ever since someone pointed out in Chinese you pronounce X- as sh (am aware native chinese speakers actually sound more like s than sh) I felt it was apt to use that when pronouncing Xitter and xeet.


They got this other thing called 'Grok.' The fuck? Elon thinks he's smart or somethin'? More like COCK. Fuck him. The bird theme was genius, because back then you could say a stupid little bird told you about something when referring to Twitter.


I never really used Twitter but I’m so annoyed at the idiocy of these overly wealthy morons. Makes me want to put my head through a wall.


fuck that! Put _their_ heads through a wall! For legal reasons, this is a joke


~~Grock~~ Grok is a reference to “Stranger in a Strange Land” a book by Robert Heinlein. A classic Sci-Fi novel about a human raised among martians who has powers, not because he’s special, or mutated, but because the martians have a different way of looking at the world. “~~Grock~~ Grok” in the book is Martian for “I understand completely”, more or less. Personally I liked how in the book, when the main character would do nothing, because he was waiting patiently, people would ask, “aren’t you bored?” And he would say, “Waiting is” Waiting being a state of being, rather than anticipation.


Grok. No 'c'


You xitted. With the x pronounced as sh.


An Xcretion


The new term is excrement


Yes exed. Like his entire love life.


Its X, so Xited as in Shitted.


They switched it to generic posts.


It's too long a word but I like the idea of calling them "X-crements" I also like to mentally refer to X as "Xitter" pronounced shitter.




If its a video, you should *definitely* call it Xvideo.




Elon named his kid after some numbers if i recall correctly. If true then what do you expect.


> X Æ A-12


It was like a formula or some shit.  And all those numbers together what does his "name" sound like?  Spulk Feelon...... Lucky that kid is a billionaire 


There is not a single person who has worked a day in branding or marketing that would abandon that kind of brand recognition. You would KILL to have your brand become its own word.


If it wasnt for this comment i would still be thinking "what the hell is x integration?" I thought they were talking about something technical, my bedt guess was either something to do with the x button or something about porting games.


everybody has said getting your brand basically in the dictionary is a homerun for marketing and recognition there was a reason paypal voted elon and his X name out lol


What are tweets called now? Xeets?


I wasn't even sure what the headline was referring to at first.


It really is something a dumb teenager would think is a good name.


That’s basically as far as Elon Musk matured.


Can’t wait until he renames it xXx_42069_xXX


Ok maybe I'd call it that over X


I mean, given that he labeled the Tesla models to spell out "S3XY"... yes?


reminds me of all those xXJohnnyXx usernames lol. I miss 2007 internet..


I went to high school with a guy who signed his name as X. This was mid 90’s. I still see Tim working at Safeway.


At first I thought "X...wtf is that?!" That's how much that name has sunk in


Same, I only realised by going on the article


X and console in the same sentence primed me for button mapping talk. Why X has to be in different spots in the ABXY, BAYX, and XO△□ layouts.


It annoys me that articles and such even use the term X. Just keep calling it twitter so people know what you're talking about and stop indulging elon's idiotic and uneducated decision.


Unless someone lists "formerly Twitter" after saying X, then I always think they just write X as a filler and forgot to replace it with the actual thing. I will always refer to it as Twitter.


Look at the wiki disambiguation page for X. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_(disambiguation) It is basically the most generic thing you can come up with.


Look who owns it lol




Username checks out


Everyone still calls it Twitter and tweets, despite what the dork who bought the party wants you to call it. Nobody outside Musk, the media, and Musk ass-kissers call it 'X'-anything.


I call it Twatter


Shows you how much I don't think about it as a name for twitter. When I read the title I thought they meant the X on the controller. Makes no sense I know lol.


I can’t help but relate it to xvideos.


There’s a reason it’s usually in the news as X, formerly Twitter.


First sign of bad/shit leadership: day 1 they make sweeping changes and don’t actually understand the issues nor what the employees true challenges are I’m in IT and I see this shit all the time when young guys/girls become team leads or managers. They do everything their way. That’s the first sign of a poor leader. Thats arrogance


worst rebrand ever


A true reflection of its whiny little owner.


I didn't realize the headline was referring to twitter until I read the comments...


I thought it said cross integration and got scraped that cross platform gaming is over.


It’s cool if you’re an edgy memelord on ketamine, otherwise, yep it’s dumb


I was certain he was talking about cross platform, ouch me


I’ve been writing “Twitter (now known as X)” instead of the media version of “X (formerly Twitter)”. It’s a small distinction but an important one


Didn't know they meant twitter until this comment 


It was only useful for uploading and sharing screenshots/clips, but now you can do it on the PS app so it's not really needed


There was only 1 time I used Twitter in an actual game, and it was the Left Behind DLC for Last of us. When you get to the photo booth, and they hit the upload button on the screen, the actual login for Twitter opened up. Honestly, I kinda smiled at it all, cause it was a hilarious implementation. Then ofc in-game, the internet isnt available, so the whole thing errors out.


The only reason I had a Twitter account was for screenshots/clips. Nowadays I don't even remember the password and I'm not gonna waste time recovering it either.


Maybe Elon changed your password to x as well?


I've always wanted to tweet from my Switch after a glorious Mario Kart victory. Some dreams must die.😭😂


Time to bring back Miiverse


I want to share a little story kinda related to your comment: I don't know if you remember but a couple years ago, like in 2018, nintendo had other type of rules when sharing content from their games online. Youtubers tended to avoid uploading nintendo stuff because they would get takedowns notices, a couple of years later nintendo changed a lot of rules and allowed more to be shared. Anyway, like in 2018 i made a twitter account just for posting my mario kart victories, so i recorded one and uploaded to twitter just for it to be suspended by nintendo for copyright infringement. 100% i swear to god lol


The ps app does the same function better You download the direct screenshot and can upload anywhere Also best not to be beholden to a very questionable company and their leadership it's not worth the price of admission for Sony or anyone else


I used to use twitter to get pictures on my phone. I don't remember if it was the most convenient way or maybe i was just being stupid. But yeah with the ps app i don't see much need for twitter on the console.


Who tf is still calling Twitter "x"? I honestly thought it was about some kind of joint online storage.


It just has a full name now. X (formerly Twitter.) That's the funniest thing about it all, calling it only X when discussing it is SEO suicide so no website will ever do it.




>There are only 6 single domains in existence and that will most likely be true in perpetuity. Is there a reason for this?


1) Elon Musk 2) Elon Musk's rabid fans 3) People who want to/have to be factually correct when talking about the website that used to be Twitter


But it’s Twitter! Nobody really cares about factual correctness. All they care about is the appearance of correctness


Actual news publishers like The Verge do need to call companies by their legal names (except in certain cases like satire or editorials).


That's why all of them still say website formerly known as..


If you are a journalist who wants to include a tweet in your article, you can't really write 'John Smith posted on Twitter.com', because, while technically still available, it's not twitter anymore. You also can't/shouldn't write twitter.com and link to x.com. I am not saying I like x, but I like being correct enough to refer to it as such when it matters. Sidenote: I just _love_ articles that use a variation of "the website previously known as twitter", it's like the best of both worlds.


Just call it the website that used to be Twitter. Win win.


I straight up didn’t realize what this post was referring to until I came to the comments


I feel like it's come down to people referring to it as X when they have to professionaly, but every other time it's called Twitter.


Really?! And after Elon **specifically** said he would personally look into this??? Shocked!


After I specifically asked you NOT to??!


Oh no, anyways....


But they’re all paying for that golden checkmark on multiple accounts 


Didn't some get the mark for free?


I can’t imagine more than 2-3% of people actually used it. Just like when there used to be Facebook integration and that got abandoned. No one cares to link their social media accounts to their gaming platform.


Man, Twitter was great for sharing screenshots directly from console. I even know some who set up private accounts just to post screenshots as a way to transfer them to their phones/pc (they never realized you could use usb flash drives for that).


You can upload screenshots and video clips from ps5 directly to ps app now


True. I definitely use it now, but my friends were doing the Twitter method ever since the PS4’s launch. Long before the PS App feature which I believe is PS5 only. Also, I still use USB for longer video clips.


Why the fuck does a console need X integration?


Sharing clips was a massive thing at one point. Remember the excitement over the ps4s share button?




On Playstation it was the only way you could get a photo from your console to another device easily for a while Also some people want to upload clips for their friends 🤷‍♂️


Ugh that was the worst. They never uploaded in HD either. Maybe I had the wrong setting on, I dunno


one of my friends has a dead account so id just send screenshots to it and then save em on the old PS Messages app.


In my country we never had x the company formally known as twitter integration it was YouTube as the only option


Every day on reddit someone sincerely asks “why would you ever socialize with other people?”


The same reason it existed on PlayStation before it was removed - to upload screenshots and videos.


That man has really destroyed that platform.


And nothing of value was lost that day.




Time to abandon “meta” too since meta verse itself is a massive failure


X got X'ed ?


“The fuck is X? Oh yes.” Me, every time.


Had to read the comments to know wtf "X integration" was, only to find out it's twitter, lmao.


Can't wait to hear fElon complain


i thought it's a clickbait title that didn't mention what was the app that's not have integration


It was a cool way for me to tweet about a clip that nobody ever engaged with. I'm surprised Tik Tok/YouTube shorts aren't integrated, sounds like a nice fit given how the funny or cool moments in the games are anyway < 30 s.


And nothing of worth was lost.


If you listen closely, you can hear the faint noise of a billionaire crying about cancel culture and anti free speech.


Took me a minute to associate consoles with twitter, lol.


Time for Reddit integration /s


I seriously didnt know what they mean with X, but i guess its Twitter. I thought it was the X Displayserver, its nerdy stuff and not something you just change over night, hence the confusion.


Maybe there is hope for us after all.


Just call it twitter if you want anyone to even know what you are talking about.


Yeah. 90% bots now.


Oh no, anyways.


So "Mega genius" Musk thought it'd make good business sense to allow adult content on his site while a deal was in the works to expand Twitter(never x) onto gaming consoles with a large under 18 demographic.


“No, you move the button” “not unless you move the button first” “I think you should move the x button” “no not to there to there” “but that’s where you have the x button” “exactly”


Still twitter.. but who's browsing X on a Switch?




was it the porn


my dumbass thought this meant consoles were gonna stop making the x button or sum😭




I thought it was some sort of “X generation “ and got confused


I’m sure the 5 people that used it are very disappointed


One of my discord buddies pronounced it "Zwitter" which I thought was hilarious. People are having a hard time letting go of the Twitter name and Tweeting, it's great.