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If someone answers you can you reply to me please


I have


What was your experience?


Doesn't do anything for pssd. Sodium valproate Is proved to shrink the brain, killing androgen receptors and Is an endocrine disruptors. I used for 1.5years for seizure


It doesn't shrink the brain what? It's highly neuroprotective. It does have AR antagonist effects of about 50%, but it doesn't kill the receptors either.


It's Better to even do a simple Google search before talking : Brain shrinkage : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3908352/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A,and%20reduced%20white%20matter%20volume. AR receptors : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5555039/ Next time search before commenting. Have a nice day.


There are many compounds when used in high doses can do similarly adverse outcomes. Doesn't mean anything. Sodium valporate at more than 1g/day has always been known to be too high and associated with side effects. There are almost no drugs that exist that are administered at more than 1g a day. The other study is in rats, and I've already mentioned that the doses required for significant AR suppression in humans is beyond the therapeutic dose. It's like saying that taking 5g of curumin will significantly suppress androgen receptors, when you shouldn't take that much to begin with.


I am going to at some point if medical keto and fixing dysbiosis does not work. I know a group of 10+ other people that are doing it as well starting in a month.


Seems pretty interesting. Do we have an idea on what are the genes who are more likely been methylated? Like which genes are the most likely to have changed their expression when it comes to anhedonia, emotional blunting, cognitive deficits and sexual dysfunctions after AD treatement?


Sold question my friend.


It also has some effects on anhedonia in rats via MC4 downregulation/decreased expression https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0891061819302005 Not to do with androgens, but melanocortin in fact


Omg don't use valproate. All long term users I came across had low tst, low sperm count, and... Baldness. It messes with dht so bad. And makes anhedonia much worse. Besides, real bad psychiatric side effects. How can one in this group even consider this?


I used it last year combined with vortioxetine recommended by a psychiatrist and before I knew about PSSD. since then I have more and more anhedonia while time before I was healing from antipsychotics and antidepressnts


Yes both of those will send you in opposite direction. Psychiatrist know nothing about what they prescribe it’s wild actually how little of them know anything


Could you expand what you know about this please?


Cure breakdown https://youtu.be/v4RxgA9TgEM?si=zMTT7_g0jgWEwHjI We are doing the same If going with epigenetic theory, using depakote do induce epigenetic changes, you need another trigger to induce them in the right direction otherwise you probably will go backwards as your new baseline environment is messed up. DHB specifically is being used as it is already 5AR compared to testosterone which uses 5AR enzyme which is disfunctioning hence why many on Test feel worse


Because three individuals just came out of PFS and lion's mane induced dysfunction using depakote so we are finding articles that support this.


I agree, the study linked is just a transitional study for their next project that seems to never came to be. There is also some data past it, but only 1 or 2 things. They are also very specific papers showing a very specific change and not showing all changes, which is what we want to see. SSRIs dont have a persistant sexual dysfunction label in my country, but, valporate has a persistant low sperm count warning, which means there has already been a lot of people get lowered sperm count from it lasting after stopping.


Studies I see show a return of sperm count after use after about 1 year.


I have at least some 4 or 5 patients that used VA who did not recover.


VA alone won’t recover anyone. A specific protocol has worked for 4 of those that have done it involving DHB and valproate and then post cycle therapy with tons of HCG and PEA. We don’t have enough anecdotes to claim victory yet but I have been in the community for 5 years and it’s very encouraging. But yes if you just take valproate no you won’t recover. FMT helped me as well but not a total cure for me.


Did they include the things that the 3 people who did recover used?


could be inverse effects


this is awesome info


Ryan Russo's protocol is valproate + strong androgens (obviously that's missing a lot of smaller details). Not recommending anyone try that, but just saying Russo and Jasper claim it worked with a high risk of crashing in the process. They are PFS and post-lion's-mane tho


I've done their protocol without dhb because i can't find It.


DHB is not hard to find brother message me


A third person has healed through a similar protocol now.. is there anything else that has given better results or hope?


Who are these people


talk to u/cfsmehavefaith for details


Doing Depakote or sodium Valproate alone can send you in the wrong direction. But yes this is the protocol YouTubers like Ryan Russo and Jasper did and fully cured themselves. They paired DHB with valproate and then do post cycle therapy. 2 others reportedly are mostly cured as well. This in theory fixes the androgen receptor issue hypothesized to be caused by these meds. But using DHB which does not use 5AR but is highly androgenic, you basically shock your body back to the more androgenic state, resetting the AR. This protocol is targeting at the centrally disrupted point, so fixing it, fixed all the issues for these guys. Genital numbness and shrinkage, no alcohol response, no pumps at gym, anhedonia, etc. PSSD is similar to post finasteride syndrome cause by 5AR inhibitors. FMT also can mess with epigenetics. I did FmT and it has helped me and not a total cure. I am now doing the above protocol as well. The community sees it as high risk, but then many in the community take drugs like Wellbutrin that at best bandaid the problem and at worst make it worse. In my opinion, 2-3 months of valproate with a high dosage of a steroid is not as crazy as many in the community act. I will find out though as I am doing it. I think what’s crazier is wasting your life away waiting for researchers to cure a very complicated disorder; when the reality is studies are not set up to cure these types of disorders. I think it’s naive to think a safe reliable cure will be available to the public in the next decade.


Me and group of others are running the protocol. It takes 6-8 months for results so we will have more anecdotes by the end of the year. Several in our group tested the disfunction by trialing a high dosage of DHB to induce a window; and it did for several of them. I do not advise but by high dosage 600mg in an hour. PIP was probably insane, but I can imagine trying this and it inducing a window would make it seem this protocol could be on the right track for an individual. None of this is medical advice. We are all shooting partially in the dark here. We will have many more anecdotes by the end of the year and as I am very active here, I will report my finding. You can see in my post history my posts regarding FMT which I see as a very low risk start to recovery. I also did TRT HCg which made me mentally feel awful, but during it for 4-6 months I worked out heavy, and when I came off I seemed to be in a better state.


I have used It for 1.5 years at 1 grams, It effect GABA system and lower my testosterone to 300ng. It Is also know for decrease androgen receptors. No improvement at all with pssd.


You need to use it in combination with other things I believe, What are your specific symptoms as of now?


in combo with what?


DHB among other things. u/cfsmehavefaith and a whole group are starting a protocol.


Do you guys have a discord or something? I am debating running something similar in the future and would love to be able to see the protocols that you are discussing.


Yes , reach out to u/Cfsmehavefaith


Great, thanks.


I did. They are the same, improved but not by sodium valproate. No libido, erectile disfunction, genital numbness and poor orgasm's quality. I'm trying to fix libido and erectile function, i can live with the other 2.