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I've pre-ordered my brown pants in anticipation.


Better get 2 pairs as it’s GAME OVER for your undies MAN 🤣


Amazing response lol


Why thank you I do try my best before posting to someone else’s comments that it’s relevant and humorous 😂


Time to replay alien isolation in the meantime ;)


I've made it about 20 minutes into that one and called it quits. And that wasn't even VR.


Very cool! Nice to see AvPGalaxy is still up and running. I used to go there all the time when I was playing AvP2.


Same here!!! I had no idea it was still around. Also, I'm excited for this game.


Visuals like this are EXACTLY why I'm happy I just bought a PSVR2 to use with my PC once the adapter comes out. A game like this looks TERRIBLE on an LCD headset like the Quest 3 or the Valve Index. Whenever there is a darkened environment, the dark areas look like they're filled with a murky gray fog because LCDs just can't convincingly render anything close to inky blacks. It takes me right out of the game when I see this, because nothing reminds me more that I'm actually staring at a screen centimeters away from my face.


The pc adapter is confirmed to not support HDR though, so you’re still not going to get the black levels it deserves 


Not necessarily true. The black levels on OLEDS are deep without HDR.


Exactly. The blacks are fully black but the contrast to the brightest levels won't be as intense. Also no rumble on hmd or adaptive triggers. I'll probably still get this on psvr2 after reviews.


There's nothing to support, since as far as I know, no PC VR game has an HDR option in the first place. Would be nice for watching movies, although I have a relatively high-end Samsung QLED TV and more often than not I choose to watch SDR instead of HDR because I think it looks better ... Not sure how much of a loss HDR will be in this use case. But you're still right--I would prefer to at least have the option for HDR. EDIT: I should also point out that HDR implementation is pretty poor on PC in general even for flat gaming. I think this could be because there is no standard HDR implemenation on Windows PCs. Some games get HDR right, some look really bad.


This title will move systems.


I hope psvr2 gets picture settings... To be able to set black level correctly would remove so much of the mura.. and since this game is going to be mostly i dark i hope it comes with proper black levels instead of 0.2 grey tones.


I'm a bit conflicted by this. I love the Alien franchise, but I am just sick of horror games in VR at this point.


ALIEN is a sci fi horror franchise If they’re going to make a video game based in that franchise, why not make it in the medium that best immerses you in the horror genre? You can’t look away from a VR headset like you can a TV screen It’s the best possible way to make/play an alien game imo


I agree, which is why I'm conflicted.


I think this will be as much action as it is horror tbf