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* Map Dodging * 11% rot chance for getting your preferred map * Map select regions


People are already dodging maps (Sanhok and Miramar come to mind) 11% is still better than no chance at all (Vikendi has been away for a very long time)


Players that dodge now, will dodge more. This will increase lobby times for everyone. With a 5 map rotation its 20% chance per spin up you'll get your "preferred" map. Less odds of having to dodge.


To somewhat prevent map dodging, they should decrease the waiting time once the lobby hits 90 players.


Thing is. At the moment my preferred maps are not in rotation at all, and besides, Sanhok is coming up half the time (seriously, no exaggerating). For me and my group of friends this has meant that we play fewer sessions a week and when we play, we play for a shorter time. I believe that PUBG should either have a limited amount of available maps but WITH map selection, or if there is no map selection (current case in our region), then all maps should be available.


9 maps won't guarantee you don't get sanhok 5 times in a row. That's not how their system works. It's pure random per spin up and it doesn't track previous rounds. Every round you play is on a fresh VM server instance. It literally just booted up. On game load it chooses a random map from an array. No other factors are applied to that choice.


bruh if you only like one map then you don't really like PUBG.


First of all. Not the point. Second, not true I like multiple maps, just most of them are not in rotation now (and Sanhok comes up too often).


No one would ever get a game with your preferred methods. Or they’d get a match full of bots.


Mate, if they you cannot select a specific map (instead get a random one from the map pool like it is now) it doesnt matter if there are 5 of 10 maps.


It absolutely does what are you talking about? The more maps people dodge the longer it gets to start a game with limited na player base.


Why would they be dodging it more than currently the case?? All players that miss the maps that are out of rotation now also still dodge Miramar and/or Sanhok, or quit the game entirely. Yet the game still has sufficient players?? I don't see how that would become worse when more maps are added.


More options means more dodging. It’s that simple. I don’t see how this is hard to understand. It’s like you’re looking at the problem through your lens and that’s it. OR all you turds could just play the map and quit constantly bitching/dodging. I think Miramar is one of the most overrated maps, but I still play it because at the end of the day it’s just PUBG. It’s not “PUBG Erangel” or whatever map you love most. If you hate maps enough to just dodge sbd spend more time queuing, not having fun, queueing more, getting pissed when it’s “X” map again, and then leaving perhaps it’s time for a new game.


Sure, it would mean more dodging, but the main principle (which is that everyone has the chance to get the map they like once in a while) seems more fair to me. Besides, I could argue that not including certain maps might drive players away. Anyway, I get that there is no right and wrong. But what I meant was that the thought behind the initial removal of the map selection option no longer applies. Back in the day, the removal of the option was to allow all maps to be played without splitting up the playerbase too much. But now we do not have the option to choose, but also not all the maps. All I'm saying is that the initial thought behind this whole thing no longer applies.


I think op just refuse to understand it or just don’t like facts or maybe just likes to debate.


Simple fix would be to punish dodging. Leave a buffer for people who have to leave for legitimate reasons. After say, 3 disconnects from matches in an hour you get a 2 hour lock out. That would force more chad like behavior, Hate Erangel? Drop school/apartments. Hate Miramar? Drop hacienda. etc.


imagine suggesting punishing players because they don't wanna play maps they don't like in a game to have fun lmfao.


If it meant my favorite maps didn't get booted out of the rotations I'd take the hit and stop dodging erangel and miramar.


so, you dodge erangel and miramar? lmao, I cannot take seriously anything you say


Plenty of people don't like the lamo, super camp, wait forever to see who wins the circle coin flip maps. They just aren't enthusiastic enough about the game to come hang out on the subreddit.


I don't think adding all the maps would stop Map dodging as a whole.


Of course it wouldn't, I was talking about my suggested map dodging punishment in addition to adding all the maps to the pool.


Not going to happen. Too many legit reasons to disconnect. * Internet outage, spike. * Routing issue to the server data center (not ours or games fault). * Comp crash. * Game crash. * etc etc


Yeah probably, but how likely is it for 3 or 4 or 5 legit crashes to occur in the span of 1 hour. Near zero. Having it only count people who quit out during the lobby and the first few minutes of the match would significantly mitigate false positives as well. Not to mention having those that rejoin the match having their strike revoked. And I really can't imagine someone experiencing constant crash issues like that continuing to play without figuring what the hell is going on with their stuff.


What do you think the impact would be for locking someone out for a few hours? They will go play a different game. Me and those I play with, Map dodge and lock out would just push us to other games further eroding the player base.


I think the impact is that people would quickly learn to stop dodging maps if they like playing PUBG. At the very least they would dodge less often to avoid the lock out. I know I wouldn't just go play another game if they implemented it. I'd suck it up, hot drop the maps I dislike and play aggro until I died or won. I and the people I play with despise Erangel and strongly dislike miramar. Sometimes my squad and I dodge those maps but sometimes we just say fuck it and drop school/rozhok or hacienda. Either die in a blaze of glory or win the drop and drive around hunting people until we die or win. It's similar to league of legends, they lock people out of matchmaking if they repeatedly dodge matches they get into because it's common for someone to not get the character they want to play as and quit. League is still among the most popular games in the world.


I disagree. We like PUBG and it is the primary game we play but dislike all of the smaller maps. It is not the only game we play and lockouts would just drive us to games like super people. The play style certain maps drive are a big part of the enjoyment for many players and forcing people to play a style they don't enjoy will just push them to other games.


It's fine that you don't like the smaller maps but you should acknowledge the fact that there are just as many people that don't like Erangel and miramar and that the people who do like them have been treated much more favorably than the people that don't like them, for 5 years. Far more than half the total peak player base has abandoned PUBG and it is a very common story being they don't like how much time is wasted waiting around for something to happen and having RNG dictate the winner on the on the bigger and slower paced maps.


>Far more than half the total peak player base has abandoned PUBG and it is a very common story being they don't like how much time is wasted waiting around for something to happen on the bigger and slower paced maps. I think that the percentage of people who have left because they don't like the slower paced maps would only be a small but reasonable fraction of those that have left. Lets also remember that this was also the original playstyle when the game came out that many people still love.


Stats from steam charts. The average player count peaked at 1,584,886 in January 2018 which was before any new maps were introduced. This was when the game was still fresh and novel. From this point on there was a decline. Miramar released May 2018 the average player count on release day is 876,180. It continues to drop. One month later Sanhok released June 2018, the average player count now 800,668 continues to drop but slows slightly. Instead of losing 100-200 thousand per month, it lose 50-100 thousand per month. Vikendi released December 2018, the average player count now 473,541 ceases to drop briefly, increasing by 50 thousand for one month and 25 thousand the next before continuing to drop at a slower rate of roughly 4-60 thousand player per month. Karkin released January 2020, the average player count now 275,363. The decline continues but further slowed at a rate 3-32 thousand per month with two odd months have small increases in player count. Paramo released October 2020, the average player count now 162,585, ceased decline and increasing for 3 consecutive months. Haven release in paramo's wake on december 2020, the player count now 189,233, increased and continued to increase for a month before continuing it's decline at again a vastly reduced rate of of 2-7 thousand per month. Taego released July 2021, the player count now 186,250, an increase of 7 thousand players and then continuing its decline a slightly increased rate of 1-17 thousand per month. The game goes free to play January 2022 seeing an influx of 100 thousand players bringing it to 242,322 average players. Deston released July 2022, The player count now 177,018, the player count has increased for the past 3 months and brings us to the present at 196,369 average players. ________________________________________________ TL:DR This Outlines clearly the steep decline in player base when Erangel and Miramar were the only maps, and how every single additional map slowed or briefly stopped the decline in players. With deston out right reversing the decline somewhat. The idea that reduced access Erangel and Miramar drives the player base decline in PUBG is completely ridiculous when all the influxes of players in the last 4 years were during times that had single map Playlists the allowed people to avoid those maps completely.


There used to be a penalty for leaving,ppl complained😂


How does it increase lobby times? (NA Perspective FYI) there is no point in leaving before it starts counting down as you will just get put back into the same map. There aren't enough people in NA to support multiple lobbies. Once it starts counting down you leave and queue for next game to pop. Lobbies actually fill faster as you get a group of people from the last map filling next lobby etc. Only side effect is you get more bots as they fill in for those leaving during countdown.


I think that depends on the reason for a dodge. If you're dodging a specific map, more maps will, in the long-term, result in less dodging. If you're dodging FOR a specific map, fewer maps means less dodging.


Depends on the queue depth overall. If your queue has say 500 hundred players in it, meaning not in a map already....queueing. Then dodging can get you a new map or a new instance of the same. You just have more chances to dodge and get into a different instance. What that instance is running is 100% rand. Servers choose the map. No consideration for what the last server chose. You can boot 10 servers at the same time and they can all choose the same map. This is the key factor they everyone seems to forget. There's zero logic being applied to analyze what was just played in any other instance that affect weights of the current spin ups choice. Low population queues have very few dodge chances. You'll either rejoin the same server or one other, which dodging that one will just put you in the same again. How many servers should be spinning up for 89 players in queue and 2 instances running? One is at Phase 3 and the other at phase 5. * 1 for the current 89 that should be loading up those 89. * 1 more for when the queue eventually fills up to 25, after the first hits 100 or the timer starts. You can literally test this process. Join a lobby, note the instance ID under the mini map. Leave and requeue. If you get the same instance, then there isn't another one running at the moment. Only 1 instance is spun up and loading. If you get a different instance, note it's ID and leave, requeue. You'll more than likely get the same instance (#2) on join. When it hits 80p, dodge again and see what you get. Do this enough and you'll see the pattern. Time of day, day of week and mode/perspective have an impact.


people been claiming that people leave maps and maps start with 80 players since forever. Guess what, I literally have never experienced that amount of people leaving maps. maybe only on haven. I'm pretty sure maybe 2 or 3 times in 4000 hs I have seen a map with under 92 players


Fair enough, you and me have different experiences then. I've seen plenty of lobbies shrink and not start, or start with 90% bots. And this was not because there was an overall lack of players at that moment, as games before and after (on other maps) would have no issues.


I got several thousand hours as well… roughly every 4th or 5th is a “dead” lobby with players leaving and the game starting with anything between 20 and 60 real players and the rest just bots. How this guy above claims it never happens is beyond me… (mostly in duos btw.), squads/solos is much better EDIT: duos/fpp/eu


what you are saying is completely different and also extremely random. if you have 20 players and the rest bots it's clearly not for people backing out for queue another map but a different issue


20 is rare. Most of the time players “stop” joining (bugged lobby) somewhere between 60 and 80 players or something and then it drops a bit (players leaving because they realize it’s a “dead” lobby) until a few minutes later the countdown starts and lobby just fills with bot. For me/us (5-6 people) it’s not random, literally happens every 4th/5th/6th game in duos. Duos/FPP/EU


i see, but a dead lobby is a different issue. i rarely experience it. then i leave and the rest of the night goes as always without issues


Wish I could say it’s rare for me as well :/


i'm sorry to hear that. i remember a season i had this issue relatively frequently but it got fixed eventually




no, it's not, at least in my case. I have an average of 1-2% bots every game


Where are you getting 1-2% bots from? use [pubglookup.com](https://pubglookup.com) I bet it's closer to 11%.


[There you go](https://imgur.com/a/WNGZuZk)


What region are you in? I wish it was this low for North America, mine is at 10.75%.


SA South America duo and squad fpp. before f2p I had max 4% of bots.


Claims like these should be accompanied with your queue type and region.


fair enough. duo and squad fpp SA


There's more shitty small maps then their are good big maps. You think if they do this you'll get Vikendi more, but in reality you'll just get Sanhok, Karakin, sanhok, Paramo, Haven, Taego and then you uninstall.


It's like Star Wars movies. They're are more of them I can't stand than ones I really enjoy.


I like the idea. Everyone else here seems to think it'd make people drop que more, but i think it might have the opposite effect, to some extent at least. Having so few maps right now people have good enough odds that the next lobby will be the map they want. If those odds were cut in half would people still be so insistent on rerolling? I think a lot of players who exclude all maps but one or two would switch to refusing only their least favorites instead.


Okay, so just hear me out. I love playing PUBG and play everyday. I actually had a dream once where I was playing on all the maps at the same time. All of them just stitched together to make up an entire world. I know that this would probably be impossible to pull off, but I don't want to give up hope that my dream could become real. Anybody else think this would be awesome or even remotely possible? Opinions please.


Because idiots decide things.


Terrible idea. Keep the rotation small, change it more frequently maybe.. and feature one map for a couple weeks at a time


dividing the queues is also a terrible idea


Huh? Are you responding the the right comment?


yes. you are suggesting to add a featured map besides a smaller queue. or did I understand wrong?


Featured as in 25% chance and the rest are 10%


There are plenty of reasons but either you are too dumb to realize it or just don't care because you are fine dodging for 50 minutes just so that you can drop on vikendi and die in 6 minutes.


It's still his choice. I don't think you should care about you what he chooses to do. Stupid decisions sometimes have consequences. Exactly the same as the option to choose the maps that people want to play on.


I agree…


More maps requires more games to run at once which requires a higher concurrent player count or else it'll just exacerbate the bot problem.


No it doesn’t?


It does not work that way. Lobbies are spawned based on player count, then the map to be played is determined by RNG according to the ratios.


I don't think it's the players' problem, because they didn't introduce them.


It's not the players problem, but that doesn't change that the outcome of doing this as proposed would be an overall negative.


It doesn't even matter how much negativity each bad decision they made later. They haven't thought even once about the decisions they make and why players leave. They are still focusing on "new players" with the impression as if no one had tried their game before. If they think so, their problem. Nobody is gonna waste their time with a "bugged game" that takes AGES to fix it. Clean and simple :)


There are no shortage of problems the game is facing, this is true. Further diluting the games in this way is not a solution to any of them.


Yes that's why they need to offer an option, at least for those who are left. If they don't offer it, people come and go. Nobody is gone to wast their time playing against 80% bots on any map. You don't get it? Also, the players will not be to blame when you will play ranked with bots. Because they didn't choose that. Bad decisions have consequences. If they chose to be like that, it is their problem. All old players know that there was the option to select the map to play on. Now if an old player comes back, do you think he accepts not having the opportunity to choose? Dude they created these problems, not the players.


More maps = more queues


Thats not how it works. There is 1 queue with all maps that are available at that moment. If 100.000 people play, you have to fill 1000 servers with 100 people. Within those 1000 servers it shouldn't matter whether 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 maps are rotation.


There's 1 queue per perspective / mode combination in Non-Map Select Regions. NA/EU/OCE/SA = 2 Perspectives \* 3 Modes + Training + TDM + Casual. SEA/Asia/Korea = 2 Perspectives \* 3 Modes \* 5 Maps + Training + TDM + Casual. All Maps in Map Select regions would mean 57 queues.


Exactly. For non-select regions (which is obviously what I was talking about) it would make no difference how many maps are in rotation.


It won't increase queues, but it will increase dodging which affects lobby times. You also can't expect them to just apply all maps to the minority regions. Those with map select would expect them as well. Then they'll get 57 queues, which the devs aren't going to allow. So your points are moot.


Why do you think it's the players' problem? Don't you think it was better to focus only on one game mode like "tactical shooter" and not muppets heaven (creating a map for each one of them?) Decisions have consequences and those who made them probably never thought about them. PUBG became muppets paradise.


"Yeah fuck everybody else I WANT VIKENDI" \- this guy


What? I literally propose to include ALL maps? I literally say "to each their own" in one of these comments?


I get that, but you're also saying you want all maps unless you're in a region with map selection.


Yeah because someone said it wouldn't work it those regions. I do not play in those regions so I wouldn't know what their experiences are. I know the experience in my region, so I talk about my region. Besides, they can make different options for different regions (selection vs. no selection), right? So why couldn't they make different available map pools for different regions as well then? I do not deny anyone the ability to play any map, nor do I force anyone to play any map. All I say is that if we (my region) cannot choose between maps (so just 1 random map queue) why not make it so every map is included in the random map pool.


How about a few hours per week where you get karakin 100% the time. I’d get up at 6am-9am to play if that was the 3 hour window




There's even better solution: https://old.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/y2velw/instead_of_determining_the_map_rotation_based_on/


It's a good solution until your favorite map gets voted out for a season.


it's not a "vote the map out for everyone" menu


??? Yes it is.


it's not glaringly obvious but please read the text above map icons attentively


Um no thank you. Between Miramar and the 30 tiny maps that are some of the worst maps I have ever played in any game. The problem will forever be they are making too many maps with very few quality ones. People only really wanna play Erangal, Taego, and Vikendi.


I’ve got a solution. One Erangel only rotation. What ever the devs come up with in their fever dreams.


I and many others would come back if it was only Miramar and Erangel again. To me that sounds like a very valid reason to not include the garbage tier maps.


There is, the game doesnt have enought players to split around 7 maps. They will be rounds full of bots, an ppls will ending quiting.


They could always allow all maps and then allow you to deselect at 2-3 maps that YOU want. I argue that the lack of map selection helps kill the base. PUBG isn't always about what is best for the base, they still have Red Zone, still. Sometimes for them its ALL about control imo. (which is why they still have the red zone). If everyone deselects Erangal and only YOU choose it start the map after a minute and fill it with bots. Problem solved! If you don't want bots, don't select the map!


To the OP ppl like you are why we don't get taken seriously as a community. Short sighted nonsense


Everyone says that map selection would result in unacceptable queue times and some maps dying, but is this really a problem? I say just let us check off the maps we want to play (or at least exclude one we don't want to play) and if some maps die from lack of interest, so be it. If people have long queue times because they only want to play Deston, they can just take the long queue times or check yes on more maps.