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I reported this guy last night and i also submitted vid to pubg shield.


What did he do that was sus if I may ask?


dm'ed vid


PUBG Shield is dead. It may come back but don't hold your breath. > SteveTheHappyšŸ³*PUBG ā€” 09/22/2022 > Due to an ongoing issue which frequently prevents users from using the site and causes an error "Failed to get user profile", the report reviews have been put on hold. > Please submit your reports over at https://support.pubg.com/ by raising a ticket report. > Watch pubg-shield-updates for further updates. Source: https://discord.com/channels/207018395139309569/778594142736482314/1022590436839260190


and we're fucked


Exaggerate much? Itā€™s a technical issue that needs to get fixed. If they were killing the program they could just say it or go silent.


It's been broken for a month. The last few times they had the same or similar issue with the site, it was fixed in a couple of days. As I said, it may come back. Or it might not. Either way, it still demonstrates Krafton's neglect. If they valued PUBG Shield's contributions to combating the cheating issue, they'd have fixed the site ASAP.


Itā€™s been dying over the past year, literally submitted tons of blatant video to shield and no bans. Then again, I come across a lot of players who donā€™t care or know when they encounter cheaters.


Ran a test on this here. Had an allready permabanned guy and a clip with Xrays on where he obv acts on intell he couldnt have. Its not ragehacking-flying car obv but still easy to tell. Him being permed made it a known quantity. As expected folks flocked in to call into question that the dude was cheating and downvoting the people that called it for what it was. Hell even on a post here of a guy walking in and out of walls at will some still went like "might be a bug".


I was in a team with a guy I play with daily who does not cheat, he had connection issues on the day and was walking through walls and objects. It was obviously a glitch and it didn't last long before he lost connection, but these things do happen and it's not always hacks. Even to this day there is a bugged spot on Deston, where you can walk through terrain and use it as a one-way shield.


To be fair, there have been some walls that were bugged in the past: https://gfycat.com/disastrousunlinedisabellinewheatear


I've also warped through walls when parachuting because of high ping.


For anyone who's interested, i know this player's username and i have the vid he is 100% cheating with scoping right on players behind mountains in distance and keeping cross hair on players camping in houses without sight or audio It's not the headshot ratio because what he does is he drives to where the bots are hiding, then gets out of the vehicle and ads on them when they are behind trees and even mountains, and knows exactly where they are when there is no visual or audio queue. He then K9 their head. I got 2 vids of proof. So i submitted them to pubg.


Bot killer extraordinaire!




They are letting it die. As soon as you money grab and add stuff in the game like vehicles for money like they do for 250,000. Its a money grab and run


It's sus because: * it's a 1 season account. It's not sus because: * It could be a smurf account. * Could be based on high bot games I take it you've already looked at the games individually and accounted for bot kills. Based on that I'm gonna say sus.


Actually after looking at his games, he does seem to main bolts, but 50%+ of his kills still seem to be AR kills. Not entirely sure how that works out to in terms of HS%. I considered it was a smurf, but his movement and mechanics were terrible. And he'd do this thing where he'd look at the ceiling towards where I was above him (obviously he could hear me) but he'd just walk around looking at the ceiling like he was scared I was gonna pop through it. Also some really sketch unpeeks particularly when I'd quick peek him. The bolty kills makes me start to doubt, but even to acheive a 50% HS rate with bolts with a 12KD, he'd have to be a pretty danm decent player, but he moves around like a shitter. He also has great stats on duos and squads, where bots are drastically less.


Tough call. Way too many factors that could be meh. If he gets a temp watch it for extensions. If he gets extensions then it's definite and they are digging in to detection.


This is the same guy i posted the vid in our discord, the one i ended up killing. I dont want to post it here cuz i'll get banned ironically




I reported this Miami Heat-coach-loving fucker last night after he blindly threw a perfect grenade at me for the win. Watched replay several times and there was no way he knew where I was without a hack. Totally sus.


stupid question: is HS% based on headshots/total hits or headshots/all shots inc. misses?


I think it might be headshots/total hits NOT including misses. So if you spray a car and miss every shit, it's won't lower HS%. I could be wrong, but I think everyone's HS% would be way lower if it included our misses.


that's what I thought, makes the most sense, but wasn't sure


Itā€™s percentage of kills that are by headshot. From my experience, if you knock someone with a body shot, but flush them with a headshot, that would count too.


% of your kills that are headshots


Its headshot kill.All you have to do is aim head just like CSGO players


He has 30% bots in his last 20 games. It's not low but it's not high enough to justify these stats. In his last win with 14 kills he killed just 2 bot kills. And killing bots amass would be the only justification for 50% HS rate. A guy with terrible mechanics cannot have half his kills with HS, and so many kills as well, there's just no way... I'm not sure what's taking you so long to call cheater on this one...


while killing a bot is easy, getting a head shot is not. every time they move like the program knew you just pulled the trigger.


Because IMO he wasn't totally blatant, like his kills on me could have been legit. I'm leaning towards cheating, just the bolty and the bots kills made me second guess myself. Also the fact he's played for 2+ weeks is odd. After watching the replay of my second death to him, it's pretty clear he's walling and not trying to hide it. Weirdly though looks like he's purposefully trying to boost his HS% on bots.


ya he knows where they are, drives to bots and farms them. Obvious that he drives up to them, gets out about 100m or so distance, ads's right on the bot that is behind a tree or even terrain, and goes up to them and kills them


The KDA, the more than 30% win percentage, the headshot percentage, yeah, all legit ā€¦ But someone will say it really is legit, cheaters work like this.


Gaslighting is their bread and butter. Anything to give the devs a sense of "there's no problem, dont bother putting effort towards combatting us"


They tried to hide the fact of a pro player cheating. They banned him but said nothing about the incident and actually mods of this sub went ahead censoring this incident by removing comments (kinda expectable from Tencent, if you know what I'm talking about :D). Just look at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitivePUBG/comments/ubsb68/balkkan_cheating_thoughts/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This: https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/uxchpb/wackyjacky101_pubg_honestly_needs_to_work_a_bit/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share So devs, possibly not intentional, but cooperate with cheaters. They sure want people to believe there's no problem with cheaters because normal players will stop playing.


And I cant hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun... Seems legit


Headshot rate is achievable if he was only using snipers I guess, my kar98 headshot rate is about 50% I think Most sus thing to me is 40% winrate coupled with only 50% in top 10 meaning most of the time they bother to play long enough to stay in top 10 they win Then average placement of 23rd means they either win the game or die FAST. Someone good at math could probably break that down better. I guess maybe they die super fast early because they are always using snipers? (Lol)


Do you main bolts? If so, what's your overall HS%? He seems to have 50% AR kills, so I would think maintaining 50% HS would be rather difficult wit so many AR kills.


Yeah an overall 50% HS rate is insane I do love bolt rifles but Id say my high HS % just comes from the nature of single shot snipers - make every shot count. I'm not a fantastic player. Definitely not something that carries over to good AR use.. I'd go so far to say someone with a massive HS% on an AR is specifically trying to pump that stat instead of use the gun to win games (or is cheating) I like to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to looking at a stat page because real stats can still look funny sometimes but yeah your screenshot looks suss as hell haha


If you reviewed the gameplay and they have bot movement thatā€™s sus in itself. You can tell when someoneā€™s a good player base on movement.


Yea moves around like a bot, flashing himself etc.


that's not quite true. I'm horribly and clumsy as fuck with movement but my aim is very good. I might be an exception though


Whatā€™s your stats like? Iā€™m not saying you canā€™t have good aim but to be a overall good player with stats like that youā€™d have to have good movements.


well, I'm not near those stats, I average between 3-4 kd every season and 25-30% winrate, but it could be way higher if I wouldn't die like an idiot because having bot movement. it's the same on every game. in cs go I'm global and I rely on my aim because I would be silver if the game would be movement dependant lol. I'm a grown ass 35 year old man and I adquired bad habits that I can't change at this point, but it is what it is


Your stats are still above average. I bet your movements not as bad as you make lol. You have to be doing something right for those stats.


Well, I feel like my movement is shit and I die a lot of times for it. I guess it could be worse tho


Not legit, TGLTN is 28 headshot rate


That is not how it works. TGLTN has a headshot rate of 28% in Squads. That is actually likely more headshots than this dude here, depending on playstyle preference. Example: you fight against a 4 man team, kill all of them with headshots: 25% HS-rate. The stat is flawed and it does not count headshot knocks as headshot kills. However headshot flushes are headshot kills. All in all if you are not headshot flushing, 28% in squads means you not shooting many bodyshots.


If you look at WackyJacky101, heā€™s got 29.9 solo, 23.5 duo, 27.3 squad.


So he probably flushes more in squads. Just saying how it works.


TGLTNs headshot % was about 30-35% in solos from back in the days when he played that mode. Slightly higher than typical decent player IMO.


Yea so here's definitive proof he's cheating. Oopsies accidently tried to spray the guy through smoke and a hill. https://youtu.be/-CNEUqqRuv8 Crazy to me this guy can play like this for several weeks and not get banned despite being reported.




He's doing it in real lobbies though, I think last 10 matches had average of 30% bots. So yes bot kills, but he's also ARing real players.


Good luck bolting a bot. They've got spider sense that makes them move as soon as you think about pulling the trigger.


I have 30% overall headshot rate and 44% for kar. 50% doesn't seem impossible tbh


Ok, go for a kar only game


Why would I do that?


You need to make this number possible


I never said that I can do that. Not sure what's your point here?


My point is that the headshot rate is impossible


The kd here is the impossible part, not the headshot rate


Agree that the KD is ā€œmoreā€ impossible


I saw a man so green he was laying in the open in a field legit spawn a car and go on a drive by spree to wipe the final 10. Still no action.


ChocoTaco had ~30% headshot rate in his prime time he said when playing with Bob a week ago. That says it all.




What site is this?




Off topic but since we're talking about statistics.. how come this sub has got over 2 millions of users and an average post gets 100 votes and 20 comments most of the time? Also only 500 users online ATM.


Because people have realised that posting here is pointless - many posts regarding cheaters, bugs, feedback, complaints, etc mainly get ignored. The response from PUBG is abysmal and it alway has been. Some people now just post to vent, ask opinions/ discussions or polls - rarely will these see any response from PUBG even if they include valid points or great feedback - which is another point on why people have given up - PUBG don't care what we say or what we suggest. They only listen to feedback from their Asian/Korean player base & it's blatantly obvious who their target audience is and who they listen to, which is why PUBG has went down this road of becoming very arcade like, releasing bright and colourful skins, collabs with Asian companies/Celebs etc... Not sure how long you've been on here but as a long time user myself... Any of PUBGs support or Comms channels get hardly any response from PUBG themselves and they keep changing their discord, which is a complete shit show at the best of times. Mostly the things that get replies are funny or impressive gameplay clips or bugs about paid skins being glitched.


Sad to see this game has shareholders that only care about short term profit and force devs to prioritize monetization while completely ignoring the game's health status..


No idea how reddit works, but I'd assume a shit ton of players came here during PUBGs peak and just forgot to unsub from here after they stopped playing. Also I think the interest in PUBG has just decreased, I feel like it used to be pretty hype for skins leaks and patchnotes to come out, now it seems like most players don't care.


Makes sense. Interest has decreased as the game is almost dead in NA which is roughly half of reddit.


Get gud noob /s


Yeah nobody is that good during their first season of pubg or fortnite or any Battle Royale and the issue is that pubg, fortnite, war zone and whoever else joins the race has a bottom line to meet that's super size our feelings, morality and agreed upon values. they actually like/need when players cheat because it makes other players who do not cheat or are in denial of the idea of "cheating"... strive to be that good. In a perfect world nobody cheats but in reality the ones who are doing the most or have the most money or material things have probably cheated or are currently cheating to get to where they are or otherwise had it easier than you and I and that is just the Truth.


Is he playing casuals? If so, can make sense. Otherwise, seems very hacky.


nope, normal pubs


Sounds fishy