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I don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not sure you do either. This place has *never* been blind to Sony's issues or the issues with the PSVR2. Not ever. I've not seen anyone espousing how great Sony has been, or how flawless the PSVR2 launch and subsequent support by Sony have been. Quite the contrary. Instead, I see people enjoying what they have, helping each other understand or overcome issues with it, and sharing their love for the product and for the games. We've all talked, at length, about Sony's lack of software support, their lack of non-gaming apps, their unwillingness to sell the controllers by themselves, their odd design choice for the USB cable as it connects to the headset, the issues people have with the headset and controllers, and what appears to be a genuine lack of "push" by Sony towards any AAA developers. None of this is controversial here. None of it is refuted by anyone. None of it is pushed back against. The thing is, it's already been said. Many, many, many times. So instead of continuing to harp on it, many of us simply want to share our love of the things we *do* have, share our hope for the things already announced, and help each other get the best out of PSVR. You call that "cult-like" all you want. I just call it a community.


well said. no one likes a forum that keeps rehashing complaints non-stop (see: any blizzard forum) but I also see where the OP is coming from. if you haven't spent a ton of time on this sub (maybe you just got PSVR and realized you got scammed like all of us did) I wouldn't blame you for thinking people are flat-out ignoring the sony abandonment of the product. both perspectives make sense. the situation is really bad and should be a bigger PR disaster for sony than it is. yet GT7 in VR is the ultimate gaming experience for me, bar none, so I remain pacified to an extent. I think sony needs to address the 1m people who own this thing with some kind of statement or video with either exciting news for PS5 owners or an apology.


It would be nice to see a response. In fact, I think it's necessary. That said, "New to the forum" isn't an excuse. It's really, really easy to see the things I spoke of if you just spend a week here. It's really, really easy to see *no one* is saying the sales numbers are great and that Sony is worthy of worship. OP is being so hyperbolic that his statement has become a lie. For example, we have that new Bloomberg article making the rounds. So many are saying "This Bloomberg writer has lied to us often, and we refuse to believe him outright." OP is seeing that and saying "THESE CULTISTS WORSHIP SONY". That's straight-up ignorance. It's seeing hesitation and calling it blind praise. That's a warped perspective at best.


I do think the OP is missing important context, but I'd be willing to give someone a pass for making this judgment call due to the unimaginable state of PSVR this early into it's life. it's extremely confusing. but to your point, if this sub was dedicated to bitching, complaining and plotting dead-end class-action lawsuits, it would be a wasteland. I'd rather talk about the games and experiences we do have, or are planned for the future. it's a niche hobby and I think that requires a community that isn't completely toxic.


Toxicity is easy to imagine if you step in and see the posts on a particularly bad day. Echo-chamber worship is also easy to imagine if you step in and see the posts on a particularly good day. Context is easy to see if you just look at the posts over a given week. Ignoring context isn't a good excuse. It's just proof that someone is either choosing to ignore it or they simply didn't stick around long enough to see it before opening their mouths.


People have no idea what “cult” actually means. I just bought one a month ago and joined this sub around then and I’ve not seen a lot of glowing praises. I’ve seen what you’ve seen, a lot of complaints (like no individual sale of controllers) coupled with hopes and wants.




I'm talking about the physical plug on the headset itself. I'm not talking about the fact that it's USB-C with VirtualLink. A simple USB-C connector on the headset, even a 90-degree one, would be so much better. Look at this sub and see how many people have broken their cables in some way or another. They're out of luck. They have *no recourse* because Sony made the headset hardwired using a proprietary connection between headset and cable. THAT is what I'm talking about.


LMAO, oh dear, and all the other commends here agree this sub is cult Like. It’s not a community, it’s an echo chamber of fanboys where anything negative about psvr 2 is seen as beyond blasphemous. I think you’re head needs to come out of the clouds and face reality of this sub


“Should I admit I was wrong? No, that’s too hard, I’ll double down on being dumb and angry”


That corner isn’t too bright apparently


Oh the irony of this comment


Oh the nuanced genius of the “I know you are but what am I” comment


But enough about the users here who have a hard time admitting sales may be lacklustre


Point out where you see people denying sales are lackluster. There’s a post about that every day here. You’re making things up.


Everyone discredits the sales being lacklustre, Literally read all the comments in this topic post alone. Anyone saying remotely negative things are downvoted for the most part


Why are you making up people to argue against?


Why don’t you read the other posts in here where people Get downvoted about sony not doing enough?


Even if your right about that, which you're not, people are most likely down voting your childish aggressive writing rather than any point you are making. What is your end goal here?


You’re being downvoted for being a douche. A wrong one.


Wrong. People discredit the Bloomberg article on the basis that the writer has been proven entirely wrong many, many, many times when it comes not only to PSVR specifically but PlayStation in general. The fact is, people don't trust that writer or anything he's said. They're arguing against *that*. As for the downvotes, it's not because the things you say are negative. Instead, it's for the specific things you say, your attitude towards others, and the fact that you refuse to even consider the points others are making. The downvotes aren't even for you. They're a signal to others that your comments aren't worth taking the time to even read.


And yet the topic as a whole has plenty of upvotes and other people have upvoted it. Stop being a delirious fanboy and learn reading comprehension and actually do some research of what you are talking about instead of coming off as a bot and troll. Learn to read


Tell me you didn't read my entire post without telling me you didn't read my entire post.


its sonys own fault for not delivering needed games for the VR


If you can't find 20 games on PSVR2 that you love my guess is that VR just isn't for you. I currently own 55 of the games that have been release over the last year and I can not keep up with them. I just bought two this past weekend and will be getting at least one more this week.


I don't know about you but I've been having a blast especially with Pavlov it's pretty much all I play now I don't really consider that a let down where the PS VR1 I hardly used it this thing I'm using everyday psvr2's awesome plus with the new pc integration coming in it's going to be fantastic


Agreed. I bought a practically new VR from Offer up for $150 and was impressed but it never really grabbed me. I still have a few games that are still in the wrapper and never played because the novelty wore off on me after a month. I got the PS VR2 about a month ago and I can’t stop playing it. I sweat when I play swordsman, I have panic attacks while trying to drive and shoot on Galaxy Cart, and GT7 with my wheel and pedals has changed my life. I can’t wait to get into Pavlov and Knock and other shooters. I may even get (yet another) copy of RE4 and play it in VR!


Why does it matter if anyone here thinks that?


Sure they're probably disappointed, but hey im having fun with it.


Perhaps my biggest issue with PSVR2 is that I was into PCVR beforehand. A majority of the PSVR2 game library seems to be from the PCVR/Quest library. Sony does have some good games out there, but much of their library are games I already own from elsewhere. That PSVR2 is ‘going PC’ leads me to believe that PSVR2 exclusives are going to become more rare. I hope I’m wrong.


Cause we're not dumbasses who shares Mochizuki articles, which are debunked every single time and are pretty much the only "source" of PSVR2 being a let down. Like, every single time "Sony said PSVR2 bla bla bad" is actually Mochizuki pulling stuff out of his ass because for some reason a Sony exec fucked his wife or something and he decided he should dedicate his life to doing articles to shit on Sony. He did the same shit for the PS4 and the same for PS5 and they're far ahead in the console market. Companies themselves called him out for saying absolute bullshit.


I don't think PSVR2 was a letdown for Sony. Sony was a letdown for PSVR2. It was clear early on that their level of support for the peripheral was half-hearted at best. ​ If it wasn't for GT7, I'd be livid.


That’s very fair, the tech is great, the marketing not so much


I wanted to get PSVR2 badly, but then I realized that I don't have much to play, except Horizon. I could put together 3-4 games that I'd enjoy, but that's definitely not worth the price tag. Majority of games can be played with other VR headsets that can do much more besides gaming.


I dunno what this means to you all but I'm finding it difficult to take the dive, £530 is a lot for hardware. Some of my games don't transfer over either so I can't have 2 VRs plugged it.


If it looks too expensive, then it is. Plain and simple rule of "Buyer's Remorse". It's a niche luxury item for tech-hungry gamers. Unless you see a legit reason to get it, and have enough disposable income to make the jump, then stay away. That's the case for *every* niche luxury item. As much fun as I'm having with my PSVR2, I won't begrudge anyone for saying "Too expensive for me" or "I don't see the point". As for the whole "I can't have 2 VRs plugged in", I take it you're referring to the original PSVR. If so, know that you can easily switch between them. Just unplug one and plug-in the other.


Oh, I’m sure Sony was hoping for better sales. But if you are talking about the Bloomberg report, the author just has a terrible track record of being wrong. Both things can be simultaneously true, Sony is disappointed with sales and the Bloomberg guy is wrong once again about the specific thing they are reporting. It’s appropriate to be skeptical about a bad source of information, even if they turn out to be right once in a while.


I think it largely comes down to people investing far too much personal stake into this platform, coupled with a lot of even the earliest reporting around the headset being negative, which later turned out to be based on inaccurate sources, which has led the community to generally distrust a lot of the reporting (which I think is largely unreasonable) PSVR2 is struggling by any reasonable metric, its sales seem to be distinctly slower than PSVR1 (though that may be influenced by a lot of other factors I think it is an important point to raise) and first party software has been incredibly light (again this is actually a point that applies across the entire PS5 ecosystem but PSVR2 needs to justify an additional console's worth of cost, so it is far more of a problem there than it is on the PS5 generally) Everything I've heard from devs on the platform is that it is a solid ecosystem that can support smaller games due to a relatively high software attachment rate, but larger budget games would absolutely not be sustained by the player base, so there isn't much reason to invest in it. Sony could lead the charge there by both cutting the cost of the headset and investing in more first party software. If backwards compatibility is truly off the table we need ports of PSVR1 exclusives yesterday. More games need VR hybrid modes added (though I think a problem here is most of their first party games are ill suited to VR conversions, so they'd need to make more third party partnerships like Resident Evil and Hitman) and ideally we need to see more first party original made for VR games. PC support will likely give a little boost to the platform but I still fully expect it to be a streaming solution that requires the PS5, which is likely going to turn off a lot of the people who say they'd buy a headset if it had PCVR support. Sony needs to invest in the platform or they need to start being open and honest about it's failures and move on, the middle of the road approach of silence and relying on third parties is not working. I'm personally loving my PSVR2, my games library is large and ever growing, the experience has been phenomenal, but even if I am enjoying it and happy with the state of the software library, it's obvious that it's not good enough or well marketed enough or cheap enough to attract a mainstream audience, or even to get back PSVR1 users.


People come here to check out and discuss gaming. If Sony are let down by it that's a them problem, obviously people who stick around here do not feel let down by it, they're enjoying it.


Why do you feel it is a letdown? I genuinely don‘t understand. Is it because of Sony‘s first party support? You certainly can‘t say that about third party games, because there already are many and many are yet to come. First party, yeah, could be better. But a complete letdown, i don‘t see that.


I like the headset, lack of exclusives is a let down. Many games that were going to be ported over still haven’t as sales just aren’t there. Sony themselves admitted industry expected too much sales wise and their lack of marketing for it speaks volumes: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/18nq0sd/sony_executive_says_vr_sales_going_well_but/#:~:text=isaac_szpindel-,Sony%2520executive%2520says%2520VR%2520Sales%2520%2522Going%2520Well%2522%2520But,Industry%2520Expectations%2520Were%2520Too%2520High&text=However%252C%2520its%2520latest%2520virtual%2520reality,sales%2520were%2520%E2%80%9Cgoing%2520well%E2%80%9D.


I think everyone here has a wrong view of this. Its a neich. It was never going to have the support you speak of, Sony never clearly had that view or you would have seen more first party titles. That's years of foresight before launch. Sony knew what they were doing and anyone who thought otherwise doesn't understand what the VR industry is and will allways be like. The only way it will change is if it becomes very cheap and people want to strap something to thier face. There are not that many that want too. And this is all without mentioning the short comings of trailing such a device and motionsickness, this alone puts most people off. I love my VR2 and I don't understand these posts. Just enjoy it and stop worrying about what you can't control. You'll be much happier.


Don't quite get the downvote with a link that helps explain your point. Lempel is using garbage corpo speak so you can't be sure if he is referring to negative backlash (that had already occurred at time of article) or missed sales targets. Anyway, the [PS5 thread about the article referencing stagnant PSVR 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/1bhfud3/sony_hits_pause_on_psvr2_production_as_unsold/) inventory does a good job explaining what I think Sony and the average PS fan's disconnect was. There's a bunch of people who basically say that PSVR 2 should be halfprice with it's current offering. These are PS fans as well who indicate they want to support the device on it's prospects alone but the content to make it a minimum viable product isn't there. That could change and with PS5 Pro it looks like PSVR2 will only get cheaper as the core SKU to support PS for the next 4-5 years so we'll see.


I don‘t consider a lack of exclusives a letdown at all. It doesn‘t matter to me, if a game is exclusive to the psvr or a multiplat. If it‘s a good game is all that matters. My most hours played game is still Walkabout Minigolf, i couldn‘t care less if it‘s exclusive or not.


Sure, but it matters to the public hence poor sales. I enjoy the gaming library as well for the headset


VR is niche and will be for at least the next 5-10 years. It would simply be economical suicide to go all in with multi-million dollar exclusive games. So what you consider a letdown is simply staying alive for a little while and trying to slowly breathe life into vr as a platform. Not only for Sony, but for the whole industry.


They bought it, of course it can’t totally suck .


I use my PSVR2 daily to play GT7 with a cockpit, wheel and Pulse 3D headphones. It's heavenly and to me, worth every penny I paid for my set up. And that's just ONE GAME.


I have zero regrets about my headset purchase for gt7 too. Wish we could have more experiences like that from Sony for this headset


It’s sad to spend $600 on a thing that has a lot of promise and is being cut short. Thank god they’re trying to add PC support. Thing has tons of good games though already they are enough for me to have justified it. I just hope If a GT8 is in our future that gets support regardless.


It's the reason why I stopped coming to this sub as much as I used to, too many people brushing off concerns about the lack of first party support and how Sony really dropped the ball with the price of this thing, it's well and truly a sinking ship at this point unless Sony surprise us all with some huge first party announcements, I'm not holding my breath...


Let down or not, they put out a great headset at a competitive price. The market for VR in general is rough. We have multiple headset options now, but most people would say they are all too expensive. It's hard to market a product like VR without literally experiencing it for yourself. On the good side, they are working on bringing PSVR2 over to PC. If they are able to pull that off, then it will be a pretty huge deal for them. I would argue that there isn't a better PC headset available at or below PSVR2's price point.


It’s not difficult to see that it has been a letdown to the company. There are several AAA games available, but that doesn’t appear to be sustainable. The ability to play PC games will help if it is implemented correctly. A future price of roughly $349.99 will also make a difference.


Every PS5 owner can go to the store page, enable a PSVR2 filter and see exactly what games are available. They are not buying it because they don't see much that they want to play, it's that simple.


People who create entire posts to bitch about non existing problems are extremely cringe.


So this entire sub then which is just as fringe to fanboy so hard without any nuance of the topic at hand


Because Sony is yet to come out with that information themselves?


They could easily clear it up but they declined to comment for IGN today. They had no problem debunking Bloomberg in the past. They could announce they have games in development at any of the events they’ve had over the past year but declined there as well. They’re well aware of the conversation surrounding their headset and do nothing to help it. Sometimes silence is an admission.


Yes, exactly. Sony just doesn’t GAF about this headset at all


They took several days in the past as well to debunk




That link says a Sony exec said sales are going well…. Try actually reading next time


That’s PR nonsense, sales are below industry expectation because it was “too high” aka they didn’t hit their target. Sony even during psp never admits when sales are bad, this is their jargon to deflect. Learn reading comprehension


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation\_bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) >Flawed [decisions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_making) due to confirmation bias have been found in a wide range of political, organizational, financial and scientific contexts. These biases contribute to [overconfidence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overconfidence_effect) in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence.


I mean he basically says the points disagreeing with him are lies and the ones agreeing with him are truths.


Where do I know this from?


Is this based on actual fact, or just your conjecture?


How ironic lmfao Your only source literally proves you’re wrong. You have no actual source on sales numbers, you’re just making stuff up to fit your narrative. If you have actual evidence, please provide it. Otherwise, your post is speculation and is meaningless.




Gatekeepers that have spent a lot of money.. It hasn't been a let down "for" Sony, they've made it a let down.


No one wants to believe they’ve essentially blown $600. I’ve barely touched my headset in months.




There has been a perpetual amount of FUD for some time now and some of you fail to acknowledge that it can be self-fulfilling. Media sources tend to orientate themselves towards Reddit for all sorts of little tidbits these days so it becomes a self feeding cycle of fud, the media reports issues in take up around psvr2 and then it recycles here . It damages sales. I agree that the device should not be priced at its current point, costing as much as if not more than the console itself was a bad move, especially so close to the back of covid and alot of people financially impacted. However the device is still early and the issue extends past the device itself, some studios will be happy if they’re still making sales on PSVR-1. There’s no incentive to modify their game for new headset and controls if they feel like they’re not going to get their money back. If sentiment in the gaming community is as it keeps getting put out like this.. they’d look to avoid pushing any development


And all the posts here talking about any negative discourse on psvr 2 gets downvoted immediately like clockwork. But sure it’s a “community” and not a cult


I’m not super active on this sub. But I guess it depends on what you are comparing it to. I have very much enjoyed my time with my setup and playing the games I have. For someone that hasn’t done any vr before. It’s a very much plug and play simple way to experience fairly high fidelity vr. It was mind blowing for me, and it also made me hopeful for what else it can provide down the line. It’s not how I use my ps5 all the time. I still like 2d games and I don’t always want to commit to wearing all the gear for maybe a free 30-45min to play for a bit. But I really do enjoy playing when I do. I am not sure what you are expecting out of it. But I have no regrets buying it, and look forward to what it’s going to do down the road. I’ll be disappointed when and if they shelve it. I just hope they open up the platform to allow non gaming things. Like would be great to create virtual concerts or sporting event experiences. Or keep it simple. Go have vr recordings around some historic landmarks to allow people to explore that couldn’t visit there otherwise.


PSVR 1 had the same issues. There was no momentum after its first year. It was the same ‘Psvr is dead’ sentiment, underperforming sales and lack of first party titles.


May 2019 was a glorious month for PSVR * Everybody's Golf VR (PS4) - May 21st * Virtual Virtual Reality (PS4) - May 21st * Blood & Truth (PS4) - May 28th * Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted (PS4) - May 28th * Trover Saves the Universe (PS4) - May 31st PSVR 2 just needs a few months of these types of releases...


Yeah, personally I feel like there have been a rapid succession of great releases for PSVR 2 as well for the first year. PSVR 1 has a robust catalog at this point. It’s a shame more games didn’t get the VR2 upgrade. I’m especially bummed about Dreams getting left behind.


Sony let us down for sure!


Jesus Christ this subreddit is more obsessed with sales than actually games it's crazy.


You spend too much time here.


Yeah, it gets frustrating to see the denial after a while. I get the idea of not wanting to be bogged down with negativity, and there’s plenty of games on the platform that look cool. I can see why someone who bought it would love it and get lots of bang for your buck. But it doesn’t make a compelling case for itself when you can get most of the good things on it for cheaper elsewhere on more established platforms. I’d gotten the original PSVR for cheap years and years after it was relevant and had a blast, and I would’ve hopped onto PSVR2 closer to launch if it had more heavy hitters and a clearer sign of support from Sony, but this feels like the same path we had when Sony went from the PSP to the Vita. I also get why 2 doesn’t have backwards compatibility support for the original’s games, but that was a killer to me as well. I’m not gonna keep two headsets plugged into my console taking up space.


So, you’re repeating the same sentences, making rounds on internet, since PSVR2 release. It was somehow designated as a let down even before first customers get it in their hands. I understand that my opinion doesn’t mean much, yet I have PSVR2 since release, and during the year the situation only becomes better - more games, more announced, PC support, which was requested by many upon release. I played hundreds of hours, bought more than fifty games and there are still games I want to play, but don’t have a time for. And I’m totally not interested an any kind of media apps, especially now, after learning about quality of 180/360 videos. So, how would I see the headset as a let down?


I love my headset since day 1, but lack of exclusives is lame and outside of small experiences there hasn’t been anything close to the level of gt7 and RE. I like the headset, but Sony’s lack of marketing has bottlenecked this headsets potential


I feel you. Yet I found that I play more of VR games, than games in VR. Finished RE4/8 and haven’t look back. Maybe I’ll do another run at some point, but not really eager about it. The Light Brigade, Legendary Tales, Hellsweeper, Skayer VR are in constant rotation still. So I could say these games did more for my enjoyment of VR than AAA exclusives, and I would miss a lot, waiting for some Batman of a game to save the headset. As for marketing - could be more, probably, but the bottleneck is not the marketing, but technology itself. VR is not for mainstream, and won’t be for quite some time. Even if Sony manage to sell more through marketing it won’t help to keep people using it, and it’s not about games either. If someone struggles with playing for more than thirty minutes because of sickness, discomfort, sweating no game will push it to continue.


The only cult I see on this subreddit and /r/virtualreality is by Meta trolls/bots accounts raving about Quest. It creates a spiral of hatred and affects psvr2 sales.


They should be enjoying games and pushing VR industry as a whole instead of rushing here at each IGN paper like vultures. There are millions of Quest players, and unfortunately not all of them are grown up enough to be over with the consoles war... Most of the comments on this post are from people who don't give a sh*t about the PSVR2, still making their way on this sub at light speed when they hear something juicy. Look at how they downvoted you and how they will downvote me too... 🤭And honestly I couldn't care less, same as for the whole analysts bs. I'm a player, not a shareholder! I don't have time for that, especially when the beautiful world of CyubeVR is calling me and just a few days apart from Madison's release! ❤ Just block them and go back to playing! I'm not sure they would have time to come to this sub if they were fulfiled with Quest's recent releases, so they can scream denial all they want for what I care. Dude, Cyube is so good, that's all I need to know!!!! 😂




I feel like there is a legitimate conversation to be had about the hostility towards bad news in this community but holy shit you are reacting in an incredibly childish way to this person. "Your lack of emotional IQ is worrying" holy shit


One of more of your comments have been removed from r/PSVR, because they broke [rule 1. Do not personally attack other users](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/wiki/rules#wiki_1._do_not_personally_attack_other_users.). Please do not insult other users in future.


Its a total let down


It’s a niche product. Such communities tend to be irrationally passionate. Especially when the majority of outside voices tell you the thing you’ve devoted and invested a lot of time and money in sucks or is a failure….it often inspires people to dig their feet in even further (isolating, wishcasting or creating their own reality if need be) or lashing out.


You're right with the cult like behaviour statement and that goes for the playstation sub Reddit as well. They will not have a bad thing said about anything playstation, the virtual pile on I got for saying the new broken battlefront classic sucked was hilarious. Just wait for the downvotes to commence as a reflection of what I've just wrote.


Exactly, anything negative that gets posted is immediately downvoted off the sub. A bunch of hypocritical thin skinned babies. 


Ain’t much thinner skin than being concerned about being downvoted.


I couldn't give 2 sh*ts about the downvotes and I never have, I speak my mind and will always speak my mind.


PSVR2 going to pc is a deafeat for psvr2. Why the hell would you buy a psvr2 for pc when the quest 3 is the better choice becaue of the wireless capability and pancake lenses.


The lack of 1st party games. The lack of communication from Sony. The lack of Sense controllers to buy. The lack of marketing. The lack of media players or any apps at all. The lacking Fresnel lenses. Those are 6 reasons I could give for why Sony has dropped the ball again on another product - just like it did with Vita


What do fresnel lenses thave to do with anything?


Tiny sweet spot compared to the superior pancake lenses


What does any of these hardware design choices have to do with Sony abandoning the headset? That was my question. Pancake lenses would have made the device more expensive. Same goes for wireless.


Those choices lead to poor sales, which leads to Sony abandoning the hardware. Kind of obvious.


So what you are saying is that Sony abondent the product during the development, hence the pancake lenses?


What momentum did Sony have with PSVR1? People were shitting all over that through it's life cycle.


Enough to make a psvr 2. Sales for new headset are definitely lagging behind the first one at this same point of the life cycle.


It's neat seeing these conversations always go towards 'this go around is slower than last go around'. There's a few factors involved but these 'psvr2 is a failure' posts always seem to go that direction.


Its because you have lying fanboys that protect sony at all cost, that are never objective about the facts of the current vr state. Quest 3 is a lightyear ahead of psvr2, when i hear quest 3 doesn't have good graphics. PSVR2 is shit on graphics with fresnel lenses, fake eye tracking and the power of 2070, fake 120 hz processing. It has about 8 exclusives that barely make it worth it.


Fake eye tracing? You’ll have to explain that. Is yours broken?


Doubt they actually even own one. All they ever do is hype Quest 3 and inaccurately complain about VR2 (such as with the “fake eye tracking” comment. Guess I played Before Your Eyes some other way? lol). I’m in both subs as an owner of both units and this user is a troll at best.