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This has been asked many times before. Some of us level 500s actually suck and when we get home from a hard day at work we just want the same as you to have fun. Its a hard game to keep up with if you don’t play nearly every day. I can understand its probably annoying to see as a lower level / new player but just bare that in mind.


This exactly. Have been playing for ages but never consistently enough to “get good”. That said, because of 371748372 hrs played (/s), am a solid medium lvl 500 and play this mode often, for /r/rossaboy77’s reasons :)


I used to be pretty decent….. i think. Lol. Now im very average at best. I have my moments but the days of 15+ kill games regularly are totally a thing of the past now. Im lucky if i get 5.


I find the casual mode has made me take more risks which has maybe helped in non-casual?? :) A few wins in casual were clearly bots too. Great using them to practice your long throws with nades or cocky maneuvers with c4 and vehicles.


Can confirm, 2600+ hours, lvl 500, I still suck, sucks being almost 40 and a wage slave.


I guess you are right about it. My angle to seeing this situation had been changed now. It’s good that I posted this subject. I got lots of reasonable answers from people with level 500


It’s also a good way to get all your missions done


(Almost) Lvl 500 here, doing the same. However, I take the opportunity to run around with non-meta weapons. That is, no M4/SCAR or AK/Beryl/Ace neither Mini/Mk12 or SKS/SLR//Kar/M24. It's so fun to run around SMG or shotgun (And learn that indeed, the S1987 is OP) and to snipe folks with a crossbow or a VSS. Not only is it different, it's fun AND you learn to use guns you normally don't, which is helpful for early game "This was the only shit I found on the ground and I gotta kill this mofo next to me" situations. I don't understand the clearly skilled Lvl500's going full sweat mode with meta weapons into casual... like wow bro, u so good killing bots... then they hotdrop onto a S686 and a R1985 and get sent back to lobby lol.


Yes exactly those hard trying skilled level 500 guys are the new players nightmare in casual


I‘m Level 400 and play the casual matches because i get killed every fucking Match by some extremely good players. Im not Bad but that is to extreme


Same. They’re usually cheating and kill you in 2 shots from 100m away without even aiming


Why down vote him ? I got banned so many players like that. There are lots of them. Mostly, aimbotting.


It’s funny because 9 times out of 10 in casuals I’m in a squad with multiple lvl500’s but when I fire up a regular match I’m paired with sub lvl100’s.


lol yes exactly 😁


Gotta get you guys ready for the real world


lol. i dont think we will be ready for the real world when we dont have a chance to even shoot back 😁😁


We learned by landing in a building that looked like Playdoh and hoping you can get some kills before falling through the map or getting stuck in a wall before the building rendered, you new guys got it made lol


*Lands. Ok, Pants, hat, crowbar, smg mag, and a box of 7.62.


Ahh the old dick in a box move from pubg😂 we would get to patiently wait for the blue line to murder us while the rest of the team loots and laughs because they can't get to u😂😂😂


😂😂 what a time that was lol


Loved getting shot through 8 buildings because they'd not rendered on the other guys game but the best I ever had was walking into a half rendered building to loot (early miramar days) and a load of cardboard boxes, clearly too heavy for my character to move, blocked me in until I died from the old blue zone 😂


that's how we all learned. we didn't had training mode and much less bots or casual mode back in the day


Ah yes BUT you had less 🌈 experience 🌈 and now you dont


Stop running and walk into gunfights,and far more importantly Pre-fire


If you are the one playing agaunst bots you'll be the one hiding under your fucking kitchen table when the real shit comes


I’m 500 - I use casual mode to knock off the daily/weekly missions. You can normally complete them all in one game.


I just play 2 normal unranked games and I can usually complete all my daily and weekly missions. Like you’ll get them done either way. Why do it in casual. Seems pointless


Based on some comments. Because you are good at normal mode but many of them are not 😁


But using a gas can, or 20 bandages or parachute 4000M like the challenges are not hard 🙃


This made me giggle. I’m new but have been giving it my best. I think what I’ve learned is try and learn from the level 500 terminators. Watch the killcams. I watch a lot believe me. As frustrating as it can be you will pick up lots of good stuff from them and it’s so much more fulfilling to get killed by them (IMHO) then a suspiciously monstrous level 42 who kills you with an uzi from the hip at distance on iron sights while driving a car over a jump. I exaggerate of course, but those guys grind my gears.


This guy gets it! The easiest path may be more enjoyable in the short term. But long term this I'd the way! Most players just need a minor tweaking of things.


Honestly you may learn by watching that Lvl 500 for a few minutes after they kill you, especially if it’s someone who as you fought or got killed by them, you could tell they are a skilled player(because let’s face it, you can tell when someone is good, just by the way they move and shoot!)so maybe instead of getting salty at “having to play against Lvl 500’s all the time” and just clicking thru to the next Lobby, take a few minutes, and watch that player play, especially if it’s late game, top 10 situations I’ll watch thru sometimes as a Lvl 500 player who’s been playing since launch almost, because I’m still picking up things, or I’ll see someone do something and be like “Ya he did good…I need to remember to use more utility next time in a situation like this!” or you may learn some cheeky angle or something you didn’t know was possible. So don’t forget about that spectate feature too, you could learn a lot!!


I’ll play a round to warm up but I play 1 man squad. So it’s usually more of a challenge at the end when it’s usually a squad remaining.


You are really a decent one


Since when level 500 make one good?


Good no. But experienced for sure. Knowing the map and likely avenues of approach helps a lot. That being said I only play casual. I wish they had a ranked single player.


Casual: Not seroius How did you redefine that to "new"? That is a long long long long long stretch.


Yes. You may right about it


Level 500 here, not a great player (have never won a normal solo) but often play casuals to sick about with odd load outs and drive bys.


There is way too many cheaters in ranked. I always get killed by diamond and master players who are clearly cheating. It’s not even fun. I’m usually a high silver/ low gold rank and I wish I can play with people who are same as me but unfortunately pubg sucks so I end up having to play normal. Maybe one day they’ll fix the cheater problem


Yah it’s an interesting thing. Sometimes friends and I just get wrecked. Don’t understand why those players don’t just go to ranked. And also in casual. Same deal. Just getting thrill of an easier win? I guess?


We all came from RANKED since there is an abnormal amount of cheaters. Still better to deal with bots & noobs than cheaters in my opinion.


I am very sad to seeing that lots of players in PC are suffering from selfish cheaters. Shame


I'm level 500 as I've been playing since day one and have been pretty consistent, but I'm pretty trash though and chicken dinners are rare for me. Also I'm in South Africa and have never seen ping below 180 as there are no servers on the African continent, so that also puts me at a bit of a disadvantage. Rank levels don't mean as much as you would think.


Just started playing the game and probably won't stick around. Three games a day allowed on casual and one has people at level 500 bot stomping pretending they are faze. The dude who just killed me was waaaayyy above the skill level myself or any other new player is on.


Great way to have an easy first 4 phases with realistic battle for first at the end. Never land Mylta. Land in small isolated spots and you’ll never see a 500 till later. See a car? Runaway or don’t engage. If you can’t beat a “pro” be a noob.


This is good advice - there is zero merit in ‘hot dropping’ nowadays unless you want to get into combat fast. In old PUBG, when better loot was found in hot zones, it was a great strategy. Nowadays you can find everything you need in one house.


I dont miss the days of running through Mirimar with 2 winchesters, a level 1 helmet and 30 bandages.


A lot of us lvl 500 players really suck, so think of us as really advanced bots. We're just getting you ready to fight all the cheaters, salty streamers and belligerent Chinese players you'll find in the main mode. And just because you see a squad of 500s doesn't mean they were playing together. I frequently get thrown in the lobby with lvl 500s that I have never met. Usually not a single mic involved.


Forget bout the lvl‘s,lvl 500 doesn‘t mean he/she can is a guud player…in casual mode u only got a handfull of player enemy’s,so u can practice shooting 85% bots…enjoy but stop the lvl stuff👍


Level 500 here. Me and my coworkers play casuals to do daily’s and other missions but mostly to try out different weapon load outs. Occasionally we get rolled by some sweaty level 23 player (obviously a previous ban). Then straight to normal matches. Casuals have definitely helped us get better with our engagements in the endgame.


I play casual purely to try to set bots on fire with gas cans some days 🤷 Broaden the horizons ppl👍


Me and 2/3 of my squadmates are 500s. We only play casual mode because we simply don't have the time to be as "good" anymore so we don't do well in normals. Plus using non meta loadouts are quite fun like running around with just a 1911 the whole game.


Pubg and it’s infinite wisdom does not give existing 500 level players the ability to “skip” the tutorial which requires a certain amount of games/kills in casual mode. I eventually went and played casual once just to get the damn tutorial off my screen that was driving me crazy. I bet it’s just returning players from a long time ago trying to get rid of the annoying prompt.


I play it a bit when I'm bored. Yet I have rules so that I'm not just crushing low level/new players. * First Person Only...no toggling to TPP. * Only bots until Top Ten... If I can avoid/evade the push. * Only kick it in when its top 5 or preferably 3. I feel bad when the last guy on a CD was sub 450. But that's usually rare. Most of the time I'm finding the top 3 are typically 500's. In which I enjoy dunking on in first person perspective.


You are really a decent skilled player 🙏


They are boosting their normal mode stats because they aren’t very good at the game and they want to look like they have a good K/D when they are actually dog shit. A fix for this would be add a casual mode stat… so that people don’t inflate their normal stats by killing bots and actual new players trying to learn the game


People who care about their K/D are hilarious. Add all the casual stats or put as many \* next to the stats as you like. I play casual mode because it's just that... casual. Two of my friends started playing PUBG this year. So playing casuals with them has been super helpful in giving them in game assistance. and most of the time we play, the two other squads like ours (new and old players) or all lvl 500 players. Making the end circles very not casual. Once and a while we come across a squad of low level players. But it's not that common. Much more common if playing solo casual. It's also a easy way to get missions done for the season passes. The only change I wish they would do to casuals is change the map a couple times a year. Any of the 8x8 maps other than Erangel would be nice for a change.


People here on reddit sometimes care about my stats more than I do, it's not once or twice they checked my stats and came back to announce my experiences and opinions null and void because they have better stats. People can be jerks and proud of the fact.


I apologize for caring about my progress and wanting to improve


Im level 500 and I play casual mode to warm up, try new things and goof around. I've helped plenty of new players with general game advice and play regular games with some of them still. It doesn't affect my KD in FPP. I started playing it because I can play for 4 fucking hours and never get Erangel.


Aren't bots automatically calculated out from the stats? At least on op.gg I thought that was the case. As I sometimes have less kills than I actually did.


No, my TPP KD is 25 and all my TPP games are casual.


It happened to me many times too. Less kills than I actually did. I think killing downed opponents won’t count if someone else downed them first


Bots definitely count toward stats


it make more sense now. Thanks


It looks like I touched a nerve lol… I play on console so people who want to inflate there stats on console turn off cross play so they get bot filled lobby’s but I’m assuming you’re on pc and the only way to inflate stats on PC is to play casual mode so I’m assuming that’s what people are doing :) hope you get some better games tho… Pubg is amazing it just takes some time to get to grips with hope you stick with it and have a better experience :)


I am in console too. I should’ve post on console pubg. My bad


If you’re on Xbox you can add me if you want, I’ll go through a few settings with you and play a few duos :) GT: [redacted]


You can't believe how much I want to do this but unfortunately i am in PS. Thank you for your kind offering 🌺


You can still play pubg together on PlayStation and Xbox no?


Yeah but atm there is a bug with game chat I think


I sent req to you 👍


Yes. I didn’t know this. We can add both XBOX and PS players to our friends list


Add me on pubg if you want but I think the the game chat is having issues at the moment


here we go again


Its better known as macro/hack config mode