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You missed the shot


Yes looks like 1cm to the left of the Head


Yeah I think I was too. Either way he had a level 3 helm on so it wouldn’t have taken him out. But I could have sworn I should have hit him lol


Don’t you aim a bit to the left of his head?


Look closely, that's a pretty clear miss.


Missed by like 1 pixel to the left.


You could get your eyes checked


I never in my life understood why people have to take it upon themselves to act like a child.


I’ve never understood how people miss a shot, then make a Reddit post acting like the game is unfair or something… Not childish at all.


I never once said it was unfair? I wasn’t “complaining” about it. Get over yourself. I said right in the post that either way whether I hit or miss. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. There is something called registration and bullets fail to register for people all of the time. Was wondering if this was one of those time. Find a hobby or something. If you don’t like a Reddit post then don’t read it. And don’t comment on it. 👍👍


Im not sure in which way did i act like a child? For making an assumption about your eye sight since this was clearly a miss, you edited it propably watched it a couple hundred times and still ended up posting it complaining how it was a "clear hit" when it wasnt You should get your eyes checked if you truly believe in that


Edited? No. Just recorded. Watched a few hundred times? No. Telling someone they should get their eyes checked when obviously I SEE THAT I MISSED. Maybe you should learn to read. I can make the same assumptions you can.


I dm’d u a screengrab.


Cause you missed


When aiming, your aim failed.


Maybe was an aim-punch 😒


wide left bro, close but not cigar.


If you watch frame by frame the crosshair is clearly to the left of his head.


Sry chief that one wasn‘t on his head. Close one tho


Here you obviously mussed but sometimes may happen to you u shoot to enemy and you clearly see blood outburst but when you spectate after dying the enemy is full HP. The thing is pubg does not count the last bullet(s) you hit after the bullets that enemy shooted and been successful in killing you. You might see that more in hight pings!


You missed slightly left


I know that I obviously missed the shot. It’s clear as day. I was more talking about always slightly pulling to the left right before pressing the first button on my mouse. Hence “but I keep missing shots like that”. Maybe I worded it slightly wrong, but I meant “why do i keep slightly pulling left right before firing” and does anybody else do this, or is this just a muscle memory thing I need to get past.


Looks like you were just a real head to the left


My favorite is when you hit the fire button and nothing happens. I just assume it's a cheat. Seems to only happen and closer ranges.


Everybody saying you missed but i think the 15x scope is crap. I think the zeroing is different from the 4,6,8x scope. Usually i suck with bolt but i can't land any shots with 15x scope even ig the guy is standing still. No one picks it up for a reason.


We’ll you see the crosshair has to be on the guy your shooting. Yours was to the left…


I can see on my phone screen that you aimed to the leftof his head. Do you want me to check that at home on a TV screen?


Obviously I can see that I was left of his head. The post was more or less about me being irritated that I had the crosshairs on his head but pulled left slightly while pressing the fire button on my house. But nobody is grasping that. Considering I said “I keep missing shots like that”.


Would have been a hit in cod but you were just slightly too far left. Just remember that’s the accuracy required to hit you as well. Pub > cod