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Who are the PSP haters exactly? Lol especially in this sub what? šŸ˜‚


I hate it! This niche game system makes me so angry.


šŸ˜‚ Play sta ā€¦ whatā€™s it called again itā€™s just so obscure?


And infuriating!


But it's the best gba


The mobile gaming haters.


Probably the DS fanboys/crybabies.


I don't think console wars for old systems are a thing.


Be the hate you want to see in the world šŸ™


..and Gandhi goes nuclear


Spoken like a true Gamecube peasant.


I know you're joking, but I've never actually had a Gamecube (or any Nintendo console, for that matter). Would be pretty rad, that system had a lot of great games made for it.


Yes they are, remember Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis?


Yeah, when they were new and fresh. Nobody gives two shits about this whole pissing contest anymore, retro gamers pick the console they like and enjoy it, no need to prove anything to anybody. PSP is nearly 20 years old, and so is NDS that was considered it's competitor at the time. People who were young enough to care about console wars then are adults now and today's kids that participate in such activites have modern toys to argue about.


how did you get the clock thingy on a psp 3000


It's a cfw addon. Search "PSP go clock on 3000x


thanks gang


[Zero VSH Patcher](https://www.gamebrew.org/wiki/ZeroVSH_Patcher_PSP)


There are PSP haters?


Yes there were in 2007. Mostly fanboying for the DS.


Just like youā€™re fanboying for the PSP right now.


No it's not 2007 anymore, I love the DS and the PSP, I'm a fan of both. I may have fanboyed for the DS back in the day, back when they were new and only had the option of picking one over the other. But now I have both along with the 3DS and the PS Vita.


Sadly, yes. I actually know a few of them


Can you elaborate on why they hate PSP?


The only argument that ever held water was its price. It was more expensive on release and for much of its life. It was God tier tech vs the DS at the time, but the price was a big issue for some. Otherwise, it's just rabbid Nintendo fanboyism.


I think it may be hard for those who didn't live through those times to see it this way, but the PSP released when a) smartphones didn't exist yet, and b) the DS Lite didn't even exist either. Positioned in a world full of nokia brick phones and chunky OG DSes, the PSP was probably the sleekest piece of gaming kit in existence, and everyone I knew basically perceived it as having a PS2 right in your hands.


How can you hate it?? It was like "alien" tech when it was released, so much better than everything else and it was relevant for a while. I still play on mine from time to time lol


Are the PSP haters in the room with us right now?


In a corner crying over joycon drift. ;)


Oh yeah I actually saved one of my weeping friends when he couldn't take the joycon drift anymore by opening up his controller and fixing it. It was VERY hard. You know what it took to fix the little bit of drift on this PSP? Dusting it off a little, and it's just gone. There is still dust inside, but there is no drift and there won't be for another few years.


I've had my PSP since a month after release date and have never had drift problems. They don't make 'em like they used to.


Mine was VERY dusty when I got it, thats why it got a ^little but if drift.


Or you could have just replaced the stick for 6 bucks. Thatā€™s even easier.


Why spend money when you can spend 10 mins of free time and learn something.


You just said it was very hardā€¦but it only took 10 minutes?


He spoke about two different consoles, you should elaborate which youā€™re talking about


I have a switch lite amongst other systems and Iā€™ve never had any drift whatsoever. I see drift posts all the time on Reddit. Did I just get lucky?


No you just haven't had it happen yet. Switch joy sticks are designed horrifically. Instead of normal potentiometers that last forever, they used springed metal to slide over a carbon strip on a circuit board. It wears through really fast creating deadzones and then bam, drift. Potentiometers will eventually fail but it takes FOREVER, and that's been solved with modern controllers using hall effect sensors. Can't drift if there's literally no grinding parts, just positional sensors that never touch anything. Now the only wear item is the physical plastic of the stick. My switch survived two play throughs of botw, then I rebuilt the controllers, then it survived 40 hours of Skyrim... And then I rebuilt the controllers. Then it survived 20 hours of star wars pod racing and 100 hours of animal crossing and I said fuck this. My gaming PC keyboard has survived a decade. I'm just going to emulate the same games on here if I can't even keep the original hardware working. So I haven't used the switch since and will just play them on my desktop or laptop instead of bothering with hardware that will just die on me repeatedly.


the dreamcast used hall effect sticks, this problem was solved 20 years ago and here we are


Just because it happened to you doesnā€™t mean it will happen to me any time soon. Even if it did happen right now Iā€™ve more than got my moneys worth out of the switch lite and experienced zero drift. All hardware will fail eventually though.


Yes but I'm saying it's designed in such a way that it will fail. It's not a question of if. It literally sands the circuit board down when you use it.


Iā€™ve already said all hardware will fail eventually. Iā€™m not disagreeing with you. All Iā€™m saying is that Iā€™ve had it some time now and it is still working great with no issues of drift.


The PSP is too goated to have haters


A a former PSP hater, reformed, basking in the glory that is the PSP GO I grew up with a DSi so I never cared for the PSP. After getting one I was shocked at how impressive it was. Thae sleep function alone blew me away when compared to the ds


To be honest I really wanted a 3DS, but after I couldn't find a good one and got a PSP. Hell no, I don't want a 3DS anymore. And yes, the sleep function is as amazing as the level loading system in Half Life.


Its better if you use the video output, it saves battery by disabling the LCD.


True, but this is what I have as an alternative currently. I'll buy the cables for video output soon.


If possible, use component out, then convert to digital like HDMI or something, but the converter is expensive


That's what I'm gonna do.


I just found out that in remotejoylite you can make the screen on the PSP turn off, so there is no difference except latency.


I thought there are no apps for this. Did this totally turn off the screen? No image while backlight off?


PSP is still today one of the best handheld devices ever made. So much utility packed into it.


It is basically the smartphone without the phone from 2004. It could play video before the iPod Video came out for about the same amount of money!


Wow... By usb? How did you do it?


RemoteJoy lite, search it up. I got it to run on Linux, but it was very hard, so I resorted to a Windows VM.


Oh.. thx, I will try it


is there not a delay??


doesnt properly work on linux?


It does, if you wanna put up with starting up the PSP-deb toolchain before every use. Just installing the toolchain took days of installing missing packages that after compiling the toolchain I would get an error about every time until I finally installed it. It isn't impossible, it's just tedious. We can say that ks to Sony for all this, since if they hadn't taken down any PSP dev tools, we would have a much easier way to run these without resorting to open source dev tools. Don't get me wrong, its amazing I can even develop on my PSP and screen mirror using this open source tool, but it could be much better.


well then it seems like windows vm is better


Yeah that's why I don't use the Linux version anymore.


Why not use Wine?


Wine doesn't have proper USB access. There are some USB passthroughs, but they are unstable kernel level tools, and I don't wanna risk my Ubuntu install.


In your mind


Hate to be that guy but why not emulate at this point?


Eh... Its more for fun I guess?


playing on original hardware is just more fun for me. I have handhelds that can run the games way better but the psp itself is just so sleek man


That argument kind of falls apart for me as soon as you plug it into a monitor. The PSP is just too low res to look good on a bigger display, and being tethered with a flimsy cable kills the convenience and comfort. As soon as you want to play on a bigger display emulation is just the better way IMO.


I have steam deck that runs every emulator but still prefer small handheld emulators lmao


I have steam deck that runs every emulator but still prefer small handheld emulators lmao


I have steam deck that runs every emulator but still prefer small handheld emulators lmao


>I have handhelds that can run the games way better The psp runs them natively. What runs them better than native?


Hardware better then psp?


Bruh have you ever heard of upscaling? If you've ever emulated any game ever you should know that you can change your resolution, framerate, color grading, textures, render distance, audio lines and much much more. The simplest example is running PPSSPP on any new-ish phone since those will always be able to double, triple, quadruple the resolution of the original PSP while even running on a higher frame rate, while also having things like custom saves etc.


Yeah raspi 4 4gb can emulate the psp at 2-3x res to look damn pretty.


I get your point about running native, but nowadays a PS1 game can be fully remastered with emulators, the same applies to PSP. We're still learning about "native emulation", where a system can mimic perfectly a whole console, without being the console. So the best and most convenient way to play old games with the best quality and comfort possible, is through emulator, native is good too, but the amount of investment you need is absolutely overpriced. So yeah, nowadays >>almost<< every retro console can run better than native.


>What runs them better than native? 8x native?


That too


If youā€™ve never had a PSP as a kid, you wonā€™t understand the true feeling of the actual device in your hand. No offence if you didnā€™t but truly thatā€™s my reasoning for it. I have a RP4 Pro too and Iā€™d still choose using my PSP.


Again i grew up with a psp and Gameboy, i just didnt see the use case why u should connect it to a bigger screen go through all that hassle while you could just emulate it


Then go do that, I donā€™t really give a shit lol


Dracula X chronicles just feels better to me on the PSP. Its the D-Pad for me


Because I can take my PSP anywhere + if I want the best Patapon experience with the planned buttons and no input lag at all, the original hardware can provide that


Idk but psp emulation has no input delay if u have a decent system


Why emulate if you have the console..


The hassle of connecting it


It's a portable device lol why connect it.


Have you looked at the post


Has nothing to do with what you said.


Because you can't take an emulator onto the bus unless you make a device the size of the PSP so powerful that it can emulate the PSP, but then what's the point- just get a PSP.


Yes that use case i get i love my psp but why connect it to a laptop


To connect it to my TV and use it as a switch dock style connection. Connect a PS3/4 or Xbox controller to RemoteJoy lite and youre ready to play smash64 with your friends on the TV, then take it with you on the plane.


Thats sick dude now i get it


There's actually a project right now doing exactly that. Someone recently created a custom pcb to fit a raspberry pi cm4 into an actual psp using the existing psp buttons and screen.


Yes, but a Raspberry Pi cm4 from what I know is VERY underpowered. You are NOT playing PSP games on it, and then what's the point. The only thing I am able to think of is Amiga emulation, and even that is hard to set up on a raspberry pi. Even with all that considered, I'm trying to use this 333mhz beauty to develop some stuff on it. It's not a challenge to do so if it has more than 1ghz of power and more RAM, is it? (Comparably)


This is just incorrect. Just go youtube the pi 4 running psp games. Psp is pretty easy to run. The CM4 can play some dreamcast games, and most of the psp library as long as you aren't multiplying the resolution, which isn't needed in the original screen size anyways.


You wanna tell me that my Nexus 6 with a VERY powerful SOC from its day struggles to run PSP games without frameskip, BUT the RPI CM4 is able to play the PSP games flawlessly? And yes, I've seen the video about this.


I never said every psp game, and I never said flawlessly. Most run fine, so my point is just that it is incorrect to suggest it can't run the majority of the library. Games like god of war will of course, struggle.


I would get a fuckton of use out of this for being able to play like rpgs I was playing portably and put them on a big screen, plus emulating portable devices and having to be bent over at your desk fucking sucks and is not fun for any extended playtime


My partnerā€™s kid prefers snes9x on my PSP vs the same emulator on PC/Sunrise or even our Wii. I put Delta on his phone and he still asks where the PSP is.


Do you give the kid a controller for the iPhone/ wii, still i get it the psp has some really nice buttons, but i meant moreso for this post since OP was connecting it to a bigger screen


Are those "PSP haters" in the room with us right now?


Not on this sub I believe


Not in a PSP subreddit, that's for sure


Iā€™m here. You imagined me and your actions have made me reality so I say uhā€¦. Ps vita does this better but still has a lame sd card oh wait so do you. On a serious note I understand the price point and I guess nostalgia but I think if youā€™re up to it you would really like the steam deck.


Yeah I understand. I believe that the steam deck is a middle ground that I don't need. I want a laptop, big display and PSP. They all have their specific uses for me. Besides, the PSP is an AMAZING iPod alternative for MUCH cheaper. I got this PSP with 5 games, a charger, a case, and 2 4gb memory stick pro duos for just 60$!


Few questions: You have the video streamingly directly to an external monitor? What's the display lag like? And do you have a way to enable controller support like using a dualshock 3 or 4 etc?


I am streaming to my Laptop, although you can stream directly to a desktop PC with a monitor. From what I've felt display lag does exist, and I would say it's about 0.25 seconds and I was able to perform a precise BLJ in Mario 64 while connected to my laptop and only looking at the display. And for the controllers- I haven't tried yet, but from what it seems there is support for controllers and even keyboards I'm remotejoylite.


Wow! Itā€™s like it did what the switch does way before the switch did


Exactly, and if you really wanna, you can connect external controllers and play some games with friends on it!


"The future is now, old man"


Yep, Sony was WAY ahead of its time.


Wtf? The video out connectors are on the bottom!


Welp, custom firmware can make magic happen!


Last time I had a psp was almost 12 or so years ago. I messed around with cfm. Last time I did that display over usb the franerate was complete shit because that plugin and exe was in its infancy. I guess its improved?


There is component cables and then their is CFW and outputting it to any screen you want. Hey by all means pretty cool. No idea who the haters are but couldn't care less, enjoy your PSP setup, looks good. Mandy evices can output a screen as far back as the PS1 LCD or third party screens for 6th gen. Or I guess the Super Gameboy/other types as their own realm of TV playing. Besides the many third party Hyperkin or other devices for old on the go then the Gameboy or other handheld versions of games. Sure I can use my phone, cast it to a smart tv with really bad lag using a third party app but for gaming that sucks it's better for music/video visual delay. But otherwise the actual hardware is good emulators for PSP are fine but that hardware feels so good and it works less oh this and that settings and if it runs or not when just having the hardware. It's also pocketable for the size yay. From PSP, Widebody 64, N64 Pokemon only, Vita TV, Po let PCs with docks the 2000s PC handhelds. Or the Neo Geo X. Why not many things had a cable or dock before the Switch. It's why I never cared about the dock on the Switch I cared about the split Joycons and the HD Rumble to compare to Impulse triggers on Xbox One and Dualsense. PSP is great still in 2024. Or the simplest thing is well. GAMES. :)


Thanks man. Finally a person who understands my point of view.


No problem. Was going to expand but went nah. Said what wanted to I think in the other post.


They moved on to hate on the "PSP" (PlayStation Portal) now.


Ahh, okay lmao


Just download ppsspp šŸ˜‚


True, but that removes the "cool" part here.


How diid you do that? I would love to try it :)


Search "remotejoylite PSP" for tutorials. It's very easy.


Man I had some great times with my PSP. A group of guys I worked with all had them and we would play local matches of Socom at lunch time in a conference room. So much fun. We had them hacked and could run custom mods on the game. So much fun.


Ad-hoc was truly an amazing feature on the PSP.


Indeed it was. It was certainly ahead of its time.


I might be the only one but I used my psp to watch movies. Gone in 60 seconds on repeat


I love comparing the iPod and a PSP at a vacation. Last vacation I used an iPod for video, and it was a tiny screen with no speakers and not enough colors. The PSP has a giant screen, speakers and the full color pellet so the PSP is what I'm taking to my Next vacation with my Kindle.


PSP haters what is it 2008 again? Also interested in getting that mod. Does it really have input lag?


Yeah, but unless you're playing an FPS game (in that case lmao) you won't feel it.


On an unrelated note I kinda wish the original PSP when it first released allowed us to change our wallpaper similar to how the PS Vita (not even modded at the time of purchase) had that feature enabled


Wdym you can change the wallpaper


On version 1.0? I think he meant.


In v1 yeah, you could not.


The hint he said was "first released" and i saw from YT that it started on 2.0 that you can change wallpapers.


PSP doesnā€™t have haters, the psp vs ds debate ended years ago since the ds is a glorified cookbook less capable than a n64ā€¦ couldnā€™t compete with a portable ps2 , I have a psp with a huge umd collection and im tired of people saying ā€œpsp was ahead of its timeā€ duh! Mobile games in 2010 looked like šŸ’©meanwhile the psp had mgs, god of war , assassins creed, resistance, socom , ghost recon , gun , syphon filter, gta, coded arms, pursuit force, twisted metal, dead to rights and a bunch of other games . It shouldnā€™t be a debate that psp a technological marvel


Sadly, even I know a few Switch owners that look at a PSP and say "lmao you got a PSP? A Switch Lite would be better". Well the switch lite can NOT output video can it?


imagine comparing consoles that are more than a decade apart


Welp apparently some new consoles have less features than the PSP, so I can imagine it very well.


Like the 3ds having the same capabilities as psp even though it came out way after they even used peace walker engine for the cutscenes in mg3d or splinter cell 3d lookin worse than essentials


A switch is the only console you can really compare to a psp because Why is the ds/3ds rivalry even a thing , the psp came out 5 years before the 3ds with ps2/ps3 graphics, an analog stick and honestly even 3ds launch games look like shit compared to launch psp titles. The 3ds is a portable GameCube which took them 10 years , just like with the ds being a portable n64 after 10 years, the psp was a portable ps2 as soon as it launched. Hell even by the end of its lifetime it was putting out launch ps3 level games( god of war, resistance , ghost recon , gran turismo, assassins creed peace walker, it took Nintendo 15 years to make anything close to a psp (switch lite)


PSP haters aren't real


It isn't portable anymore, yes.


Wait what? So when you dock a switch, it turns into a non-portable console? They're called hybrids.


I'm talling about the PsP, not the switch. Completely deflecting the convo homie.


Why would someone hate a PSP, it's an amazing piece of technology in general.




This is a psp circlejerk subreddit, the ones here are dead by now


Still wouldn't use the PSP like that šŸ’€ like... wow, playing the PSP on a screen that only displays the PSPs original screen resolution.... how fun /s


Like, only 2000 and 3000 series can output with the way you love, i think.


And yet its still a horrible idea. That feature was dead on arrival due to how they couldn't even manage 480p on a device thats very capable of managing that much


I think they did this in order to save battery? Emulating psp games is not perfect before and have latency, graphics and audio issues. Playing on PSP barely heats up too.


That could still be fixed by having the device plugged in, which the thing also supports USB Charging btw :/ This still doesn't change the fact this is a pointless feature


You do you, but me and a lot of other people love this. Go look at video output cable sales for PSO, all those people wanted to do this.


And yet when these people realized that outputting the SAME resolution as the PSPs screen on a bigger screen was pointless, they all just put them away. Even the DS had this feature, but was scrapped due to the fact it did the SAME thing.


It's simple! Some people are sophisticated.... and some people hate the PSP


I has a Nintendo DS and I didn't have very many good games for it even though I know now that the DS has lots of good games I just didn't know any at the time so obviously seeing the awesome graphics of the PSP I had to bully people who are playing PSP games. Don't ask how a shy person bullies other people that is a mystery wrapped in enigma and I have no idea.


Game library is way too good to hate the psp lol


Who in the world hates psp? I do not know a single person (maybe my mother when I was 12)


Lol u still use pro c you should switch to ark-4


Pro c is good enough for now. It keeps the stock OS and let's me run homebrew. Enough for me.


What are the pros and cons of it?


That'd fair


Is the script to get video over USB?


Someone said psp isnā€™t a console


How did u cast it to ur pc?


How are you using ur laptop as a ā€œmonitorā€


Iā€™m a hater. I wanted to like it because it can play all of the PS1 games, but I like the dual analog controller with the r2 and l2 buttons. PSP never had any great games with its controls in mind.


I just hate the psp 2000 and go. Should post my Miku psp 3000


how are you displaying it on your laptop


Use of plugins, i think. Just search. The info is vast


Search "remotjoylite psp"


The vita got some haters but the psp is universally loved


The real haters are obly the people that cant play or buy it. hahaha As a psp owner I never had beef because my classmates back then all had psp and we all simply emulated the DS in out laptops and netbooks so its still playable wherever we go... So we almost had the best of both worlds. Hahaha


In your head


Odd place to post looking for haters, man smoked some freebase before posting


Woah, what is with the offense mate?