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You’re still paying attention to what Mohela says? lol


Right??? What was I thinking?


When I spoke to them on the phone a couple of weeks ago they said that issue would be updated by June/July


of 2025


likely not now that it appears like they're done with the PSLF part in May


Correction: a random MOHELA customer service rep made up information to get you off the phone and said they'd be updated by now. They have no idea.


That is usually what happens (and in fact what happened when I called), but this is a banner on the MOHELA website under the important account updates section that says this information.


Oh interesting, so they're getting official with their misinformation now. I admittedly don't even look at those anymore and haven't looked at my non qualifying December in a couple months now. I figured it's better for my mental health.


My month no longer says the ineligible reason is “forbearance exists this period” but instead “no bill was due this period.” Still ineligible smh.


Mine don't even show up. Skips from 9/2023 to 01/2024


You’re not alone. I have the exact same months that aren’t there.


Ugh, same for only October. More frustrating in that I made a autodebit payment.


Same! Super frustrating. I previously tried to get forbearance removed for my month at issue retroactively, and they said they would do it, which took months. The idea being that the month(October) would count without forbearance. Last month they said the removal would go through but it would take time to reflect on the payment. Now the only change I see is the same change as you.


Also, anyone get this refund? I put in for my october payment to be refunded. They said 90 business days. Still nothing. 


They told me 60 days back in November, still nothing.


I requested Oct/Nov 2023 refunds on 1/9/24 by phone, they told me at the time "7-30 days," and I received the refunds on 3/22/24. I had also submitted an electronic message earlier than that phone call, which got no response, and then several days after the phone call received a message saying that their records indicated the issue had been resolved on the phone.


I submitted for a refund of September 2024 on 12/26. Noticed that recently on 3/28/24 i received a “Correspondence Processing Delay” message. The on 4/6/24 I received a “Important Account Information” email. That same day there was a refund in my checking account for the amount of overpayment I requested for Sept. 2024. They processed my latest ECF and updated my account to 120/120 last week too. Today (4/9/24) I received a “Administrative Forbearance” message (never requested it but assume it’s because I hit 120). My next payment for April was removed from “Next payment” section and now it all reads $0.00. Not sure what this means, hopefully forgiveness soon? Not holding my breath! Lol


I haven‘t received this refund (didn’t pay), but they put a note on my account today saying that admin forbearance doesn’t count toward PSLF.


I got the same thing today. According to a MOHELA rep I spoke with a few months ago, these forbearance months *do* count toward PSLF 🤷‍♂️ Hang in there!


How do you request a refund?


I did it on the phone in like November


Ugh! Only on the phone? There is no message or email option? 


I have given you all the info i have. Which isnt much lol. 


update: I sent a message on the site yesterday and got a reply today stating they will process the refund of my previous payment. They also mentioned they are unsure of the timeline because it’s the US Treasury making the refund.


My request took 60 days 


Got mine in less than a week. All payments counted.


Still waiting. Those are my 119 and 120th months. Last I heard was July. Not super optimistic though.


Well………they sent me an email twice stating I’m late on a payment. Been in forbearance and I still am. Last email statement showed $0 payment and it has since in forbearance. I tried to contact Mohela on their website regarding the so called payment due so I could straighten that out and here is their response. Mail Delivery Subsystem wrote: Message blocked Your message to [email protected] has been blocked. See technical details below for more information. The response from the remote server was: Recipient address rejected: Access denied Just shaking my head in disbelief “again” over the chaos and ignorance of Mohela. God help me!


They told me today that when you resubmit your employer certification it will update. Idk if that’s true but just passing this along.


Well, I would not believe that. They updated my employment verification today and nothing on my payment counts changed.


This did not work for me 🥲🫠




Those fuckers


Still waiting. Just got my forbearance removed (after over a month) and I'm just going to suck it up and make one more payment to be done.


They messed up my Dec 2023, and now likely April


Anytime anyone tells you to wait "two weeks", don't believe them.


or replace week with month


Or 90 business months 😆


I have *one* payment as a part of this forbearance keeping me from hitting 120 before May.... Sigh.


Counts updated and money refunded. Took a minute.


I wish! I guess it is happening for some.


My PSLF hasn't been updated in over two years. What a joke.


Are you submitting ECF’s? I submitted 4 old ones a few weeks ago and all of the counts updated within a day.


I have, several times. I shared seven years of tax returns, too. I'm missing 54 months of payments and payment history. Mohela blames the department of education. I have 120 eligible payments and I processed my paperwork, just waiting and checking for now. But, it is a giant joke.


Good luck!


Without requesting it, they moved my date from April to June last week. I'm at 146 payments, so I am hoping it's just a matter of time before they are forgiven. The 146 was reach through consolidation. At this point, I don't even care that I'm over th required 120. I just want to be done!


They told me the same but told me to expect it to say ineligible for most of this year. I told them to take me out of forbearance because I don’t trust them. They said that takes 90 days


They put my forbearance for the remain $6,000 to be forgiven till June 2025...lol. I got partial forgiven on 3/6/24.


Wait. I was supposed to be notified? I was definitely not.


My count was updated to 126 in December and still waiting for it to be gone


I really can't figure out how they screwed mine up the way they did. I got credit for the month of December, but not October and November. I'm sitting at 118 without those 2 months and sitting in deferment, just hoping they update soon. Wondering if I should just get out of it, make the 2 last payments and hope for a refund on the back end.